Who is MFP for?



  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I wonder if people are "really bothered" by the 110/115 framed girls, or just secretly Jealous. To each his own.
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    To the OP---Here is my thoughts on your thoughts. MFP is a free website at use for all walks of life, skinny, fat, lazy, anorexic or how every you want to deem us. In your opinion, a skin and bones women is unattractive, well, you are intitled to your opinion but maybe that person is using this site as a tool for support to gain weight and be happy with they way they look. Don't judge unless ye be judged. AND DON'T make rude statements for debate.

    I am here to lose weight, some of my "virtual friends" are here to maintain their body, and others that are my "virtual friends" are here to gain weight via muscle and learn how to better watch what they eat via nutrition. So this site, being free and public is for every Tom, **** and Jane in the free world. If you don't like the pics that you see, you can always close your eyes, or just avoid those pics, which would be a valid solution. I am here to have support from some amazing people, give that support back hopefully ten fold, and to lose these extra lbs that I have packed on in this journey we call life.

    If that is what you are here for, so be it. But everyone has the right to use this "Free" site however the see fit. Let these people seek the knowledge and power and support they need with out judging them based on looks or pics. That is all I have to say.

    Taken from the front page of the MFP website

    "Losing weight isn't easy - we know. But with a membership to MyFitnessPal.com, you'll get the tools you need to successfully take weight off - and keep it off. And best of all, everything on our site is 100% FREE. So put away your credit card - you'll never have to pay a cent".

    I guess that means its a weightloss site! I rest my case!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My adult son is here to gain weight. No, he does not have an eating disorder or other issue with food. He is extremely active and forgets to eat at all at times, which has caused him to reach unhealthy levels of skinny. So he is on a 3500 calorie a day diet, learning to increase his food intake with things other than McD's.

    Some people might be here to gain muscle, some people might be here to become better athletes or recomp their bodies. Not everyone here is obese or needs to lose weight.

    Probably always wise to ask, before assuming why someone is using MFP.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    While I applaud those who have had eating disorders and are trying to improve their health etc there are plenty more with already too thin bodies aiming to lose another 15, 20 pounds. Very sad

    The point I was trying to make.

    How was that disrespectful.......Geeze perhaps you need to open your eyes if you don't think it's the case!!
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member

    This place is for everyone (read everyone) to come together without judgement. This post is an example (read perfect example) of someone for whom MFP is not for...

    I am offended by your remarks, comments, and attitude. Your judemental comments are not welcomed here. If you can not live with that I suggest you go find a 'perfect' world website where all your expectaions of others can be realized.

    Otherwise if you remain here (which I welcome you to do) I respectfully suggest that you keep your ideas about other peoples journeys to yourself.



    Freedom of speech is just that, a right to voice opinions and ask questions freely. I actually found the OP comments and questions very honest and I have had a few of them myself so I applaud him for asking them. I can't see anyone else who has been offended and from the responses from the "Slim" people he asked about their replies have been informative and gracious. I would like to ask why your opinions are more valid than others however as you are asking the OP "to keep ideas about other people's journeys to yourself"?
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I wonder if people are "really bothered" by the 110/115 framed girls, or just secretly Jealous. To each his own.

    I can only speak for myself personally...I am DEFINITELY jealous of some of the women on here! They look amazing! They are fit and healthy. They eat well and look it. I would love to look like them someday and I am happy to say so.

    But I am also bothered by some of the profiles I referenced above. It truly makes me sad.
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    its for everyone. Its useful for people trying to lose weight, gain weight, keep track of their nutrition, maintain weight, as a training diary.

    its absolutely none of your business if you think someone looks too thin for your taste

    thats a useful reply!!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Some very interesting points.

    I view the site as a tool that all people should use to reach there own goals.

    There are a few people on here with Eating Disorders and I think they should be to use the site to to gain weight or re take some control over there issues

    I think a lot of people, and I have the guts to include myself, forget what the site is called.
    Its no My skinny Pal
    or My lose as much weight as i jolly well can pal

    FIT = Healthy !

    Which means a healthy weight, a good balance between living and enjoying life,

  • losinfat4good
    I wonder if people are "really bothered" by the 110/115 framed girls, or just secretly Jealous. To each his own.

