Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Okay so very personal question but I have never had hemorrhoids and I am not sure if I am getting them or not. I have some like extra skin flaps between my vagina and rectum (but not in the rectum) and they don’t hurt or itch…. I don’t know what it is…. Hemorrhoids or something else? Anyone have experience with this?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sheri -- Nope, no way am I going to trust breastfeeding as birth control. An early oops pregnancy does not sound like fun to me. I can't imagine being so sick 1st tri & so exhausted the rest of the time while trying to breastfeed & care for a baby less than a year old. I know people do it, but I have no idea how I'd make it. So, condoms it will be for sure until my cycle comes back & is predictable. :tongue: Then we may switch to some timing my cycle and also the lovely "pull out" method (which has also been effective for us in the past). LOL about your husband thinking what he did about the snip snip. Men are silly.

    I wasn't going to mention this but I guess may as well. My best friend got an IUD put in a few months ago. She had a terrible time with getting it put in and then it worked it's way back out. :noway: Very painfully so, apparently. I felt bad because she had asked my opinion on it before she got it. I told her I didn't know much about it but that it sounded like a good option for her. I also mentioned that I knew a couple of women who had one and really liked it. To be honest, she always seems to have a hard time with anything medical. :laugh: Of course everyone always knows someone who's had a bad experience with anything medical. I will say that I know 2 other women (at least!) who haven't vaginally delivered a child who have IUDs and love them. And from what they told me, they had very minimal pain/discomfort when it was put in. Well, I suppose Rachel makes #3.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Yeah, my little cousin and my husband were both oopsie babies who were conceived while the moms were breastfeeding. I will most definitely not be using that or the absence of my period as BC.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Vit K is given to virtually all newborns born in the hospital. Often consent is not asked for, but assumed. I choose not to give my newborns vit K. I take alfalfa the last 6 weeks of pregnancy to boost baby's vit K at birth if baby needs it before he or she makes their own and is nursing w/ mamas milk having come in. Vit K is given to prevent early or classic vit K deficiency bleeding or for late onset HDN. In the case of of prevention of late onset in breastfeeding babies oral instead of injectable vit K can be given. There are factors that increase early or classic HDN, primarily premature cutting of the umbilical cord, reducing baby's blood volume by as much as 40%. Babies cords should only be cut after they have stopped pulsating. The use of vacuum or forceps increase bruising of baby and causing problems and the use of antibiotics reduces clotting factors for baby. My last 9 babies have never had a vit K shot or oral vit K, there hasn't been a need. If one chooses to circumsize a male infant before 8 days after birth, when babies typically start making their own vit K, then a vit K shot has value.

    No birth control here, only NFP if we have a grave reason to prevent. It has been very effective when the need has arisen in almost 20 years of marriage.

    Remember w/ most IUD's you can conceive, but the baby, embryo, cannot implant, causing an early abortion.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Megan ~ how did Annabelle do in her crib last night? Hopefully it all went smoothly and was a nice transition.

    Annabelle ~ how are you and your family doing settling into Wisconsin? You moved to be closer to family right? Or did I dream that one up :) We will be heading through Wisconsin a week from tomorrow. We are going to Northern Minnesota to spend time at our cabin. It will be interesting traveling 12 hours with the four kids in our F150, but we had a fairly smooth 6 hour trip to St. Louis over Memorial Day. Hope you are doing well.

    AGH! Just realized I haven't been updating my walking ticker. Today I did level 2 of 30 Day Shred and 1.25 on the treadmill.

    Wade has been a nightmare lately. He is laying on the floor next to me screaming because I finally had to take him out of the bjorn carrier. If he isn't being held he isn't happy, including in the truck! Never had such a whinny baby. He goes down about 9:30pm and wakes around 4:30 only to be up EVERY 1/2 to an hour later the last two nights. I might as well wake up and stay up at 4:30 because once I fall back asleep he is right back up.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    AGH! Just realized I haven't been updating my walking ticker. Today I did level 2 of 30 Day Shred and 1.25 on the treadmill.

    Wade has been a nightmare lately. He is laying on the floor next to me screaming because I finally had to take him out of the bjorn carrier. If he isn't being held he isn't happy, including in the truck! Never had such a whinny baby. He goes down about 9:30pm and wakes around 4:30 only to be up EVERY 1/2 to an hour later the last two nights. I might as well wake up and stay up at 4:30 because once I fall back asleep he is right back up.

