What is your job?



  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm a studio photographer/photo retoucher at a small frame shop/portrait studio but my ultimate goal is to be a photojournalist. I've interned before as one but its hard to land a job. I'm not giving up tho!!

    I love talking to people!! you get to meet alot of different people when your taking pictures.
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    I am a high school French teacher. I love my job because I get to share my excitement for the language that I love, and work with a great bunch of kids. I'm the only French teacher in the school, so I work with the kids all four years. I love watching them grow from 9th to 12th grade and getting the opportunity to build a relationship with them that not many teachers get to have. I also love having the summers off. :)
  • AJelinski
    AJelinski Posts: 36
    I am a criminal investigator (commander over an investigative unit in a municipal police department). The best part of the job is seeing the guys put together an iron-clad criminal case and sending the perp(s) to prison...and the best part of that is seeing the look on the defense attorney's faces when they lose.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    I'm an RN supervisor at a home care agency. I love the educational and mentoring role and being able to help others in achieving their goals.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm a team leader in the central support office for a spectacle manufacturer. We communicate with our franchised stores, and not with the general public on status of orders and production. My favourite part is not having to deal with the public, but still staying in a customer service role. Previously I worked in a bank, and before that a petrol station. I LOVE not getting yelled at by irate customers anymore...

    I don't like having to work on a public holiday (tomorrow is one!) - but i have to because our stores will be open and they will expect the support office to be open.... :sad:
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I am a home day care provider. I keep my day care small, only up to 3 kids ages 12 weeks to Kindergarten. I usually keep the kids from infants until they go to school so my turn over rate is very low.

    I love everything about my job. I love the kids I watch and because I can be picky, even the parents too. My current client are awesome, some of the best parents I have ever had!

    I adore the ages of kids I watch too, they learn so much in that time it amazes me how much they can learn each year. I do not offer a preschool program, but after talking to several Kindergarten teachers I work more on sitting quietly during a story, listening to short directions and even lining up. I do work a little with them with colors, letter and numbers etc...
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I am a criminal investigator (commander over an investigative unit in a municipal police department). The best part of the job is seeing the guys put together an iron-clad criminal case and sending the perp(s) to prison...and the best part of that is seeing the look on the defense attorney's faces when they lose.

    I can't imagine how great that feels!
  • osmoticferocity
    I work IT support for a credit union. The best part of my job? Handing the pager to someone else when I'm not on call any more!
  • lalexanderfamily
    I am retired from IBM and decided retirement wasn't for me (too young) so I am now in my 7th year as an attendance secretary at a local high school. Working with these kids keeps me young!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I've been a Control Room Operator in an OSB (oriented strand board) mill for 12 years. I'm responsible for watching a dozen computer and video monitors, making sure everything is doing what it's supposed to. It can be a long, boring, 12 hr day if everything runs well. It can also be exciting and stressful if things go awry. (Think the air-traffic controllers from the old comedy movie Airplane!)

    It pays pretty well and it's close to home. The shifts are long, but that means I have more days off with my family.
  • simplysarahd
    Stay at home to 3 kids ages: 7. 1, and 6 weeks old.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Wow - I posted this on FB as well and I've received WAY more replies from people that I don't know. I love this site for that reason. Sounds like some very interesting jobs out there. I wish I lived in a bigger town where there were more job opportunities. Keep 'em coming. I love to hear what other people do for a living.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Stay at home to 3 kids ages: 7. 1, and 6 weeks old.

    The MOST important job of all!! You are very lucky to be able to stay at home.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    my job is pure hell
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I am Queen of the Universe. *wink*
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I'm a Classification Sergeant at a County Jail been there 15 years. I like dealing with people and the courts. I just wish some of them would figure it out and stop coming in. But it is job security.
  • carl_garcia
    carl_garcia Posts: 26 Member
    Im a geeky engineer and work as project manager for the federal govt supporting the Army. I enjoy meeting and working with such a diverse group of people. Everyday brings something new. Plus I love the fact that everything I do directly affects the well being and success of our soldiers deployed worldwide. :smile:
    Im also a full time doctoral student.
  • crystal45044
    I am a manager for a group home with adults with mental disabilities. I really love doing my job. I have learned more from my clients than I have from anyone else. To see that I can make a difference in ones life is priceless. I wouldn't change it for the world.
  • FearOfFrying
    FearOfFrying Posts: 127 Member
    I'm a kitchen designer but I'm looking to retrain as a bra fitter :glasses:
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    By day I'm a certified personal trainer & group instructor....on the weekend to help fund all the extras like more certifications I do "fun" parties for women ;)