Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Are Vitamin K injections routine for newborns in the hospital in the US? No one has mentioned anything to me about it.

    How have I never heard of this before? I am assuming none of my babies received it because no one ever mentioned it.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Are Vitamin K injections routine for newborns in the hospital in the US? No one has mentioned anything to me about it.

    How have I never heard of this before? I am assuming none of my babies received it because no one ever mentioned it.

    They usually give it right after the baby is born when they're fixing you up in the delivery room. I only remember because you can clearly hear the nurse asking for my permission to give it to baby. I do not remember anything the last 2 times but I'm sure they asked hubby.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Guess my kiddos never had the vitamin K shot because I was never asked if they could administer it.

    Sheri ~ I am so happy you are feeling better. I opted not to take the pill. Since I am nursing and no TOM yet I figure I should be okay. However, I did have a dream that I was pregnant with twins :laugh: My mom is a twin but it just wasn't in the cards for us. I truly hope you continue to feel good.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Bethe – great job! You’ll be back to where you want to be in no time!

    Anne – hope you’re headache is gone and you feel better today.

    Mel – I’d live in yoga pants and t-shirts if I could! My office is pretty relaxed about dress code; I can wear jeans but no sneaker or t-shirts. Hubby is so excited for my cousins wedding on Saturday because it means I’m going to wear contacts and put on makeup. :laugh:

    Rachel – I’ve heard lots of mixed things about sleeping on your back so I try to avoid it. I sleep on my side with a king size pillow behind me, so even if I do roll back I’m not totally flat.

    Annabelle – thanks for sharing your pictures and that’s great exercise!

    Brittony – I’m so excited for you!!!!

    Sheri – oh, I love baby laughs and giggles!!!! I’m so glad you’re feeling better and hubby is helping. And just so you know my co-workers husband had his vasectomy reversed after almost 10 years. It took a little while for her to get pregnant but it happened.

    Julie – Vitamin K? Should I feel stupid that I’ve never heard of that before? :indifferent:

    I had a fun but exhausting day shopping with my cousin yesterday, I was able to find a nice dress for the wedding (and nice shoes and lots of nice other stuff that I didn't really need :laugh: ). All the dresses I found at maternity stores/sections weren’t dressy enough so I ended up in the regular dress section at JC Penny. BIG SALE!!! :bigsmile: And I’m super excited that I was able to buy a regular size 14 dress, I think it’s because it’s only form fitting at my chest but I’m not going to complain. I figure there’s no way my boobs will expand in the next 3 days (at least I hope not) so I should be ok.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ronya, you shouldn't feel dumb.
    Vitamin K thickens the blood. I'm sure it probably does other stuff, too, but I think that's the point of giving it to a newborn, supposedly.

    Weird it seems so hit or miss in this country. It's like some hospitals all but require it and other hospitals don't even offer it or something. ??? Guess I'll talk to the pediatrician we're seeing tomorrow. I just wasn't sure if it was even offered and if it is, I'm not sure how to feel about it. Guess I need to do some research.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ronya- glad you had a great day shopping! Nothing wrong with bigger boobs, I'm enjoying them while theyre here to visit because I'm sure they'll be gone once I stop nursing.... especially since I'm losing weight :laugh:

    Julie- they say that the vitamin k shot is so that the brain doesn't bleed, never put much thought into it since I always figured if they recommended it than the baby needed it to stay healthy. Brooklynn is the first one that we have questioned what everything is.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Annabelle got the Vitamin K shot... I think... DH would know... he was on baby patrol after she was born and didn't go out of his sight the whole time in the hospital.

    Tonight is the first night she's sleeping in her room in her crib. :sad: :laugh: She's great and sleeps through the night so I know she's ok...but just the fact that she's not 2 feet away from me, instead on the other side of the house. I wonder how many times I will check on her tonight.. hehe. She usually wakes up at 5 (sleeps from 8:30-5..sometimes til 7) so I think when she does I will bring her in the room with us, because then I can nurse her in the bed, then put her in the pack n' play, just in case she doesn't want to go back to sleep right away. She usually does, but if not I don't want to have to walk back and forth to her room 10 times just to make sure she's ok :smile: Plus, Momma wants go to back to sleep, too!

    Ronya - YEAH for spending money and pampering yourself!!! I have been feeling the last few days that I need to do that for myself. I'm thinking of going back to my moms for a few days, so maybe I will while I"m there with her. She's always up for a pedicure...

