
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    What's the shred thing?? I know it's something from Biggest looser but not sure which video it's on when I looked online - sounds like a good one and I'd like to try it. I am not getting exercise-I told myself that once I lost 15 # I had to start--well I am there now so here I go.....

    I also am not drinking enough water. Must drink water...Must drink water...Must drink water...
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    LOL ... Yes, you must drink water :drinker:

    When we talk about the shred it's the

    30 Day Shred - by Jillian Michaels

    It has 3 complete workouts - Level 1,2 and 3.

    I got mine from walmart.com for $9.99 ... feel free to join us in it! :flowerforyou:
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    I really like it. I am on the 5th day today and hopefully my friend will do it with me. I have sore arms shoulders, butt, and calf muscles. It surely lets you know that you are working those muscles. It was terrible on day 2 and 3 but today I am feeling lots better. I can't wait to see the muscle tone even if it is under fat. But not for long.

    Way to go on finishing the push ups. your son seems to be a great motivator.

    Keep it up. We will do this together and look awesome.
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    I really like it. I am on the 5th day today and hopefully my friend will do it with me. I have sore arms shoulders, butt, and calf muscles. It surely lets you know that you are working those muscles. It was terrible on day 2 and 3 but today I am feeling lots better. I can't wait to see the muscle tone even if it is under fat. But not for long.

    Way to go on finishing the push ups. your son seems to be a great motivator.

    Keep it up. We will do this together and look awesome.

    We sure will! Hot Mamas!!! :love:

    Actually he's not my son, he is the son of the family I work for. :bigsmile:
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    Oh Sorry miss understood.

    Keep up the good work though.

    Hey is there any purple people out there today? Come out Come out where every you are.

    I am going to do my shred then treadmill and then I will be back.

  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    i think i'm purple. i messaged Canelitas earlier in the week.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    hi-hi. purple people eater here!

    (people don't have bad carbs, right??:embarassed: )
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Not feeling too great today. I was going to do Shred between jobs but I have a killer headache behind my eyeballs. Ugh! I'm gonna just lay around with my bf until we both have to leave for our second jobs. :yawn:
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    i think i'm purple. i messaged Canelitas earlier in the week.

    Yes, you did, Did i forget to send you a message? :huh:
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    Oh Sorry miss understood.

    Keep up the good work though.

    Hey is there any purple people out there today? Come out Come out where every you are.

    I am going to do my shred then treadmill and then I will be back.


    It's ok ... How did you do? :bigsmile:
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    I did pretty good. I still have trouble with the third rotation of strength with the arm raises and side lunges. But I am not as sore as I was on the 2nd and 3rd day. But it still felt good.

    I didn't get my treadmill workout in Hubby called and needed me to take him something. So there went my workout. I am going to walk on the treadmill while the family watches a movie. With popcorn but I am not going to eat any.

    Welcome to the purple team christel. Glad you could join.
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    Okay today is Saturday. I've got the kids cleaning their rooms. They want to go to the Movies tomorrow. So I told them their rooms need to be cleaned first.

    As far as my workouts I am going to do my 6th day of Shred. Then I am going to do some tae bo later.
    I think Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is the best for strength training that I have come up with. I really feel it when I am done. But I do need to push myself to do more cardio on top of the shred.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    So did they get to go to the movies???

    My weekend hasn't been the best ... I got fever on Friday evening, and then had the flu, I've bee sweating it out, on top of that I got my period, so you can imagine ...lol

    Right now, I'm much better, just have a stiffy nose and scratchy throat...any suggestions anyone?

    I'm praying I am ready for work tomorrow. :wink:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ahhh I've got the evening to relax, after a weekend at work. Ugh! I feel an early bedtime calling my name! :smile:
  • tall_t
    tall_t Posts: 251
    I hear the bed calling my name too...

    I had a busy day, got up early to do 2 mile run, no stopping.... First time EVER for that!!!!! :drinker: Then church, when I got home I did Wii Fit for 2 1/2 hours doing every exercise on there. Then my husband took me to Outback and I asked for a box and put half of everything into it before I even started, I am still full!!!!!

