Thanksgiving Challenge!!



  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I had a maintain this week. From the numbers below I can reach my goal if I get on track and lose 2 pounds for the next 3 weeks. My stretch goal is probably not going to happen, but I know I can get to 288 by Thanksgiving...

    Starting weight 340
    Starting challenge weight 303
    Current weight 294
    Thanksgiving goal weight 288
    Stretch Thanksgiving goal weight 283
    Pounds to go by Thanksgiving 6 (11 to reach stretch goal)

    Time left: 3.5 weeks
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    You can do it!!! Look at what you've accomplished already!!:flowerforyou:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Height 5'7''
    Starting weight 215
    Current Weight 172
    Thanksgiving Goal 162 (ha, that's prolly not gonna happen lol)
    Final Goal 155

    Well that's depressing! :tongue:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Im working on trying to make it to my goal and im not sure im going to make it ! I weighed in the same no loss. Im still trying, gor awhile i was sick so i know i wasnt up to par on everything i should have been doing. I also have a hard time eating all my cals, im a light eater and try to spread out my meals and snacks but it still doesnt add up . I hope this week will show some results next week, cause its to the scale and measurements! Hope everyone else is within there goal .
  • pjpr
    pjpr Posts: 6
    Hi Anne,

    I saw the wedding clip that you posted. That is a classic and made my day:laugh: Any way, I got back on track during the week so far. You're right about us being in the same boat on the weekends. I love my beer also:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: . I will definitely touch bases with you on Friday before the weekend starts and again on Monday to see how we did. I tried real hard during the week because Saturday is my downfall. I'll clue you in a little more on Friday. How are you doing? Pat
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So, I have hit my thanksgiving day goal already so now I am going to 6 more pounds. that will put me at 192. my waist has gone down 5 inches at my real waist. 2 inches were I wear my jeans and 21/2 inches around my chest. :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    So, I have hit my thanksgiving day goal already so now I am going to 6 more pounds. that will put me at 192. my waist has gone down 5 inches at my real waist. 2 inches were I wear my jeans and 21/2 inches around my chest. :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    WAY TO GO! You are doing great. Keep up the good work.:smile:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So, I have hit my thanksgiving day goal already so now I am going to 6 more pounds. that will put me at 192. my waist has gone down 5 inches at my real waist. 2 inches were I wear my jeans and 21/2 inches around my chest. :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    WAY TO GO! You are doing great. Keep up the good work.:smile:

    Thank you! I just am not putting up with the crappy way I used to live. Today was a little hard I kind of munched all day but I got in an hour work out and burned just over 500 calories.

    Good Luck to you!:drinker:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Congrats on hitting your goal early!
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Yea, I lost another pound! :happy: I am only a pound and a half away from my goal! WIth the 10 pounds I've lost since I joined MFP and the 10 I lost before, I am down 20 pounds! Hurray.... Only 5 and a half pounds to go til pre-pregnancy weight!
    Congrats to all who have reached their goal or are getting there!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • canawoman
    Just checking in my goal is 10 and I have lost 4 so 6 more. Really tryin to step it up. Keep up the hard work everyone.....
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Congrats to bohlon15 on reaching your goal and to the other ladies for making such great progress. I'm never going to reach mine at this rate, but at least the propgression continues in the right direction. My weekly weigh-in today show I lost .2. Talk about desperate measures! It would help to exercise more, but I'm getting physical therapy for my hip and I'm not supposed to walk and do weight bearing exercise. I'm cheating and doing some before physical therapy - hoping to undo the damage. Oh well. You are all inspiring. I will just have to make more of an effort to be eat right.
    Have agreat week-end everyone and be strong. Turkey day will be here soon.
  • laurabelle25
    Morning ya'll-

    here's my check in....not good:
    Last Week: 150
    This Wekk: 150
    Original Thanksgiving goal: 146
    New Goal: 148 (seeing as there's only a few weeks left and i apparently am not losing ANY weight, i'm upping my goal a little to make it a little more attainable.)

    So feeling kinda poopy about the whole thing, but what else can i do?!