    Great job keeping up with the exercise. I am sorry that wade is so fussy :( 9:30-4:30 sounds okay... but if only he could make it a couple hours longer I am sure it would be very nice for you!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Thanks all btw for talking about the post baby BC. I have been thinking about IUD. Julie, we are like you in that we are thinking about trying for another possibly when Baby S is 1-2 yrs old and that will be it. My concern about going on the pill is that was our method of BC when I got pregnant. I was not reliable at taking it (never have been). Bf is not in favor of condems. I will talk to my midwife.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Happy friday ladies! Heading to my dr. in a bit then to pick up my parents from the airport :happy:

    Question for all you mama's.... What is your FAVORITE thing about your little one?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Danielle – I had the weight gain with depo but I was the opposite with menstrual cycle, I had it for 9 months straight. I got the shot after my first was born and I had my cycle until I stopped taking it. I think we all don’t like condoms here.
    Rachel- I’m surprised they gave you mirena, maybe its because you’re in Canada and things are different here? One of the requirements is that you must have had a child here in the states, it did do wonders for my cycle because they were only 2 days but I just had too many problems with cysts.
    Julie- Lots of women have success with IUDs I was actually contemplating another without hormones but rather have hubby just take care of business. I think the problem is that there are many factors and including size of your uterus and such and the IUDs are basically a one size fits all. It is painful to have it put in, I remember when I got mine after my second was born the first one did not go in properly so she had to try again and I was bleeding and it hurt. I took pain relievers for a few days. And yeah, nobody wants to be sick from first trimester and have a new baby to deal with. Not easy at all and I’m not sure how people manage.
    Annabelle- this may sound dumb but what is NFP? I had no idea you could conceive on the IUD.
    Bethe- I would gladly take 9:30-4:30 then again I’m usually in bed by 8:30 and have to get up for work at 4:00 Brooklynn usually wakes up once to eat but sometimes miss piggy is hungrier and eats twice.
    Hkystar- Before we were married I conceived on the pill, I too was not careful about when I took the pill. I honestly think the birth control kicked in after the fact though because that pregnancy resulted in miscarriage. Glad things worked out for you. Happy to say we got married a few months later
    Anne- My favorite thing about my little ones is just watching their personalities develop. Having children is amazing and you get to experience all of their firsts. I really enjoy just being the mom that I never had and experiencing many of the things I never have with them.

    Happy Friday everyone, it's going to be a crazy day here at work! I am so glad it's the last day of work and my sons last day of school! Now I can relax after work rather than run like a mad woman.
  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Julie - My babies both had vitamin k. I had my first in NJ and my second in MD.

    Ronya - I'm glad you found a dress you are happy with! I was always miserable trying to shop while pregnant, I felt like nothing looked right. I don't think it's too much to ask that dh be involved with birth control - it takes 2 to tango :)

    Megan - wohoo, first night in the crib is a big step! I haven't even bought Hayley's crib yet, lol.

    Sheri - I have actually been considering mirena so thanks so much for saying that. I didn't put as much research into it as I should have so I'm going to have to poke around google before I decide on anything. Pull out didn't really work for us which is why we have miss hayley lol
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sheri -- Hmm, unless my friends all have some sketchy doctors, it's actually not a requirment in the US to have had a baby to get Mirena. That's what my best friend & 2 other ladies (without children) I know have/had. Best friend is in Virginia/Maryland (not sure which state she had it done in), one other woman is in Minnesota, and another in South Carolina. ? Maybe just in California? Or maybe that's your physician's rule? Or maybe that's how it used to be but isn't anymore? Who knows.

    We've been chatting about the big Gymboree sale on the pregnancy thread but I don't think anyone has brought it up here, so ladies, big sale at Gymboree! I got so many ridiculous & awesome hats last night for 99 cents or less. :happy:

    Fair warning, this question involves way TMI --
    Mamas, did anyone have um... loose stools before labor (and by "loose stools" I mean painfully violent clear-outs :laugh:)?
    This has happened to me twice in the last 6 days. :sick: :embarassed: Very unpleasant. I'm not sure how much more fun I can take. :tongue: C'mon, feed my hope my body is prepping for labor instead of just having an unfortunately timed bout of the sh*ts. :laugh: I'm sure it's just as likely to be either.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Megan ~ how did Annabelle do in her crib last night? Hopefully it all went smoothly and was a nice transition.

    Annabelle ~ how are you and your family doing settling into Wisconsin? You moved to be closer to family right? Or did I dream that one up :) We will be heading through Wisconsin a week from tomorrow. We are going to Northern Minnesota to spend time at our cabin. It will be interesting traveling 12 hours with the four kids in our F150, but we had a fairly smooth 6 hour trip to St. Louis over Memorial Day. Hope you are doing well.

    AGH! Just realized I haven't been updating my walking ticker. Today I did level 2 of 30 Day Shred and 1.25 on the treadmill.

