Like Minded Lushes June 2011



  • jessicasantacroce
    Hi Jess,
    I lost about 10 pounds and I'm 5'3" and started around 140--I'm now fluctuating between 125 and it is possible!! My "losing" calories were 1450 (my activity level was set to mediumish) and my maintenance calories were at 16-something. I've changed my activity level for the summer since I'm home (I'm a teacher) and we're always on the go and I don't necessarily have a ton of time to work out and my cals are 1800. Hope that helps!!

    So, last night we had a fire with the neighbors and I didn't plan on drinking (I had a red-bull/vodka motivator earlier in the day) but I did. A Summer Shandy and a fairly gross concoction of Absolut "Asian Apple" (apple and ginger) red bull, light cran juice, and club soda. We were trying to make a nasty vodka really didn't work but I didn't want to waste it! :laugh:


    Ugh, 12 for the week...and a movie night again tonight. I might try and get some sort of exercise in today so if I do end up drinking tonight it won't blow my calories for the day.

    Way to go Robin with the job!!!!

    Thank you so much - you have no idea how nice it is to see someone around my height who has hit the my same goal! (and likes to throw a couple back!) How long did it take you to lose the 10?
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Way to go Robin!! Great news!!!!

    I had a bad weekend AGAIN!!!! Not as bad as last weekend, but went way over friday, saturday and sunday!! I did get some good work outs in but the scale was up 3lbs this morning, UGH!!!! Gotta be water weight RIGHT??? :huh:
    I have to start behaving myself for the next couple of weeks and get my body beach worthy. We are heading down the shore for a long weekend for the 4th and I refuse to look sloppy on the beach next to my husbands gorgeous sisters :laugh:

    I hate hard to get started....I've been at work for 2 1/2 hrs and barely got a thing done :tongue:

    Hope everyone survives their monday!!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    It took me...hmmm, I joined MFP in October and I think around March I was goal weight. I had my weight loss set to 1/2 pound per week and I didn't start REALLY working out until...maybe January?

    So yesterday, I cooked a big Father's Day meal for the hubs (NY strip steak, loaded twice baked potatoes, chocolate cream pie) and I invited my neighbor over with her son...his dad is a total deadbeat. Neighbor brought over some Tequila Rose Coco as an after dinner drink and a bottle of Tuaca as a FD gift for hubs. Needless to say, I went over yesterday, but not too badly.

    For the week...
    Saturday=6 (I blame the Tequila Rose and Tuaca...many shots last night)

    My goal for this week is 12 or fewer...
  • phillyrain
    phillyrain Posts: 19
    Its so amazing! I've been up to wine country 4 times in the past year because I have a friend with a house in Sonoma. The Napa wineries are much more touristy/higher priced so we stick to a lot of the ones in Sonoma County. You can get tastings and tours for 5-10 dollars each in Sonoma vs Napa where they run as high as 50 dollars. They also comp your tasting fee if you buy a bottle of wine. If you're going up from SF there are bus tours you can do or just rent a car and head up for the weekend. Its AMAZING!
  • phillyrain
    phillyrain Posts: 19
    I've wanted to try the ginger vodka, has anyone tried the cucumber vodka (either effen or square one)? Cucumber martinis are one of my favorite things :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The weekend was pretty lushy, I had two margs on Friday. Saturday I had a vanilla vodka and coke followed by a miller lite and three bud lights. Sunday I had a sangria.
    My goal for the week, since I can't seem to stick to it, is no beer.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    After my celebratory Tattinger yesterday morning, I didn't feel like drinking the rest of the day. Its amazing how the job news has given me new energy to be good. I cooked and planned for the week so it should be a good one.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    This thread got very quiet all of a sudden. Too much nice weather and lushiness going on I'll bet.

    Kim - way to go on the 0. I can't say the same :blushing: I finished off the bottle of chardonnay that I had from making Halibut cheeks in butter wine caper sauce on Sunday (oooooh so good!)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Well was gonna be drink free last night BUT I was making Grilled pork tacos with a delicious corn and nectarine salsa, so margaritas where a perfect match!!!! Had two and was over calories by 155....not too bad!
    Tonight I will probably have some wine but I have extra calories to spare :happy:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Lushy weekend last weekend...

    Friday - a little less than a bottle of skinny girl, some tequilla and fresca, then vodka waters.
    Saturday - wine, wine, wine...but did avoid the extreme drunkeness of hours of cocktails and the cals and bloat of beer.

    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - Saturday - leave for a wedding, all bets off :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Not too shabby, Kate!

    Robin, all of your meals sound divine!

    I just had 1 last night...and while I enjoy free-pouring my drinks, I've decided to pay closer attention and actually measure how much I put in them!

    Monday =1 red bull and vodka (a double)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I ended up having a glass of wine, it was a bottle DH opened to marinate the steaks last week, it was ok, but I think I will turn it into sangria for tomorrow night.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    it's nearly 10.30pm and I still have just over 1000 calories going spare. Just think of the wine I could drink.... mind you I don't think I would manage to get up for work in the morning if I did.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    it's nearly 10.30pm and I still have just over 1000 calories going spare. Just think of the wine I could drink.... mind you I don't think I would manage to get up for work in the morning if I did.

    I have 500 to spare tonight. Trying HARD to resist, the wine is calling my name!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Wow, I got a little headache just reading about everyones lushy weekends! I guess that's what the nice weather does to us huh?! We decided last minute to go the the beach Saturday to spend father's day over there... It was so gorgeous that I called into work and we stayed till Monday. So needless to say I was with y'all on the lushiness!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Finally had a hot sunny day yesterday so I had too much nice chilled wine to enjoy with the sunshine.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Last night 1 delicious Victory Hop Devil and 1 BIG glass of wine....managed to stay within calories, YAY!!!!
    Tonight I have a ton of extra calories even with a big glass of wine........soooo I might need a beer too :happy:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I had a big (10 oz plastic cup) of pinot grigio. I was only over on cals by a little bit, and no beer since Saturday.