    Bethe - So I have still let myself down and haven't started exercising yet. UGH. I'm just so exhausted once she gets in bed...I'm going to have to start doing it during the day. I really wanted to be back to pre-preggo weight when school starts back. That's August 4th for me, so I have a little over a month.. :noway:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    Oh, Sheri, I can't wait until Annabelle starts laughing like that!!! I think we got our first little giggle today, tho :bigsmile: I absolutely LOVE how she will lay and just "talk" to me...sooo sweet!!!!

    I would gladly take 95! Isn't that crazy?!?! It's been close to 105 here! UGH

    How are things going, are you feeling better since being off the pill?

    A whole lot better, it has been just over a week and I am a whole new person. I was also pretty stressed since I take care of most of the stuff at home too so I talked to hubby about it and he has made an effort to get all of the bills together for me with amounts due and tag team dinner dishes and such so it is definately helping. I still have a bit of baby blues on and off but mostly the fact that she is growing so quickly! I love "talking" to Brooklynn, that is usually how we get her to crack up. Enjoy every minute before you go back to work, leaving my baby is the hardest part of my day.:cry:

    So glad to hear this! Been thinking about you! I def. am dreading going back to work!!! :sad:

    Julie - I agree on the moving to cooler weather!! I love that our winters aren't terrible, but man the summers are insane! Annabelle and I have been camped out inside all day, every day!! I couldn't imagine not having A/C, or not getting that extra window unit!!! You're better than I am!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Sheri- hmm… I have not even thought about BC afterwards yet. We don’t know how many kids we want… we are taking it 1 at a time :) I am glad you got off and are feeling more yourself!

    Julie- I feel the same way on the heat except it has cooled a bit this week so I need to be thankful for that.

    Brittony- I am sure! I would be the same way, my brain would never shut off from the planning! Enjoy your last days being pregnant!

    Julie- I have never heard of it… but I have not done my vaccine research yet.

    Danielle- I am asking my dr. about the back sleeping tomorrow! I find myself doing the same thing.

    Bethe- My DH said something about maybe we will have twin boys next… I gave him the look of death. There are twins in my mom’s family but I am not so interested!

    Ronya- I am impressed you can fit into a regular dress…. I cannot do that!

    Megan- Can my baby please sleep like Annabelle? We may need to arrange a little chat between them so that Annabelle can tell Elise how nice sleeping is. Any tricks or did you just get lucky? I am sorry she is going to be so far :( Our nursery is right next door to our room so that will be nice.

    My parents are flying into town tommorow for a week :) yea! Lots of family time. which means CLEANING time for me today haha.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Megan- You're so lucky, I wish Brooklynn would sleep through the night! Look at the rollie pollie though.... no way she could go all night without eating :laugh: I guess I should just be happy it is usually only 1 time I have to get up before my alarm and she eats quickly (about 15 mins) and goes right back down. Maybe Annabelle could have a chat with her?

    Anne- So glad you're going to get some great family time in. You may want to talk to hubby about BC now before baby comes and decide if you're going to go all natural and let nature take its course or take some time with the babies. We have been using condoms in addition to the BC I was on just because I DO NOT want another baby :laugh: With the cost of college these days and everyone getting at least a bachelors there is no way I could afford any more
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Anne- So glad you're going to get some great family time in. You may want to talk to hubby about BC now before baby comes and decide if you're going to go all natural and let nature take its course or take some time with the babies. We have been using condoms in addition to the BC I was on just because I DO NOT want another baby :laugh: With the cost of college these days and everyone getting at least a bachelors there is no way I could afford any more

    I am pretty sure I will go back on the pill when the dr. recommends. It has always been very good to me. We don't want any babies for awhile after this one :)
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    What do we think about an IUD? I keep going back and forth on it.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Sheri – I’m so afraid of what my boobs are going to look like after I’m done nursing. I lost a lot from them when I lost weight, now they’re bigger than they’ve ever been and I’m sure will get even bigger when my milk comes in. :noway:

    Megan – I hope you and Annabelle got a good night sleep!

    Anne – I was more surprised than anyone when the dress zipped up. There’s still a part of me that’s scared it won’t fit on Saturday. Have fun with your parents!

