Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Bethe- That’s great that little wade slept through the night… here is to hoping the every two hours last night was a fluke! Sounds like you are working hard, you can get there by august!

    Jamie- YEA! On the daycare! So happy for you, that sounds great. I am sorry you had to go back to work so soon, that has to be hard. I am sure I will feel the same way. Hope you and LO get to feeling 100% soon.

    Ronya- I found a dress I liked at target for only about 20 bucks. They have some good options if you look through them!

    I just thought about you guys because today I was on the phone with my mom and she said that she wanted brian and I to talk about august and having people visit. She wants to know how long we want her to come and when we want her to come. I was like oh my gosh, we were just talking about this today! She must have read my mind.
    Head ache still hanging around, kind of dull pain in my forehead. Feeling off all day, hoping it goes away tomorrow.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Topic of Baby Names:

    So I have mentioned that our little one will most likely be named Edan. But hubby and I have also thrown out other names. Here is the current list we have compiled. Does anyone mind giving them a rank on what you like most to least, or any comments. Thank you much! :)

  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Topic of Baby Names:

    So I have mentioned that our little one will most likely be named Edan. But hubby and I have also thrown out other names. Here is the current list we have compiled. Does anyone mind giving them a rank on what you like most to least, or any comments. Thank you much! :)


    As you know my oldest's name is Eden (love it) and my second daughter is named Lauryn. My son had a hard time pronouncing it for awhile and calls her Lora-lee. It has stuck and we call her that all the time. Will Lorelei be pronounced Lore-uh-lie or Lore-uh-lee?

    I of course like Edan first :happy: . Then I would have to say Adeline second, Lorelei third, Kathryn fourth, Anna fifth and Dagny last. In that order (just the way you have them listed) :wink:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    As you know my oldest's name is Eden (love it) and my second daughter is named Lauryn. My son had a hard time pronouncing it for awhile and calls her Lora-lee. It has stuck and we call her that all the time. Will Lorelei be pronounced Lore-uh-lie or Lore-uh-lee?

    Thanks, I would pronouce Lorelei like Lore-uh-lie
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Bethe- thanks and yay for sleep

    Jamie- add extra pumping sessions and hopefully it will help. It’s supposed to be supply and demand, fingers crossed.

    Ronya- thanks, hope you’re feeling better.

    Anne- sounds like a great mother to have

    Rachael – I <3 Edan
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I packed up all my "fat clothes" tonight for hubby to take to my mom when he picks up our son tomorrow. My SIL has a preg friend who gets them next. It made me a little sad, but I'm pretty sure it's just because theyre nice clothes and I liked wearing them compared to gym pants and a tshirt as is my normal wear. I have a pretty pathetic wardrobe generally speaking. It consists probably 80% of band tshirts from work! I guess motivation to lose this weight and fit into some of my actual clothes. My jeans go on but I wouldn't wear them for at least another 5 lbs. May e some of my clothes from a few yes ago can fit in the near future if I keep on track. No guarantee I'd get dressed though... I'm lazy in that regards. Hubby always makes a big deal to point out when I actually get dressed!! He hates when I wear gym pants all the time... But I never go anywhere... Except the gym... So it's practical! Getting dressed to sit on my chair and type all day (and be less comfortable) is just extra laundry!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I packed up all my "fat clothes" tonight for hubby to take to my mom when he picks up our son tomorrow. My SIL has a preg friend who gets them next. It made me a little sad, but I'm pretty sure it's just because theyre nice clothes and I liked wearing them compared to gym pants and a tshirt as is my normal wear. I have a pretty pathetic wardrobe generally speaking. It consists probably 80% of band tshirts from work! I guess motivation to lose this weight and fit into some of my actual clothes. My jeans go on but I wouldn't wear them for at least another 5 lbs. May e some of my clothes from a few yes ago can fit in the near future if I keep on track. No guarantee I'd get dressed though... I'm lazy in that regards. Hubby always makes a big deal to point out when I actually get dressed!! He hates
    when I wear gym pants all the time... But I never go anywhere... Except the gym... So it's practical! Getting dressed to sit on my chair and type all day (and be less comfortable) is just extra laundry!

    I go to work and although I put on jeans I do not do anything more than a pony tail and no make up. I get up way too early and spend part of my day in a warehouse pulling orders. the joys of small business I wear many hats so nice clothes and make up are for when I go out only
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am a high school teacher so I have to dress up for work. Not to the extreme but enough to look professional. I have picked up a good work wardrobe over the years. The hardest thing for me isn't putting the nice clothes on (we get to wear comfy shoes because we stand ALL day whoo hoo) it is doing my hair... I often go for the pony because I already have to be at work at 6:30am so getting up to shower and look cute.... ehh not so interested :)