    But now, it is time to sleep. Night all my purple people!!!! Thanks for motivating me to be good today! I want a good weigh in on Tuesday!!!!
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    Yeah we went to the movies. It was okay. They wanted to See Beverlyhills chihuahua.

    I didn't work out today. Missed the shred. I will continue on it tomorrow.

    I went to eat at chili's and did okay. I didn't eat all my food and left it on the table. So I won't have the temptation to finish it when I got home.

    I feel good about my weekend.

    Sorry you are feeling sick.:cry: Canalitas get better and get back into the game. It is life and we need to learn to adjust. I know you can do it.

    Tina you are the bomb. I am glad to hear that you had a great weekend. Love your dedication.
    Keep it up.

    Good night. My purple peps.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    LOL ... Yes, you must drink water :drinker:

    When we talk about the shred it's the

    30 Day Shred - by Jillian Michaels

    It has 3 complete workouts - Level 1,2 and 3.

    I got mine from walmart.com for $9.99 ... feel free to join us in it! :flowerforyou:

    Ok you Purple shredders....can you expound on the Shred a bit more? Here's the situation..I live on the 3rd floor...and not sure how comfy I'd be doing jumpin jacks and things that way over my neighbors heads.

    What types of things does this workout entail? I do my workouts at the gym 5-6 days a week but would like to have a great video that I could also be doing as well...something to commitment myself to .....like in the Winter when I can't make it to the gym because of snow or whatever.

    I did watch the clip online of her video....but can any of you share a bit more about it???

    What equipment does it require....I saw a mat and weights.....what all are you using? lb wise and such..... I didn't see to much explained on what I need.....cause the clip goes pretty quickly...but I got the general idea of a bit of what she does.

    I called around and also found an under $10 price at Wally World....ok, I think it was Wally World..now I better check I called ALOT of places...lol

    Thanks for any info you can share on what to expect. Guess I'm afraid I won't be able to do it, like it's to much for me or something....but here's what I'd doing currently regarding my workouts. Kick butt water aerobics at least 1 class if not 2 per day...at an hour each, pretty much everyday except I take Sundays off from the gym normaly.

    I also do strength training (cable weights/machines..don't know much about free weights yet...but would love to start them as well or instead of) 2-3 times a week. I've been working out since last July or so ........just gives you an idea on my fitness level.

    So think I can do the Shred??....:laugh: I'm laughing because it sounds like a Jillian term!:drinker: Like it's gonna shred you up and spit you out......probably I'm just stuck on the name and the workout will be fine for me.

    I do so love my workouts...and the next day the soreness makes me realize how hard I've worked...and I feel so good about my progress...remembering how last year was ...ohhhhhhhhh so not like this year.:blushing: :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I bought the Shredding video at Best Buy this weekend and will begin today.

    From everything I have read I will need to STRETCH after and I will be sore ---any other words of wisdom for someone just beginning??
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I bought the Shredding video at Best Buy this weekend and will begin today.

    From everything I have read I will need to STRETCH after and I will be sore ---any other words of wisdom for someone just beginning??

    I'll be purchasing the tape today....YAY! So as a new buyer..can you tell me if all the levels 1, 2 & 3 are all on the one tape? Ok, that's about all I know about this...nada! lol

    Please share how you like it, hate it (da pain..is what I mean...lol)...ya know just plain come back and share:laugh:

    ....Looking forward to learning more:heart: .....I so wanna add even more to what I'm doing now. :drinker:

    Have a great day all!
  • tall_t
    tall_t Posts: 251
    I bought the Shredding video at Best Buy this weekend and will begin today.

    From everything I have read I will need to STRETCH after and I will be sore ---any other words of wisdom for someone just beginning??

    I'll be purchasing the tape today....YAY! So as a new buyer..can you tell me if all the levels 1, 2 & 3 are all on the one tape? Ok, that's about all I know about this...nada! lol

    Please share how you like it, hate it (da pain..is what I mean...lol)...ya know just plain come back and share:laugh:

    ....Looking forward to learning more:heart: .....I so wanna add even more to what I'm doing now. :drinker:

    Have a great day all!

    I am so glad your asking the questions, I too have been wondering and didn't want to sound stupid because I didn't know.... Thanks Fitness Chick~
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