30DS + C25K starting June 6



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    FInished day 8 of phase 1 (sooo ready to move on!!) and wk2 d1 of c25k. It's getting a lot easier. The only problem is that when I start walking, my calves start hurting. When I finish up Shred, they hurt, too. Heat helps, so after a workout, i break out the heating pad. Hopefully this will stop soon. Until then, though, I'm just stoked that running is getting easier.
  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    Hi All,

    Just found this thread...I know I'm a week late but hope you don't mind if I join you??? I completed my first 30DS last Saturday! didn't think I would get through but I made it :bigsmile: I got some good results...lost 20cm all over (including 7cm from my waist!!). I want to carry on with the shred, but was looking at a 30DS/C25k combo....I have started the shred again day 1 level 1 done - this time I am doing all advanced moves, I want to do my first c25k session this evening!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Hi All,

    Just found this thread...I know I'm a week late but hope you don't mind if I join you??? I completed my first 30DS last Saturday! didn't think I would get through but I made it :bigsmile: I got some good results...lost 20cm all over (including 7cm from my waist!!). I want to carry on with the shred, but was looking at a 30DS/C25k combo....I have started the shred again day 1 level 1 done - this time I am doing all advanced moves, I want to do my first c25k session this evening!
    Of course you can join us! Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    How is everyone?

    I had zumba last night so much fun,my boyfriend and his sister have now joined me on the shred bandwagon.
    Really looking forward to w1d2 of c25k today. I live in the city but my boyfriend lives a hour outside and has a beach right beside him so thats where i will be running today. I know it is early days but anyone else really enjoying the c25k prog?

    I did c25k w1d1 yesterday...thought I was going to throw up by the time I had finished:sick: but I tell you something....I REALLY felt like I accomplished something, so roll on w1d2 tomorrow!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome everyone feel free to jump right in.

    So week one of C25K done. Woo hoo.
    I am not going to lie i moaned all the way through the last run not because it was hard it was just one of those days. My boyfriend ran ahead so he did not have to listen to me. Good thinking lol.

    Day 8 of shred today.

    The days are flying in. I am getting a little bored of level 1 but scared to even watch level 2 ha ha. I am going to stick to the 10 days per level. Can anyone feel the difference in there bodys? I know it is early days but i do.

    Keep up the good work everyone. X
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Day 10 of Shred phase 1 today! So ready to move on to phase 2. Wk 2 day 2 of c25k tonight. Looking forward to it. Running is definitely getting less hateful. I looked ahead at the schedule. Anyone else find it odd that on week 5 you go from an 8 minute run to a 20 minute run just one day later? I'm already scared about week 5 and I'm only on week 2. Haha..oh well. I'm kind of interested to see if anyone has sucessfully completed c25k without ever having run before they started, because like I said, I'm nervous that 8 minutes to 20 is a bigger jump than I'll be able to make. We'll see, I guess. In completely unrelated news, I'm going to go get a consult for braces today. Nothing nerdier than a 24 year old chubby girl with braces and glasses. Haha..this will surely be worse than the middle school years. That's ok..I'm gunna bring nerdy back, baby. :glasses:
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Phase 1 of Shred DONE, BABY!!! Woo hoo! So glad to be rid of it..I hate doing the same thing over and over. Hopefully phase 2 will be kind to me (but I doubt it!)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Day 1 of Phase 2 today kicked my butt, but only because of these shin splints. I'm kind of thinking I should just take a break from 30DS for a few days to let my shins rest, but I don't know. Thoughts?
  • soa1
    soa1 Posts: 7
    I'd definitely take a break, that way your recovery will be quicker. I actually find that Level 2 is harder than Level 3 on the shred!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'd definitely take a break, that way your recovery will be quicker. I actually find that Level 2 is harder than Level 3 on the shred!
    That's good to know; I couldn't tell if it was so hard because it's just hard or because of my legs. Probably both. :smile:
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    OH! Totally forgot to mention..the track was closed yesterday so we had to run in the park. The public park. The one that's full of people. People that can (and do) watch a fat girl try to run and laugh about it. It sucked! I was so self conscious, and it might have just been a mental thing for me because of all those people, but yesterday seemed really hard, which is weird because I did the same run on Monday (on the empty track, of course) and it wasn't too hard at all. I really hope they'll remember that people use that track and keep it open from now on.
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    OH! Totally forgot to mention..the track was closed yesterday so we had to run in the park. The public park. The one that's full of people. People that can (and do) watch a fat girl try to run and laugh about it. It sucked! I was so self conscious, and it might have just been a mental thing for me because of all those people, but yesterday seemed really hard, which is weird because I did the same run on Monday (on the empty track, of course) and it wasn't too hard at all. I really hope they'll remember that people use that track and keep it open from now on.
    I think u just have to get over being self conscious. I always think people r going to laugh at me if I run in the streets. Or worse yet, honk and drive slowly beside me while I run. Yet, when I see people outside running know matter what they look like I feel envious and my first thought for them is to go head with their bad selves. More power to them!!

