fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    urghhh i hate the scales im up 3lbs jillian better do something other than kill me i need drop 9lbs now by october

    anyways happy monday i hate this day it comes round too soon its an evil day of the week lol

    today i need take nellie for her second vaccine shot i will do jillian again least my legs feel alittle better today now the muscles are used to it i am also going to be very good food wise try to fit in some wii jogging and basic cleaning seen as i was slack and swept around things yesterday i didnt want to bend to move stuff and i may even inquire over a couple kittens someone nearby is getting rid off
    have a great day everyone
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Today I could finally start with the 17 Day Diet. Very excited and I hope my results will be good! I am planning on starting Ripped in 30 but I will wait till I am through the fist 17 days.

    Monkeysmum: I didn't realise you started the Shred. When did you start? It was included in my 30 day Slimdown routine and in the beginning I hated jumping jack but I have to start I started to like them once my cardio strength improved! How is going with your kitty?
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    Today I could finally start with the 17 Day Diet. Very excited and I hope my results will be good! I am planning on starting Ripped in 30 but I will wait till I am through the fist 17 days.

    Monkeysmum: I didn't realise you started the Shred. When did you start? It was included in my 30 day Slimdown routine and in the beginning I hated jumping jack but I have to start I started to like them once my cardio strength improved! How is going with your kitty?

    i did day 4 today still hate jumping jacks but i can walk at least now its not what i wa sexpecting and i would have prefered a more cardio based workout but we will see i gained weight since starting it so not sure if ilike it yet
    nellie is doing great she had her 2nd shot today and now she can be let out in 2 weeks fully vaccinated she didnt really like me for taking her for the shot but she got ove rit with chicken treats lol
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    i did day 4 today still hate jumping jacks but i can walk at least now its not what i wa sexpecting and i would have prefered a more cardio based workout but we will see i gained weight since starting it so not sure if ilike it yet
    nellie is doing great she had her 2nd shot today and now she can be let out in 2 weeks fully vaccinated she didnt really like me for taking her for the shot but she got ove rit with chicken treats lol

    I quite liked it. I do always stretch a bit more after and that has really helped me with my soreness The weight gain is maybe only because you're building muscle and the muscles are holding on to extra water. Do you measure yourself or take before and after pics? I am sure that will keep the motivation high!
    Great about the cat!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning all this miserable tuesday

    nelski has chalean killed you yet??? i need to hear some fab results .

    i hope the weight gain does drop altho i was craving salt for a couple days so that probably didnt help me with losing anything but this weeks a new week so theres always hope

    today i need to clean desperately my older girl had a friend stay over you would have thought id have learnt my lesson but no and my house is trashed again i would complain but its a motivation to scrub house and she had fun and a whole night of not hearing mum im bored brilliant

    be good everyone it seems to have gone quiet on here do i need to be kicking butts or are you all being sooo good an dbusy you havent checked in??
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning.
    I made it through another Chalean workout last night, but it was a little rough at times. It was a cardio/interval workout and abs. I'm a little sore today. I'm only 3 workouts in but so far I'm liking it. I know if I can just stick with it I will get good results.

    Monkey don't worry too much about that gain right now, you could just be retaining water from high sodium foods or starting more of a strength training workout.

    Daisy, what is the basis of the 17 day workout, are you limited to certain foods?
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    Good Morning All, been out of the loop,, very discouraged lately, BUT i have realized that if I dont log my Food every time I eat it I will OVER EAT.. So here I go again Glad to see everyone is exercising, My running shoe burst a hole in the toe,,,,,, BUMMER so today im going to attempt the treadmill with socks only..... AHHHH
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski glad to see chalean hasnt killed you yet jillian is whooping my *kitten* good and proper i need to do day 5 today but first i need a rest ive just done 2hrs cleaning my house top to bottom im whacked but after a rest i will get my butt in gear and do day 5 of shred i cant say as im overly impressed i prefer a more cardio workout but my legs dont kill anymore they feel more little stiff but nothing major so ill keep at it and see how it goes but i think i will try and work something else into exercise as well i dont feel like ive worked out with just shred

    mindiejean welcome back its all so easy to fall off the wagon when we dont log as we can forget things we ate i did that before and gained back most of what i lost now i am determined to stick to it even on my bad days when i eat loads salt or loads chocolates but i guess we all need to splurge occainsionally

    kick my behind if i havent done shred later
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    HI! so once again discouraged (it seems this happens every month around the same tim e- hmm? TOM approaching??) so going to just keep doing what I am doing and see the results on the back end right? I did get some free $$ at my gym to use on the personal training department so thinking of signing up with a nutritionist and getting a trainer for a month. We will see how that goes.

    I ate well the rest of the weekend and the past two days - started back with some good workouts and overall very excited. I have my sisters bachelorette party this weekend so I am hoping to do well. My goal will be to eat good thursday/ a major long run SAturday morning and splurge saturday afternoon/evening. I hope that with my run it will negate any wrong doing that happens??

    anyways - keep up the good work this week ladies, we will all benefit from it even if we get frustrated with the scales
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well i was good i let jillian whip me behind again day 5 done 5 more level 1 left ive eaten good worked out and feel proud of myself today

    mabrywynn that sound slike a good plan and well whats the point of a prty if you cant splurge i hope you have a fantastic time it will make the hard work worth it
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Ok this weeks weigh i is the same as last, better than I thought 139lb

    Level 3 of the shred today, the cardio is the same as level 1, but with weights, punches, jumping jacks and butt kicks with weights :|
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    You can definitely add me! I (secretly) want to wear a sexy costume for Halloween and am (secretly) hoping to have lost /toned enough to pull one off.

    why so seeecret?!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning happy wednesday

    today i need to do day 5 shred bjshooter i really hate jumping jacks they are killing my knees my left knee is looking somewhat swollen do you think i could do extra punches or butt kicks something not as jumping on my knee or will it only work with jumping jacks??

    i tried a pair of jeans on today i bought them last year when i lost weight as a size 12 same as all my others and couldnt even fasten them today i can get them on and fasten them i need to lose a few more lbs for them to be comfy when im sat down or after ive eaten but im pleased with myself

    i also have my hairdresser coming around dinner so i need to make my kitchen clear of pots its like a joke everytime she comes the kitchen looks like a bomb exploded pots in sink kids made sandwhich and left mess on sides so today im going to shock here and make sure its clean wish me luck a smy kids like to conspire against me
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello all - and how is it only Wednesday? Feels like this week will never end!

