Tell it all Tuesday!



  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I feel like crap today!!! I have a sinus infection and my right side of my face feels like I've been hit by a Mac truck!!!

    So yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I'm posting about it so my friends will feel sorry for me!!! hahahahaha (I'm shallow) :tongue:

    awwwwwwwe that sucks! take a hot shower, as hot as you can stand it and stay in as long as you can! the steam will do WONDERS for helping to get that crap out of your sinuses!
    Thank you!!! Very kind of you xo I will give that a go!!!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I will confess that I don't work as hard "at work" as I should. Again this is due the the lazy bastages I work with. Why should I work so hard if they aren't. I still do more work then they do each and every day.


    Oh my.....I have the same issue where I work. I got out of my way to get things accomplished and the others just do the bare minimum, but the yare quick to take the credit!

    My confession.......I am losing interest in my hubby! I love him dearly! WE have very little in common since my weight loss and life style change, I have tried for several months to get him to jump on board with me. But he has no interest. He'd rather just sit in his chair after work and fall asleep. I work more hours than he does too. I have begged and pleaded, purchased him a food journal, told him about this site, but yet, he is resistant. He has diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, I even told him I am not going to sit around and watch him die. I realize this is path that I chose, but I really thought he would want the same for himself. Life feels so good now, and I view things in a different way, I want him to feel what I feel!

    To make things more complicated he had my name tattooed on his bicep with my 2 grand daughters names, and a beautiful rose. He said it's a tribute to the girls in his life. The grand dauhters aren't even his biological grand kids......Auggghhhh!.....When he told me what he was having done, I couldn't say....STOP! ....That would just make him insecure, and wonder why I am not honored by his good doings!

    Ok, I am done.......Thanks!

    I am SO sorry! It's a shame he doesn't want to save his own life by taking better care of himself. But you know how the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water...

    You have to do what's best for you and take care of you. It never feels good to know that whats best for you may hurt other people, but ultimately, it comes down to taking care of yourself and just doing what is right, you know?
  • silveryflutterby
    confession 2: Sometimes I lie to my toddler and tell her the TV is broken, just so I don't have to watch yo gabba gabba! ugh!

    ha...I have to tell little white lies to my toddler all the time to avoid major meltdowns (or to save my sanity). "sorry, they don't have that in your size, sorry i don't have any money for the ice cream truck, oh darn i'm out of batteries right now" i'm glad i'm not the only one!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Rant: I am sick and tired of trying to heal from this darn busted leg. Almost 3 months and still cannot walk. Finally am out of wheelchair and using crutches around the house or out to eat but any place that involves "real" walking I am still confined to the stupid wheelchair. Sunday at Wegman's I got overwhelmed and completely shut down. Husband was aggravated because he thought I was just being a B---tch but I just could not handle it. I'm tired of feeling like a burden to everyone. At least I can finally do most things for myself but do you know how embarrassing it is to have company walk through your make shift downstairs bedroom (which is are front room) and see your personal little bed side potty there?! Announcing to people you have to go to the bathroom so you can have "privacy"? Asking for help just to get out of bed. yes... I am past some of those stages but it all SUCKS.

    Now I need help to make it up the steps (only allowed at night and morning; otherwise confined downstairs; but after 2+ months sleeping in different bed from hubby I know he doesn't mind), I still cannot stand long enough to cook dinner without help. Yes, I am getting more self sufficient and starting to be able to be a "Mom" again but inside I feel like less of a person. I haven't been able to really express it because my husband has had So much on his plate with work, me, kids, house...

    Confession: I sometimes resent my husband when I see him playing with the kids on the floor or going to the park or when I couldn't do steps at all and he got to take the kids to bed every night, attend school functions, etc.

    I feel like a poor me but man, that felt great to unload!
  • silveryflutterby
    RANT: I hate TOM! That combined with my horrific sunburn that is still agonizingly painful has caused me to skip workouts twice the past few days and to overeat yesterday. I always get so ravenous during TOM. At least I didn't get fast food and just overate on healthy stuff. I was still under on sodium even though I was over on everything else. Just wish I didn't get so hungry and fatigued during that time! And wish this darn sunburn would heal already!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Funny Confession.......I sometimes pass gas and blame it on my husband, or son!......LOL
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    confession 2: I love to burp.. seriously. Every time my husband hears me he says "That's my sophisticated wife I married". LMAO. I use to be a priss. I admit it. Now... I let the belches fly and might even try for a 'real good one' now and then!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Confession: I get a little jealous when I see people who eat crap every day (but stay under their cals) and make a token effort at working out and the weight just slides right off. Here I am trying to eat healthy most of the time and busting my *kitten* exercising (which I really kinda hate) and the lbs aren't moving very fast. UNFAIR!
  • silveryflutterby
    confession 3: I am not looking forward to my husbands R&R in a couple weeks JUST cuz I don't want to share him with his family. They've NEVER been supportive of him, his mom takes every chance she can to put him down, but somehow they all feel like they deserve a part of his 2 weeks home! really?! WHY? I just wanna pick him up from the airport and go hideout with no phones and no outside contact for the 2 weeks!!!!!

    I completely agree! my hubby was just home for 2 weeks in april and i hate that he has so many other people to see. I just want him all to myself! that two weeks goes by fast enough as it is!!
  • delita259
    delita259 Posts: 15
    I fear that after beginning my lifestyle change for the third time in 30 days, and not losing a damn pound makes me a failure.

    i stopped encouraging my fiancee to lose weight when i noticed that i gained back my three lbs... the meanie in me doesnt want him to lose weight unless im losing too.

    im addicted to cream cheese.

    i hate preteding that i dont hate people at my school

    someone asked me why i wasnt smilin the other day...i quickly smiled and said" im good" my honest answer was, " im not smiling cause im fat, my home girl gets all that cat calls when we go to the pool becuase her shape is better tham mine, and i miss my fiancee.

    ahhhh..that feels better, now to make these issues go away!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    dumb confession/rant: I just turned a SALAD into an over 400 calorie meal! UGH! I have REALLY got to seek help for my addiction to ranch and crunchy stuff in my salads! lol
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    dumb confession/rant: I just turned a SALAD into an over 400 calorie meal! UGH! I have REALLY got to seek help for my addiction to ranch and crunchy stuff in my salads! lol

    400 cal salad? did you at least have some lettuce in there, or was it all croutons and ranch derssing?
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    dumb confession/rant: I just turned a SALAD into an over 400 calorie meal! UGH! I have REALLY got to seek help for my addiction to ranch and crunchy stuff in my salads! lol

    400 cal salad? did you at least have some lettuce in there, or was it all croutons and ranch derssing?

    lol yes! but there was def more crunchy onions, cheese, and ranch then anything else! freakin salad toppings are gonna take me down I tell ya!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    RANT: I hate TOM! That combined with my horrific sunburn that is still agonizingly painful has caused me to skip workouts twice the past few days and to overeat yesterday. I always get so ravenous during TOM. At least I didn't get fast food and just overate on healthy stuff. I was still under on sodium even though I was over on everything else. Just wish I didn't get so hungry and fatigued during that time! And wish this darn sunburn would heal already!
    w00t for the obligatory TOM rant!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I fear that after beginning my lifestyle change for the third time in 30 days, and not losing a damn pound makes me a failure.

    i stopped encouraging my fiancee to lose weight when i noticed that i gained back my three lbs... the meanie in me doesnt want him to lose weight unless im losing too.

    im addicted to cream cheese.

    i hate preteding that i dont hate people at my school

    someone asked me why i wasnt smilin the other day...i quickly smiled and said" im good" my honest answer was, " im not smiling cause im fat, my home girl gets all that cat calls when we go to the pool becuase her shape is better tham mine, and i miss my fiancee.

    ahhhh..that feels better, now to make these issues go away!

    Good Rant. I love me some cream cheese too, but I have finally learned to stay away form it. Try Laughing cow instead. Much healthier and tastes just as good to me.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Finally a place to say so...LOL......Every time I see the term "BRING IT" (P90X) I wanna stick pencils in my damn eyes. Overused and HATE IT!!!!!!!!!:)
    Did you know Tony Horton is coming out with a new book? Guess what the title is?
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I will confess that I don't work as hard "at work" as I should. Again this is due the the lazy bastages I work with. Why should I work so hard if they aren't. I still do more work then they do each and every day.


    Oh my.....I have the same issue where I work. I got out of my way to get things accomplished and the others just do the bare minimum, but the yare quick to take the credit!

    My confession.......I am losing interest in my hubby! I love him dearly! WE have very little in common since my weight loss and life style change, I have tried for several months to get him to jump on board with me. But he has no interest. He'd rather just sit in his chair after work and fall asleep. I work more hours than he does too. I have begged and pleaded, purchased him a food journal, told him about this site, but yet, he is resistant. He has diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, I even told him I am not going to sit around and watch him die. I realize this is path that I chose, but I really thought he would want the same for himself. Life feels so good now, and I view things in a different way, I want him to feel what I feel!

    To make things more complicated he had my name tattooed on his bicep with my 2 grand daughters names, and a beautiful rose. He said it's a tribute to the girls in his life. The grand dauhters aren't even his biological grand kids......Auggghhhh!.....When he told me what he was having done, I couldn't say....STOP! ....That would just make him insecure, and wonder why I am not honored by his good doings!

    Ok, I am done.......Thanks!

    So sorry you are feeling this way. I know what it is like sometimes tyring to get your spouse on the same page as you. I am by no means in great shape, I have a lot of weight to lose. I am dieting and working out now for the past 3 plus months and I have lost around 30 pounds. I deny myself the very bad and destrcutive foods, for the most part, and I bust my @$$ in the gym 5-6 days a week. My wife, who is 13 yrs younder and in not in as bad a shape as me, will not work out to save her life. It does annoy me sometimes.

    I wish I had somehting more enlightining to say
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Finally a place to say so...LOL......Every time I see the term "BRING IT" (P90X) I wanna stick pencils in my damn eyes. Overused and HATE IT!!!!!!!!!:)
    Did you know Tony Horton is coming out with a new book? Guess what the title is?

    This makes me laugh.

    btw, I'm gonna be a sexist female pig for a minute... please NEVER wear a shirt again! K, thanks! LOL
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Rant: I have poison ivy, and I'm going crazy from it! And I am in the last 2 weeks of my biggest loser contest, but I am so sick of eating so healthy!!! I want a friggin' cheese sub with mayo, a big dish of pasta, ice cream, and beer.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Rant: I have poison ivy, and I'm going crazy from it! And I am in the last 2 weeks of my biggest loser contest, but I am so sick of eating so healthy!!! I want a friggin' cheese sub with mayo, a big dish of pasta, ice cream, and beer.

    you can do it!!!!!!!!!!! make it your reward for doing the whole challenge! maybe not ALL of it... but some of it!