30DS + C25K starting June 6



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Ok so week 2 of C25K and starting level 2 of shred.
    Took a few days off due to shine splints and cut heels(new shoes)
    How is everyone finding level 2 of shred?
    I feel like some of it is easier than P1, but some of it is way harder. Like the last strength move where you have to lift you hands in a V..omg so hard! Also, double crunches aren't fun cuz for some reason my entire body slides backwards..lol.
  • soa1
    soa1 Posts: 7
    The lifting the hands in a V shape was probably the worst part of Level 2 for me, I found it really hard to keep going!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one. I didn't wanna think I was just wimpy. lol
  • marianeo
    marianeo Posts: 161 Member
    I really need to get a HRM:laugh: I am about to head out the door to do my first day week 1 C2K and I'm wondering how I'll figure out my calories, I looked at the Walmart thing but it doesn't have anything I noticed I can use, and I looked at the excercise's on here and there are alot of options but how do you know which one is the right one to choose? I don't want to give myself too much credit, but I also don't want to not give myself enough :laugh: Any suggestions?

    Do you have a smartphone? I used a C25k app and it calculated calories burned based on my run pace, walk pace, and weight. It also provided me with a map of my route in the end which was a lot of fun--especially when it got longer!

    What is the app called? I'd love something like that!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    How's c25k going for everyone? Tomorrow's wk3 d3 for me..I'm enjoying week 3. When I was in week 1, I looked ahead and laughed at the idea of running for a full 3 minutes, but it's not horrible; I can run a whole lap around the track. In a sadistic sort of way, I'm looking forward to week 4; I'm ready (well, in my mind, at least) for 5 and 8 minute runs. I'm sure that'll change when it comes time to do them, though. :laugh: I'm still soooooo slow. I'm not even attempting to gain speed at this point, though. Anyone else feel like a snail?
  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    Just finished W2D3!! My podcast cut out at the end so I had no idea where I was in my last 90 sec run but I just kept going until I couldn't do it any more.

    Yes, I do feel like a snail but a snail that runs! LOL I am slow and steady but from what I read that's okay. We will have plenty of time to build up speed.

    I am a little nervous about W3. To be honest, I never, EVER thought I would be running at my weight (currently 225).

    What do you do, if anything, on your 'rest' day? I have been walking or doing the elliptical.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Just finished W2D3!! My podcast cut out at the end so I had no idea where I was in my last 90 sec run but I just kept going until I couldn't do it any more.

    Yes, I do feel like a snail but a snail that runs! LOL I am slow and steady but from what I read that's okay. We will have plenty of time to build up speed.

    I am a little nervous about W3. To be honest, I never, EVER thought I would be running at my weight (currently 225).

    What do you do, if anything, on your 'rest' day? I have been walking or doing the elliptical.
    Don't be worried about week 3. Today is my w3d3 and it's not too bad; especially since you run for exactly as long as you walk. On rest days I do 30DS and sometimes I go for a walk.
  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    Don't be worried about week 3. Today is my w3d3 and it's not too bad; especially since you run for exactly as long as you walk. On rest days I do 30DS and sometimes I go for a walk.

    What's 30DS?
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Glad to see you are all doing well. I have been feeling so tired the last few days as i have not been exercising like really tired nearly falling asleep standing up lol.
    So it is back to shred today and C25k in the morning. I have also joined up to two more courses of zumba so will be doing them monday and wednesday nights.
    Does anyone feel there body changing? I have more people told me i look like i have lost weight since i started shred & c25k than since starting my whole weight loss.
    So is level 2 that hard? I am scared!!!!!!!!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Glad to see you are all doing well. I have been feeling so tired the last few days as i have not been exercising like really tired nearly falling asleep standing up lol.
    So it is back to shred today and C25k in the morning. I have also joined up to two more courses of zumba so will be doing them monday and wednesday nights.
    Does anyone feel there body changing? I have more people told me i look like i have lost weight since i started shred & c25k than since starting my whole weight loss.
    So is level 2 that hard? I am scared!!!!!!!!!
    I think level 2 is definitely a step up from level 1, but I find that a few of the moves are actually easier. I've been slacking on the shred, but today it's time to stop that nonsense. I'm 5 pounds away from a big goal, so I'm counting on Jillian to get me there (and myself to LET Jillian get me there :tongue: ) I finished week 3 of c25k last night, though, and it wasn't really hard, which I'm excited about. I'm less excited about the fact that summer school is over, so the high school has the track locked up. Especially not excited that as I ran last night, it took me 2 full minutes to pass a middle aged woman who was WALKING! So slow, but that's okay. Haha
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    So, I have no clue how to post pictures on a message board, but I did add some new ones to my profile. The obligatory "before" (my college graduation; 260 pounds) and a couple of new "during" pics. I took them yesterday right before I went running. (Maroon shirt..205, baby!)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I've got 4 more days of level 2, and I'm starting wk4 on Monday! Where's everyone else?
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    So, I have no clue how to post pictures on a message board, but I did add some new ones to my profile. The obligatory "before" (my college graduation; 260 pounds) and a couple of new "during" pics. I took them yesterday right before I went running. (Maroon shirt..205, baby!)