    But I get what u mean. It does seem harder when u r worried about other people watching. I can't stand it when people choose the treadmill next to me when there r 20 others further away that they could have gotten on. I worry about how my breathing sounds, if I'm sweating too much, if my feet r too loud, etc. Lol. It's crazy. I need to get over it.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I think the way to get over this self consciousness is to only run around other people. Total immersion. It's all in our heads; we know this, and yet...
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    How's everyone doing? Who's at phase 2? How far are you into c25k? I was really trying to do 30DS in the 30 days, but I've had to take a few days off for shin splints. Hopefully this weekend of ice and stretches will prove effective enough to let me continue Monday. On Thursday I started phase 2, so once I get going again, I'll only have 9 days left. Yesterday was supposed to be wk2 d3 for me on c25k, but of course, I wasn't able to do it. But the 2 days I did do weren't too bad, so if Monday's good, I'm just going to get back on schedule and start week 3.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Killed wk3 d1 last night. It was the run 90 sec/walk 90, run 3 min/walk 3 (2 rounds of it). In each 90 second run, I ran half a lap, and in each 3 minute run, I did a full one, which means I ran for a total of .75 miles. Did I mention I didn't once stop or slow down during the 3 minutes? I was so proud (even if I am incredibly slow). I was also super stoked that my shins weren't killing me on the way home. Today I started up 30DS again, so I just finished p2 d2. Phase 2 is HARD! But I know it's going to be effective. I can feel it. Haha
  • DancinSMartiPants
    I really need to get a HRM:laugh: I am about to head out the door to do my first day week 1 C2K and I'm wondering how I'll figure out my calories, I looked at the Walmart thing but it doesn't have anything I noticed I can use, and I looked at the excercise's on here and there are alot of options but how do you know which one is the right one to choose? I don't want to give myself too much credit, but I also don't want to not give myself enough :laugh: Any suggestions?

    Do you have a smartphone? I used a C25k app and it calculated calories burned based on my run pace, walk pace, and weight. It also provided me with a map of my route in the end which was a lot of fun--especially when it got longer!
  • soa1
    soa1 Posts: 7
    Just did the final run of Week 4 and I'm really not looking forward to Week 5! How's everyone else getting along?
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Just did the final run of Week 4 and I'm really not looking forward to Week 5! How's everyone else getting along?
    Just finished wk3 d2. I was a little bit slower than I was on Monday, but it's going well for me. I need to do my shin stretches more often, though, because they start hurting when I walk. Oh well, 3 minute runs aren't so bad; I hope the coming weeks go as smoothly.
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    I'm in week 2. I think running outside is easier than on a treadmill. If only there weren't so many bugs out there. Definitely picking up some OFF Spray tomorrow. Anyways, so far so good. I really enjoy the feeling of running outside.

    If anyone is looking for a good phone app, the Cardio Trainer is awesome and has everything u need.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Ok so week 2 of C25K and starting level 2 of shred.
    Took a few days off due to shine splints and cut heels(new shoes)
    How is everyone finding level 2 of shred?