What is your job?



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    ...wish I had ninja skills. Prolly wouldn't be on the litter crew if I did.....
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Emergency road service operator. Very high stress. Be nice when to us when you call in :wink:

    Congrats on meeting your goal... Also Have a happy birthday.

    Thank you!
  • themrs08
    themrs08 Posts: 87
    I'm a domestic engineer for Nolan Inc.

    Or, in layman's terms...I'm a stay at home mom!
  • brian2911
    brian2911 Posts: 48
    firefighter / paramedic work for a fd and also in a ER on the side
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I am a nurse practitioner in a busy ER and love my job. The best part......treating patients and making them well.....and helping to make a child feel better when sick or injured.

  • flutterbee3
    I am a Realtor. I especially enjoy working with people looking to buy a home and I enjoy being in control of my own business. My success or faliure at it depends on how hard and how long I am willing to work, kinda like this losing weight thing :happy:
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    I am a retired dental assistant of 39 years.Today, I am a direct sales consultant for Cookie Lee Jewelry and a stay at home mom.
    I love my jobs, LOVE LOVE wearing, selling, and sharing my beautiful jewelry, making my own hours and empowering other women who join my team. I also love being home to take care of my children and husband.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Program/Milieu Director for a private therapeutic boarding school and working ranch. We have 48 students 40 staff and about 45 horses. I love most that we get to work with these young men for the better part of a year and get to watch them grow from angry teenagers to confident, mature well prepared young men. It's frustrating at times, but so rewarding. I also love being a mentor to staff and watching them grow as well.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Dance. I teach at an international dance conservatory, teach in New York's public schools for kids who have had their extracurricular programs cut (dance is great because admins count it as art AND gym!!), help manage and am a professional dancer for a historic modern dance company.

    I love, love, love everything about what I do. I love working with kids, both the conservatory kids who are the best of the best and want to be pushed and the public school kids who are just so hungry for every opportunity we give them. I also love being involved in making art - I think that's how a society records what is most meaningful to them to pass down to future generations. I love that I'm not at a desk all day.

    Dance is also awesome because I can learn so much about the human body and push myself athletically every day.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I have the most important job. I am a parent. There is no more important job in any society than raising children.

    I have two kids. Son started college three years ago. Daughter is starting her college in September.

    What do I like the most of it?

    Loving my children no matter what and giving them unconditional love.

    Also, teaching them the sense of responsibility, promoting the development of intellectual curiosity, motivation to learn and desire to achieve, giving them good education, being reasonable with my disciplining style and not using physical punishment.

    I know that I may adjust the above paragraph when my kids send me to a nursing home in the future, but for now I believe that you cannot love your children too much.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I'm a nurse supervisor in a long term care facility. I also am the mother to four beautiful children ages 2, 4, 11, and 13. I must say that so far, raising a teenager is the hardest job I've had to do.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    My job is a very important one! I am a very busy wife and Mommy to 9 wonderful children :) They range in age from 1 yr old (just had her birthday on Wednesday) to 21 years old...5 boys and 4 girls. I LOVE my job soooooooooo much and am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my children and manage our home :)

    My husband is a personal trainer (what a nice perk for me!), distributor for Visalus, and corporate sales manager for our gym :)

    9??? 9 children? How on earth do you do it? Kudos to you! That is amazing!! I absolutely love my children, but don't think I could handle any more than the 4 I have.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm a nurse supervisor in a long term care facility. I also am the mother to four beautiful children ages 2, 4, 11, and 13. I must say that so far, raising a teenager is the hardest job I've had to do.

    I agree with you. Being a parent is the most important job, while being a parent of teenager is the most difficult one.
  • pinkgirlzoe
    pinkgirlzoe Posts: 59 Member
    I am an Audiologist working in London. Have been doing this for 16 years this year
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I am a criminal investigator (commander over an investigative unit in a municipal police department). The best part of the job is seeing the guys put together an iron-clad criminal case and sending the perp(s) to prison...and the best part of that is seeing the look on the defense attorney's faces when they lose.

    But so frustrating when they walk away. I have a close friend who's a DS; it's bad enough that he has to see the bodies of tortured and ritually-slain children (amongst other terrible things), but even worse when the justice system can be exploited/manipulated so that the people responsible are found not guilty. Obviously it doesn't happen all the time, but even once is too many, as far as I am concerned.

    I know I couldn't cope with a job like that, so I genuinely have the utmost admiration and respect for anyone who can. You have to be strong in so many ways, and keep on even when you know it's unlikely to end in a conviction.

    My job on the other hand, is far less gruelling! I make bespoke corsetry, theatrical costume, and reproduction historical clothing (mostly for history societies). Occasionally I make bridal wear too, although I have been phasing this element out for the past couple of years (it's just too stressful!). I've been designing and making clothing for over 35 years, so it's great to be able to make money out of something which started as a hobby because I wanted to dress like the characters in 1940s and 50s movies! I've had some of my work featured in Marie-Claire, Vogue, and on the BBC too!

    I've recently finished costuming a production of Macbeth and am about to start work on The Country Wife, and then it will be Sophocles' Electra, and Salome (which I am really, really looking forward to).

    Also, because I used to work in the games industry and still keep in touch with a lot of my old network, I sometimes still help out friends by proofing and editing their p-mats, publicity materials, wikis and in-game text. Occasionally I am asked to liaise with format-holders on their behalf (usually Nintendo and Sony), and sometimes they contract me to do a couple of months of PR work for them here and there. I keep telling myself I'm going to stop doing it but it's nice to keep my hand in, as it were! Plus the extra money comes in very handy, and I like having a variety of work!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    i'm like a ninja! i'm a mental health nurse in the crisis team here in new zealand. it does require some ninja-like skills from time to time!
    i spend chunks of my work time between hospital, the custody suite (when people have been picked up by the cops and they think they need further assessment and input), and clients homes (where we do everything we can to manage risk and keep them home).
    i usually love my job. but sometimes i think i'd rather work in a subway sandwich shop.

    LIKE a ninja isn't the same as actually being a ninja. Your job is cool, too, but, well, NINJA.

    Bwahahahhhaaa....I like your sense of humour!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Program/Milieu Director for a private therapeutic boarding school and working ranch. We have 48 students 40 staff and about 45 horses. I love most that we get to work with these young men for the better part of a year and get to watch them grow from angry teenagers to confident, mature well prepared young men. It's frustrating at times, but so rewarding. I also love being a mentor to staff and watching them grow as well.

    What a fantastic-sounding job! Kudos to you and everyone like you for doing such amazing things for fellow human beings. :flowerforyou:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member

    What a fantastic-sounding job! Kudos to you and everyone like you for doing such amazing things for fellow human beings. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you. I have been in the field for 17 years and with this organization for 6 and it is just a blessing to work there. I work for an amazing family run organization where the owners are hands on and the team of people is just the greatest. The kids are what makes it all come together. They run their community and we provide support and guidance, while they find their way.
  • Cindib13
    Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm a neonatal nurse. I get paid to care for, cuddle, love, feed, and diaper babies all night. However it is a noisy job.( :sad: )
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    I work in IT, but dream of being Penelope Cruz' Gynecologist :happy: (Everybody needs a dream)