30DS + C25K starting June 6



  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Completed day 9 of 30DS and day 1 of C25K. Can't believe I made it through the whole run!! I am sooo happy right now! I surprised myself with how far I have come in my fitness so far!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Completed day 9 of 30DS and day 1 of C25K. Can't believe I made it through the whole run!! I am sooo happy right now! I surprised myself with how far I have come in my fitness so far!
    Great job!! 1 little minute never seemed so long, huh?
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Day 3 of shred: done. Day 2 of c25k: done. Shockingly didn't feel like dying quite so much this time. It was almost not hateful. haha. I got a terrible pain in my shin after the 8th run, though. Suggestions for this? On the walk back home, my boyfriend said I looked like I had the "pimp walk" down because I was limping. lol
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    My ankles hurt sooooo bad when I got home. Anything I can do? Or do I just have to get my body used to running?

    I have to say I loved it. I have NEVER been a runner but I can't wait to go out again tonight! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be (not that it was easy!!) and was definitely a confidence boost. Now my hubby wants to run too!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    My ankles hurt sooooo bad when I got home. Anything I can do? Or do I just have to get my body used to running?

    I have to say I loved it. I have NEVER been a runner but I can't wait to go out again tonight! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be (not that it was easy!!) and was definitely a confidence boost. Now my hubby wants to run too!
    I think the general concensus is to stretch really well and to get good shoes. I actually almost had fun running yesterday. I like to try to beat how far I ran the minute before.
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    Day 3 of the Shred done. Haven't started back on the C25k but plan to do so on Tuesday. I'm going to do it on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Added my 1 minute run 90 second jog to my weekly walk around the river (3.8 mile loop). I did pretty good. was able to keep it up most of the way around with the exception of a 15 minute break a little over halfway. AND I improved my time by almost 10 minutes! I hurt but it's a good hurt!

    Question...how do you log your run? do you split the walk and run parts and log individually. Or do it all as run or all as walk??

    Doing L2 D1 of shred this afternoon!
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Ooops! I meant 1 minute run 90 second WALK!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    How is everyone?

    I had zumba last night so much fun,my boyfriend and his sister have now joined me on the shred bandwagon.
    Really looking forward to w1d2 of c25k today. I live in the city but my boyfriend lives a hour outside and has a beach right beside him so thats where i will be running today. I know it is early days but anyone else really enjoying the c25k prog?
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Added my 1 minute run 90 second jog to my weekly walk around the river (3.8 mile loop). I did pretty good. was able to keep it up most of the way around with the exception of a 15 minute break a little over halfway. AND I improved my time by almost 10 minutes! I hurt but it's a good hurt!

    Question...how do you log your run? do you split the walk and run parts and log individually. Or do it all as run or all as walk??

    Doing L2 D1 of shred this afternoon!

    Yeah i just split it to walking and running and save it that way.
    Oh let me know how you get on with level 2 of shred. I am to scared to even watch it.haha
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Added my 1 minute run 90 second jog to my weekly walk around the river (3.8 mile loop). I did pretty good. was able to keep it up most of the way around with the exception of a 15 minute break a little over halfway. AND I improved my time by almost 10 minutes! I hurt but it's a good hurt!

    Question...how do you log your run? do you split the walk and run parts and log individually. Or do it all as run or all as walk??

    Doing L2 D1 of shred this afternoon!

    Yeah i just split it to walking and running and save it that way.
    Oh let me know how you get on with level 2 of shred. I am to scared to even watch it.haha

