fit for october challenge



  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    morning! i can't believe it is already thursday - wow!

    so i have only been able to work out one day this week; however, I have been cleaning/cooking/on my feet every single day so I have been counting that (which evidently accounts for a pretty decent calorie count). The eating has been great and I am feeling pretty good today. I have two obstacles to get through today = childrens birthday party and a family dinner get goal is to NOT eat at the birthday party (they only serve pizza and cake anyways) and just have grilled chicken and salad at the dinner (no wine/no bread/no dessert). If I have something bad I will make myself run 3miles when I get home. If I am good I get to take a bubble bath and read a good book.

    the weekend is almost here - time to really buck up...the more we say no to temptation the stronger willed we will get and be able to say no more and more - let just say NO to bad food this weekend! at least that is my mini goal for today

    monkeysmum = happy birthday to your littles one! wow a 13 year old, i am nervous about 13....granted age 2 is giving me enough indigestion...hopefully 3-13 will be nice ?
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    Soooo glad it's almost Friday, seems like my work week is dragging.
    We ended up going out to eat to Ruby Tuesday last night because we were busy and stopped while out shopping. I got the soup and salad bar so I didn't eat the best, but not awful. I did do better than my last few trips there so I was proud of that. I ate a little less and eased up on the salad dressing & croutons so it's better having gotten a burger and fries or something.

    So, after work today I'm starting ChaLean Exteme. I'll let you know how it goes...if it doesn't kill me. lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    lol mabrywynn i wish i could make the 3-13 sound easy but it really is dependant on the kids the weather and if theres anything decent on tv

    today my almost 13yr old is sat all quiet in his room with simpsons the 11 yr girl is on her laptop playing fb games she did do school work so its her treat the 8y and 4yr are painting a ceramic cat thing that the 4yr got for her bday and the 2 yr is watching the dvds bday girl got peace for a day enabling me to scrub the house i actually got motivated and did that cleaning but come tomorrow the 4 girls will be moaning im bored theres nothing to do if it rains they will be more bored and complaining its hard work to amuse them at differant age groups and the boy will moan he watched all simpsons today now what can he do i love summer holidays but the kids get fed up after a week it does get more fun tho as they get older and the things you can do with them get more interesting

    nelski good luck on chalean my 30ds hasnt arrived yet think that saved me alittle as im whacked after the 2hrs cleaning i just did hoping it will arrive tho as i feeling alittle slack only get the calorie burn in from walking and cleaning
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning woohoo friday and my 100th day logging on mfp

    todays plans i am hoping the 30ds arrives in mail but if not i will have to settle for some wii jogging or maybe try the 6w6p somthing top burn some calories
    wish me luck it may just kill me if jillians involved lol

    keep a look for all the achievments later on and post what you lost etc i cant recall having many this week to make note of except bjshooter under 140
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    It's Friday!

    Good morning everyone. I made it through my 1st ChaLEAN Extreme workout last night. It didn't kill me but definitely a workout. So far most of the moves I can do, just need to work on better form and upping the weights on a few. My shoulders sure are weak, it was tough doing some moves with only 5 lbs. Oh well, that's why I'm doing this, to get fit and stronger. We'll see how the next one goes 'cause it will be all different moves. I'm a little sore today but it feels good to be strength training again! I made a calendar of all the workouts for the 90 days and put it on the refrigerator so it's staring me in the face telling me to get it done.

    Have a good day!
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    good morning...i am also glad it is friday ... it will be a little challenging today since the twins decided to wake up all night long (starbucks might be in my future) and I am exhausted from that - when I am exhausted I make poor food choices. So my goal today is no poor food choices and actually get to the gym this afternoon. I will weight in tomorrow :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    OK my 30ds dvd arrived and i did level 1 my legs feel like lead weights still hr later level 1 omg i may need 30days just on that level lol

    mabrywynn my hubby asks why i need so much coffee and energy drinks kids is the answer it terible when they dont sleep and then you need be awake day and night have a chill day and just try to avoid the bad food choices im sure the non stop being awake must burn more calories than gym it certainly feels like it anyways

    nelski glad to see chalean didnt kill you lol i didnt even use weights for the shred and i feel like i did 10 rounds in ring with mike tyson god help me when i get some money and buy the weights ill be dead on my feet jillian definatley whipped my butt lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy saturday

    30ds omg my legs are killing me lol is there a level half dam this is going to kill me i did do some jogging on wii as well until my legs felt like they would fall off
    todays plans involve doing shred again god help me i must be mad and trying to do more jogging as well

    last weeks acheivments are

    bjshooter under 140lbs brilliant
    nelski survived first days of chalean

    and i cant find anyone elses let me knows i can add then to my log and try and put it onto a better chart for october i need get familier with spreadsheets me thinks
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Good morning and happy weekend!
    Feeling a bit glum today. I had planned on going shopping today, doing plenty of walking around the shops with heavy bags is a great workout! But sadly I can't as my boyfriend, my driver(!) Has had to go to work.
    Instead I might sort out the spare room and clear it out so I can do a workout. Maybe p90x kempo so that I can kick his butt when he gets home!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    ive just done 30ds level 1 day 2 oh god my legs are killing me if after 30 days i havent dropped some weight or toned something im going to cry

