

  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Springbride - less than a year!! That's so exciting!! You know, us women, we just do what needs to be done. After you have kids, your life shifts again, but you always find a balance. That's what makes us the special women that we are!!

    Jen - welcome. Thanks for new trainers right? That is awesome that your so close! And you lost at a rate that will be better able to keep it off, good for you! You'll get those last lbs off and we'll be here to cheer you on!

    I was going to go for a walk this morning. I went outside and it was sooooo humid! One of those days where all you have to do is stand there and you'll sweat? So, I started out, but it was so hard to breathe, so I had to slow down to almost a stroll and then I shortened it by a mile. But I came home just wringing wet with sweat!! I feel better cuz I got out tho. Now, I definately think it's shower time!!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Was disappointed in my GPS last night... about two blocks into my walk, it decided to "end" my recording and I lost about half a mile or so, I'm guessing. Thank goodness for my HRM being able to log what I burned, regardless of the miles put in.

    This last week I had downloaded all of Jillian Michael's podcasts to listen to while I walked. Problem is... I'm about out of them! I have half of one left til I'm caught up.

    What do you listen to while you walk? Music? Audiobooks? Podcasts? Give me some ideas... (I listen to country music, for what it's worth.)
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    mbvenske- I guess that's true!! I've never been a very good planner so I'm starting to get nervous about how things will come together. I plan on really buckling down around August, we have a week long trip, and getting some things figured out! :)

    When i walk, I count. I guess it's kind of weird but I count my footsteps or because I usually walk with weights I do some arm exercises and count those. Otherwise I just enjoy the scenery since I live out in the country. But cows scare me!! (not much of a farm girl here) Otherwise if I am at the gym I watch tv. :)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    lori- when i run i listen to upbeat music. and i try my hardest not to think- it's like meditation for me! it's the only thing i've ever found that can stop my brain constantly ticking over and trying to solve the worlds problems. seriously, i'm like a guy and think of nothing but the tune i'm listening to and how much further i can keep running! it is awesome.

    amy- i think this is why it's so important for me to get out- BECAUSE i work full time and have 3 young kids! i need some space just to not think about anything. although finding the balance is really difficult. i have to find extra hours in my day, quite literally. if i'm on an early shift i get to work at 5am so i can go for a run before i start (otherwise it will eat into my time with the kids at the end of the day). and i've been married for long enough that seeing my hubby isn't really a priority!!! i see him every day, and he stays home with the kids so he does not often say something i haven't already heard! poor man lives in groundhog day!

    but, come on ladies! today is weigh in day. who has hopped on the scale? (mary- you're excused, of course!).

    i haven't yet- i'll do it tomorrow after my run (i only weigh after a run and before i've eaten. i want to be totally dehydrated and empty before i weigh in, so i know that i weigh in as the lightest i could ever be!).
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 194.0 this week ! I am excited for this challenge to get us through summer i know for me i am going to the beach next month and this group will keep me motivated im sure !
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Good Morning, gang!

    Stepped on the scale = 156.40lbs.

    I'm pretty happy with that even though it is the same # I got at my gym weigh in(every Wed in clothes).
    on Wed 6/15/11. It means I have gained a smidge but that ok considering we ate out at Red Robin
    on Sat - I had Chicken Ensenada and out again yesterday for Father's Day - I had seared tuna and
    even allowed a treat of blueberry crisp.

    Will be heading to the gym over lunch, as is my routine. Will do some weight training and cardio in the form
    of a 1.5 mile run and either the arc trainer or stair treadmill. Think I will take the spin class tomorrow night-
    my trainers wife teaches it and she makes it so fun. Any extra cardio can only help me at my gym weighin
    on Wed hee hee.

    Had a good weekend: my 11 yeard old danced in her Irish Step Recital on Saturday and did quite well.
    Then yesterday we had a nice relaxing Father's Day and did a few loads of laundry.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Today's WI (new scale) 269.8 = half a pound increase over last week... but I think it's mostly the new scale and the fact that I underate most of the week. Uggg.

