Does anyone find that men are easier going than women?



  • oyvonnee
    oyvonnee Posts: 116 Member
    I agree with you in some ways but nothing worth having is easy. I was a tomboy growing up and played with boys more than girls, (Ok, just don't go there boys - you see I DO know you :-), had 2 sons and had 3-4 extra boys at my house on any given day and am mostly surrounded by men in the work world I'm in.

    But all that said, I believe you will never find the DEPTH of a great friendship unless it's with a woman. Our intuition, compassion, immense capacity for love, nuturing and our amazing ability to hear the unsaid makes us pretty spectacular people. I am blessed to be surrounded by a spectacular group of women who are spectacularly imperfect but I would not trade for a dozen boyfriends.

    Women take more effort -- but we're worth it!

    Hugs, Yvonne :happy:
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    I think the 'competition' comments are spot on.

    As a student at school and college the vast majority of my friends were male, gay and straight. Of course, this made women even more *****y as they assumed I was some kinda slut which i wasn't. I had nothing in common with the girls at school and just did't like them -I thought they were superficial and untrustworthy (ie your friend one day and a prize beeyatch the next). I really didn't enjoy my school days at all and it was primarily down to about 6 girls. I had very little confidence, made worse when people used to say that my male friends weren't really friends, they only wanted to sleep with me (whether they did or didn't, they didn't get the chance!) I found my male friends to be stable, loyal and trustworthy and am still friends with some of them now I'm 40.

    However, as we have all paired off/ got married and had kids/ got dogs etc I find I have a lot more in common with women and now have some close female friends. We don't see each other all the time but when we do we have fun and we all know we are there for each other. These are girls I went to school with but we were all just hanging lonely in the background while the beeyatches ruled the roost! We spoke a little at school but didn't really see each other beyond that. I really admire and respect them and I think it is because there is no competition and a lot of shared experience.

    It may be the case that a lot of the women on here who say they prefer male friends are younger women who unfortunately are still victims of jealousy and competition from other women?
    Well I am almost 38 and still find woman are catty, in competition with others, and just BIACHES!!!!! Dont get me wrong I do have a small few girls like me who dont care for all that crap. Plus I have two sisters who are my best friends. BUT beyond that women look you up and down, and judge you from what they see. If only they would sit back and give you a on the other hand dont do this..and are much easier going. In my life its been easier to talk to men, they are friendlier, and I never feel uncomfortable around them.