    cdpm i love the shopping workouts pushing a buggy with a 2stone baby half dragging the 4yr old around and then adding all the shopping weight to it its fab free workout just stressful i also love rearranging furniture to clean and workout cheating from real workouts but they make me feel like i earned the calories burned
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    yeah for saturday!! well my neighbors insisted I went out to dinner with them last night - so I ended up being a bit bad (aka - some chips and wine) ;however, I am pretty sure I stayed under my calorie goal for the day (estimated) so that is positive. Still exhausted from lack of sleep but otherwise in a great mood. Due to wine two nights in a row I have not lost any weight (it just holds that bloat)...but I have maintained. So goal is no alcohol until my sisters bachelorette party next weekend - hopefully lost .5-1lb this week. Bigger goal is to be down to 144 by September 1st!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning why is it sunday soo soon

    mabrywynn we are both as bad my daughter had a sleep over movie night the chocolate and popcorn we all ate was unreal and after i remember thinking now why did i eat it i did not need it and i didnt really want it it was just there so i nibbled as we watched movies i could do with some more sleep giggly 8yr olds make sooo much noise

    today i need clean the mess created by kids and try to do day 3 of shred my legs are killing me i walk all stiff legged and penguin style it has to be worth it
    have a great day be back soon to check on you alls and im hoping you are all being good or might need to get kids to lift my legs hug enough to kick butts lol
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Sunday - my dreaded weigh in day!
    Turns out I have lost 2.2lbs since Tuesday! I think most of it must have been water or something as I didn't eat as well as I should have been. Next week my goal is to hit 11stone - 154 lbs.
  • AakifahSiebert
    I haven't posted in here for about a week or so. I did my weigh-in Friday and I have lost 6.4lbs since I bought my scale (the previous Fri). So, I'm super-excited about that!

    The past few days I've had to deal with pain in my lower back (degenerative disc disease, blah) and in my right knee (I think I pulled a tendon or something)....but, slowly, they are feeling better. I didn't really exercise for a couple days to let my knee and back rest, but the past two days I've tried to get some cardio in, even if it's a little bit.

    WOW..... I just realized...I had wanted to lose 15lbs before Oct 15th....since I lost 6 already, I only have 9 to go!!!! Ha, that just TOTALLY made my day realizing that! :D I might have to change my goal now. lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    way to go both of you i am not liking my scales it says ive gained like 3lbs sionce starting 30day shred or maybe just junk i ate yesterday i will wait until tomorrow then cry over my gain and try harder ive done day 3 on shred and oh god jillian is killing me my legs are like lead

    aakifah my back hurts alot when weathers cold something swells and make sit feel like bones are grating together try heat rubs and a heat wrap it usually eases mine a little

    cdpm we`re all rooting for you to hit the 11st goal i wa slooking at out first aims and we are doing great towards it 71 days until i go away so thats 71 days for me to lose at least 7lbs surely i can do that
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    way to go both of you i am not liking my scales it says ive gained like 3lbs sionce starting 30day shred or maybe just junk i ate yesterday i will wait until tomorrow then cry over my gain and try harder ive done day 3 on shred and oh god jillian is killing me my legs are like lead

    aakifah my back hurts alot when weathers cold something swells and make sit feel like bones are grating together try heat rubs and a heat wrap it usually eases mine a little

    cdpm we`re all rooting for you to hit the 11st goal i wa slooking at out first aims and we are doing great towards it 71 days until i go away so thats 71 days for me to lose at least 7lbs surely i can do that

    I wouldn't worry that much about the scales with the shred. Lots of people on here seem to lose inches as opposed to lbs. Though I am sure with determination you will be able to nail both! I tried the shred, but after day 2 I refused to do anymore as my muscles were hurting and thought they needed a recovery day. You're doing amazingly to keep on at it!
  • hcam8
    hcam8 Posts: 69
    Hey I've just seen the fit for october post! Can I join?! I'm looking to lose 10 pounds by October 1.
  • AakifahSiebert
    way to go both of you i am not liking my scales it says ive gained like 3lbs sionce starting 30day shred or maybe just junk i ate yesterday i will wait until tomorrow then cry over my gain and try harder ive done day 3 on shred and oh god jillian is killing me my legs are like lead

    aakifah my back hurts alot when weathers cold something swells and make sit feel like bones are grating together try heat rubs and a heat wrap it usually eases mine a little

    cdpm we`re all rooting for you to hit the 11st goal i wa slooking at out first aims and we are doing great towards it 71 days until i go away so thats 71 days for me to lose at least 7lbs surely i can do that

    Yeah, I've been using a heating pad in the evening as well. It does help. As for your scale saying you gained 3lbs....muscle weighs more than fat.... so it may be that you're gaining muscle and that's why the scale is showing you gaining weight.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Argh my weight seems to be stuck again. I am still shredding though and inches are going down. Day 19 today.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm my muscles on front of my thighs are screaming this woman is a witch quit but when i first started my jogging on wii it was sdame on my calves and after a few days i wa sok so i will persevere albeit slower and see how how i go after 5 days if theres no improvment ill probably cry but i am stubborn

    hcam8 of course you can join welcome on board boot my *kitten* when i slack lol

    aakifah i hope you joinst etc feel better soon have you tried heat rubs i love them i prefer deep heat im in a minority i think as i like the smell but it works good when coupled with the heat wraps

    bjshooter day 19 seems so far away does the cardio get better than the level 1 i am not a fan of jumping jacks and skipping its killing my knees almost as much as the squats is making my thighs want to run and hide