    I’m not sure what I’m going to do about BC, we want another baby in a two or three years and then I think we’re done. I was on the pill for 4 years and I know I don’t want to be on it for the rest of my life, but I don’t really want the surgery and recover time that comes from getting my tubes tied. Hubby freaks out at the thought of a vasectomy but he hates condoms, so we’re going to have to do something. I never really considered an IUD because I’ll I’ve heard is horror stories, but I know everyone reacts differently to that stuff. If I’m being totally honest, I’m kind of sick of the responsibly of BC falling to me, it’s not like I would get pregnant by myself. Is that wrong of me to feel like that? :indifferent:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- TOTALLY just my choice, but I think I prefer substance-free birth control while I'm breastfeeding, as annoying as it may be. We're also *considering* the possibility of trying for another child by the time Maisie is 1-1.5 years old (that tenative plan may very well change! :laugh:) so to me an IUD isn't so practical for me at this time. My husband says "Eh, well, you have to have sex to get pregnant again anyway." Wah-waaahhhhhhhhhhh. :laugh:

    Megan -- Oh, we have central AC, it just sucks. The size of the unit is rated for our square footage but the previous idiot owners didn't take into account the 10 foot ceilings which are all throughout the house so it's NOT rated for our *cubic* footage. Also not taken into consideration: Our house is 100 years old & we have single pane glass windows for the most part and yeah, it just isn't sufficient, especially when I'm pregnant. :tongue:

    Ronya -- I don't think it's wrong for you to be tired of birth control being in your hands. I got tired of it, too, and went off the pill like 2 years before we decided to have a baby. Hubby detests condoms, too. Right now, it seems he's all for a vasectomy when we're done having kids (I'm pretty sure 3 is our max).
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Brittony- I have had such an easy time with the pill I think that is something that I will stick with. We are looking at another in 2ish years.

    Ronya- I don't think thats unfair. DH doesn't like condoms and neither do I honestly so I am fine with taking the pill until we are done with kids but then hibby is getting the snip :) He has already said that me getting my tubes tied is a way more serious surgery where him getting a vasectomy is barely anything and that he wouldn't put me through that. I bet your DH will agree down the road.

    Julie- yuck, my AC has been up and on high for this summer!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    What do we think about an IUD? I keep going back and forth on it.

    If you decide on the IUD I would go with the copper t. It is non hormonal unline the mirena which is what they usually try to get people on. I had the mirena after my second baby and it caused me to get lots of cysts and they would rupture and I'd be in the ER so we didn't get along very well. I actually was considering the copper t for now until he gets his tubes tied but nope, I'm over putting my body through everything, his turn!
    Sheri – I’m so afraid of what my boobs are going to look like after I’m done nursing. I lost a lot from them when I lost weight, now they’re bigger than they’ve ever been and I’m sure will get even bigger when my milk comes in. :noway:

    I’m not sure what I’m going to do about BC, we want another baby in a two or three years and then I think we’re done. I was on the pill for 4 years and I know I don’t want to be on it for the rest of my life, but I don’t really want the surgery and recover time that comes from getting my tubes tied. Hubby freaks out at the thought of a vasectomy but he hates condoms, so we’re going to have to do something. I never really considered an IUD because I’ll I’ve heard is horror stories, but I know everyone reacts differently to that stuff. If I’m being totally honest, I’m kind of sick of the responsibly of BC falling to me, it’s not like I would get pregnant by myself. Is that wrong of me to feel like that? :indifferent:

    Yeah hopefully you'll have better luck than me, 3 kids has turned my body into a war zone :wink: I have lots of stretch marks, especially on the boobies since I originally was a B pre babies and am now a D. As far as birth control you can always have him wear a condom or what we did for years was the "pull out" method which has always worked for us. All babies were planned.
    Brittony -- TOTALLY just my choice, but I think I prefer substance-free birth control while I'm breastfeeding, as annoying as it may be. We're also *considering* the possibility of trying for another child by the time Maisie is 1-1.5 years old (that tenative plan may very well change! :laugh:) so to me an IUD isn't so practical for me at this time. My husband says "Eh, well, you have to have sex to get pregnant again anyway." Wah-waaahhhhhhhhhhh. :laugh:

    They have a hormonal and non hormonal IUD and both can be removed at any time. And um if you plan on another in 1-1.5 years than breastfeeding and lack of a period may be enough to get you by until then. My friend did absolutely nothing and got pregnant with her first period 11 months pp. I still have not had TOM, I've only had spotting after the "deed"

    Brittony- I have had such an easy time with the pill I think that is something that I will stick with. We are looking at another in 2ish years.

    Ronya- I don't think thats unfair. DH doesn't like condoms and neither do I honestly so I am fine with taking the pill until we are done with kids but then hibby is getting the snip :) He has already said that me getting my tubes tied is a way more serious surgery where him getting a vasectomy is barely anything and that he wouldn't put me through that. I bet your DH will agree down the road.

    Julie- yuck, my AC has been up and on high for this summer!

    They have the mini pill for breast feeding moms which is what I was on and what Megan is on. It is progesterone only so it is not supposed to mess with your milk supply as the others can dry you up.

