Paleo Diet



  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    Everything in moderation is what is making America fat. It's exactly what happened to me - my low fat, complex carb "diet" has left me with nothing but obesity, insulin resistence, and borderline metabolic syndrome. Someone recommended The Primal Blueprint to me to read, and I have watched the movie Fat Head (you can stream it on Netflix or Hulu) and the whole thing really pissed me off. YEARS of my life wasted dieting and struggling at the gym and still gaining weight. Which in turn led to giving up, depression, and binge eating. One week Primal/Paleo - and I lost 7 pounds of body fat. I maintain a 50-100 g of carbs a day and I am easily dropping fat, have a ton of energy and feel better than I ever have.

    We don't need grains, they are actually toxic to the body - some people (like my daughter) have extreme reactions and we call this Celiac Disease - in others, we think we are just fine, but your intestines would tell you a different story. Grains and beans punch holes in the gut wall, carrying all kinds of nastiness directly to your blood stream, Primal is all about food=fuel. Excess blood glucose and excess insulin is the enemy of our body - organs tissues and cells suffer from this. By lowering our insulin response, we burn our fat which our body actually prefers, naturally lower our food intake to meet our body needs and that's it.

    OP if you are seriously interested in it, reading The Primal Blueprint is IMO a great place to start. Stop believing the government version of healthy which was literally determined by politicians and not scientists. And it it is not "hard" at all. I work full time, have 5 kids, 4 dogs, 6 chickens, and a husband, and manage to make primal meals for all of us. How hard is it to saute some mushrooms, onions, and fry a couple of eggs in the morning. Yesterday we had pot roast that cooked itself in the crock pot all day with cauliflower, broccoli, and onions. You can make ANY meal primal/paleo by having protein (beef, chicken, fish, pork), vegetables (save starchy vegetables for treats and for intense work needs - remember insulin response), and a healthy fat (butter, coconut oil, nuts) and eat servings of fruit depending on your body mass goals. Your lipid profile will naturally improve, your body's systemic inflammation will improve, your body will become more insulin sensitive and less resistant, and you body will readily and easily burn fat.

    The Standard American Diet is the fad here. A fad that has had disastrous consequences.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Everything in moderation is what is making America fat.

    Almost by definition that statement is impossible. If you're eating everything in moderation -- which, inherently, means within reasonable limits -- you're not going to get fat.

    Everything in EXCESS is what is making America fat.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member

    OP if you are seriously interested in it, reading The Primal Blueprint is IMO a great place to start. Stop believing the government version of healthy which was literally determined by politicians and not scientists. And it it is not "hard" at all. I work full time, have 5 kids, 4 dogs, 6 chickens, and a husband, and manage to make primal meals for all of us. wondering how processed salami and 'Dunkin Donuts - Large Iced Coffee W/Cream and Splenda' fall into the primal format
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member

    And no, I don't consider the "hundreds of thousands of years of paleolithic man" supposedly eating this way to mean it's not a fad. That paleolithic man lacked the organizational means or mental wherewithal to develop agriculture doesn't impress.

    A sound point. paleo man was eating whatever he could find in a pre-agriculture world, and got WAYYY more exercise than modern man just staying alive. Returning to older ways with our eating though (e.g. stepping away from mass produced/processed/stripped/refortified/hormoned food products) can't be a bad thing. :flowerforyou:
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    ugh I'm not even going to get into the 80/20 principle, or the fact the salami is dry aged, gluten and nitrate free or the fact that I threw out half of the coffee. I'm trying my best and that is all I can do. I don't have to prove myself to anyone, nor do you have to prove yourself to me! I'm simply learning, and will continue to refine. Thanks for your concern.
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    I recently talked to someone who was on a Paleo Diet - Paleolithic (Yep like the cave man) It sounds sort of interesting... You eat anything that you could hunt or gather. No dairy, sugar, beans, etc... Not really sure on the specifics.

    The main interest to me was the amount of bacon that she eats and still looses weight. I mean, a lot of bacon. She has lost 18lbs.

    Just wondering what peoples thoughts are.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!! - I need all of the motivation that I can get.

    :) Kait
    So, in other words, some but not a lot of fruit and vegetables (cause you know, cave men didn't farm), with a lot of exercise (to forage for food because of the no farming thing) with minimal cooking? Water from the spring? Meat, once in a Paleolithic blue moon? No bread, pasta (because I don't think they milled grains). No alcohol (because they didn't know about fermentation)

    Sounds like most of the healthy, eat good (nutritious) diet's I'm aware of.

