Tell it all Tuesday!



  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    Confession: I am on the boards at work because I am so BORED at work!

    I am jealous of your weather. In Texas today: high of 101 with a heat index of 103 today. Ugh. No working out outside for me!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    My rant today is that I live in an apartment building, on the 5th floor, and since LAST Monday, the balconies have been "in repair", though I guess mine is fine because they aren't working on mine. So, the rant is: Every morning for the last week or so, I have been waking up at 8am because these guys have LOUD machines, and have been working on my neighbour's balcony for about 4 days now. I should point out that normally 8am wouldn't be SO bad, but my boyfriend works evenings and we don't get to bed until about 3am most days. To top it off, their machine shakes my whole apartment, and there is no air conditioning in this building, so I can't open my windows because all the dust from the cement they are fixing comes INTO my house since their crane is so close to my window I can see the shirtless guys working.
    I don't like feeling uncomfortable in my own home but these guys could SEE into my living room, if they were so inclined. I just want them to leave. I was looking forward to the thunderstorms all day today because I thought it would be quieter than these guys.

    Wow. Thanks for that, lol. I seem like a horribly angry person but that does feel a lot better! It has been bothering me for days!!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    confession 2: Sometimes I lie to my toddler and tell her the TV is broken, just so I don't have to watch yo gabba gabba! ugh!

    HAHAHA! That is awesome. I tried to tell my nephew that after seeing the Muppets Menomenah (however you spell that) song at least 10 times in a row.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    My husband has been having fantastic success with his weight loss. He has lost down from 335 to 274. He has always been at least 70 pounds heavier than me. It was comforting to know that my husband was bigger than me. Now I am scared. He is having such great success and I have been doing not so great. He is now less than 20 pounds heavier than me. I am HAPPY for him, but I also think that his success will make him more aware of just how fat and yucky I look. It felt so safe having a husband who could never judge me for being big, when he was loads bigger than me. I should be motivated, but I am not. Ugh.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Confession: I am on the boards at work because I am so BORED at work!

    I am jealous of your weather. In Texas today: high of 101 with a heat index of 103 today. Ugh. No working out outside for me!

    I feel you, San Antonio is hot today, makes me not want to leave my office
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Sometimes, when people are stupid, I get angry at them.

    lol, welcome to my world EVERY DAY
    Everyday? Seriously? Everyday?

    seriously. I think I have the worlds lowest stupidity tolerance!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Sometimes, when people are stupid, I get angry at them.

    lol, welcome to my world EVERY DAY
    Everyday? Seriously? Everyday?

    seriously. I think I have the worlds lowest stupidity tolerance!

    HAHAHA.. OK.. I will give that to you. It's a byy product of being an aggressive woman!
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I feel like crap today!!! I have a sinus infection and my right side of my face feels like I've been hit by a Mac truck!!!

    So yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I'm posting about it so my friends will feel sorry for me!!! hahahahaha (I'm shallow) :tongue:
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I feel like crap today!!! I have a sinus infection and my right side of my face feels like I've been hit by a Mac truck!!!

    So yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I'm posting about it so my friends will feel sorry for me!!! hahahahaha (I'm shallow) :tongue:

    awwwwwwwe that sucks! take a hot shower, as hot as you can stand it and stay in as long as you can! the steam will do WONDERS for helping to get that crap out of your sinuses!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I feel like crap today!!! I have a sinus infection and my right side of my face feels like I've been hit by a Mac truck!!!

    So yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I'm posting about it so my friends will feel sorry for me!!! hahahahaha (I'm shallow) :tongue:

    awwwwwwwe that sucks! take a hot shower, as hot as you can stand it and stay in as long as you can! the steam will do WONDERS for helping to get that crap out of your sinuses!

    sometimes when that happens to me, I just do a steam shower, not even getting into the shower, just sit in the bathrrom with the hot water all the way on, no cold, let the room fill with steam and clear your sinuses
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    confession 3: I am not looking forward to my husbands R&R in a couple weeks JUST cuz I don't want to share him with his family. They've NEVER been supportive of him, his mom takes every chance she can to put him down, but somehow they all feel like they deserve a part of his 2 weeks home! really?! WHY? I just wanna pick him up from the airport and go hideout with no phones and no outside contact for the 2 weeks!!!!!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    confession 3: I am not looking forward to my husbands R&R in a couple weeks JUST cuz I don't want to share him with his family. They've NEVER been supportive of him, his mom takes every chance she can to put him down, but somehow they all feel like they deserve a part of his 2 weeks home! really?! WHY? I just wanna pick him up from the airport and go hideout with no phones and no outside contact for the 2 weeks!!!!!

