Tell it all Tuesday!



  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    RANT: UGH!!!!!!!!!! I have no patience or tolerance for spineless women! I promise this is not intended for ANYONE I know on MFP.

    But this is one of my biggest pet peaves EVER:

    I know a girl who married a guy in the army, well after he was in the Army, and even married him well after we all KNEW for a fact that their unit was deploying to afghanistan. for conversation sake we'll call the girl Jane and the guy Dave. Dave was one of my hubby's best friends prior to marrying Jane, so I knew him pretty well. He LOVED the army, was all about deploying, couldn't wait to go, typical macho crap lol. Dave married Jane (Jane, btw, KNEW he was deploying, knew he was in the Army, this was not a shock to her at all) and all Jane did was whine and cry about how she just can't do this... And so then Dave became dirt bag soldier of the year and did everything he could to get out of deployment, JUST because Jane whined all the time. He still had to deploy, of course, and now all Jane does is whine whine ****ing whine all day every day about horrible it is and she hates the army and this sucks and blah blah blah. Hate to sound like a *****, but YOU KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN YOU MARRIED HIM! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, deployments suck, yeah I hate my hubby being gone, yeah I do complain about how difficult it is sometimes, but I knew when I married him that he was joining the Army and what that meant, so it is NOT fair of me to make him feel like **** for it, you know?! It pisses me off to NO end that a guy who LOVED the army so much, all he could ever talk about was going green to gold and being a lifer... now is a waste of space and isn't going to reenlist simply because his wifes incessant whining made his decisions for him! put your ****ing big girl panties on and handle it woman! you married the man, SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jane is that girl that can do nothing for herself. She sleeps til 2 or 3 every afternoon, just because no one is making her get up. I had to practically take her by the hand to the housing office to make her get on the wait list for post housing. Jane probably talks it over with her husband first before she takes a ****! There is NOTHING that happens in her life without "making sure it's ok with Dave first! I get it... some things NEED to be discussed with the hubby before they take place, but every aspect of a womans life just should NOT be dictated by what her husband is doing and when and why!!!!!!

    I guess maybe I'm more independent then most women? but seriously... there's nothing wrong with just handling **** yourself, you know. make some decisions on your own! why in God's name would any woman EVER just sit around and wait for a man to make her choices for her or just be a door mat in general?! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg it felt good to get that all out!!!!!!!!!! WHEW!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    RANT: UGH!!!!!!!!!! I have no patience or tolerance for spineless women! I promise this is not intended for ANYONE I know on MFP.

    But this is one of my biggest pet peaves EVER:

    I know a girl who married a guy in the army, well after he was in the Army, and even married him well after we all KNEW for a fact that their unit was deploying to afghanistan. for conversation sake we'll call the girl Jane and the guy Dave. Dave was one of my hubby's best friends prior to marrying Jane, so I knew him pretty well. He LOVED the army, was all about deploying, couldn't wait to go, typical macho crap lol. Dave married Jane (Jane, btw, KNEW he was deploying, knew he was in the Army, this was not a shock to her at all) and all Jane did was whine and cry about how she just can't do this... And so then Dave became dirt bag soldier of the year and did everything he could to get out of deployment, JUST because Jane whined all the time. He still had to deploy, of course, and now all Jane does is whine whine ****ing whine all day every day about horrible it is and she hates the army and this sucks and blah blah blah. Hate to sound like a *****, but YOU KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN YOU MARRIED HIM! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, deployments suck, yeah I hate my hubby being gone, yeah I do complain about how difficult it is sometimes, but I knew when I married him that he was joining the Army and what that meant, so it is NOT fair of me to make him feel like **** for it, you know?! It pisses me off to NO end that a guy who LOVED the army so much, all he could ever talk about was going green to gold and being a lifer... now is a waste of space and isn't going to reenlist simply because his wifes incessant whining made his decisions for him! put your ****ing big girl panties on and handle it woman! you married the man, SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jane is that girl that can do nothing for herself. She sleeps til 2 or 3 every afternoon, just because no one is making her get up. I had to practically take her by the hand to the housing office to make her get on the wait list for post housing. Jane probably talks it over with her husband first before she takes a ****! There is NOTHING that happens in her life without "making sure it's ok with Dave first! I get it... some things NEED to be discussed with the hubby before they take place, but every aspect of a womans life just should NOT be dictated by what her husband is doing and when and why!!!!!!

    I guess maybe I'm more independent then most women? but seriously... there's nothing wrong with just handling **** yourself, you know. make some decisions on your own! why in God's name would any woman EVER just sit around and wait for a man to make her choices for her or just be a door mat in general?! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg it felt good to get that all out!!!!!!!!!! WHEW!

    Thanks for the encouragement, and I totally hear you about the spineless women. Women who have to check with their husband before doing anything make me crazy! I have to hold my tongue with them, bc years ago, I was accused by one of causing problems in her marriage bc I said she should have access to her own money in "their" bank acct, which was in his name only. Ugh.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    it is VERY hard for me to keep my mouth shut, but I do my best. but OMG that has to be the MOST annoying thing in the world to me!!!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    RANT: UGH!!!!!!!!!! I have no patience or tolerance for spineless women! I promise this is not intended for ANYONE I know on MFP.

    But this is one of my biggest pet peaves EVER:

    I know a girl who married a guy in the army, well after he was in the Army, and even married him well after we all KNEW for a fact that their unit was deploying to afghanistan. for conversation sake we'll call the girl Jane and the guy Dave. Dave was one of my hubby's best friends prior to marrying Jane, so I knew him pretty well. He LOVED the army, was all about deploying, couldn't wait to go, typical macho crap lol. Dave married Jane (Jane, btw, KNEW he was deploying, knew he was in the Army, this was not a shock to her at all) and all Jane did was whine and cry about how she just can't do this... And so then Dave became dirt bag soldier of the year and did everything he could to get out of deployment, JUST because Jane whined all the time. He still had to deploy, of course, and now all Jane does is whine whine ****ing whine all day every day about horrible it is and she hates the army and this sucks and blah blah blah. Hate to sound like a *****, but YOU KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN YOU MARRIED HIM! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, deployments suck, yeah I hate my hubby being gone, yeah I do complain about how difficult it is sometimes, but I knew when I married him that he was joining the Army and what that meant, so it is NOT fair of me to make him feel like **** for it, you know?! It pisses me off to NO end that a guy who LOVED the army so much, all he could ever talk about was going green to gold and being a lifer... now is a waste of space and isn't going to reenlist simply because his wifes incessant whining made his decisions for him! put your ****ing big girl panties on and handle it woman! you married the man, SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jane is that girl that can do nothing for herself. She sleeps til 2 or 3 every afternoon, just because no one is making her get up. I had to practically take her by the hand to the housing office to make her get on the wait list for post housing. Jane probably talks it over with her husband first before she takes a ****! There is NOTHING that happens in her life without "making sure it's ok with Dave first! I get it... some things NEED to be discussed with the hubby before they take place, but every aspect of a womans life just should NOT be dictated by what her husband is doing and when and why!!!!!!

    I guess maybe I'm more independent then most women? but seriously... there's nothing wrong with just handling **** yourself, you know. make some decisions on your own! why in God's name would any woman EVER just sit around and wait for a man to make her choices for her or just be a door mat in general?! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg it felt good to get that all out!!!!!!!!!! WHEW!

    Thanks for the encouragement, and I totally hear you about the spineless women. Women who have to check with their husband before doing anything make me crazy! I have to hold my tongue with them, bc years ago, I was accused by one of causing problems in her marriage bc I said she should have access to her own money in "their" bank acct, which was in his name only. Ugh.
    I hear you both! Amen. In todays world, a woman should be her own person. She should take control of her liife and do whatever she wants to do.... you know, as long as she gets her husbands say so first.... then.... whatever she wants...
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    RANT: UGH!!!!!!!!!! I have no patience or tolerance for spineless women! I promise this is not intended for ANYONE I know on MFP.

    But this is one of my biggest pet peaves EVER:

    I know a girl who married a guy in the army, well after he was in the Army, and even married him well after we all KNEW for a fact that their unit was deploying to afghanistan. for conversation sake we'll call the girl Jane and the guy Dave. Dave was one of my hubby's best friends prior to marrying Jane, so I knew him pretty well. He LOVED the army, was all about deploying, couldn't wait to go, typical macho crap lol. Dave married Jane (Jane, btw, KNEW he was deploying, knew he was in the Army, this was not a shock to her at all) and all Jane did was whine and cry about how she just can't do this... And so then Dave became dirt bag soldier of the year and did everything he could to get out of deployment, JUST because Jane whined all the time. He still had to deploy, of course, and now all Jane does is whine whine ****ing whine all day every day about horrible it is and she hates the army and this sucks and blah blah blah. Hate to sound like a *****, but YOU KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN YOU MARRIED HIM! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, deployments suck, yeah I hate my hubby being gone, yeah I do complain about how difficult it is sometimes, but I knew when I married him that he was joining the Army and what that meant, so it is NOT fair of me to make him feel like **** for it, you know?! It pisses me off to NO end that a guy who LOVED the army so much, all he could ever talk about was going green to gold and being a lifer... now is a waste of space and isn't going to reenlist simply because his wifes incessant whining made his decisions for him! put your ****ing big girl panties on and handle it woman! you married the man, SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jane is that girl that can do nothing for herself. She sleeps til 2 or 3 every afternoon, just because no one is making her get up. I had to practically take her by the hand to the housing office to make her get on the wait list for post housing. Jane probably talks it over with her husband first before she takes a ****! There is NOTHING that happens in her life without "making sure it's ok with Dave first! I get it... some things NEED to be discussed with the hubby before they take place, but every aspect of a womans life just should NOT be dictated by what her husband is doing and when and why!!!!!!

    I guess maybe I'm more independent then most women? but seriously... there's nothing wrong with just handling **** yourself, you know. make some decisions on your own! why in God's name would any woman EVER just sit around and wait for a man to make her choices for her or just be a door mat in general?! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg it felt good to get that all out!!!!!!!!!! WHEW!

    Thanks for the encouragement, and I totally hear you about the spineless women. Women who have to check with their husband before doing anything make me crazy! I have to hold my tongue with them, bc years ago, I was accused by one of causing problems in her marriage bc I said she should have access to her own money in "their" bank acct, which was in his name only. Ugh.
    I hear you both! Amen. In todays world, a woman should be her own person. She should take control of her liife and do whatever she wants to do.... you know, as long as she gets her husbands say so first.... then.... whatever she wants...

    and she's gotta make sammiches, right? and it's gotta be ok if it only takes 2 minutes to eat the sammich...
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    RANT: UGH!!!!!!!!!! I have no patience or tolerance for spineless women! I promise this is not intended for ANYONE I know on MFP.

    But this is one of my biggest pet peaves EVER:

    I know a girl who married a guy in the army, well after he was in the Army, and even married him well after we all KNEW for a fact that their unit was deploying to afghanistan. for conversation sake we'll call the girl Jane and the guy Dave. Dave was one of my hubby's best friends prior to marrying Jane, so I knew him pretty well. He LOVED the army, was all about deploying, couldn't wait to go, typical macho crap lol. Dave married Jane (Jane, btw, KNEW he was deploying, knew he was in the Army, this was not a shock to her at all) and all Jane did was whine and cry about how she just can't do this... And so then Dave became dirt bag soldier of the year and did everything he could to get out of deployment, JUST because Jane whined all the time. He still had to deploy, of course, and now all Jane does is whine whine ****ing whine all day every day about horrible it is and she hates the army and this sucks and blah blah blah. Hate to sound like a *****, but YOU KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN YOU MARRIED HIM! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, deployments suck, yeah I hate my hubby being gone, yeah I do complain about how difficult it is sometimes, but I knew when I married him that he was joining the Army and what that meant, so it is NOT fair of me to make him feel like **** for it, you know?! It pisses me off to NO end that a guy who LOVED the army so much, all he could ever talk about was going green to gold and being a lifer... now is a waste of space and isn't going to reenlist simply because his wifes incessant whining made his decisions for him! put your ****ing big girl panties on and handle it woman! you married the man, SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jane is that girl that can do nothing for herself. She sleeps til 2 or 3 every afternoon, just because no one is making her get up. I had to practically take her by the hand to the housing office to make her get on the wait list for post housing. Jane probably talks it over with her husband first before she takes a ****! There is NOTHING that happens in her life without "making sure it's ok with Dave first! I get it... some things NEED to be discussed with the hubby before they take place, but every aspect of a womans life just should NOT be dictated by what her husband is doing and when and why!!!!!!

    I guess maybe I'm more independent then most women? but seriously... there's nothing wrong with just handling **** yourself, you know. make some decisions on your own! why in God's name would any woman EVER just sit around and wait for a man to make her choices for her or just be a door mat in general?! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    omg it felt good to get that all out!!!!!!!!!! WHEW!

    Thanks for the encouragement, and I totally hear you about the spineless women. Women who have to check with their husband before doing anything make me crazy! I have to hold my tongue with them, bc years ago, I was accused by one of causing problems in her marriage bc I said she should have access to her own money in "their" bank acct, which was in his name only. Ugh.
    I hear you both! Amen. In todays world, a woman should be her own person. She should take control of her liife and do whatever she wants to do.... you know, as long as she gets her husbands say so first.... then.... whatever she wants...

    and she's gotta make sammiches, right? and it's gotta be ok if it only takes 2 minutes to eat the sammich...

    Exactly!!! That's what I'm talking about. If the sammich is that delicious, maybe its all finished in 2 minutes.
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    Confession: I am in a loveless, joyless relationship with an alcoholic who treats me & talks to me worse than I would my worst enemy because I haven't been single since I was 16 years old & the thought frightens me.
  • nurka33
    nurka33 Posts: 5
    Here are mine upset points for now:

    I started watching first season of Fringe and got so interested that I stayed in bed for almost 3 days. No workouts, but neither was food. Better get back on track and back to the swimming pool.

    I am upset with my boss, who went on vacation and didn't let me go on mine, and I had a trip to Turkey booked.

    I am angry with people, mostly at work, who waste my time talking about some pointless stuff or complaining,or talking without knowing what they wanna say. Poor communication skills drive me crazy.
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    Ok here's mine. My ex boyfriend is the biggest douche in the world. SERIOUSLY. I quit 2 jobs, broke 2 leases, and moved 3 times to 2 different states for his career advancements. We were together nearly 3 years, so these weren't flighty, rash decisions. I thought there was a future there. He bought a ring and asked my family permission to propose 2 WEEKS BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME. OVER THE PHONE. I had no job, no place to live, and all my stuff was in storage 5 hours away from my hometown. I later found out he cheated on me, watched porn, lied about EVERYTHING, blah blah blah. Ok, I'm over that part of the story.

    Here's the real rant. He's got a new girlfriend, and she posts everyday all over facebook about how wonderful he is!!!!! That he's this awesome "Godly man", how sweet he is, a gift from heaven, etc. REALLY?????? It is ALL I CAN DO to not contact this girl and tell her what she's in for!!! I thought all those things too, and well, see above paragraph. It makes me absolutely nauseous to read about how great he is. UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't even know why this bugs me so much. It was over a year ago that we split, and I'm getting married in 6 months to my high school sweetheart and love of my life (we were broken up for 4 years after HS), we just bought a gorgeous house, both have great jobs, etc. It just kills me when people (anyone really) think someone is fabulous when you KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THEY SUCK!!!!!!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Not really a rant or a confession....just want to get it out.

    Just took a huge step that will affect the rest of my life. My divorce was filed just now. I'm not really sad, I'm not really happy...just kinda numb right now. It's just a realization that this is the end of a chapter in my life and the beginning of a new one. So many things going through my mind right now.

    And why the heck did I have to come back to work this afternoon??
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Confession: I am in a loveless, joyless relationship with an alcoholic who treats me & talks to me worse than I would my worst enemy because I haven't been single since I was 16 years old & the thought frightens me.

    Sounds just like me a year ago. I just want to say that the first step is the hardest, but if you can manage to do that, you'll be surprised how each step gets easier and easier. You deserve so much more! No matter how bad things may get now, I wake up in the morning and smile because I am free! I wish you the best of luck!
  • armywife121110
    I HATE that show!!! (Yo gabba gabba)

    I guess I could rant that I cant stand how my co-workers eat out EVERYDAY and have a hugh candy bowl sitting in our ofifce filled to the brim yet they whine that they can't lost weight. The one lady is getting "the band" because she can't lose weight... ummm how about you exercise or stop eating all the junk!!! I'm frustraded because I feel like after 22 lbs my body wants to give up and I cant shed any weight even though I work my *kitten* off everyday!! I'm tired from doing everything at home and I miss my husband who has been gone for two months now and has another to go!!!

    Confessions.... I can and do eat whole pizza's by myself (Digornio's) :(
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member

    I'm absolutely throwing away 2 of my daughters toys after she goes to bed tonight! LOL
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member

    I'm absolutely throwing away 2 of my daughters toys after she goes to bed tonight! LOL

    Was she mad?

    Damn, dug deep for this one!! LOL! Six years since the last post... That should be a record :lol:
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member

    I'm absolutely throwing away 2 of my daughters toys after she goes to bed tonight! LOL

    Was she mad?

    Damn, dug deep for this one!! LOL! Six years since the last post... That should be a record :lol:

    I'm dying to know what happened with @DreamLittleDarling's daughter. If she was upset, or if she even noticed...

    I am thinking they are probably over it by now.
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    We may never know, so I'm just going to invent my own story under the assumption that one of the toys was the Annabelle doll.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »

    I'm absolutely throwing away 2 of my daughters toys after she goes to bed tonight! LOL

    Was she mad?

    Damn, dug deep for this one!! LOL! Six years since the last post... That should be a record :lol:

    I'm dying to know what happened with @DreamLittleDarling's daughter. If she was upset, or if she even noticed...

    I am thinking they are probably over it by now.

    You never know. Could have been a traumatic experience for which she has spend the last 6 years in therapy.

    Your concern for others is so very admirable.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    im just here to judge

    Same. :D but silently