What you don't want to hear....



  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    For me, it's "you don't need to lose any more weight". While it sounds like a compliment and I know they don't mean any harm by it, it can be irritating, especially since they can't seem this layer of belly fat that I hide so well.

    This!!! Or just being told I look fine the way I am. Yahhh, well y'all don't live in my body and ya don't see the everlasting muffin top that doesn't go away when i take my nice and comfortable, not tight at all, pants/shorts off.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Dad says " How much have you lost so far?"
    Me "30 pounds"
    Dad "Hey if you loose another 30 people might start to notice"

    Your dad can bite me.
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    "you? go to the gym? yeah right"

    This drives me up the freaking wall. It just seems like there are some people out there who feel like only healthy/fit people go to the gym. Really?

    Also when I told my mom I had dropped weight and was 183 down from 188, she said, "No way, you don't weigh 183 pounds. I would have thought you were 160 /at most/."

    That severely upset me, because I know what I look like, and I do not look like I weight 160 pounds. I know she was trying to make me feel better, but it was just one of those things that got to me.
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    This one made me red the other day:

    "Well it's much easier for guys to lose weight."

    Yeah. I've dropped nearly 30lbs because it's so easy. And the reason you can't is because you're a woman. Not because you're having a donut with extra sweet iced tea for breakfast. It's our gender! Really why do I even bother going to the gym? The weight's just gonna melt off me on account of my penis.

    There's a decent amount of women out there who will pull the gender card when it comes to stuff like this, and it's not just you. It infuriates me too. Having boobies means nothing.
    that is the one i hear about ,i try go to gym 5 days week .now my friends say i am over doing on exercise . I say NO! i really enjoy my exercise time and I have lost 29 pds. I will stick with my dieting(changing my old eating habits)and my 5 day week_1 hour work out! I am doing this for me! so like it or kiss my a_ _! lol !
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I had someone recently say to me, "Wow! You're looking really good! You've lost a lot of weight! I hate you."

    I told her, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" and tossed my hair like a supermodel. :D She did then go on to ask me about how I was doing it and I told her with commitment and dedication and that I'd be happy to talk to her further about it if she really wanted to know. But yeah, the "I hate you" part kind of irritated me!
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    When I started losing weight:

    "You look so much better!" or "You look great now!"

    So then how did I look before? :(

    And now that I'm strength training to tone up, a guy told me "Wow, you're a lot stronger then you look!"

    Sooo, I look weak or what? kiss my *kitten*.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i hate it when people say "why are you losing weight?" ah, well because i'm over 300# or whey then say "your boobs are the first thing to go when you lose weight"
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    This one made me red the other day:

    "Well it's much easier for guys to lose weight."

    Yeah. I've dropped nearly 30lbs because it's so easy. And the reason you can't is because you're a woman. Not because you're having a donut with extra sweet iced tea for breakfast. It's our gender! Really why do I even bother going to the gym? The weight's just gonna melt off me on account of my penis.

    haha i love this!!
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    I told my cousin today that my doctor complimented me on looking so much thinner and he looked at me and was like, "Yeah, then he said 'what a fat b~' on the way out the door. I NEVER use the f-bomb, but I told my cousin to F off!! I was so pissed!! Later he said he was just jealous because nobody says anything like that to him. I was like, HELLO?? You're not working out OR dieting!!!
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    I was babysitting for a neighbor and the dad said
    "Wow you look like you lost weight. What are you doing?"
    Me- "I'm eating more fruits and veggies, and i'm moving more"
    Him- " thats it?"
    Me "yep"
    Him "oh... right"

    like he didnt believe thats all i was doing.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Earlier, when I had just started to lose some weight and was feeling really great about it, my sister gave me a picture she had taken of me that weekend in my bathing suit with my kids. She thought I would want it "for motivation".
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    When I started losing weight:

    "You look so much better!" or "You look great now!"

    So then how did I look before? :(

    I KNOW!!! RIGHT??? "You're looking really good now." Sheesh WTF? ?

    To these people I say, "I've always looked awesome. I'm just healthier now."

  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Dad says " How much have you lost so far?"
    Me "30 pounds"
    Dad "Hey if you loose another 30 people might start to notice"

    *Sad Face*
  • RocketsGirl75
    When people are trying to "help" because my clothes are too big and say here I can't wear this cause it is too big. Maybe it will fit you...

    WTF. Really????

    No I don't want you used polyester pants thank you very much!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    you have 30 more pounds to lose? what do you want to be a stick?
    mind you i was at the tim 5 4 and 170 pounds healthy weight is like 120 something to 139
  • brenda_allport
    I hate when my family/friends say "Hey, skinny!" I know damn well that they are full of crap. I am not skinny, I am just smaller then I was before.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    This one made me red the other day:

    "Well it's much easier for guys to lose weight."

    Yeah. I've dropped nearly 30lbs because it's so easy. And the reason you can't is because you're a woman. Not because you're having a donut with extra sweet iced tea for breakfast. It's our gender! Really why do I even bother going to the gym? The weight's just gonna melt off me on account of my penis.

    This made me LOL because I can't believe how ignorant it is.

    The one that I really hate is "well it's easier for you to lose weight because you're fatter than I am" Gee thanks! I've had to bust my *kitten* to lose the 22 pounds that I have. How dare you tell me it was easy!