Thanksgiving Challenge!!



  • beanface25
    So my goal for Thanksgiving was to lose 10lbs and I accomplished this on Monday! 10 lbs exactly with almost 2 weeks left until Thanksgiving. I am so proud of myself. Good luck to everyone!

    Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    So my goal for Thanksgiving was to lose 10lbs and I accomplished this on Monday! 10 lbs exactly with almost 2 weeks left until Thanksgiving. I am so proud of myself. Good luck to everyone!

    Created by - Free Diet Journal

    Congrats on reaching your goal early that is great! Keep up the hard work.:happy:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Wow beanface! That is amazing. I am inspired and encouraged by those of you who have reached or are so very close to your Thanksgiving goals. I almost think I can do it.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Jen and laura glad to hear your family members are doing better.

    Congrats to those who have reached there goals already!

    I went off track yesterday didnt eat calories drank them instead so bad day . However i went shopping and bought 3 new shirts that are like dresses and put them on this morning. I felt good in them but there my prize to make myself get to my challenge goal early and to loose a little more than what i set. Hope everyones week is starting off good.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Two weeks to turkey day, lets not loose focus. We can do it. :happy:
  • laurabelle25
    ok, again, i'm pissed. I decided that i hadn't weighed myself since last sunday, and have worked out AND ate really good this whole week, so I jumped on the scale....and....GAINED WEIGHT!!!!!!:explode: :mad: :cry: !!!!!!

    ok, need to vent a little: i am so sick of all this! I've worked so hard and nothing has changed! i haven't lost inches, I haven't lost weight, NOTHING. I've been working my butt off for so long now and still i can't not seem to get past 150! I so want to just say skrew it! It's not fair! I know my body can get lower than 150, hell, i was like 115 in high school and 120 the first few years of collage. All I want is to get to 135. Just 15lbs! PLEASE!!!!!

    ok, whew, i feel a tad better. But really, I know that i need to keep this up, I need to continue to work out everyday this week, and i've have a goal of only drinking water this week, so hopefully that'll help. And then maybe next week i'll weigh in and there will be a change.

    Another thing: Does anyone have ANY suggestions on how to get over a plateau??? I've been at this weight since July (but have only REALLY been trying to lose since sept.) I've upped my calories to 1300-1400, I've been doing a completely new exercise (30-day shred) for the last 3 weeks, I eat my exercise calories, drink a butt-load of water, changed my eating habits up a bit (i used to have the same breakfast everyday, so now i've been switching it up w/ oatmeal/cereal/eggs), I've been keeping an eye on not just calories, but also fat, carbs, protein, sodium, and potassium and i've had a hard time w/ keeping my sodium down and my carbs down (i eat fruit and beans which up the carb and sodium A TON, but i've heard that was ok, because it's not processed food, it's natural). Other than that I don't know what else to do:cry:

    Thanks for listening everyone (sorry it's so long),
  • altazin0907
    altazin0907 Posts: 188 Member
    I want to lose 5 pounds for Thanksgiving...I know I can do this! :huh:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    ok, again, i'm pissed. I decided that i hadn't weighed myself since last sunday, and have worked out AND ate really good this whole week, so I jumped on the scale....and....GAINED WEIGHT!!!!!!:explode: :mad: :cry: !!!!!!

    ok, need to vent a little: i am so sick of all this! I've worked so hard and nothing has changed! i haven't lost inches, I haven't lost weight, NOTHING. I've been working my butt off for so long now and still i can't not seem to get past 150! I so want to just say skrew it! It's not fair! I know my body can get lower than 150, hell, i was like 115 in high school and 120 the first few years of collage. All I want is to get to 135. Just 15lbs! PLEASE!!!!!

    ok, whew, i feel a tad better. But really, I know that i need to keep this up, I need to continue to work out everyday this week, and i've have a goal of only drinking water this week, so hopefully that'll help. And then maybe next week i'll weigh in and there will be a change.

    Another thing: Does anyone have ANY suggestions on how to get over a plateau??? I've been at this weight since July (but have only REALLY been trying to lose since sept.) I've upped my calories to 1300-1400, I've been doing a completely new exercise (30-day shred) for the last 3 weeks, I eat my exercise calories, drink a butt-load of water, changed my eating habits up a bit (i used to have the same breakfast everyday, so now i've been switching it up w/ oatmeal/cereal/eggs), I've been keeping an eye on not just calories, but also fat, carbs, protein, sodium, and potassium and i've had a hard time w/ keeping my sodium down and my carbs down (i eat fruit and beans which up the carb and sodium A TON, but i've heard that was ok, because it's not processed food, it's natural). Other than that I don't know what else to do:cry:

