What is your job?



  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I work with technicians and salesmen all day scheduling repairs on their vehicles. I work alone most days and it can get BORING!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I am an engineer student and intern for the local power company. I love being able to help plan the future system for keeping the lights on.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I work in IT, but dream of being Penelope Cruz' Gynecologist :happy: (Everybody needs a dream)

    I'd have thought that with a name like that, you'd have been a lawyer! (TKaMB is my all-time favourite book!)
  • dave_in_delaware
    dave_in_delaware Posts: 49 Member
    I have a few jobs....

    In my regular fulltime job, I'm a CADD/GIS Technician at an engineering firm that specializes in hydrographic surveying, coastal engineering (wetlands creation, beach restoration, island creation, etc) and dredged material management. I work on construction drawings, survey drawings, create maps, do property research, make report diagrams and presentations, calculate volumes, etc. I enjoy it because I do many different things so I'm not usually bored. I went to school for CADD and GIS is a hobby I get to incorporate every day, and get paid for it! LOL.

    I'm also a Dredging Inspector (a small part of my regular job above). When there is a dredging operation on the Delaware River, I'll stay aboard the dredge to make sure things are going well. I make sure they're dredging in the correct spot and to the correct depth. I document progress (advance), any stoppage in work (vessel traffic, chokes in the pumps or pipes, equipment maintenance, etc), weather and environmental conditions, and visit the disposal site on occasion. It's awesome having a floating office aboard a vessel like a dredge. Never a dull moment!

    In my side job, I'm the owner of a CADD Services company. I provide CADD and related services to architects, engineers, interior designers, etc. I'm actually an architect by schooling and earlier career (not registered though), but ended up in an engineering firm. But in my side business I get to do what I learned in school, so that makes me happy. And I can set my own hours and charge a little more than what I make in my FT job. That makes me happer. LOL.

    I'm also training to be a BEA (Bail Enforcement Agent), which is basically a "bounty hunter" but it's technically "fugitive recovery." This will be an additional side job when the CADD job is slow. I'm working on getting more physically fit to be able to handle the job better, and I'll be taking my weapons courses soon so I'll be certified to carry a firearm for the job. There are other mandatory courses to take as well. All in good time. I chose this side "career" because I wanted to give something back to the community in some way and help others. And it puts my interests in firearms, shooting, self-defense and daily carry to better, more every day use.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Im a peanut smuggler :blushing:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm the editor and chief reporter for a defence website. There's some very interesting tech to write about, but when most of it is new ways to kill people it can get you down.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    Im a peanut smuggler :blushing:

    Do you get job satisfaction Sarah ?
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    I am a forensic psychologist. I do a lot of evaluations for court purposes, like competency to stand trial, etc. I really like my work. I get to be sort of a "sleuth" in my job. Took me forever to finish school, but now it feels like it was worth it.

    Nice to meet you!
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Im a peanut smuggler :blushing:

    Do you get job satisfaction Sarah ?

    No lol
  • satch45
    satch45 Posts: 126 Member
    Environmental Consultant
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Im a peanut smuggler :blushing:

    I thought they were fruit pastilles tbh
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Im a peanut smuggler :blushing:

    I thought they were fruit pastilles tbh
    Fried eggs lol
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    It's great reading all of these - such a variety of professions!

    I'm a full-time student at university but I also write iPhone/iPad apps on the side and sell them. I'd say the thing I like most about it is the lack of time constraints - no extra deadlines - but also my interest is moving away from them but I still need to answer support emails from customers.

    As for my job of being a student - that's far more rewarding. I'm reading biochemistry and I am very hopeful to make a career out of it... I'm hoping I get to work on some disease relevant to my life - e.g. obesity, psychotic illnesses. Or I could be predictable and go into cancer research! It's the limitless possibilities I like.

    My dream would be to go into protein crystallography - working out what proteins look like at the atomic level. Then I get to spend 36 hour stay-awake marathons in SYNCHROTRONS (best name for a building ever?) shooting x-rays at really small crystals of protein! :laugh: And what better excuse is there to drink LOADS of coffee!? :drinker: (I like coffee)

    One job I don't think I could ever do - be a mother. Hats off to anyone who can stand the thought of mothering children :noway: ... they scare me!
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    I am a Physician Assistant, currently working for the DoD; Navy. I do health screenings for Marines when they get back from overseas; make sure all thier health needs (mental, physical, emotional, social, ect) have been addressed and if not give them the resources they need. It's a great stable job to support my family, but especailly feels good to help out our Marines to get them the care they so deserve.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I own my own business. I am a Virtual Assistant. I have provided phone support for online retailers (Very, Littlewoods) I also do proofreading for a large mystery shop company here in the UK. I proofread the reports that come in before sending them to the clients. I am also an executive admin. for a wedding photographer, I handle all the filing, do promotions, find opportunities to grow the business.

    I love proofreading because I don't have to deal directly with people. I do the work from my kitchen table and can do it in my jammies if I feel like it. I like the wedding photographer gig because I do all the behind the scenes stuff and get first glimpses of wedding pics.

    I am also a wife and mom with 2 teenagers in the house currently. I also chase after the 3 dogs and 2 cats.
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    I am a head chef at a restaurant and I am going to school full time and I'm a wife and mother...not sure how I do it all, but I am. I love being creative with food and making people happy by making something they haven't had since childhood.
  • mixtapemusings
    mixtapemusings Posts: 36 Member
    I also work in circulation for a newspaper, but a big one. :) I do social media customer service and a TON of other stuff. My job description is quite lengthy but I love it.

    I love working for a company that I respect and admire with amazing coworkers. Our Pulitzer prizes speak for themselves.
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    Emergency road service operator. Very high stress. Be nice when to us when you call in :wink:
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    Emergency road service operator. Very high stress. Be nice when to us when you call in :wink:
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Wow - there are some really interesting jobs out there!!