    Go for it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Everything in moderation is what is making America fat. It's exactly what happened to me - my low fat, complex carb "diet" has left me with nothing but obesity, insulin resistence, and borderline metabolic syndrome. Someone recommended The Primal Blueprint to me to read, and I have watched the movie Fat Head (you can stream it on Netflix or Hulu) and the whole thing really pissed me off. YEARS of my life wasted dieting and struggling at the gym and still gaining weight. Which in turn led to giving up, depression, and binge eating. One week Primal/Paleo - and I lost 7 pounds of body fat. I maintain a 50-100 g of carbs a day and I am easily dropping fat, have a ton of energy and feel better than I ever have.

    We don't need grains, they are actually toxic to the body - some people (like my daughter) have extreme reactions and we call this Celiac Disease - in others, we think we are just fine, but your intestines would tell you a different story. Grains and beans punch holes in the gut wall, carrying all kinds of nastiness directly to your blood stream, Primal is all about food=fuel. Excess blood glucose and excess insulin is the enemy of our body - organs tissues and cells suffer from this. By lowering our insulin response, we burn our fat which our body actually prefers, naturally lower our food intake to meet our body needs and that's it.

    OP if you are seriously interested in it, reading The Primal Blueprint is IMO a great place to start. Stop believing the government version of healthy which was literally determined by politicians and not scientists. And it it is not "hard" at all. I work full time, have 5 kids, 4 dogs, 6 chickens, and a husband, and manage to make primal meals for all of us. How hard is it to saute some mushrooms, onions, and fry a couple of eggs in the morning. Yesterday we had pot roast that cooked itself in the crock pot all day with cauliflower, broccoli, and onions. You can make ANY meal primal/paleo by having protein (beef, chicken, fish, pork), vegetables (save starchy vegetables for treats and for intense work needs - remember insulin response), and a healthy fat (butter, coconut oil, nuts) and eat servings of fruit depending on your body mass goals. Your lipid profile will naturally improve, your body's systemic inflammation will improve, your body will become more insulin sensitive and less resistant, and you body will readily and easily burn fat.

    The Standard American Diet is the fad here. A fad that has had disastrous consequences.

    I'm sorry but there is just so much untruth in this post. Whole grains and beans do NOT punch holes in your intenstines. Nor do they spike your insulin and make you insulin resistant or cause diabetes. Refined/simple sugars spike your insulin. Medical evidence supporting the fact that whole grains and beans are good for you does not all come from the government. It comes from hundreds of years of medical research and scientific studies. I am sorry that your body was damaged with food, and I'm sorry to hear that your daughter has Celiac disease. People with family members with Celiac disease are more prone to get it themselves, and though you don't mention having it that could account for your trouble own trouble with grains. But that does not equate to whole grains being unhealthy for everyone. It really doesn't.
  • mapexdrummer69
    Everything in moderation is what is making America fat.

    Almost by definition that statement is impossible. If you're eating everything in moderation -- which, inherently, means within reasonable limits -- you're not going to get fat.

    Everything in EXCESS is what is making America fat.

    This x2.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    WTF, people!!! Can we not just be supportive and friendly? Do we have to be snotty little bags?

    Not directed at all responses obviously - but everybody knows who.

    Geez. :explode:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Another fad? Dieting should all be about moderation.

    I agree. And why wouldn't sugar and beans be included? Those things can be gathered.

    Really, so go gather some sugar, and get back to me when you have a 5 pound bag of the white stuff.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I have been toying with the idea of starting to try a paleo -ish lifestyle. I do crossfit (and totally love it) and a lot of people that crossfit eat paleo. To be honest, every time I see one of these threads talking about paleo it's the paleo people that turn me off. I agree with the one poster who said paleo people tend to bash everything else. I can see that it's not for everyone and everyone has different motivations/reasons for eating the way they do, but why do so many of these "paleo" eaters come off so elitist? You know you really put a bad taste out there for those that are considering doing paleo.

    Personally, I'm most concerned about giving up so many things at once. I can do no grains, that's fine, but beans and dairy too, that's going to be rough. I try to eat clean most of the time (this past weekend, and the left overs this week have been an exception) so it won't be that much of a change, like I said, just restricting so many items at once will take some effort. I'd be open to some support from those of you that are paleo but I don't need anyone telling me this is best and everything else sucks. I don't believe in that, there's a plan for everyone and they don't have to all be the same. Just because one person is a vegatarian doesn't make them the devil, and by the same means, just becuase you're paleo doens't make you god. So any open minded paleo people that want to help me out, I'd be open to that!