    I HAVE decided that i'm changing my eating up a little, getting a little more varity in there. and i'm also doing Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred. I'm going to shoot for 6 days a week, but most likely do 5. which is fine w/ me. So maybe that'll help a little, and i'm going to continue to run/walk also on the nice days (lately it's been like 60 mph winds, yuck!)

    so wish me luck for next week that at least i'm down something! And good luck to everyone else, keep it up...we'll get there, even if it takes us till christmas, or even next thanksgiving!!!

  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Hey everyone I hope all is going good. Zaza .2 is good you lost something so that is great. No weigh in for me this week my monthly present arrived on Wednesday and it's bad so I'm not stepping near that scale. I have done good all week though with exercising and staying with in my calories but I feel so fat :sad: I hate the way I feel at that time of the month so blah....... I'm an so tempted to eat everything too but I am controlling myself. I will post my scale results next week hopefully they will be good. Good luck to everyone Thanksgiving is just around the corner right under 3 weeks away. Keep up the good work!
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Hi all,
    I have had the worst and best week. I need to vent! The best part is that my 25 month old has been potty training since monday and has it down pack! Yea, we were out all day today and he even went to the bathroom in a restaurant potty! Hurray, no more diapers! So, for starters, I haven't worked out much this week, due to potty training. I did pretty good on cal's at the first of the week, but then on Thursday night, my little brother was in a horrible accident. He is in the hospital now, with a broken pelvic bone, tibia and a shattered ankle. Talk about stress. It is a lot better than the doc's thought it would be though. They were worried about his back and thought he may be paralized. So thank the Lord for small miracles that he is not. For the past two days, I have eaten everything in site. But, I am ready to get back on the horse tomorrow and kick some tushie before thanksgiving! Thanks for letting me vent! Keep up the good work everyone!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Sorry to hear about your brother jenifergotti but yes thank god that he is alright. I can't even imagine the stress your under don't worry about eating everything in sight it's so hard when something bad happens to stay on track. Congrats on no more diapers we are going to start potty training in January hopefully it will go as smoothly as my first daughter. Stay motivated you only have 6lbs to go!:happy:
  • laurabelle25
    Jenifer- I am so sorry about your brother...but yes, thank the lord it's not as bad as orginally thought. I know kinda what you're going thru, my dad was in the hospital two weeks ago for an infection in his skin, well it turns out that because of some MRI he got b/c of the infection they found a tumor in his neck.:cry: We don't know much yet, but I KNOW everything happens for a reason. even if its the most terrible news you've ever been told. I'm going to keep my head up and pray, hope, and pray some more that it's just a small growth and not cancer. And you keep your head up too. (and it's ok if you have a little, or big, munch attack. as long as you know what your doing and why, then it'll be another day and you can start all over!)

    Stay Strong,
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks ladies! He is doing great today and is in good spirits! Laurabelle, you are in my prayers!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So, I have hit my thanksgiving day goal already so now I am going to 6 more pounds. that will put me at 192. my waist has gone down 5 inches at my real waist. 2 inches were I wear my jeans and 21/2 inches around my chest. :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    WAY TO GO! You are doing great. Keep up the good work.:smile:

    Thank you!! I am really trying. Before I found this website I would step on the scale and it would be the same or higher and now everyday that I step on it it is going down. That is the best feeling ever. I weigh myself in the morning and at night and the night weight is almost under 200 the morning one is just under 198 so pretty soon I will be out of the 200 forever!:bigsmile:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Yea, I lost another pound! :happy: I am only a pound and a half away from my goal! WIth the 10 pounds I've lost since I joined MFP and the 10 I lost before, I am down 20 pounds! Hurray.... Only 5 and a half pounds to go til pre-pregnancy weight!
    Congrats to all who have reached their goal or are getting there!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    congrats to you on almost hitting your pre baby weight. I too have about 5 pounds to go to hit my pre babies weight. I have past my second girls pre baby weight and I'm almost to my first girls pre baby weight!

    Again Congrats!!:flowerforyou: