Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Oh Carina I am so very sorry. After 20 years of marriage and many, many downs you can restore faith in your spouse and your marriage. I will be praying for you and dh.

    I did share a pic a few pages back I think.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So ladies, were your pregnancy and labors anything like your mom's? There is some thought that it runs in the family... so far my pregnancy has been totally different so I am not sure I buy it.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Hi ladies. Think I'm finally over the MS. Haven't been sick since Thursday and got my FXed that it stays that way. Just finished my last exams and assignments for the semester so got plenty of free time until next semester starts.

    I've been getting the odd flutters every now and then but nothing constant yet. Had my 12 week scan & bloods to check for Down Syndrome etc and should get the results from my midwife this week on Thursday. Everything at the scan looked good though. Hubby got to hear baby's heart beat for the first time. Thinking of taking Miss 3.5 to the 20 week scan though. She adores hearing about and seeing scan pictures of "her baby in mummy's tummy". I think she'd get a real kick out of being at the actual scan.

    Carina - I am so sorry about what your hubby did. Not sure what I would do in your place but I do know whatever the decision you have to make will need some serious thought and feeling evaluation of what you can live with. My thoughts are with you and your family, hun.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Anne - I cant tell you about my mom's pregnancy (she passed away about 6 years ago). My pregnancy hasnt been remarkedly different from my sister's (without the blood issues).
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Maureen- Sorry about your mom :( I am wondering because I have thrown up so much with my pregnancy and my mom never did with her 5 babies BUT she went early with all of hers besides her last so I am wondering if that is something that could be passed down or if it is different for each person. I am guessing different for each person.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks everyone. He is going to counseling and I am talking to someone. we will also have a few couples sessions. I have decided to stay, but I told him this is his 2nd chance. I always believe in 2nd chances, but not anything more. he has to shape up and no relapses.

    kids are up. gotta go. i'll reply later.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So ladies, were your pregnancy and labors anything like your mom's? There is some thought that it runs in the family... so far my pregnancy has been totally different so I am not sure I buy it.

    My pregnancy hasn't been very similar other than it being a healthy pregnancy with zero complications. Physically, I'm completely different from my mom (take much more after my dad) so it doesn't surprise me that we'd have different experiences with both pregnancy and labor.

    I hope my labor isn't like her 1st. He was back to back and she was in labor for over 24 hours. She *says* she was in transition for 4-5 hours. Not sure how true that is though (as the pregnancy board ladies know, my mom has a tendency to be a bit overdramatic).
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Sheri - yay for advanced studies! having those books/workbooks available hardly seems like pushing them. i'm sure you aren't sucking any of the fun out of their summer so don't be so hard on yourself! :)

    Carina - i will keep you in my thoughts & we are all definitely here for you whenever you need us! i'm so sorry that you have to go through this and can't imagine what you must be going through. don't feel like you have to put on a brave face all the time, it's definitely ok to show your feelings! you are an incredibly strong woman for giving him a second chance.

    Anne - my pregnancy and labor was VERY similar to my mom. we both seemed to be the same with morning sickness, the way our body changed, labor pain, and labor was also very similar. neither of us had our water break or mucous plus or any of that. We didn't have much notice, just all of a sudden it happened. actually the only thing that was different was that she got gestational diabetes with all of us and i didn't get it with either of mine. everyone says that every baby and pregnancy is different, but my mom had 3 kids and she said she felt the same every time. i had 2 and mine felt the same also. we were also both late for all our babies :)

    Patricia - i'm happy to hear that everything is going well for you!
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    So as you know we have been dealing with thrush :( I thought it was going away but it came back full force yesterday! I guess the doctor is right and it's going to be super hard to get rid of since Hayley and I will keep giving it back and forth to each other through breastfeeding. She doesn't breastfeed well at all when the thrush acts up probably because her mouth hurts so much. Days like today when I'm at work are tough for me since I have to wear a shirt all day long lol.

    I guess I also have a mini rant about FOB. He actually seems to getting worse and more distant from the kids. He stays with them on Mondays & Fridays when I go to work and hardly seems them otherwise. I asked him to come stay with the kids one day last week so I could run some errands without them (as we all know it goes much quicker and smoother that way) but he claims he was too busy. Lately, any time I ask him to stay with the kids he is too busy. He doesn't even have a full time job, so that is really annoying me. I can totally see that his lack of effort is hurting his relationship with our older daughter, Brielle. Hayley is so young that if he doesn't get is act together she will hardly know him at all. I'm not sure if he actually doesn't see it or he just doesn't care?? Probably the worst part is that I want my girls to have a relationship with him so badly, that I am doing things for him that I shouldn't be doing in hopes that it will make him hang around more. He should actually be the one helping me with things, but he seems to be clueless there. I guess that was a lil more than a mini rant lol.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Jamie- Sorry things are so hard with FOB. You can only do so much if he isn't willing to. It sounds like you've already gone above and beyond. It's his turn to step up to the plate and show an interest in his daughters. I hope that he does and things change :heart:

    Anne- My pregnancy thus far has been similar to my mother's when she was pregnant with my brother (maybe a boy coincidence!) The only difference is I was a bit more sick earlier on than she was but everything else is pretty much the same. Carrying low, just a belly, hardly gained any weight, sciatica issues, etc. I can't say I hope my labor is like her's though because he was a planned c-section due to the fact that she had a c-section with me.

    Carina- Continuing to think/pray for you and your family. Ditto to what Jamie said. It takes a very strong person to do what you are doing. :heart:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Anne- I don't really know if my pregnancy has been similar to my mother's. She had morning sickness and I never did. She told me last night that her water didn't break with any of the three of us until she was already at the hospital, but that her mucous plug came out something like two weeks before each of our births. If Emma were to flip before Friday, I hope that I'm not similar to her in that regard. I'd hate to have to wait two more weeks from whenever my mucous plug comes out. My brain is telling me that I am less than two weeks from my due date! I don't want to go late :sad: She said that I came early (I'm the oldest), my sister came two weeks late, and my other sister was pretty much on time. I just realized that that is kind of funny when considering our personality types now.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Carina- Glad you two are going to counseling to try and work this through.

    Anne- I don't think mine have been like my moms and I sure hope my daughters are not like mine since they've all been so tough.

    Jamie- Sorry he is being such a jerk, I honestly think men can be totally dumb to that and you have to put it right there in their face.

    Hubby and I are going through a "rough patch" last night I told him I am seriously considering divorce. As you all know from the pregnancy board MIL seems to be his top priority and he has a hard time letting her be anything else, well I had enough and said I can't do this anymore, she wins. He feels that she needs attention since he is always "with me", I have told him there is a difference between being "with" and "there". I am trying to get through this, and I am sure that my ppd is acting up which makes it worse. I do love him but not sure how much more of this I can take, I've been dealing with this for the past 10 years. I told him no more bandaids consider this the stitches because it's the last chance. Sorry for the rant.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Carina! I am so sorry you are going through that! What an emotional roller coaster! I am sorry girl! I hope that you will be able to work things out. T&P!

    Anne: I've had some similar things to my mom, like some of the same nerve pain and back pain. I had ms really bad the first tri, but my mom was sick the whole 9 months. We'll see if labor and delivery are similar at all.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Sheri- I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch. Oh mama's boys. When are they going to learn that wife and children take priority? I get so angry at stuff like that because so much of it is the MIL's fault too. You know they know exactly what they are doing. I know so many couples with those issues. It can get really bad! And it's almost like the MIL takes pleasure in showing that she will win over any situation. Like a "my son will never leave me completely and he loves me more," type of thing. It makes me sick that some moms can't just let go and let their son grow up. On the flip side, it makes me sick that the son won't grow up and stick up for his family either. Again, I'm sorry you are having to deal with it. Maybe telling him that it's forcing you to think about the dreaded "D word" will shock him into changing.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Anne – my mom said her pregnancies were all pretty easy, but the labor and delivery got harder with each one. I was born two months premature (the oldest) and my youngest brother was two weeks late and had to be induced, and the middle one was pretty much on time.

    Patricia – I started to feel random flutters around 13 weeks too! At first I wasn’t even sure it was baby.

    Carina – the fact that he’s willing to go the counseling is a big thing. I hope that you’re able to deal with this and find peace, whatever outcome you decide.

    Jamie – I’m sorry FOB is acting like that. Was he the same way when Brielle was born? I hope he has a change of heart before it’s too late.

    Sheri – oh, I’m so sorry. I understand him wanting to keep a close relationship with his mom, but his wife and children should take priority. And I agree with Brittony, maybe the fact that you’re considering divorce is enough to snap him out of it.

    Not much going on with me. We registered at Buy Buy Baby yesterday, I still have to a few things to add and updated to the registry but we’re done with that for the most part. Now we’re going to start clearing out the nursery and start paining. I’m so excited to get that started!!! :bigsmile: :happy:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jamie- Sorry about FOB :( I am sorry you have to do try to work hard for him to have a relationship with your girls. That doesn’t seem fair.

    Carina- I think that counseling is a great option, he is lucky you are willing to give him a second chance. I am sorry again.

    Sheri- I am sorry about your DH. This seems like something that you shouldn’t have to deal with anymore, it isn’t like you just got married.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am pretty excited although I should know better. I think i have said before my DH is a real estate agent. He works for a team so he gets a yearly salary and commission. He had clients who requested him today (from friends he worked with) who want to buy a half million dollar house. If that were to work out that would be such a huge sum of money at once we could put away.... things come up all the time so I need to not get too excited :)
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Sheri- Thinking of you. I hope you are able to get through this rough patch and your hubby can see that he needed to cut the cord with his mother a long time ago. I couldn't agree more with what Brittony said though. I had a similar issue for quite a few years and finally Hubby said enough's enough (thank God!). :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Anne- I hope it works out that your husband does get that huge sale! Woo! :smile:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Jamie gentian violet and grape seed extract in liquid form are excellent for thrush. I did gentian violet once, paint baby's mouth and your nipples/aereola. Works like magic. Grape seed extract for ongoing after the grape seed extract.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Anne- My pregnancy has been similar to my mothers in some ways, but vastly different in others. My mom was really really sick in the beginning of her pregnancies, and I was not. She did not have the sciatica issues I have had, but we both dealt with severe fatigue around the 7 month mark- she had to stop working, as did I. My mother was also a very very thin woman, and I definitely was not so perhaps that was part of what made the difference.

    Jamie- So sorry that FOB is being such a… for lack of a better work, douche bag. It must be sooo soo hard. Do you try to talk to him about it? Find out if he actually wants to be part of their lives? Soon they will be pre-teens and he will be this strange, distant dad with no relationship, and the girls will feel uncomfortable when they visit him (been there, done that!). I would talk to him, and remind him that he needs to do everything he can now to build a strong foundation with them, before it is too late.

    Sheri- I am sorry you are having a rough patch with your man. I can relate to the MIL situation in a way- my husband is not a mama’s boy, but she is definitely a boy’s mama. It’s really hard sometimes. I hope you guys are able to work through this and that your PPD gets better.

    Carina- Good to hear from you. I am glad you guys are going to counselling. *hugs*

    Annabelle- I love your photo- the kids are so cute!