The meanest thing anyone has ever said.....



  • sarahwilly
    sarahwilly Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, that's brutal especially considering he's your boyfriend!! Well, was I guess!!! What a total heartless jerk! Good luck with your this for yourself but when you get where you want to be you make sure to rub it in his face!! Makes me so angry!! Good luck....stay positive and you can do this!! Just takes time and motivation:happy:
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239

    I've just read the post to my husband (who has been with me from a slim 8 stone 5lb to my heaviest in Jan this yr, 13 stone 10lb and every weight inbetween) and his jaw dropped. Its a shame how cruel people can be. But its simple really- u can chose to lose weight whenever and however u want to, but he will always be a w****r. Look at it as a blessing in disguise...... U deserve to marry someone who will love u regardless!!!!! As I type this I'm still in shock!!!!

    Ive only joined MFP recently and found the message boards and support soooo helpful. Good luck!!!1
  • dgrayman
    dgrayman Posts: 15 Member
    It is the best thing that you got rid of him. He was doing nothing but keeping you down. You will show all of those haters that you are better than they are. When you hit your goal and beyond, have that smoking body and confidence. You will walk right past them and it will be they that have to pick up their jaws from the ground. Then it will be your decision to give them the time of day. My personal thing was my future ex who is in figure competitions, say that I couldnt compete in physique. She said you need broad shoulders and a small waist, I told her I could train for that. She said no, you need good muscular flow and be good looking. So after 10 almost 11 years, I find out that she thinks of me as fat and ugly. Just remember not all guys are slime, just some of them. Finding that one is the hard part, but will be worth the adventure.