    If I only had 2 weeks R&R I would want to spend it hidden away with my wife. I can see the rest of the family when I get back form deployment.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    confession: I get all tingly when I confess my secrets.... :laugh:
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    confession: I get all tingly when I confess my secrets.... :laugh:

    really? cuz I also get all tingly when you confess your secrets! :blushing:
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    confession: I get all tingly when I confess my secrets.... :laugh:

    really? cuz I also get all tingly when you confess your secrets! :blushing:

    BWAHAHAHA.. I guess that makes us all tingly together. I'm gonna have to make a whole new confession now. LOL
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    confession: I get all tingly when I confess my secrets.... :laugh:

    really? cuz I also get all tingly when you confess your secrets! :blushing:

    In that case, I have so much to confess to you, so little time.. LOL
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    LMAO I think that would require a whole new thread!

    And I'm POSITIVE big brother would shut you down! LOL
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm basically trying to brainwash myself into "loving" fitness. So far if I don't think too much about it, it is working. I now enjoy working out and look forward to it. My rant though is my stinking fitness obsessed husband who has made me feel crappy all these years because I didn't love fitness like he did. He never said anything mean or hateful but it was all in the attitude. I got fat because I had his kids and I was always skinny and never worked out before them. It's not easy to get in the habit of "loving" fitness and watching calories. So I'm a little pissed at his fitness loving attitude as you can tell. Even if I now am learning to like it. sorry hubby but you really bug me sometimes.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I'm basically trying to brainwash myself into "loving" fitness. So far if I don't think too much about it, it is working. I now enjoy working out and look forward to it. My rant though is my stinking fitness obsessed husband who has made me feel crappy all these years because I didn't love fitness like he did. He never said anything mean or hateful but it was all in the attitude. I got fat because I had his kids and I was always skinny and never worked out before them. It's not easy to get in the habit of "loving" fitness and watching calories. So I'm a little pissed at his fitness loving attitude as you can tell. Even if I now am learning to like it. sorry hubby but you really bug me sometimes.

    I have a rant that goes hand in hand with this...

    my hubby can say the word diet and immediately drop 10lbs and develop a 6 pack! I say the word diet and gain 20 and find another fat roll somewhere... IT'S NOT FREAKIN FAIR!!!!!!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I will confess that I don't work as hard "at work" as I should. Again this is due the the lazy bastages I work with. Why should I work so hard if they aren't. I still do more work then they do each and every day.


    Oh my.....I have the same issue where I work. I got out of my way to get things accomplished and the others just do the bare minimum, but the yare quick to take the credit!

    My confession.......I am losing interest in my hubby! I love him dearly! WE have very little in common since my weight loss and life style change, I have tried for several months to get him to jump on board with me. But he has no interest. He'd rather just sit in his chair after work and fall asleep. I work more hours than he does too. I have begged and pleaded, purchased him a food journal, told him about this site, but yet, he is resistant. He has diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, I even told him I am not going to sit around and watch him die. I realize this is path that I chose, but I really thought he would want the same for himself. Life feels so good now, and I view things in a different way, I want him to feel what I feel!

    To make things more complicated he had my name tattooed on his bicep with my 2 grand daughters names, and a beautiful rose. He said it's a tribute to the girls in his life. The grand dauhters aren't even his biological grand kids......Auggghhhh!.....When he told me what he was having done, I couldn't say....STOP! ....That would just make him insecure, and wonder why I am not honored by his good doings!

    Ok, I am done.......Thanks!