    I've been eating well - not great - not terrible and with TOM it's making me feel a bit lethargic and unmotivated. Then I see the gym membership bill and get motivated again! To cheer myself up, this week I'm treating myself to a few new pieces of clothes to make my oversize wardrobe, more my size!
    I hope everyone is keeping positive and aiming for those goals!
    Well done monkeysmum for sticking to the shred!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    WAY to go munkeysmum,!!!
    Im thinking I need to do some Cardio to my fitness plan.. not Just running,
    So I am heading out to LOOK to purchase the body glove Sneakers.... Anyone try them yet? I may also buy a cheaper shoe,,, IDK
    But I ran for 12 Min on the treadmill no shoes and it felt AWESOME!!

    HAPPY WED everyone!!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    Happy Hump Day!

    Monkey, congrats on the jeans fitting! If your knees hurt, stop the jumping jacks! You can do them low intensity, just stepping legs out side to side or do nothing at all. Don't risk an injury. More punches could be a good idea so you are still getting cardio but not stressing your knee.

    I weighed myself and am up a little but I'm hoping it's just because I started strength training, and that whole thing about muscles retaining water. I won't get discouraged as long as it comes back down in a week or 2.
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    monkey - yikes on the jumping jacks...start with low intensity and build up - your body is probably just not use to that impact and it is acting out. Overtime it will get better...that is what happens to me when I first start running on pavement versus treadmill and eventually it evens out. my issue with jumping jacks is peeing on myself - LOL

    -wednesday - i agree this week seems really long. My baby girl has a fever now and a cough that sounds a bit croup-ish so we will not be going to the gym this morning as planned (sad). But my hubby has agreed to let me go running this afternoon so I will get a good workout in anyways...I have so much to do around the house before I go out of town it is slightly a blessing in disguise.

    good luck today girls - good food choices for all of us :) put down that brownie
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i did day 5 i did extra punches and smaller butt kicks i think the problem is the surface i always jog using asports trampoline it cushions the impact and makes the joints less sore also gives me so extra calories burned maybe i need to try doing the jumping jacks on that and see if it helps i am determined to so this im just not overly impressed with it im used to alot of cardio all jogging walking trampoline the strength and abs part is just slow for me i never feel like i have had a good workout i can do the shred and not even feel thirsty just sweaty and warm maybe im just too picky

    mabrywynn i havent ppe on myself yet but after 5 kids i am worried lol
    poor baby try raising her matress alittle at the head end it can help with her breathing and chest and plenty TLC poorly kids are never fun

    nelski getting in them jeans was a good boot in the bum to keep at it im hoping i can have a very comfy fit by october and take them away with me new clothes a holiday and peace its a good goal for me

    mindiejean i alway recommend beverly callards rapid results dvd 20minutes cardio 20minutes toning and it feels like a workout i loved it i need tear my house aprt to find it again as i loved the workout my kids had a sort out and organised my dvds bless them they thought id be happy really im freaking im rather OCD with my dvds and books they all go in certain orders places and my own system based on alphabetical series and themes they totally messed it up but i cant just change it back incase they never try and help again

    cdpm i love having a motivational thing at the minute its the new jeans for holiday but ive used all sorts buying me a fav dvd or book or even just allowing myself a piece of cake anything that make sme think get up get moving and do it or u cant have such and such and TOM infects scales with gremlins who weigh loads so dont look at the scales
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning happy thursday

    only 2 days and the weekend cant wait this week seems to have gone really fast or maybe its the end of the summer holidays thats coming up too fast but it did make me think about what i have acheived in the holidays towards my goal for october so far i lost 2lbs in holidays i had lost more but i gained back and ive started shred lost a couple inches so my jeans could fit so im going to look again at the end of august and see what the 6 week break did for me i should in theory be on day 19 shred have lost the final inch so them jeans are a comfy fit and hopefully lost back the 3lbs i gained fingers crossed

    todays plans in volve day 6 shred and im hoping to catch up on tv shows i recorded while doing some jogging on the wii nothing major just some exercise and chilling out on fb and here

    have a good day everyone i shall check on you all soon so be good
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Thursday! That means only 2 days until the weekend! Yipee!
    I hope everyone is doing well!
    I'm not feeling very hopeful for my goal for 11st by the end of the week, my TOM has been really bad this time round with contact cramps and headaches. A stressful week at work isn't helping either, which has meant I had to give in to my chocolate craving- whoops!
    Though I have been doing little things, like walking and getting the bus to work as opposed to driving and making sure that in the evenings I don't sit down for more than half an hour, I'll get up and walk around for 5 mins. I had good intentons and se my alarm early to get up and do a workout before work today, but when the alarm I was too exhausted to even get dressed, so went back to bed!
    I have changed my goal so that I hope I don't gain anything this week. Next week though, I'll need everyone here to shout at me so much I'll want to go to the gym twice a day everyday! (well maybe not that much!)