NTHG 2-week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    It's all those darn eggs. LoL! I can handle some eggs but that's a lot! I'm trying to find something around same calorie, same macs because I can't do that many eggs! LoL.

    Tonight will be a wash though. Going out to dinner for fish fries with some family that's in town. Figure I can skip the fries and get a salad instead but fish fry it is. I haven't ate a fish fry in years. Saturday will be better. :embarassed:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I grocery shopped for 3 hrs today!!! Went to Whole Foods and got lots of yummy stuff. GOnna make Jamie's Turkey muffins and her carrot protein bars! I am loving the split workouts and am really ripping up my muscles, love it!!

    Amy, hope you had fun at the wedding!

    mamareese, I'm moving along with you (with my modified version, lol)!!!

    shander, stay safe!!!

    Ok ladies, here's to a new week!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hope everyone's weekend went well and that everyone stayed safe with Irene.

    I hit up Day 8 of Jamie Eason's fit live today- chest & tris. This one felt really weak to me but I did as she laid out. My legs were KILLING me all weekend after the hard workout I gave them. Chest & tris seem to be my weaker area so my weights are lower with these. I'm trying to move up steadily but darn it I hate pushups.

    Let me know how those turkey muffins are. I was checking out the recipe, I want to pick up the oats ( I think that's what it called for) this week and give them a go. That and her blue berry protein bread. Just need a couple more things. Our local stores are pretty weak in anything too healthy. I looked for quinoa to try over the weekend and was told neither of our two stores carry it. So I'll have to check the next town over this week. Figured it was a good week to experiment.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Where do you live, Reese?
    I had fun at the wedding but I drank way too much on Saturday and felt really awful yesterday so no workout. Trying to get back on track today, planning to workout. And I should go shopping too, need some things for the next couple of days I am in a training class and I don't want to get fast food, but I don't know if there will be a fridge and microwave at this place for us to use.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm in PA on the border of PA/NY. No worries of Irene here. But saw a lot of friends saying storms/power outages were an issue for them. Hopefully all is well with everyone.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry again that I've been MIA, this time it's Irene's fault though! We still have no power or anything at my house, a tree ripped the wires down between the street and our house, so we'll see when that gets fixed! On the plus side I was helping do yard work, raking leaves, picking up sticks, carrying bundles to the road, for 5 hours yesterday, so I got a really good work out in!! Luckily no one was hurt though :) I'll log at work as I can, hopefully we'll get power soon so all our food doesn't go bad and everything!

    Everyone looks like they're doing great though, I'm glad you stayed safe reese!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Well I am so happy you all on the east coast are safe, although Shander I'm sorry you lost power!!

    Amy, I tend to drink too much at weddings...or on the weekends, or camping....well, you get the pic, lol!

    Reese, I did chest and tris yesterday and my chest is screaming!!! Push ups I'm fine with (wide stance) it's those darn close stance ones that get me! I made the muffins...aside from the thyme, they were pretty good. I used chicken, however next time, I will just use my own spices. I'm hoping to make the carrot protein bars tonight.

    Alright ladies, check in on you later, have a great day!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Had a pretty good eating day..can't complain. Always hungrier when I strength train but it was all pretty decent foods so thats a plus. Even managed to skip the tator tots at my parents...which NEVER happens. LoL. So the goal for the next two weeks is to finish up the first few weeks of the Jamie Eason Live Fit *did day 8 Back & Bis today and have shoulders & abs tomorrow, was supposed to be legs but only have dumbbells at my parents so modifying!* and to keep eating along the lines of this week...relatively healthy/clean and not eating exercise calories back...we'll see. I'm anti scale until atleast Friday.

    I just posted on your wall @jenomaha about the muffins...I haven't made it to the store yet but luckily I've had some meats frozen that i've relied on...I want to get away from the Special K protein bar I use as a go to...its delicious but I know there's better options! Did I mention it's delicious?! LoL.

    Shander- Hope your power is back on soon!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did Sexy Female Day 1 yesterday and Day 2 today, no drinking but I have been so hungry! I am in training today and tomorrow and I got a Snicker's bar and some xing tea, which is 180 cals for the big can. Overall, if I stop eating now, I'm ok but tomorrow I am going to try and be better. I have to get more protein with breakfast but I don't wake up hungry and can't really take anything to the classroom-like eggs!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Yay, y'all have been SO well!!

    Sounds like Jamie Easton's plan is a good one! I on sort on piecemeal plans for the moment. I have my two weekly work outs at work and then I am supplementing with other stuff. Rachel Cosgrove's 45 minute workout has become a favorite stand alone of mine.

    I am not worrying about carbs for the moment (besides just the usual 40 30 30 spilt) but might go back to it soon.

    Shander, glad you're safe!

