

  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning all!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.

    The scale read 155.2lbs- that down a littel over a lb- thats the good news

    The bad news: I ate like a pig yesterday! No idea why, but I kept wanting to eat, I
    don't even think I was hungry. Started off well with a healthy breakfast. Then it
    was off to shop for the kids and a stop by Lowe's and by the time I got back I was
    starving but ended up eating only a pieeof cheese and popcorn. Not the best choice.
    Then the remainder of the day was snacking on crackers, carrots, milkduds, klondike
    bar, cheezits (oh yeah, and a dinner of london broil and broccoli in there as well).
    I guess it all started with the dumb (un satisfying, non protein lunch option) so I wont
    be doing THAT agagin. If I'm craving popcorn, don't try to turn it into a meal! lol

    What's done is done! Today is a new day. I'm heading to the gym for a class in a bit
    and then over to a relatives to swim. I WILL eat well today also.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost 2 pounds last week checking in at 192.0~
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    kris- that's awesome!!! you go girlfriend!!
    yarmiah- you're doing great too!

    i'm so pleased for both of you.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Fantastic job on the loss girls!! i'm really happy for you!

    Yarmiah, I can sooooo feel your eating yesterday! I've been doing that alot lately!

    I went to the foot dr. this morning. My ball ofmy foot has been hurting so bad. I was afraid that he was going to tell me that I had arthritis in that foot, (I already do int hte other one). good news is, no arthritis. but I do have a pinched nerve at the base of my second toe, so I got a cortizone shot. (can you say ouch) Hoping that'll take care of it, otherwise in a month it's the next step of a series of shots to kill that nerve otherwise surgery to remove it. Lets hope this works. But, no walk for me today he said, tomorrow it's back to the plan.

    Then we went to Burger King. Got a tendergrill, with no mayo and only the top bun, and a small fry. I'm okay with my choices, other than the sodium it wasn't to bad.

    Have a great Monday all, and again congrats on the losses.

    This week, I am going to log my food and drink my water!!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Second day in a row I logged my food. I'm doing great!! No structured exercise today, but I painted my niece's bedroom so my arms got a work out, and the up/down helps. I'm feeling a little sore, muscles I haven't used in forever, etc. etc.

    Tomorrow it's back to work. HOpefully it won't be to extremely hot when I get home because I'ld love to go for a walk. Otherwise, at least I am going to log my food, and drink my water..

    Great week to all.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Today a MUCH better eating day! Tracked my food and no "forgotten" items.
    Had some over ripe banana's so I made a banana bread from a Cooking LIght
    recipe. Pr serving (14 servings/slices pr loaf) is 147 calories but I think I made
    it evven better as I subbed whole wheat flour for the reg flour, eggbeaters for 1
    of the eggs, light butter instead of the reg full fat, and splenda instead of sugar.
    Then I added a small amount of choc chips- sure hope it tastes as good as it looks!
    (I'll let ya know! hee hee)

    great job with trackin, mary. i didnt even notice until I had been using MFP that once
    I clicked "complete entry" it gives a a motivataion number to lookforward to if I keep
    eating the same way for 5 weeks. Tracking (an being honest doing it) really does
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks Yarmiah, it's easy for me to lose the logging habit, and when I fall, I fall completely, not one thing gets logged. But, I'm up this monring logging my breakfast so I've got a start on the day. yeaaa!

    I'm interested to see how that recipe works. It all sounds great to me except the spenda part. I'm not a big fan of artifiical sugars, I always feel there is an aftertaste, but I've never tasted it in something like that. Definately keep us posted.

    Well, I'm off to work, gonna be hot here today, Yuck! Have a gret day all!!
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Just calculated the banana bread recipe using the tool here on MFP.

    1 slice = 137 calories! and its tastes DELICIOUS!

    I "shared" the recipe when I added it, but not sure if it shows up immediately
    or not. I titled it "Lightened Up Banana Bread". If you can't find it and want
    the recipe I'll let post it here - it's not that long. If you dont want to use the
    splenda, I'm sure you can use reg. sugar as the original recipe called for
    it and their calorie count as is was 187cal pr slice, which still is not bad.

    Keep up the good work tracking! I find I am more accountable myself, if I
    track the food BEFORE I eat it, even if I'm doing just before I'm sitting down
    to eat.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning everyone!! ARe we ready for July? I'm gonna be walking lots this month. That is my goal, my walking. I'm gonna try for 75 miles. That is gonna be a push for me, but I'm setting myself up a ticker and I'm gonna DO IT!!!

    I'm a little nervous about weigh in tomorrow. Not sure what's gonna happen. In July I'm weighing the 1st, 10th, 20th, and 30th. Can't go for another month at a time again.

    Gotta get back to work, more later.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    has it really been a month since you last weighed in?? wow. i think every 10 days sounds like a good idea. but good for you for making some real tangible goals.

    so, repeating what i've said before about goal setting- our goals need to be SMART.

    S- specific (like walking 75 miles in the month!! gulp)

    M- measurable (otherwise how do you know if you've achieved your goal?)