    I would be interested in examples. If you have followed the “paleo” threads you have seen me, I post on most of them when I see one. In all the threads I have seen about Paleo, I have never seen a “Paleo” person start the attacks, it has ALWAYS been in defense against the lies and misinformation and attacks by the, everything in moderation,,,,,,,,,, (I’ll be nice) people. I admit I have a bias and maybe I don’t see the elitist attitudes. Take this thread for example, the very first response was to question it as a “fad”, and fad carries the connotation that you must be easily duped to fall for that “fad”, in other words you are an idiot for falling for a fad, while I am so much smarter because I do everything in moderation.

    And then we have the folks that will pick one thing out of the diet and assume that everyone is eating only that one thing and eating it until they can’t stand and say “See this diet sucks compared to my moderation diet”. Really? This is a back handed attack, this is elitist. We also have those that accuse us of being hypocrites if we dare to eat one thing that is not “on” the diet, and again hold up the everything in moderation moniker, well after all if you do “everything” in moderation then you can’t possibly go off your diet, or can you. Any of these “superior” human beings ever go over their moderation?
  • mapexdrummer69
    I'm more of a "if you enjoy doing it, do it" person. I don't state that any diet is "superior" than another, I just choose to not follow a diet that tells me I can or cannot eat a certain thing. No hate, just personal preference.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I would be interested in examples. If you have followed the “paleo” threads you have seen me, I post on most of them when I see one. In all the threads I have seen about Paleo, I have never seen a “Paleo” person start the attacks, it has ALWAYS been in defense against the lies and misinformation and attacks by the, everything in moderation,,,,,,,,,, (I’ll be nice) people. I admit I have a bias and maybe I don’t see the elitist attitudes. Take this thread for example, the very first response was to question it as a “fad”, and fad carries the connotation that you must be easily duped to fall for that “fad”, in other words you are an idiot for falling for a fad, while I am so much smarter because I do everything in moderation.

    And then we have the folks that will pick one thing out of the diet and assume that everyone is eating only that one thing and eating it until they can’t stand and say “See this diet sucks compared to my moderation diet”. Really? This is a back handed attack, this is elitist. We also have those that accuse us of being hypocrites if we dare to eat one thing that is not “on” the diet, and again hold up the everything in moderation moniker, well after all if you do “everything” in moderation then you can’t possibly go off your diet, or can you. Any of these “superior” human beings ever go over their moderation?

    Thank you !!! So much better than I tried to say it.
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So I'm guessing you can't drink alcohol and follow a paleo diet, correct? I love my whole grains and beans (my diet staples) but no way I'm giving up my nightly wine!! :drinker:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Everything in moderation is what is making America fat. It's exactly what happened to me - my low fat, complex carb "diet" has left me with nothing but obesity, insulin resistence, and borderline metabolic syndrome. Someone recommended The Primal Blueprint to me to read, and I have watched the movie Fat Head (you can stream it on Netflix or Hulu) and the whole thing really pissed me off. YEARS of my life wasted dieting and struggling at the gym and still gaining weight. Which in turn led to giving up, depression, and binge eating. One week Primal/Paleo - and I lost 7 pounds of body fat. I maintain a 50-100 g of carbs a day and I am easily dropping fat, have a ton of energy and feel better than I ever have.

    We don't need grains, they are actually toxic to the body - some people (like my daughter) have extreme reactions and we call this Celiac Disease - in others, we think we are just fine, but your intestines would tell you a different story. Grains and beans punch holes in the gut wall, carrying all kinds of nastiness directly to your blood stream, Primal is all about food=fuel. Excess blood glucose and excess insulin is the enemy of our body - organs tissues and cells suffer from this. By lowering our insulin response, we burn our fat which our body actually prefers, naturally lower our food intake to meet our body needs and that's it.

    OP if you are seriously interested in it, reading The Primal Blueprint is IMO a great place to start. Stop believing the government version of healthy which was literally determined by politicians and not scientists. And it it is not "hard" at all. I work full time, have 5 kids, 4 dogs, 6 chickens, and a husband, and manage to make primal meals for all of us. How hard is it to saute some mushrooms, onions, and fry a couple of eggs in the morning. Yesterday we had pot roast that cooked itself in the crock pot all day with cauliflower, broccoli, and onions. You can make ANY meal primal/paleo by having protein (beef, chicken, fish, pork), vegetables (save starchy vegetables for treats and for intense work needs - remember insulin response), and a healthy fat (butter, coconut oil, nuts) and eat servings of fruit depending on your body mass goals. Your lipid profile will naturally improve, your body's systemic inflammation will improve, your body will become more insulin sensitive and less resistant, and you body will readily and easily burn fat.

