Take it from an ex marine, Your bodys the best tool for your



  • kathymc54
    kathymc54 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks! Those are the exercises I remember my dad doing every morning when I was a kid - and he was in amazing shape!
  • teacherkatz
    teacherkatz Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you for your service and advice.
  • tiaydew
    tiaydew Posts: 89 Member
    bump! Great info! I do have a gym membership but sometimes would rather stay home and workout.
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I hear excuses daily on why someone cant get in shape. Well take it from me, I was in the marines, and never lifted a weight while training. Your best weapon against fat burning and muscle building is your own body. Free weights and machines do help, but whats the good of trying to lift weights when you can barely lift your self? Here is a old marine trick that will benifit you very well.

    Run/walk at least 30 minutes daily and at least 3x a week.
    Crunches are the best tummy tuck in the world. No need for the ab lounger or tv marketable equiptment. It does it for you.
    Push ups come in many ways. (wide, narrow, wall, declined, diamond, jumping pushups, one hand)
    Pull ups (when a sturdy bar is available)
    calf raises for 5 minutes without stopping
    wall squats (you know, put your back against a wall, hands out in front of you and squat and sit)
    Jumping jacks!! (whoa, did I really just say Jumping jacks? yes jumping jacks. This is probably the best cardio beside jump rope that you can do. How bout start at 10 jumping jacks at three count and work your way up to 100 3 count in a month. Your legs and body will feel the burn!)
    Leg lifts ( Lay on that back and lift thoes legs 6 inches)
    star screamers (I bet you are like "What in the world is that?" well run in place, drop to the deck and do a push up, come up very quick to your feet and jump as high as you can, spreading your feet and hands to symbolize a star.)

    This is very helpfull for those of you that cant find the time to go to the gym. You dont need anything but a ground to stand on. When I went into the corps I was 198 lbs. I maintained a weight of 165. I ran about 3x a week, but I did do these plyometrics. This works. Make you up a workout including these workouts and try it for a couple weeks. Watch your body turn out to look like the few and the proud.

    Soo, would you say that this is ok to use every day? I like doing bodyweight circuit training at home, and hate doing the boring weights routine. I have pull up bar, although can only do about 5 pulls ups at the mo, or even doing it every other day?

    Once I tried doing the Hershal Walker style routines, ie 1000 squats, 1000 pull ups, sit ups, etc seeing how many I can do, and then adding to it each time.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Soo, would you say that this is ok to use every day? I like doing bodyweight circuit training at home, and hate doing the boring weights routine. I have pull up bar, although can only do about 5 pulls ups at the mo, or even doing it every other day?

    Once I tried doing the Hershal Walker style routines, ie 1000 squats, 1000 pull ups, sit ups, etc seeing how many I can do, and then adding to it each time.

    It is ok to do every day. What I would do is his circuit on tuesday, thursday, and saturday...and the strength training circuit I posted on monday, wednesday, and friday. You will gain lean muscle mass that way, and his circuit will constitute more of a 'cardio' workout on off days....providing your muscles the rest they need to recover while keeping them stretched and active.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Ok thanks alot for that. I have just downloaded the convict conditioning book as well. Just love bodyweight stuff!!
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    This sounds like a great workout!
    Run/walk at least 30 minutes daily and at least 3x a week.
    Crunches are the best tummy tuck in the world. No need for the ab lounger or tv marketable equiptment. It does it for you.
    Push ups come in many ways. (wide, narrow, wall, declined, diamond, jumping pushups, one hand)
    Pull ups (when a sturdy bar is available)
    calf raises for 5 minutes without stopping
    wall squats (you know, put your back against a wall, hands out in front of you and squat and sit)
    Jumping jacks!! (whoa, did I really just say Jumping jacks? yes jumping jacks. This is probably the best cardio beside jump rope that you can do. How bout start at 10 jumping jacks at three count and work your way up to 100 3 count in a month. Your legs and body will feel the burn!)
    Leg lifts ( Lay on that back and lift thoes legs 6 inches)
    star screamers (I bet you are like "What in the world is that?" well run in place, drop to the deck and do a push up, come up very quick to your feet and jump as high as you can, spreading your feet and hands to symbolize a star.)

    This is very helpfull for those of you that cant find the time to go to the gym. You dont need anything but a ground to stand on. When I went into the corps I was 198 lbs. I maintained a weight of 165. I ran about 3x a week, but I did do these plyometrics. This works. Make you up a workout including these workouts and try it for a couple weeks. Watch your body turn out to look like the few and the proud.
  • kabakken
    kabakken Posts: 22 Member
    bump for later :)
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    "Bends and thrusts are good for us, do-dah, do dah..."

    "ex-marine"? "Prior-Marine"? What the heck is up with the new Corps? Once a marine always a marine. You are not an ex-marine. You are a former marine! :o)

    Thank you for your service Devil Dog.

    Semper Fi,
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Am I the only USMC vet who's lower lid on one eye is switching spasticly like the squirrel from Ice Age at the OP's term "EX Marine"?

    Really, nobody is calling him on this???

    Once a Marine, always a Marine! ;) I agree w/ you girl.

    Yeah, I hit reply without reading all of the replies! It JUMPED off the screen at me. :)
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    OohRah! Im a marine wife and would like to thank you for your service. You guys (past, present, and future) are the best. hands down. great post btw!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Am I the only USMC vet who's lower lid on one eye is switching spasticly like the squirrel from Ice Age at the OP's term "EX Marine"?