    A- achievable- don't set yourself up to fail

    R- realistic- don't aim for a marathon in 4 weeks when you're just able to walk around the block

    T- time- ladies, we have 4 weeks until the end of july to reach our goals. what is your goal??
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I know it seems like alot, but I figure each time I walk it is 4 miles, 4 times a week = 16 times 4 weeks = 64 miles, and to give me that extra push..... maybe your right maybe I'd better be "SMART" and go fro 64 this first month of keeping track.

    Okay, 64 miles. Here we go................
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Morning ladies, you will notice my ticker shows a huge loss, (like 10 lbs). I changed my start weight to the weight I was when I started this journey in April. I also weighed in this am and had a 3.8 loss for the month of June. I was hoping for more, but happy that it was a loss and summers are hard for me.

    Is everyone ready to start this month? I'm excited to give it a good effort! I can do this, I am worth it, and I will succeed!!!

    Still waiting to see some goals for the month, where are they ladies?
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend !
    My goals for the month of July are to Exercise at least every day !
    Drink at least 8 to 10 cups of water a day and water is something i do enjoy drinking now i used not to like it to well.
    And to have a weight loss while i am on Vacation this is going to be a struggle for me but i know that i can do it ! And i hope that i am in the 180s during the month of July !
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Hey Hey and Happy July all!

    My goal for July is to reach 150lbs!

    I will do this by continuing my exercise routine and being
    more disciplined in my eating- counting every morsel I eat
    and focusing on my "what and when carbs" lol.

    Busy holiday weekend here- dump run, and garage cleaning tomorrow,
    laundry and possibly visit to in-laws sunday -yay (NOT!!) and for Monday,
    my youngest is participating in a parade and then off to my grandmothers
    house for swimming and BBQ.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    my goal for july is to stick to my training schedule- it's really hard because i work shifts and some days i just don't have the determination. but for july, i'm there!

    i would like to be able to run for 45 minutes without stopping- i can already do this, but it takes alot of encouragement to keep going. i want to get to the point where i don't really think about it. i want to stop making deals with myself- i do alot of 'if you run to the corner you can walk for a minute' kind of thing. i don't want to do this anymore.

    so, by the end of july i will just run easily for 45 mins.

    and i'd like to weigh less than 88kgs! i'm 89.5 now and have been a bit stuck. so i'd like to see some difference.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Happy Saturday!!!

    Kris - you have great goals. Exercise everyday, that is awesome. You keep that goal and you will DEFINATELY hit your goal of hitting the 180's this month!! Your only 2 lbs away, you'll do it. Even with vacation. You know how to make the smart choices, and your an achiever. so................. go achieve!!

    Yarmiah - you've got a full weekend planned, enjoy every minute of it. You are doing great picking your goals. 5 lbs to 150. That is attainable in a month. You follow your goals and you'll hit that goal also.

    Joni - hang tough girl, I know what it's like working shifts, it's really hard to get structured exercise in. But you are doing great!! You've got your 45 minutes of run time down, now just work on finessing it! You'll only go up! And you also have great attainable goals.

    Do you see what we are doing ladies? We are making smart choices. We are doing things that we are able to accomplish. How great it that!? To the new ones that hop in here, we are a "smart" group with lots of great attitudes, and we are gonna push thru July and accomplish great things!!!

    have a great weekend all!!! :glasses:
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    mary- you're so motivating :-)

    and yes, we are smart. and it's great.

    i may have to change my weight loss goal a bit. i was 89.5 a few days ago, and weighed in today (after a 5.5 mile run might i add!) and i am 88.2kgs. that's 194lbs i think.

    thank god tomorrow is a weights day- i'm not sure i would like another run.

    but i'm a bit nervous with my training because over the next few weeks my shorter runs are 5 miles. they started off a 3 and it was nerve wracking then. and my longer runs go up and up and up. but at least the shorter runs are getting easier- honestly they are. i now run for a while and don't think too much about it, but getting going is always difficult. the 1st 1/2 mile to mile is always difficult. and i always doubt myself.

    but july is looking like a superb month for us! 28 days left- that's exactly 4 weeks. so lets go 1 week at a time.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 190.5! I hope that everyone has a happy and a safe 4th of July !
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies!

    I did NOT weigh-in . . . totally blew it this weekend. But I can't avoid the scale "forever"!

    I did alot of reflection last night after my prayers about why I ate what I did, was it worth it,
    how far I have come over the past year, etc. I even posted a favorite quote of mine on
    FB when I woke up this am:
    "It's never too late to be what you might have been."- George Eliot

    Here's to new motivation and re-inspiration! Cheers!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Joni - don't be nervous! If it was an easy journey it wouldn't be as satisfing! You are doing great! You know that! Think about wheere you were when you first started. I bet you couldn't run near like you are now. You've come a long way and you are dominating this journey!!! Keep it up and don't give up!

    Kris - I do believe that is another loss for you! Next time your gonna be down in the 180's. That is soooooo fantastic.

    Yarmiah - love the quote! So very true. You sound like me with my love/hate relationship with my scale. Why we are so fixated on those stupid numbers is beyond me. We should think about how we feel, and how far we've come and what we have accomplished so far, but noooooo, we focus on those stupid numbers!! Oh well, we'll get there eventually.

    I got a 5 mile walk in today. That's my longest in years! I feel it, but I also feel good, and talk about sweating! YUCK!! but I know that it means I pushed myself and that is good.

    Everyone have a great evening, and keep doing an awesome job!!!