    Reese, Amy, and jenomaha, way to be awesome :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Haha! Kate, you're awesome!
    I am sore from Day 3 of SF yesterday. The jump rope seems a little better and the arm raises were a little easier because I only had 2.5 lb weights instead of 3, but my wall-sit times were worse than last time. Not sure why...
    Today is a much needed day of rest and if anyone looks at my diary, I was not the one who called it a "small f***** apple" but I had to select it, it made me laugh. I cna't believe we can's type anything like that in the forums but the food database serving size is "one small f***** apple".
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Too funny Amy...I had to look just to get a laugh!!

    Closing in on the end of week 2 of Jamie Eason. She put up the next 4 weeks and it includes cardio. So it'll be a change of pace from what's she had it at. I'm so glad to have 3 rest days off over the weekend. Luckily, it's a quiet weekend @ home so I shouldn't have to worry about going over board...well, hopefully not! :laugh:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, so I was looking at the Jamie Eason Schedule and I couldn't tell, I don't think it is supposed to be three days off, I thought you were supposed to space the rest days between workouts? Let me know what you do, I want to try when I get back from Spain, I just thought I needed more leaning now for vacation and the boudoir shots.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    YES, you all are so awesome!!! :drinker:

    Hilarious about the small f***in apple :laugh: love it!!

    Amy when do you leave and when is the photo shoot, I forgot!?!?

    Ladies, I sure hope I can make some progress after Labor Day. I have been so up and down with my nutrition and am getting discouraged. Gonna ride it out for the long weekend and hope something kicks in on Monday!!!

    I am doing a 5k next Friday, so I better start running to break my shins in!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- The first two weeks are actually 3 full days in a row off. I thought the same thing at first, so the first week I spaced them out but then read through the 'Day 1 blurb, Day 2, etc.' and she actually mentions 'okay, you've had 3 days off now let's hit it hard' type comment. So that's what I'm doing over the holiday weekend (the timing was a nice push to get them all in!)

    Sounds like everyone's been doing great! WTG!!

    Good luck with the 5k @jenohmaha. Lots of goals for you girl! Way to go!!

    I missed the shoulders/abs workout yesterday with a long day at work and then a sick kiddo so I'm fitting that in today, which will work out because it still gives me 2 full rest days on the weekend before starting with the next full week. I did measurements the other day just to keep track of progress by the end of the 12 weeks. The scale isn't moving but sticking it out, given it's only been 2 weeks since I started her program.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, so when I do the Jamie Eason workout I will have to look more closely at the schedule. Maybe it would be good in preparation of my February trip, we usually go somewhere warm in February, so if I start 12 weeks before that, it would give me a good place to start-right after Thanksgiving! The holidays usually mean lots of treats...
    So the trip to Spain is Sept. 18-27 then the boudoir shoot is Oct. 1. My plan is to try to maintain on vacation and then eat super-clean for the few days when I get back to flush water weight. I always swell when I travel!
    Yesterday was my rest day and I fell asleep at 10:30, didn't set my alarm and was still dreaming at 7:30 when my husband woke me up. I feel better today, though, I think I needed it for some reason.
    Today is Day 1 of SF, I brought my bag so I will be at the gym after work, it's so much less crowded on a Friday!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Great job mamareese! hope your kiddo is better! I am doing shoulders and abs tomorrow. I have been inconsistent with my nutrition since Wed night :blushing: too much going on in life right now! But I am not giving up!!Definitely will have to detox/cut all next week...I don't want to start my bulk after a holiday weekend and the bloat I know I will have. So, one thing at a time :sigh:

    Amy - your plan sounds like a good one!! Glad you got some rest. I should go some now so I can get my booty out of bed and to the gym in the morn!!! see you all later!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am doing ok this holiday weekend, took off yesterday so I am going to work out, SF Day 3. My food today has been pretty good, I will have to keep it up for dinner!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Got in weights and a 2 mile run this morning. Haven't input it yet because I might still do some choreo tonight. Food has been perfect today (needs to be because I've been terrible since last wednesday!!)

    Starting today, I log everyday (including the weekend), workouts are no problem...it's the eating. Staying at or under my cals and making good choices. Made egg cupcakes and turkey muffins today, Went to make my carrot protein bars and I only have strawberry protein...so not sure if I'm gonna make it to the store :(

    Hope you are all well!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Alright, time to really get back on track!! I saw the highest number on a scale I've ever seen for myself the other night at a friends bbq.. I know weighing in at 10:00 pm isn't very accurate but it still made me see all of the bad choices I've been making is having a huge effect! I moved the bf into his house for school yesterday, so that means no more week night dates or late night snacks with him.. so I guess there's some good in him going back! I'm going to keep going to jazz every night and try to add in 3 minutes of planks and some push ups daily... I know I've said that before, but I still haven't done it, and if I want a sexy Halloween costume I have to start moving!! I'm also going to just eat cleaner than I have and limit sodium & junk... Hopefully this will work!!

    How is everyone doing??

    Anyone choose a Halloween costume yet?? I'm thinking of being the fanta girls with my friends... not positive yet though!