    Really, nobody is calling him on this???

    Once a Marine, always a Marine! ;) I agree w/ you girl.

    Yeah, I hit reply without reading all of the replies! It JUMPED off the screen at me. :)

    Semper Fi!

    5831 & 8563
  • derrickmcgill90
    Am I the only USMC vet who's lower lid on one eye is twitching spasticly like the squirrel from Ice Age at the OP's term "EX Marine"?

    Really, nobody is calling him on this???
    I do apologize, But I was a grunt 0331 machinegunner. Its hard to say Prior service, and I certainly do not believe In calling myself a marine still. I earned that title but a new generation has as well. I say this as far a being a grunt, Ill leave the legacy to the new age devil dogs. No need to take the flame. Pogs just dont get it like the grunts lol jk jk
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Am I the only USMC vet who's lower lid on one eye is twitching spasticly like the squirrel from Ice Age at the OP's term "EX Marine"?

    Really, nobody is calling him on this???
    I do apologize, But I was a grunt 0331 machinegunner. Its hard to say Prior service, and I certainly do not believe In calling myself a marine still. I earned that title but a new generation has as well. I say this as far a being a grunt, Ill leave the legacy to the new age devil dogs. No need to take the flame. Pogs just dont get it like the grunts lol jk jk

    Former Marine suits just fine Teufel Fetus ;) The only people who should feel antsy about referring to themselves as such either got a DD, BCD or OTH. You'll seriously raise red flags and skepticism about your service by using the term "ex Marine" ANYWHERE you go, online included (but you should've already known that, shouldn't you? The freaking former poolee knew). You can't hate on a female for being a POG though, all kidding aside even, that's just silly. Graduating top 5% in MCT, M16 & M9 Sharpshooter, being a MCIWS, and marrying an 1833/8563 IT/former CCI & MCMAP Black Belt/sexist Hollywood Marine so we can breed the next generation is the closest I can get ;) I've heard every POG-insult in the book, lol. There are different types of front lines. Try being the only female in an all-male correctional facility and registering sex-offenders; not easy. Would've loved to have your job though if they'd have let me ;) Had the scores to do anything I wanted, except what was closed off to females.

    One age-waivered enlistment does not a PT-god make (have you even run a PT table?). Though it is an excellent start. I think you left out 8-count bodybuilders ;)

    Semper Fi,
    Sgt. "G"
  • geri50
    geri50 Posts: 2
    Awsome advice....
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    thanks everyone for your service and advice!

    My pet peeve is watching chicks walk around work at lunch, talking and barely sweating, it just seems like a waste of time. I run the stairs till I can't breathe and then walk uphill backwards till I can't then run the stairs then walk until I catch my breath and do it agian. Same on weight days but add dips/pushups/and calf raises, lowering stance on push ups and dips so I use more weight each time and then run the stairs again and then do them sideways and back up the hill backwards. I'm dripping when I'm done and then 2 at a time up the stairs back to work and eat my lunch all in under an hr. On weight days I add weights in the morning.

    This all started from swimming as hard as I could till I though i was going to puke and then back stroking till I could breathe again and going hard again and repeating for an hr. Dropped 20 lbs in about 2-3 months that way. Then couldn't go swimming and had to find another way. I think it's finally warm enough so hitting the pool again, oh and if you have natural water to swim in or a large rec center pool it's even tougher because of the current. Resistance and cardio and no sweat! (none that you'll notice anyway ;-P )
  • bethann2771
  • yannethfr
    yannethfr Posts: 18 Member
    Bump! I love this info...I'll definitely be trying these out.
  • derrickmcgill90
    Am I the only USMC vet who's lower lid on one eye is twitching spasticly like the squirrel from Ice Age at the OP's term "EX Marine"?

    Really, nobody is calling him on this???
    I do apologize, But I was a grunt 0331 machinegunner. Its hard to say Prior service, and I certainly do not believe In calling myself a marine still. I earned that title but a new generation has as well. I say this as far a being a grunt, Ill leave the legacy to the new age devil dogs. No need to take the flame. Pogs just dont get it like the grunts lol jk jk

    Former Marine suits just fine Teufel Fetus ;) The only people who should feel antsy about referring to themselves as such either got a DD, BCD or OTH. You'll seriously raise red flags and skepticism about your service by using the term "ex Marine" ANYWHERE you go, online included (but you should've already known that, shouldn't you? The freaking former poolee knew). You can't hate on a female for being a POG though, all kidding aside even, that's just silly. Graduating top 5% in MCT, M16 & M9 Sharpshooter, being a MCIWS, and marrying an 1833/8563 IT/former CCI & MCMAP Black Belt/sexist Hollywood Marine so we can breed the next generation is the closest I can get ;) I've heard every POG-insult in the book, lol. There are different types of front lines. Try being the only female in an all-male correctional facility and registering sex-offenders; not easy. Would've loved to have your job though if they'd have let me ;) Had the scores to do anything I wanted, except what was closed off to females.

    One age-waivered enlistment does not a PT-god make (have you even run a PT table?). Though it is an excellent start. I think you left out 8-count bodybuilders ;)

    Semper Fi,
    Sgt. "G"
    lol thank you sgt. I was a cpl. Its all health joking lol pogs and grunts. we cant hold it to a female bc you guys cant have combat mos. Your right ppl would think i got a bcd or a oth. I deff got the HD lol. Ill make sure I use the term Am a marine lol. Thank you as well for your time spent in the corps Semper FI