    Well done you look brilliant!!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I've got 4 more days of level 2, and I'm starting wk4 on Monday! Where's everyone else?

    I did W2D1 of C25K today..I have to say i was pleased with myself i thought i would be back to the start after having a few days breaks but i did it. I was sunny so i could not complain. Anyone have the cool running app? I ran today(Sunday) and it is telling me my next run should be Thursday. Why is this?
    What does everyone think of when they are running?
    I seem to think of how lucky i am to be able to do this....lucky to have my boyfriend beside me supporting me all the way when i know this is easy to him and he only does it for me...How when i lose weight this time i am going to keep it off and when i get to my goal weight i am going to stay there not keep telling myself i have loads more to lose...how much better i feel about myself.

    Level 2 Day 11 of shred DONE.
    I have to say i liked it i was getting bored of level 1. At first i was jumping into level 1 moves without thinking. Hehe.

    Well done to everyone you are all killing it :smile:
  • jimenez4
    jimenez4 Posts: 14 Member
    Awesome im in! Im currently on week 2 day 4 of 30 Day Shred and im starting today with C25K. Hopefully I can make it. Havent run since i was a freshman in high school! lol almost 10 years ago.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I've got 4 more days of level 2, and I'm starting wk4 on Monday! Where's everyone else?

    I did W2D1 of C25K today..I have to say i was pleased with myself i thought i would be back to the start after having a few days breaks but i did it. I was sunny so i could not complain. Anyone have the cool running app? I ran today(Sunday) and it is telling me my next run should be Thursday. Why is this?
    What does everyone think of when they are running?
    I seem to think of how lucky i am to be able to do this....lucky to have my boyfriend beside me supporting me all the way when i know this is easy to him and he only does it for me...How when i lose weight this time i am going to keep it off and when i get to my goal weight i am going to stay there not keep telling myself i have loads more to lose...how much better i feel about myself.

    Level 2 Day 11 of shred DONE.
    I have to say i liked it i was getting bored of level 1. At first i was jumping into level 1 moves without thinking. Hehe.

    Well done to everyone you are all killing it :smile:
    I don't have any apps for c25k, but I did download a free podcast on itunes..it's got okay music and a nice lady who talks to you. haha..I don't really think about anything when I'm running, except maybe "I wonder how far I'm going to get before it's time to start walking" and "damn, my bf looks foxy when he runs." lol!! (What? He does. :happy: ) I totally relate with shred..I was so bored of level 1 by the time it was over I couldn't wait to move on. I'm not there yet with level 2, though, so that's good (for now).
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Awesome im in! Im currently on week 2 day 4 of 30 Day Shred and im starting today with C25K. Hopefully I can make it. Havent run since i was a freshman in high school! lol almost 10 years ago.

    Do not worry you will love c25k. I was never a runner ever and i can do it so a 10 year break you will be just fine :smile:
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I've got 4 more days of level 2, and I'm starting wk4 on Monday! Where's everyone else?

    I did W2D1 of C25K today..I have to say i was pleased with myself i thought i would be back to the start after having a few days breaks but i did it. I was sunny so i could not complain. Anyone have the cool running app? I ran today(Sunday) and it is telling me my next run should be Thursday. Why is this?
    What does everyone think of when they are running?
    I seem to think of how lucky i am to be able to do this....lucky to have my boyfriend beside me supporting me all the way when i know this is easy to him and he only does it for me...How when i lose weight this time i am going to keep it off and when i get to my goal weight i am going to stay there not keep telling myself i have loads more to lose...how much better i feel about myself.

    Level 2 Day 11 of shred DONE.
    I have to say i liked it i was getting bored of level 1. At first i was jumping into level 1 moves without thinking. Hehe.

    Well done to everyone you are all killing it :smile:
    I don't have any apps for c25k, but I did download a free podcast on itunes..it's got okay music and a nice lady who talks to you. haha..I don't really think about anything when I'm running, except maybe "I wonder how far I'm going to get before it's time to start walking" and "damn, my bf looks foxy when he runs." lol!! (What? He does. :happy: ) I totally relate with shred..I was so bored of level 1 by the time it was over I couldn't wait to move on. I'm not there yet with level 2, though, so that's good (for now).

    I have to say i will the cool running app,i can listen to my own music when it is time to run/walk the nice lady lowers my music and tells me to run then it goes back up again lol.
    I bet your bf would be super happy to know you are checking him out when you are running.

    Level 2 Day 12 shred DONE. I have to say i felt like i knew what i was doing today. I am not a fan of the walking planks/push ups.
    I can do sit ups all day but push ups hell no.

    How is everyones day?
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Congrats! You were our 100th post!! Lol. Today's good so far, sorta. Now that I don't have a/c, I normally shred early while it's still "cool" in the house (like 87), but it never got that low. I woke up at 7 this morning and it was 90. However, I'm starting week 4 of c25k tonight (in about an hour!) so I'm not too torn up about it. I don't mind walk out planks, but I HAAAATE those V squats. I have to switch to my 3 lb weights (I usually use 5 lb). Also, oblique twists aren't fun, but they're getting easier. Omg how about the very last ab routine? The plank twists? SO HARD! I like them, though.