    Wade has been a nightmare lately. He is laying on the floor next to me screaming because I finally had to take him out of the bjorn carrier. If he isn't being held he isn't happy, including in the truck! Never had such a whinny baby. He goes down about 9:30pm and wakes around 4:30 only to be up EVERY 1/2 to an hour later the last two nights. I might as well wake up and stay up at 4:30 because once I fall back asleep he is right back up.

    We are doing well, lots of adjustments, but fun too. I miss my NM, miss my stores, friends, etc. We moved here to have more land and more rain. We were paying almost $10 for a bale of hay in NM and cow and horse are out to pasture now. The girls planted an acre of pumpkins for fall and we have an acre garden growing, so that is wonderful. Jeff's family is in IA, but since dh's mom passed last June we havenot heard much from his dad.

    I hate when they wake like that. Esca is a pretty good sleeper, wakes once in the night. I hand him off to dh around 7am so I can sleep longer. I need like 9 hours of sleep. I was doing the marathon evening cluster nursing, but decided that was driving me nuts so I put Esca down at 7pm and he slept, after fussing a bit until 9pm, then I nursed him before bed.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    Annabelle- this may sound dumb but what is NFP? I had no idea you could conceive on the IUD.
    Bethe- I would gladly take 9:30-4:30 then again I’m usually in bed by 8:30 and have to get up for work at 4:00 Brooklynn usually wakes up once to eat but sometimes miss piggy is hungrier and eats twice.

    Happy Friday everyone, it's going to be a crazy day here at work! I am so glad it's the last day of work and my sons last day of school! Now I can relax after work rather than run like a mad woman.

    NFP, natural family planning. The IUD does not work by preventing ovulation, so if you have sex during fertile period of your cycle you can conceive, but baby is usually prevented from implanting b/c the IUD in place. The pill works by preventing ovulation usually, as long as you take the pill everyday and avoid antibiotic use. It basically tricks your body into thinking it is already pregnant. It has a secondary effect of making the uterine lining inhospitable to implantation, so if you do ovulate and conceive on the pill, the baby is often prevented from implantation.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    AGH! Just realized I haven't been updating my walking ticker. Today I did level 2 of 30 Day Shred and 1.25 on the treadmill.

    Wade has been a nightmare lately. He is laying on the floor next to me screaming because I finally had to take him out of the bjorn carrier. If he isn't being held he isn't happy, including in the truck! Never had such a whinny baby. He goes down about 9:30pm and wakes around 4:30 only to be up EVERY 1/2 to an hour later the last two nights. I might as well wake up and stay up at 4:30 because once I fall back asleep he is right back up.

    Great job keeping up with the exercise. I am sorry that wade is so fussy :( 9:30-4:30 sounds okay... but if only he could make it a couple hours longer I am sure it would be very nice for you!

    Yeah, the first stretch is really nice, it is what follows that isn't so nice. I guess I should be thankful for the 7 hours up front :)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Happy friday ladies! Heading to my dr. in a bit then to pick up my parents from the airport :happy:

    Question for all you mama's.... What is your FAVORITE thing about your little one?

    Oh wow that is a tough question. I just feel so blessed that God gave me such a miracle. I love it when he falls asleep in my arms. Another favorite is when he is nursing and his little hand rests right on me.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Rachel- I’m surprised they gave you mirena, maybe its because you’re in Canada and things are different here? One of the requirements is that you must have had a child here in the states, it did do wonders for my cycle because they were only 2 days but I just had too many problems with cysts.

    I know actually. I was talking to my SIL about it, she had told me she wanted one and could not believe I had one- as her dr would not give her one because she has not had kids. (this was while I still had mine). It made me a bit nervous. I think it might have been also because I lived in the city and did not have a regular dr so there was no continuity of care. I got the prescription for it from a "pap clinic" from the dr who did that, and then filled the prescription myself, and took the IUD to a planned parenthood type place for insertion.

    Not once during all of that did someone warn me of the possible negative side effects. But in the end I got very lucky.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Anne – I never had a problem with the pill either (once my doctor found one that didn’t make me get my period every 2 weeks). I’ll probably go back on that one after I’m done BF until after we have another one. We only want two kids, so after that we’re going to have to do something permanent.

    Sheri – I’m pretty sure that my hubby thinks the same thing. I tried to tell him that everything will still “work” after a vasectomy, but he doesn’t want to hear it right now. But we’ve got plenty of time and I’m sure he’ll eventually come around. And I love your new pic – she’s so cute!

    Annabelle – thanks for all the information!

    Bethe – I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with Wade.