    Mel- Tell your DH you would dress up more if you had the time.... meaning he would have to help out more :smile:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh man. Working at a gym childcare... all I wear is gym clothes! I'll usually put on some mascara because I have light eyelashes and get asked if I am sick when I'm not wearing it. Other than that, it's super casual. I actually miss working in a jewelry store and wearing nicer things. It's gotten to the point where I get overdressed just to go to the movies because I miss feeling pretty! haha.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mel -- If I worked from home I'd probably be in gym clothes/pajamas about 95% of the time, too. I have to dress business casual for work and most of my work clothes are even pretty comfortable but as soon as I get home the work clothes come off and the sweat pants & t-shirts/tank tops come out & my hair goes up in a pony tail. It's not like my husband ever wears anything fancier than a t-shirt & jeans so he doesn't have any room to talk. I never wore much make up but I pretty much stopped completely 5 years ago when hubby & I got together. He doesn't seem to care either way. He usually makes negative comments when someone is wearing a lot of make up so I think maybe he prefers me without it anyway. I certainly prefer not having to bother. :tongue: It's not like I'm some terrifying monster without it or anything. :smile:

    Ha, I should mention, my loathing for real clothes has definitely gotten worse with pregnancy. I'm to the point now where I think "Hmmm, maybe I need to put on my *nice* yoga pants before I go to the store." :noway: :laugh: At least I always put on real shoes (at least flip-flops!) which is more than I can say for a lot of folks at the grocery store/Walmart/wherever.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    :laugh: Funny, I LOVE me some flip flops and I can't stand to be in jeans for longer than I have to be. I actually used to come to work with nice clothes, boots with heels and have my hair and make up done. Now it is such a rare thing that hubby gets excited! He really doesnt care what I do either, true love is what we have. He married a beautiful 160 lb 20 year old who ALWAYS dressed up and still loved me and thought I was sexy while pregnant with my first and 317lbs.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    So how bad is it really to sleep on your back? For ages I have been sleeping on my side with a pillow between my knees (or with my pregnancy pillow) but I am getting so uncomfortable. Last night I ditched the pillow and woke up on back every time I woke up. But I was so much more comfortable!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I wake up on my back every once in awhile. It always makes me nervous and I don't go back to sleep until I feel her move. I wonder the same thing. I can't wait to not have to worry about that anymore!!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    I usually dress up more. I mostly wear dresses or skirts, but today I am wearing jeans. It is rainy and cool. My old fat jeans which I actually love, but not fond to be in them now, being fat PP. I feel pretty good in them though all things considered. I never wear gym clothes, except working out. For a long time I stopped dressing up, but have got back into it the last several years. I feel much better that way.

    Here is my June motivation pic.


    And when I was 175lbs just prior to conceiving Esca.


    I plan on doing yoga or going for a walk today
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachel -- I've read again and again you at least want to try to tilt your body just a little by wedging a pillow under one side or prop yourself up so you're not flat on your back. I don't sleep well on my back so I haven't really had an issue with waking up in that position. I'm very uncomfortable trying to always sleep on my side now that my bump has grown to "you actually look pregnant" size. I was actually able to sleep kind of halfway on my belly until just a few weeks ago.

    I do lie on my back for bits of time when I'm awake. I suppose it's a good question for your next appointment. :wink:

    Oof, these contractions of mine are on the verge of becoming slightly painful as of the middle of the night. Very menstrual crampy. I have an OB appointment today. It's my first check. I'm going to try very hard not to be sad when I find out I'm not at all dilated. :laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Maybe this is a stupid question, but I just got thinking about it last night. I got to water aerobics about twice a week now. If your water breaks while in a pool will you know? I'd hate for it to break and not know and then continue on like normal when I should be preparing to go to the hospital.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Ok I walked 3 miles, 42 minutes pushing both of my toddlers in the buggy. Not too hard!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Rachel: I've heard the reason it's not the best to sleep on your back in the pressure of the baby can cut of some blood supply of a vessel for the momma. I am struggling with it too. I never slept on my back, but I am finding it more comfortable, and I tend to wake up on my back a lot. My MIL said in moderation it is probably ok.

    Julie: Good luck on your apt. I was hoping to be dilated at my apt too. I was ever so slightly (but only a finger), so not even big enough to give me a number, lol. I hope you have more luck, but with all the contrax you have I am sure you will.

    Annabelle: I love your pics! Thanks for sharing.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Julie- My clothes has gotten worse with pregnancy as well… that and being on summer vacation.

    Sheri- One nice thing about pregnancy is you get to see the love your significant other :)

    Rachel- My doctor told me you can sleep on your back some. She said the it can cut of breathing to the baby but that you would naturally flip over before harming the baby… something to that affect. I have been waking up on my back some, I try to sleep on my side but it is really hard to not roll over in my sleep.

    Annabelle- You look great :)

    Julie- I can’t wait to hear what your OB says about these contractions… I may be as excited as you are.

    Rachael- I have no idea the answer to that question!

    I just went to Gymboree and they were having a sale on winter clothes they have left over. 6.99 and under… SO SO SO CUTE. I only got 4 outfits and got winter sizes that I don’t have a lot of. They also had .99 cent socks, tights, and hair bows… I got 4 socks.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Here are some of my maternity pictures that my sister took yesterday :) Some my belly looked huge and others I looked not pregnant at all.