    Goal for this week: Water water water water water water water Wat-ER!
    Also - increase protein/good fat intake
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    mary- full of beans is a british term (i guess) for being full of energy and enthusiasm.

    i weighed in, but my scales are clearly lying to me. 89.8kgs. nonsense- nonsense i tell you! i'm going to weigh in in the morning again, just to prove how fickle my scales are.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    well.....yesterday was my 35th birthday....so needless to say, I am off the wagon a bit.

    BUT I just had a medium sized piece of my DQ ice cream cake and had my husband help me throw the rest away! I hate wasting food and I know it's not cheap but it was symbolic for me to throw it away. Showing myself that I can take control!

    And Fit Camp (a boot camp type class) and Aqua Zumba started today plus I did 1 hour on the stationary bike and I am headed back down to walk on the treadmill now.

    Back on track and ready for a happy and healthy summer!! :)
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    You ladies are ROCKIN'!!! Look at everyone!!

    Andrea - you threw away icecream, YOU THREW IT AWAY!! totally awesome dude! Proud of you. And also a Happy Belated Birthday to you!

    Joni - thanks for clarifing that, I was worried that maybe I was being insulted, but not even close, I take "full of energy" as a compliment. And super duper fantastic job on the steady loss for you, you are doing so great, and such an inspiration!

    2stepz - you have a plan, and that is absolutely and the main way to control.

    Jen - sounds like you made fairly good choices when you ate out. Good for you, we can't stop living you know, just need to control our lives.

    Kris - You get to go to the beach, NOT FAIR!! I wanna go to the beach. but maybe I'll go camping instead and hang out by the pool. Yea, in my spandex!!! NOT!! You rock girl, have a great time!

    I'm not feeling good about my "journey' today. I just finished a candybar, not gettting the exercise I usded to get when school was going on, and I think I might be having a vi9sit from TOM, cuz I'm crabby as hell, AND my fingers arn't working right to type this!!! Maybe I should just go and finish latre. That sounds like the perfect idea!!

    Have a great, fantastic, awsome day ladies. You all are my rock, and my inspiration, don't leave me okay!!??!!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    mary- what would you say to someone else who was having a tough time?? take a day off, relax and recouperate, and then get back to it tomorrow! we don't have to be saints and be good all the time- that is not possible. if this is going to be a lifestyle, you need to be flexible. enjoy your chocolate, enjoy your rest day. take a nice warm bubblebath and just relax. because tomorrow you're gonna sweat like you've never sweated before! :-)

    AFM, i weighed in. turns out my scales are not fascist. i am! i did a 3.5 mile run (in an embarrassing 39 mins no less- it was kinda gentle), weighed in at my lightest possible (no water, went to loo, etc), and came in at 90kgs bang on again. BAH! but i think it may be because i'm not eating back enough of my exercise cals. so i'm going to get better at logging EVERYTHING (sometimes i have a bite of the kids food and don't log it), and drinking more h2o, and eating back more of my exercise cals.

    i'll see how that goes for the next week or so.

    but, come on everyone! lets get to it! our butts aren't going to shrink from wishful thinking alone :-)
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Pretty stressful last week. I took (AND PASSED) my pharmacy technician certification exam this afternoon so i've been worried almost sick about for the last week. (I'm a bit of a procrastinator, and very good at it I might add :laugh: )
    My weight is at 162 :frown: I was down to 160 for a couple days last week but then came right back up....here's to breaking to 150!!!! :drinker:

    bonjour-i say someone is "full of beans" when they are lying :laugh: I can see the confusion
    I have finished level 2 of 30 day shred and even got my fiance to do a day with me to see how hard it is. (he was impressed.) And tomorrow, I have my 2 sisters coming over to try on bridesmaid dresses! so excited! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Not sure why, but had a really off day eating later in the day.