    Thanks for listening everyone (sorry it's so long),

    Make sure you're eating ENOUGH. Sometimes when your body plateau's it's because you haven't been feeding it enough and so it holds on to everything you give it. For a woman of or near a healthy BMI 1200 calories a day is NOT enough. If you are eating enough try to switch stuff up. Eat a hundred calories more than you're supposed to one day and 100 calories less the next. Switch up your exercises too. If you always run, bike. If you always go for a walk, go for a swim. If you're doing weight training, try some new exercises there as well. The whole idea is to confuse your body into letting go of those extra lbs it wants to hold on to. :flowerforyou:
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Hurray Lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks

    4 more to go for thanksgiving challenge

  • monica5237
    I am in i want to play with you guy

    Starting 263

    today 199

    halloween 190

    thanksgiving 186

    I know that is not much to lose but I want to lose it slow like i have been so I don't gain it back

    well guys I am down to 188 so i am almost there!!!!

    it feels great!!!!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Am doing my weekly weigh-in and I have great news to report. I lost 3.2 pounds this week. :happy: If I can keep this up, I may actually reach my Thanksgiving challenge. I have just under 2 pounds to go. The week-end will be hard. I just hope i don't undo this week's progress. Have a good day all.
  • laurabelle25
    Well once again, I haven't lost anything. Actually gained 1 lb. :explode:
    I'm at 151. I'm really frustrated, but still keeping up the exercise and eating good. Actually I've been eating better than i ever have in my entire life. So that's good, and I'm exercising more than I ever have also.
    I guess there is another good thing, lately my pants have been a little big, I've had to tighten my belt a notch tighter....but i've taken measurements and nothing's changed, but I do wear my pants a little low and have been taking measurements at my belly button. So I'll bask in that little tryumph for now.

    I'm proud of everyone losing....GOOD JOB:flowerforyou:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Way to go zaza

    Laura- also to if its around tom you will see a difference in the scale. Make sure to eat all your calories and switch up your excersises and not over excersise either, workout one day take off then so on. Hope it helps.
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Ok so unfortunatley I have gained .8 this week and was extreamly upset about it. After I cried and cried :sad: and then ate everything I possible could I decided that it would be ok and I would just keep up the hard work and eating right. I am the kind of person that if the scale doesn't move or goes up I just want to eat everything but when I see a loss I am so motivated and I just want to keep going. So I have been working out everyday for almost 2 months. I have taken 1 day off. I think that this is a little bit of my problem. I was reading up last night about over doing it. It said if you are always fatigued and moody and irritable you are probably over doing it. Yep that would be me but it has only been within the last couple of weeks that I have started to really feel it. My body has totally been telling you are working to hard but my mind says your body doesn't know what it is talking about. I would usually go to the gym everyday for at least an hour and burn between 800-1000 cals then I would either take my girls for an hour walk or do a 30 minute workout video. Since my husband has been gone for the last 3 weeks I haven't been able to go to the gym except sometimes on the weekend so instead I have been doing an hour walk and 2 workout videos for a little bit then I upped it to 3 workout videos this last week. So this is everyday anywhere from an hour to two a day. My body has really been hurting. I just feel exhausted all the time. So I decided to start taking a day or two off a week and hopefully that will help my body to recover a little bit. I am a little doubtful that I will make my Thanksgiving goal now but hopefully I will. Congrats to everyone that has already hit their goal or is close to it. Keep up the hard work.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hang in there usmcwifeb15. I can relate. Don't let one bad day stop you from trying again. I had a couple months with no real progress til now. Maybe you'll see a difference if you give your body a break 1 or 2 days a week. For me, it's really watching those calories.
    Good luck and keep trying!!!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Dont worry usm theres still two weeks left and if i remember correctly you dont have to far to go to reach your goal :smile: And yes sometimes if you over do it it doesnt help , try to do things to trick your body.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Happy monday to all and i report no weight loss for this week. So with 11 days till thanksgiving im going to give it my all and try to meet my goal. Hope everyone is doing good.
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    OMG 11 days that is so close. As for me I did not do good at all this weekend Saturday and Sunday were both bad. My hubby came home and it was our 5 year wedding anniversary so we went out to eat a lot. I'm scared of the scale. :sad: I am gonna get on Thursday to see where I am at so hopefully it won't be to bad. My goal for the next 11 days is to not eat after 8pm and only drink water. Maybe that will help me out some. I also ordered a HRM so I am excited it should be here today or tomorrow. Everyone keeps talking about them so I couldn't resist. I hope everyone had a good weekend and keep up the good work.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Okay I'm in...with Halloween candy and fall pies and treats coming, I'm going to need some accountability to keep me on track.

    Current weight :flowerforyou: (first time I am actually posting this number) 303 :grumble:
    Thanksgiving goal weight :flowerforyou: 288 (15 pounds lost)
    Stretch Thanksgiving goal weight :flowerforyou: 283 (20 pounds lost)

    Current weight: 289

    Pounds to go by Thanksgiving: 1!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Here's my check in! since I last checked in I have lost 3.5 pounds and have 2.5 to go until thanksgiving. if I make it that will be 18 pounds lost. I hope I can do it. TotM is coming and I want to eat everything I see. I even did a 400 calorie work out just so I could eat.:wink::bigsmile: