Weird Food Quirks



  • StrawberrySprinkles
    - My in-laws like to put salt and vinegar chips in a cup of buttermilk and eat them with a spoon. So weird.

    Uh, I was thinking that there wasn't much that could really gross me out...but I think that did I feel a little ewww. :sick: :laugh:
  • StrawberrySprinkles

    I like to bite the different gummy bear heads off and attach them to a different colored body before I eat them (I haven't had any in forever!)

    I do this too. Draw and quarter in some cases... Someone should come up with a mini gummy bear torture set.

    Have you seen these?
  • ThickNThunda
    ThickNThunda Posts: 71 Member
    I eats eggs now because I know they are full of protein, but I have to mentally block out that they come out of a chickens butt. I know that technically its not a butt, but it's almost like eating chicken turds. Now that I wrote this, I don't think I will have any eggs this morning.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I will not order an omelet in a restaurant. I have to have mine crispy with some of the cheese squeezed out and burnt. I also have to have my scramble eggs crispy too.

    It can take me up to 4 hours to drink a 12 oz Pepsi, but I can drink 16 oz of coffee in

    I can only eat beets cold and dipped in Ranch

    I love to steam my brussels sprouts then saute them in a little olive oil and lemon juice

    I plant and grow sweet peas but they never make it into the house, I will pick and eat them straight from the garden.
  • juicygooseface
    i have to mash everything on my plate in together before i eat it and i never use a knife- just a fork :) xx
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    I LOVE love love this thread more than you can imagine.. haha! I did not know it was here to begin with when i asked a similar question of my own..

    I have some super whack job food issues...

    I cant drink milk unless it is a closed container ( traveler coffee mug).....
    I cant eat most oranges and bananas because of the stringies... ( i have a HUGE texture issue).....
    Even if i am the one who cooked it and knows exactly what went into it.. if it looks funny or smells funny i refuse to eat it....
    I HATE it when my food touches, or the juice from something runs into something else....
    I have to eat everything separately and if there are 2 things of a matching color on the plate i can not eat them on after the other...
    i can ONLY eat gummy bears, or any squishy gummy candy) if they have been in the freezer, i cant do the squishyness in my fingers... ( the texture thing)....
    I take utensils with me everywhere i go and i use them... ( even other peoples houses)....
    I cant eat tomatoes, bell peppers, cantaloupe, pumpkins etc, unless someone else has cut out all the side slimey seedy parts,,,
    i cant eat chips if i dont like the shape of them...
    i can not eat crust on bread unless i take it off and put it inside the sandwich...
    The only way i will eat eggs is if they are cubed or such in a salad or in egg salady type foods.. hard boiled and scrambled and such are a no go for me...
    I cant eat anything if something was added to it to make it a different color ( mashed potatoes mixed with gravy,)

    Oh my the list is so long.. please no one think you are weird for these things.. they are quirks and quirks make you loveable!!!!!!