    Planned my meals out and stuck with it until I got home. I had planned to go to spin class,
    but the teacher cancelled so I went home for a date night with hubby(the kids already planned
    a sleep over). I ended up eating a LARGE amount of popcorn (albiet the better air popped variety
    with spray butter) while watching a movie with my husband. Then I noshed on some pistachios.

    The good news is that I did get a 1.5 mile run in as well as 20 min on the stair treadmill over lunch.

    I have planned my entire meal for today and WILL stick to it!

    Have a great day folks!

    P.S.- gratz springbride on passing that test!
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    Is anyone else on facebook a lot?
    I find myself looking for the like button.

    Isn't it always so much easier to talk nice to other people than being gentle with ourselves. I know I struggle a lot with this. I challenge and encourage others to exercise, etc. but I beat myself up. I think we are always going to be our own worst critic.

    p.s. Mary, it was beyond tough to throw that DQ ice cream cake away. If you have never had one...don't start now. I think it's like heaven in a bowl! :love:
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!!! How is everyone today?? I'm doing much better. I didn't do a damn thing the last two days. NOTHING!!! Oh yea, went to a movie last night and ate a medium popcorn, by myself, and it was the unhealthy movie kind. But, oh well. TOM did come to visit, with a vengence, and still going strong. I think I'm going thru menopause, this isn't normal. but anyway, that has pulled my energy level down, and my snacking level waaaaay up. I haven't logged in 3 days, and haven't exercised either. So, I'm just got done logging my breakfast and now I'm gonna hit the treadmill. It is pouring here so I'll have to do my exercise inside. BUT I AM DOING IT!!!!

    Andrea - I used to be addicted to facebook, then they told us at work we couldn't go on anymore, and I don't have alot of time here at home to do it, so it'll be weeks before I go on. But I can relate to you!

    Yarmiah - you did great! healthy popcorn AND you got exercise! Fantastic job!

    Springbride - CONGRATS!!! you better be proud of yourself! best of luck with the shred. it's hard! I made it 10 days and gave it up. My knees thank me tho. You can do it, and boy it does make you feel stronger!

    Joni - hang tough, all your work that stupid scale will have to stay down! Great job on your run. I do 4 miles in 70 minutes so I'd not complain about your time. Your doing awesome!!!

    Okay, I'm headed to the treadmill........see here I go.......... see me go?............
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hi all! it's been a while!

    mary- i hope you're feeling a little better.

    sorry, i can't chat long, my kids are running riot!

    i'm doing a 5 mile run in the morning, so wish me luck! i'll let you know how it goes, then weigh myself in afterwards!
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Good mornin- just stoppng in.

    Busy day today, but wanted to take the time to plan
    my breakfast before I get rolling. I have found that planning
    my food, even if it's just before I eat, helps me stay on track.
    I hope to plan my whole day at a time soon.

    I amy sneak a peek on the scale today- hopefuly wont be disappointed.

    bonjour- 5 miles? wow! you go girl! I don't even like running my
    measly 1.5 as I work up to 3.1 for the 5k in the fall.
    Kudos to you!

    Have a great day all!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    so i ran my 5 miles- 5.6 to be exact! it took 70 mins, and i ran nearly all of it. and i didn't need to poo once! which for me is a miracle.
    but i weighed in at 90.4kgs- a gain of 1.5lbs. but nevermind- i did great at running- i feel all warm inside at how well i did!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Joni, you are doing AWESOME!!! What a fantastic goal you met!! I am sooo proud of you, keep with it!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    How did everyone's weekend go? What kind of exercise did everyone get in? Yesterday, I'll be honest, I didn't do a thing. Worked all day and came home and didn't do a thing. Today, we went to my nephew's graduation party. When I got home I went for a nice long walk. 4 miles about 70 minutes. Felt great because I haven't done any exercise at all lately.

    Have a great week everyone!