    Level 2 was tough. Not horrible but tough. Almost every exercise including cardio incorporates strength. But I'm hoping by day 4 it will get easier!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I wear my HRM when I do c25k, so I just created my own workout to log my calories under, rather than splitting up how long I ran/walked. Halfway done with lvl 1 of shred, and tonight I'll be out of week 1 for c2! I'm not dying as much with shred, except for those god-awful lunges. I hate them! How's everyone else feeling about shred? What's the hardest part for you?
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    Day 4 done. I still hate the push-ups. Even modified they kill me.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Day 4 done. I still hate the push-ups. Even modified they kill me.
    I don't mind the pushups, and for me the squat and presses are getting easier. I don't know why, but with every other workout I do, I can do a static lunge, but not this one. My balance is off. Maybe it's because my legs are already tired by that point? And the side lunge with shoulder raise..ugh. You're supposed to raise your arms to eye level, but mine are nowhere close. Maybe I should use 3 lb weights for those instead of 5.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    The lunges at the end omg but i am getting better. I have to do the push ups on my knees. Is everyone doing the 30 days without breaks? I am not going even look at level 2 until i am there.
    Loving C25K. I will be finishing week 1 tomorrow.
    Is everyone else starting to be less sore?
    I shattered my knee cap a few years ago(was in cast for 12 weeks)but so far so good :smile:

    Last night my boyfriend and his sister wanted to do shred with me. So there is the 3 of us in a little room all jumping..you can see where this is going... My boyfriend was doing his jumping jacks and smack hits me in the mouth. OUCH. I want to lose weight not my teeth LOL. We all could not stop laughing after then the dog came in and was looking at us like we were nuts which made us laugh even more.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm not as sore anymore, except I sorta hurt my calf from running in bad shoes. It's getting better. Doesn't even really bother me until I get done working out. Oh well. I finished c25k wk 1 last night and was so incredibly proud of myself. I can't believe I did a whole week. My running posture is already better and I have more endurance, which is weird; you wouldn't think you could improve so much in just 3 short days. I'm not taking breaks with 30DS. I know if I do, there's a darn good possibility that it'll turn into an indefinite break. haha. Today's day 6, though, so we're over halfway done with phase 1! I used to have a workout buddy. When my brother and his gf were living here, she'd workout with me, which made it more fun/easier to get motivated. But I did it all by myself for over a year, so while I enjoy having someone with me, it's not so bad alone. Thank goodness for my awesome boyfriend who runs and walks with me (on non c25k days we walk 2.5 miles). He keeps me going on those runs because I want to eventually keep up with him. Haha. Oh..in other news, this week I gained 2 pounds...of muscle! My scale measures pounds of fat, so when the scale went up, but that number didn't, I knew I shouldn't be discouraged. I also lost an inch off my waist and 2 off my thigh, so this 30DS/c25k is doing something right! Keep it up, everyone!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Wk 2 of c25k starts tomorrow for me. I'm a little nervous about running for a minute and a half, but I really thinnk I can do it. In other news, I realized today that even though I'm still on phase 1 of Shred, in 14 days from today, I'll be starting phase 3. Yikes!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm so ready to be done with phase 1! Tomorrow'll be day 8 of doing the exact same workout, and quite honestly, I'm BORED!!! The only reason I'm sticking with it this time is that I want to see how well it really works in just 30 days. Also, I'm sticking with it because you guys are doing it, too. But seriously, anyone else daunted by the task of doing the same routine for 10 straight days?
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Finished week 1 of c25k! Starting to get easier and able to run further :) also did day 4 of 30ds level 2.

    How's everyone else doing??
  • marniebigelow
    Well I didn't see this post till now, but I'm doing the same thing you guys are so I thought I'd jump in :)
    My work outs are a little goofy in the sense that I am on w6D1 of C25K and day 4 of "The Shredder"
    I was doing them both at the same time awhile back and hurt my foot, so I'm back at it again.
    If your not already aware W5D3 is the dreaded 20 min run. Well today was my W5D3 and I ran 26 mins!!!!
    I was totally excited! I had one stop (to go potty) LOL Here's a tip...don't eat a bunch of watermelon before you go running!! BAD IDEA!!! Anyway other than that quick stop I ran the whole thing. My one complaint was that my socks were too tight and it casued some major pressure on my right leg that turned into some annoying pain when I got back. I have had some pretty bad injuries in the past that have stopped me ffrom running so I have decided to not do the Jillians Shredder tonight and just rest the leg that is bothering me. :) But I'll be at it again tomorrow! Good luck everyone!!!