    My hubby was against being snipped at first, dummy thought it meant he couldnt climax. Come on now ! Anyways I gave him lots of pamphlets and stuff I got from the class I took to get my tubes tied, since he doesnt have insurance and it was included in my copayment from having Brooklynn I was just going to get it done but since I couldn't get the surgery done there and we can't afford for me to take the time off with it being major surgery and all we've decided he would do it. He did do extensive research before deciding it was ok with him. The way I put it though was I had 3 kids and 2 miscarriages in the last 8 years, he could go through something with his body now.

    BTW we only have a window unit but rarely use it since it only cools the living room/dining room area. I did purchase dual pane windows last year and those help so much! It was the best $5000 I've ever spent and I got money back on my taxes for them $1500 so it was like the best coupon ever !
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Anne- So glad you're going to get some great family time in. You may want to talk to hubby about BC now before baby comes and decide if you're going to go all natural and let nature take its course or take some time with the babies. We have been using condoms in addition to the BC I was on just because I DO NOT want another baby :laugh: With the cost of college these days and everyone getting at least a bachelors there is no way I could afford any more

    I am pretty sure I will go back on the pill when the dr. recommends. It has always been very good to me. We don't want any babies for awhile after this one :)

    I think I'd prefer Depo or the arm implant, but they're both way out of my price range. Even the 4 periods a yr pills would be nice but they're expensive. I go with generic pills since I can get them like $10 a month. Considering my insurance expires right after my 6 week apt, I don't have a whole lot of choices (since most of those I would have to go back to the dr for a prescription once done breastfeeding). I tried the patch for a year a while back. I didn't like it. It didn't stay on well and got that icky band-aid like gooeyness. I had to stay on a full year though because I couldn't afford to go back and get another prescription mid stream. My friend LOVED the nuvo ring. That sort of grosses me out though. The only thing (other than the pain of having to take it every day) I am not looking forward to on the "breastfeeding pills" is they made my hair fall out BAD last time. Like in handfulls. It didn't make it look thin, but it was still a pain. The nice thing about the pill though is the scheduling. Before I went on it I was all over the place. In high school I had my period for 53 days straight, it went away for about a week and came back for another 30+ days. It was all over the place. Yeah... not fun. That's my only hesitation at depo or the arm implant (that and potentially the cost.) We're probably done with kids, at least for a while. We can't afford any more and we definitely don't need any more little ones to try to take care of until Gabriel is squared away, which I don't know if that will be when he's 2 or when he's 6 or 7 or older...
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Great info ladies! Thanks for all of the advice. Yeah. The IUDs sorta scare me, but they sound so easy once they're put in (that is if you don't have any bad reactions). I think I'll probably just go on the mini pill. I was on the pill for forever, so it's nothing new. My husband and I were just using condoms for about a year before we started trying to have a baby. Now that we've gone so long without using anything, it's going to be hard to go back to them. It feels so much better without them, even from my point of view. I know that after our second my husband is getting a vasectomy. He thinks that it's only fair since I have to carry the baby and give birth, and I have to agree.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I was on the depo for a year and a half, had no menstrual cycle, and gained 100lbs!!! :noway: So I will NEVER use that again.

    I'm thinking I'll do some research on this mini pill that Sheri mentioned. I took bc pills for years and then stopped 3 years ago, prior to even trying. So we were using condoms for 2 years, then started trying and it took us a year to get pregnant anyways! I'm so OCD with the whole no getting pregnant when we didn't want to that even on the pill we used condoms and I'm allergic to latex :laugh:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    What do we think about an IUD? I keep going back and forth on it.

    I had the Mirena IUD put in when I was 22 in 2007 and had it taken out in September 2010 when I was 26. I LOVED IT! It made my periods so light (just spotting for like 2 days) and no major side effects from it. I got my regular period back right away (after 3.5 years with such a short one... going back to 5 days of heavy bleeding sucked!) and I got pregnant in November (LMP November 5th).

    That being said- a lot of women do have side effects and fertility problems from it- but whether or not the fertility problems are the fault of the Mirena is not proven. It's just like the depo provera shot- a lot of women have trouble getting pregnant after that too. It is a very small percentage of people who have any problems when you consider the number of women world wide who have IUD's.

    In terms of what hubby and I are planning- I won't be going back on birth control. The plan to is get me back into shape (I am seriously going to work soooo sooo hard) and at a healthy weight before our next pregnancy, which we will hopefully be thinking about trying for next summer. In the meantime we will use condoms... and if we have an accident... well that would not be the end of the world either ;-)