    For me, no. I weight 233 and 110/115 is not something that I would ever want to be b/c it's not healthy for me, but for someone else it might be a healthy weight for them. My whole thing is if someone does weight 110 lbs and they are obsessed over losing more weight instead of being healthier, then it's an issue. ppl will range from all shapes and sizes and there is beauty in fat, skinny, too skinny, thin, think, a little extra here or there in all shapes and sizes. Some might be jealous yes I'm sure, but hopefully they are not.
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373

    This place is for everyone (read everyone) to come together without judgement. This post is an example (read perfect example) of someone for whom MFP is not for...

    I am offended by your remarks, comments, and attitude. Your judemental comments are not welcomed here. If you can not live with that I suggest you go find a 'perfect' world website where all your expectaions of others can be realized.

    Otherwise if you remain here (which I welcome you to do) I respectfully suggest that you keep your ideas about other peoples journeys to yourself.



    I <3 you!!!!
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    I understand where everyone is coming from on this subject- I am a former ED patient and in the midst of trying to be healthy and gain weight- I went over where my body was comfortable and now need to use MFP to be fit and be certain I am eating enough calories of the right kinds of food not just gorging myself on carbs. I am not using it to see how low I can go- because I think healthy is a lifestyle choice, not a diet to see how skeletal one can be. I am not interested in being skeletal because anyone who has been, knows that they don't feel healthy or fit. I think MFP has so many ranges of people on it because it is about balance and accountability. That is why it works and that is why I think everyone is welcome, because it encourages balance, a skinny little girl could be on here trying to learn about what nutrition she is taking in and how to get more balanced nutrition, or it could be used for someone to try and lose weight to prolong their life/ Everyone can benefit from balanced eating. :)
  • pedalpusher5
    As with any kind of tool, regardless of it's value to the majority of people who use it, there will always be those who find a way to misuse or abuse it.
    But with that being said, it's hard to make a judgement based on a photo or brief topic posts. I agree with the other writers who point out that we know nothing of people's journeys. I have a thin photo posted, but that's where I am now, not where I started, (I started at 213.5 as a 5'6" woman.)
    For those who are simply misusing the site to engage in an unhealthy lifestyle, you can't really blame MFP for that. They would starve themselves regardless, they just happen to be using MFP for their venue. I'm sure that's not what the creators intended but something that is outside their control.
    MFP is like a Dremel, useful for so many "jobs". If you have an issue that needs to be addressed by monitoring and controlling your eating, or if you have no issue at all but just want to make sure you are eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, MFP is a great site!!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I wonder if people are "really bothered" by the 110/115 framed girls, or just secretly Jealous. To each his own.

    For me, no. I weight 233 and 110/115 is not something that I would ever want to be b/c it's not healthy for me, but for someone else it might be a healthy weight for them. My whole thing is if someone does weight 110 lbs and they are obsessed over losing more weight instead of being healthier, then it's an issue. ppl will range from all shapes and sizes and there is beauty in fat, skinny, too skinny, thin, think, a little extra here or there in all shapes and sizes. Some might be jealous yes I'm sure, but hopefully they are not.

    agreed! I am 5'8 and if i weighed 110/115 I would look like a FREAK for sure. and I do agree, it is sad to see someones struggle.
  • losinfat4good
    While I applaud those who have had eating disorders and are trying to improve their health etc there are plenty more with already too thin bodies aiming to lose another 15, 20 pounds. Very sad

    The point I was trying to make.

    How was that disrespectful.......Geeze perhaps you need to open your eyes if you don't think it's the case!!

    It was not disrespectful, I was trying to make the same point but you said it better than I so i simply said just that. You spoke the words I was trying to speak. We are on the same page =)
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I understand completely where you are coming from. I am weighing in at 233 lbs and deisire to learn to jog for a healthy heart and get my weight down to 165 or whatever feels good for me and pleases my doctor. I saw people on here who weighed 110 lbs who are wanting to lose 10 or 5 lbs or ppl who weigh 125 who are dying to weight 115 and it pisses me off. Its not all about how little you can weigh but its about a healthier lifestyle. I guess I have to respect those who join only to lose a few lbs but it's just too much to see sometimes and can be discouraging that is why I opted out of adding any friends unless they are in my boat and have a lot to lose and want to be healthy... not just skin a bones.