    Maureen – Several of my friends got pregnant while taking the pill. I used to have an alarm set on my phone to remind me to take mine! :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I was so annoyed at Gabriel this morning. (not really, but....) I had my new WIC apt (yay for having all the right paperwork this time!) and so I put him back to sleep around 8:30 and we got home at 11. He slept THE WHOLE TIME. (Which means Hubby got to sleep the whole time.) He had me up every 20 mins 11 -2, then at 3, 4, 6, 7 and then he sleeps 3 hours straight the ONLY three hours that hubby has to watch him? He's like - oh he fussed twice so I rolled over and gave him a binky. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Some nights he sleeps OK. Usually I hit bed around 11 or 12 and he has me up every 2 hours, or 3 times overnight. Some nights though - he'll be up every 30-60 minutes ALL night long. I think he hit a little growth spurt and the home nurse told me cardio babies need to eat less more often than normal babies who eat more fewer times. I'm usually fine tiredness wise myself until about this time of day - 5/6 pm then I get tired. I stayed up last night with hubby to eat a nice dinner and watch a movie and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. My head was hurting so bad from exhaustion. Then of course when I finally got into bed Buck woke up and had an up almost every hour night. No better surefire way to wake a baby then to get into bed! :laugh: He sleeps GREAT during the day, which I'll take, because it makes it easier to work. So catch 22 I guess.

    I was saying on the preg board that he seems the most part a normal baby (just lots of dr apts and daily shots and the occasional semi-heart stopping (mine!) blue-tint spells) but now that I am feeling better and actually up for maybe going a few places I am noticing one big factor - we're not supposed to take him in public. Like, she said avoid taking him to the grocery store if possible... (if he catches anything, even a cold, he'll likely have to be readmitted to the hospital.) Hubby has the older one at a Bday party at the pool right now. I couldn't swim anyway, but I would have tagged along usually. They went to the grocery store yesterday. Hubby wanted to go to the movies, but we can't both go so he went with a friend. We'd been planning for months to both of us take the boy to see CARS 2 this weekend but... maybe I'll take him and leave Gabriel with hubby, but most likely I'll just send hubby to take him (hmm... I wonder if it's playing at the drive in?!). No movies, no grocery, no bringing him into school when I pick up or drop off my son, no pool, no gym nursery (probably not for the next year at LEAST - which puts a damper on my workout plans), no Wal-Mart, no restaurants (We did go out to eat on Sunday, but picked a hole in the wall Mexican place we like. It only has like 8 tables.) etc... I've always "hated" parents who were so overprotective that they wouldn't take their kids out in public for months, provide anyone who wants to hold them with hand sanitize.... etc... go figure fate would deal me one that requires it! (I had my first out being passed around at the horse show at 2 weeks old! :laugh:) We also did go to the park for my lunch break one day because it's so big you can easily find a swing off to the side to watch the boy from.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Mel ~ I really feel for you. I cannot imagine what you are going through. You said Gabriel seems the most part a normal baby. You must be so thankful the doctors were able to catch his heart problem. I just wonder what would have happened in the future had someone not realized his condition.

    I too am one of "those" parents that never understood people who kept their children in their house for months. We always have our kids out and about immediately. So that must be really tough.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Jamie-Mirena works real well for many, I just seem to have issues with everything

    Julie- I read on their site and it’s “recommended” I have an HMO so they would only offer if you have had a kid. The commercial also mentions having a child, I think it’s the doctors choice as sad as that it but the do push it hardcore. And yes I had real loose stools this time around for like 2 weeks before. Supposedly it’s the body’s way of prepping for birth.

    Bethe – nothing is better than baby nursing and “cuddling” the booby! Brooklynn makes noises it’s precious

    Rachel- It works for many, I just seem to have problems with any hormone stuff

    Ronya- Let him do the research, you don’t want him to feel “pressured” into it. But IMO we go through enough having babies that unless we get a c section and they can just tie the tubes right then and there then I think the guy should have to. Alarm on cell is so my style! While I was on these pills my kids would tell me it’s medicine time. They had no idea what or why I took pills but just that I did at 7pm every night.

    Mel- I’m so sorry that you have to go through this. I am the type who takes baby out right away, funny how people look at you like you're crazy, but I do carry hand sanitizer but my boys touch everything. It has to be really rough not being able to go anywhere at all. I think you need to talk to hubby and tell him that if he does not step up and help you out that you’re going to lose your mind! I have hubby to help all of the time and I still get overwhelmed with 2 of us and 3 of them and ours have no special requirements. I hope that he can at least trade with you to give you a break and time with David every once in a while.

    My oldest go into advanced studies! I am so proud, I worry too though that I may push too hard and he'll hate school. I actually kind of feel like a mean mommy because since I work for a book distributor I brought home workbooks for both of the boys so they can keep busy over the summer by doing homework. Naturally I also brought them each 4 reading books so my oldest can read to his brother everyday. Am I horrible for pushing them to learn all they can and perfect what they know whether school is in or not?