Like Minded Lushes June 2011



  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    Mondavi wines are amazing! I just got back from Napa/Sonoma this weekend and picked up a few bottles from Sebastiani & Imagery estates to take home for the summer. Could not be more excited :). Also, definite overload on the champagne and alcohol this past weekend after graduating with my MS. Now summer starts!

    Ohhhh!!!! Me and the hubby are going to Napa (and San Fran) at the end of July. We have never been to Napa before. Let me know if you have any tips. (And I love Sebastiani wines!)

    I managed to stick to zero last night. Hope to do the same thing tonight and tomorrow!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I have 12oz of wine already accounted for for this evening, BUT how I would LOVE a blueberry martini, BUT I am too lazy to workout more, so wine it is...guess it better than nothing??!!!!! :happy:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I have 12oz of wine already accounted for for this evening, BUT how I would LOVE a blueberry martini, BUT I am too lazy to workout more, so wine it is...guess it better than nothing??!!!!! :happy:

    Same here...I'm going out for a drink tonight and would love a nice cocktail but will be going with wine instead. Life's tough :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I have 12oz of wine already accounted for for this evening, BUT how I would LOVE a blueberry martini, BUT I am too lazy to workout more, so wine it is...guess it better than nothing??!!!!! :happy:

    Same here...I'm going out for a drink tonight and would love a nice cocktail but will be going with wine instead. Life's tough :)

    Add me into the category...
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I have 12oz of wine already accounted for for this evening, BUT how I would LOVE a blueberry martini, BUT I am too lazy to workout more, so wine it is...guess it better than nothing??!!!!! :happy:

    Same here...I'm going out for a drink tonight and would love a nice cocktail but will be going with wine instead. Life's tough :)

    You poor thing... having to settle for wine :)
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    ugh I hate job hunting, prospect of losing a job. Such a stressful time. Good luck Robin. :flowerforyou:

    Mon - 2 bottles of wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - will be 0 as like Kim weigh in tomorrow for our comp. GO TEAM LUSHES! :drinker:
    Not sure how I feel about you re-naming your team Miss Faith.... it kinda makes me feel like an outcast, you took my only lushy friend from my team now i'm stuck being lushy all alone:wink: !
    :laugh: My bad, maybe we can steal you soon too? :laugh:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Enjoying some yummy beer and relaxing. Rough day reading in the sun :tongue:
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    "Here's to you and here's to me, and may we never disagree. And if we ever disagree, f*&k you, here's to me!" :drinker:

    Too funny, that was also my husband's fraternity song also! One of many!
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Mondavi wines are amazing! I just got back from Napa/Sonoma this weekend and picked up a few bottles from Sebastiani & Imagery estates to take home for the summer. Could not be more excited :). Also, definite overload on the champagne and alcohol this past weekend after graduating with my MS. Now summer starts!

    Ohhhh!!!! Me and the hubby are going to Napa (and San Fran) at the end of July. We have never been to Napa before. Let me know if you have any tips. (And I love Sebastiani wines!)

    Me Too! Want to take my girls in September, tips welcomed!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Same here...I'm going out for a drink tonight and would love a nice cocktail but will be going with wine instead. Life's tough :)

    You poor thing... having to settle for wine :)

    White girl problems :)

    However, did stick to two glasses of wine and was very happy with them! Tomorrow the real lushiness begins.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Same here...I'm going out for a drink tonight and would love a nice cocktail but will be going with wine instead. Life's tough :)

    You poor thing... having to settle for wine :)

    White girl problems :)

    However, did stick to two glasses of wine and was very happy with them! Tomorrow the real lushiness begins.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    no wine for me last night. Vodka instead. I really need to re-evaluate what I am doing to myself. This week has been awful food no exersize and too much booze. Gotta get a grip.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    no wine for me last night. Vodka instead. I really need to re-evaluate what I am doing to myself. This week has been awful food no exersize and too much booze. Gotta get a grip.

    Its so easy to slip back into it isn't it!!!!! I have been keeping up with my workouts but I need some motivation, I fear I may fall off the horse SOON!!!!!!!!!! I've had two REALLY bad weekends in a row and its hard to get motivated after that!!!
    We can do it Robin, we just have to remember why we are making these changes....for our health and for our personal happiness!!!! XOXO
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    no wine for me last night. Vodka instead. I really need to re-evaluate what I am doing to myself. This week has been awful food no exersize and too much booze. Gotta get a grip.

    Its so easy to slip back into it isn't it!!!!! I have been keeping up with my workouts but I need some motivation, I fear I may fall off the horse SOON!!!!!!!!!! I've had two REALLY bad weekends in a row and its hard to get motivated after that!!!
    We can do it Robin, we just have to remember why we are making these changes....for our health and for our personal happiness!!!! XOXO

    I saw someone post on here somewhere once about what wagon/horse you were on. People worry about falling off the wagon, but she said you should really be changing your wagon. When we are regularly not exercising or eating well that is a wagon in and of itself. Changing your wagon so that you default is to eat healthy and exercise is the goal. In that case, falling off sometimes is natural. But since its now you're wagon, you'll get back on. I liked this thought process. I finally feel like after 4.5 months of "being on the wagon" I am now at default here. But that doens't mean I don't have to try of course!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 2 glasses of wine
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 4 glasses of wine and 2 Paulander Oktoberfest beers
    Friday, work 3 to 11
    Saturday, work 3 to 11
    Sunday, work 3 to 11

    Total: 8 drinks
    Goal: < 12

    I managed to drop 0.6 lbs for the weigh-in yesterday and not be eliminated...whoosh! We are down to the final 10 peeps.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Monday, 2 glasses of wine
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 4 glasses of wine and 2 Paulander Oktoberfest beers
    Friday, work 3 to 11
    Saturday, work 3 to 11
    Sunday, work 3 to 11

    Total: 8 drinks
    Goal: < 12

    I managed to drop 0.6 lbs for the weigh-in yesterday and not be eliminated...whoosh! We are down to the final 10 peeps.

    Congrats! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    I managed to drop 0.6 lbs for the weigh-in yesterday and not be eliminated...whoosh! We are down to the final 10 peeps.

    Congrats! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!

    Thanks, I really need to step up my game this week because my lushy sister is coming next Thursday and staying until Sunday. It could definitely mean elimination.`````
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    I managed to drop 0.6 lbs for the weigh-in yesterday and not be eliminated...whoosh! We are down to the final 10 peeps.

    Congrats! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!

    Thanks, I really need to step up my game this week because my lushy sister is coming next Thursday and staying until Sunday. It could definitely mean elimination.`````

    Ahhhh when I get together with my lushy sister in law things get ugly, haha!!! But soooo much fun :)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Gramma's biopsy came out fine =] AND the boyfriend offered to take her Kitty she's having problems with so we're getting 2 kitties this weekend and my Gram is very happy she doesn't have to put angel down And so am I because he's such a sweet boy.

    This calls for celebration tonight :drinker:

    In other news, not counting calories has been great and listening to my body has been working, here's to hoping it stays this way.
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    Glad to see this thread exists!

    I am a total weekend warrior when it comes to drinking, but I'm so proud of myself, last night went out with the hub and took the role of designated driver. It made it a lot easier to get up for my 5:30 appointment with my personal trainer, that's for sure!

    It may have been discussed already, I only read the first and last two pages of this thread, but anybody ever heard of this method for calculating calories in wine?

    alcohol %
    # of ounces consumed
    your total number of calories consumed

    I found this info on this page:

    Where all the science is explained, and also some other fascinating things about metabolism. I have no excuse for not logging my booze calories anymore. Wah! or YAY! (depending. :wink: )