    The Standard American Diet is the fad here. A fad that has had disastrous consequences.

    I'm sorry but there is just so much untruth in this post. Whole grains and beans do NOT punch holes in your intenstines. Nor do they spike your insulin and make you insulin resistant or cause diabetes. Refined/simple sugars spike your insulin. Medical evidence supporting the fact that whole grains and beans are good for you does not all come from the government. It comes from hundreds of years of medical research and scientific studies. I am sorry that your body was damaged with food, and I'm sorry to hear that your daughter has Celiac disease. People with family members with Celiac disease are more prone to get it themselves, and though you don't mention having it that could account for your trouble own trouble with grains. But that does not equate to whole grains being unhealthy for everyone. It really doesn't.

    Do you understand glycemic index and load? Whole wheat/whole meal bread 74±2 White wheat bread* 75±2
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Another fad? Dieting should all be about moderation.

    I agree. And why wouldn't sugar and beans be included? Those things can be gathered.

    Beans are toxic and inedible in raw form. They contain antinutrients (also grains) that inhibit the absorption of necessary nutrients. And sugar is refined/processed.

    As is the salt in salted butter

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Everything in moderation is what is making America fat. It's exactly what happened to me - my low fat, complex carb "diet" has left me with nothing but obesity, insulin resistence, and borderline metabolic syndrome. Someone recommended The Primal Blueprint to me to read, and I have watched the movie Fat Head (you can stream it on Netflix or Hulu) and the whole thing really pissed me off. YEARS of my life wasted dieting and struggling at the gym and still gaining weight. Which in turn led to giving up, depression, and binge eating. One week Primal/Paleo - and I lost 7 pounds of body fat. I maintain a 50-100 g of carbs a day and I am easily dropping fat, have a ton of energy and feel better than I ever have.

    We don't need grains, they are actually toxic to the body - some people (like my daughter) have extreme reactions and we call this Celiac Disease - in others, we think we are just fine, but your intestines would tell you a different story. Grains and beans punch holes in the gut wall, carrying all kinds of nastiness directly to your blood stream, Primal is all about food=fuel. Excess blood glucose and excess insulin is the enemy of our body - organs tissues and cells suffer from this. By lowering our insulin response, we burn our fat which our body actually prefers, naturally lower our food intake to meet our body needs and that's it.

    OP if you are seriously interested in it, reading The Primal Blueprint is IMO a great place to start. Stop believing the government version of healthy which was literally determined by politicians and not scientists. And it it is not "hard" at all. I work full time, have 5 kids, 4 dogs, 6 chickens, and a husband, and manage to make primal meals for all of us. How hard is it to saute some mushrooms, onions, and fry a couple of eggs in the morning. Yesterday we had pot roast that cooked itself in the crock pot all day with cauliflower, broccoli, and onions. You can make ANY meal primal/paleo by having protein (beef, chicken, fish, pork), vegetables (save starchy vegetables for treats and for intense work needs - remember insulin response), and a healthy fat (butter, coconut oil, nuts) and eat servings of fruit depending on your body mass goals. Your lipid profile will naturally improve, your body's systemic inflammation will improve, your body will become more insulin sensitive and less resistant, and you body will readily and easily burn fat.

    The Standard American Diet is the fad here. A fad that has had disastrous consequences.

    I'm sorry but there is just so much untruth in this post. Whole grains and beans do NOT punch holes in your intenstines. Nor do they spike your insulin and make you insulin resistant or cause diabetes. Refined/simple sugars spike your insulin. Medical evidence supporting the fact that whole grains and beans are good for you does not all come from the government. It comes from hundreds of years of medical research and scientific studies. I am sorry that your body was damaged with food, and I'm sorry to hear that your daughter has Celiac disease. People with family members with Celiac disease are more prone to get it themselves, and though you don't mention having it that could account for your trouble own trouble with grains. But that does not equate to whole grains being unhealthy for everyone. It really doesn't.

    Do you understand glycemic index and load? Whole wheat/whole meal bread 74±2 White wheat bread* 75±2

    Actually, I understand both. Whole grains does not always = bread, ya know. I do eat whole grain bread occasionally but I'm talking more about brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, bulgar wheat, etc. You know, grains.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Another fad? Dieting should all be about moderation.

    I agree. And why wouldn't sugar and beans be included? Those things can be gathered.

    Beans are toxic and inedible in raw form. They contain antinutrients (also grains) that inhibit the absorption of necessary nutrients. And sugar is refined/processed.

    As is the salt in salted butter


    Um, forget the salt. Butter is only made through processing.