    Perhaps you should consider that 125 is actually above some people's healthy weight. Not everyone is 5'5". There are those of us who are short and have doctors telling us to lose weight. We're not "dying" to weigh 115. We're trying to get healthy. And some of us have been very heavy and now we have those last 10-15 pounds, it's not to be skin and bones, it's too be healthy. This should be a site for encouragement, not judgment simply because you think you know what someone else is dealing with.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member

    This place is for everyone (read everyone) to come together without judgement. This post is an example (read perfect example) of someone for whom MFP is not for...

    I am offended by your remarks, comments, and attitude. Your judemental comments are not welcomed here. If you can not live with that I suggest you go find a 'perfect' world website where all your expectaions of others can be realized.

    Otherwise if you remain here (which I welcome you to do) I respectfully suggest that you keep your ideas about other peoples journeys to yourself.



    Z, you rock! ♥s you!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I feel the same way but we can not control what others do just ourselves.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    To the OP---Here is my thoughts on your thoughts. MFP is a free website at use for all walks of life, skinny, fat, lazy, anorexic or how every you want to deem us. In your opinion, a skin and bones women is unattractive, well, you are intitled to your opinion but maybe that person is using this site as a tool for support to gain weight and be happy with they way they look. Don't judge unless ye be judged. AND DON'T make rude statements for debate.

    I am here to lose weight, some of my "virtual friends" are here to maintain their body, and others that are my "virtual friends" are here to gain weight via muscle and learn how to better watch what they eat via nutrition. So this site, being free and public is for every Tom, **** and Jane in the free world. If you don't like the pics that you see, you can always close your eyes, or just avoid those pics, which would be a valid solution. I am here to have support from some amazing people, give that support back hopefully ten fold, and to lose these extra lbs that I have packed on in this journey we call life.

    If that is what you are here for, so be it. But everyone has the right to use this "Free" site however the see fit. Let these people seek the knowledge and power and support they need with out judging them based on looks or pics. That is all I have to say.

    Taken from the front page of the MFP website

    "Losing weight isn't easy - we know. But with a membership to MyFitnessPal.com, you'll get the tools you need to successfully take weight off - and keep it off. And best of all, everything on our site is 100% FREE. So put away your credit card - you'll never have to pay a cent".

    I guess that means its a weightloss site! I rest my case!

    You know Jeff, you are really burning my grits this morning, you really are. I was trying to be as diplomatic and nice as I could about things, and not attack you, because that could get me in trouble with the moderators, and I know this. There are so many fantastic people on this site, many of them my friends, that I am going to stand up for at this moment, along with ZebraHead, and tell you to basically buzz off.

    So many people just want to live and be happy and be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside. For those of my friends and other members of MFP who have had ED's or other food related issues, this site, and the support system they seek is here. You, Sir, are no good to a support system by questioning what they are, who they are, and why the use this site. I hope that the support and love that I show them each day, through my kind words and helpfulness, gives them the strength to see how beautiful they are, just the way they are. Negativity is unwanted and unjust here in the land of MFP. If you want to be negative, just don't post, cause we don't need your "Negative Opinions" in our support system.
  • prettypain
    prettypain Posts: 90

    This place is for everyone (read everyone) to come together without judgement. This post is an example (read perfect example) of someone for whom MFP is not for...

    I am offended by your remarks, comments, and attitude. Your judemental comments are not welcomed here. If you can not live with that I suggest you go find a 'perfect' world website where all your expectaions of others can be realized.

    Otherwise if you remain here (which I welcome you to do) I respectfully suggest that you keep your ideas about other peoples journeys to yourself.



    Freedom of speech is just that, a right to voice opinions and ask questions freely. I actually found the OP comments and questions very honest and I have had a few of them myself so I applaud him for asking them. I can't see anyone else who has been offended and from the responses from the "Slim" people he asked about their replies have been informative and gracious. I would like to ask why your opinions are more valid than others however as you are asking the OP "to keep ideas about other people's journeys to yourself"?
This discussion has been closed.