Thanksgiving Challenge!!



  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Hi Jill and everyone else! I'm up for the challenge. I was 138.4 today and would like to reach 132 by Thanksgiving (my baby's 20th birthday!). My ultimate goal is 125. How does the challenge work - do we just compare notes on Thanksgiving or touch base periodically before then? Also, I hope the weigh in is BEFORE Thanksgiving dinner. If I can get to 132, I'll deserve a little extra treat that day.

    Hey-yo I'm so excited so many people are joining me in this!! I want to look great before I see so much extended family on Thanksgiving!!

    I'm hoping y'all will check in as you wish, but I will be checking once a week (probably on Fridays) to track my progress!
  • monica5237
    I am in i want to play with you guy

    Starting 263

    today 199

    halloween 190

    thanksgiving 186

    I know that is not much to lose but I want to lose it slow like i have been so I don't gain it back
  • dezmoore
    dezmoore Posts: 24 Member
    :blushing: I have never been able to lose weight... after 4 children I have consistently inched up higher and higher...but I am not going to say never --- I am getting active (walked 8 miles today) and watching what I eat. I dont care what I lose by thanksgiving as long as I am losing slow and steady!
    I will get on the scale next monday-- I hate scales! - they are not my friends. My husband is deployed and I would love to be the old me... again... by the time he comes home in March for 13 days. I'm 5'4" and my dream weight would be 125 pds. I would be thrilled to reach the low 140's by March.... but to let go of 12 pounds by turkey day would be fabulous but I dont want to get my hopes up to high! Cheers to all~ please let me know how this all works!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I am so impressed by how much progress many of you have made. That's inspirational and will help me meet the Thanksgiving challenge ( I hope). I only have 6 pounds to go by then, but it feels impossible. 1200 calories are just not enough!:sad: So, I will just look at your amazing weight loss tickers and be encouraged. Keep up the great work!
  • canawoman
    Im ready for a challenge!!!

    Starting weight 258

    Starting weight with Myfitpal 207.5

    Current weight 198.5

    Thanksgiving goal 188.5

    Future goal 140
  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member
    Yeah!! Let's do it!! :drinker:

    152 - Starting weight (4/08)
    141 - Weight when I abandoned MFP (6/08)
    150 - Current weight, 2 days back on the wagon!
    140 - Goal weight for Thanksgiving
    130 - Final goal weight...?
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm in!
    Current 199lbs
    Thanksgiving goal 185lbs (back where I was when I stopped trying)
    EOY goal 179lbs

    I was doing really good this year but fell off the wagon several months ago when my mom moved down and starting cooking and didn't have the desire to go chasing after it! Anyways, 14lbs of backwards progress have told me it is time to get my butt in gear. I have been doing good on the fitness part, just finished my first half marathon on the 20th. I run slow, but I run... so that counts for something I guess! Now I just need to start paying attention to what I eat.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Okay I'm in...with Halloween candy and fall pies and treats coming, I'm going to need some accountability to keep me on track.

    Current weight :flowerforyou: (first time I am actually posting this number) 303 :grumble:
    Thanksgiving goal weight :flowerforyou: 288 (15 pounds lost)
    Stretch Thanksgiving goal weight :flowerforyou: 283 (20 pounds lost)
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    5'2" tall (OT-I had lost an inch prior to weight loss. figured age and such...lost 20 lbs and the inch is back! Ask the nurse about this and she attributes it to the pilates and stretching.)

    WOW - that's awesome!
  • sunshine_girl
    I am in.
    I will lose 10 pounds by thanksgiving.

    joining this site today: 190
    Thanksgiving goal: 180
    Christmas Goal 175
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I'm in. I'm in!

    I want twelve pounds of this stuff off of me by turkey day.

    SW: 196
    CW: 164
    GW: 152 (for this challenge)
  • McKnightAM
    McKnightAM Posts: 125 Member
    HERE WE GOO!!!

    starting: 164
    current: 158
    Goal for this challenge: 145
  • beanface25
    I'm in...seems like challenges are the only things that keep me going.

    Halloween Goal - 5lbs
    Thanksgiving - 5lbs

    10lbs...hopefully more but I need to take it one step at a time. Thanks for the encouragement! :bigsmile:

  • grammy2007
    i'm in hopefully @ least 10 by Thanksgiving
  • laurabelle25
    ok, guys, i've already posted that i want to be apart of this challenge, but today i got a phone call from my wedding photographer, who also happens to be an old boss/friend, and he wants to do some engagement photos this Oct. or Nov.!!!!! Yikes!!!:frown:

    So now more than ever this challenge is going to help, although i think i need to step it up a notch and try and get down to 144 by Halloween, then try and be at 138 by thanksgiving! AAAGGHHH So much work ahead! Help keep me motivated people i'm going to need lots of support!

  • NolynAndrea
    IN IN IN !
    My goal is 13 pounds by thanksgiving-
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    ok, guys, i've already posted that i want to be apart of this challenge, but today i got a phone call from my wedding photographer, who also happens to be an old boss/friend, and he wants to do some engagement photos this Oct. or Nov.!!!!! Yikes!!!:frown:

    So now more than ever this challenge is going to help, although i think i need to step it up a notch and try and get down to 144 by Halloween, then try and be at 138 by thanksgiving! AAAGGHHH So much work ahead! Help keep me motivated people i'm going to need lots of support!


    You can soooooo do this!!! It's so much easier to do when you have such a definite goal in mind: engagement pics, wedding, big trips, etc... You are going to look great!
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143

    I'd like to join! Lately, I've been losing only about a 1/2 pound a week, so my goal will be to lose 4 pounds by Thanksgiving.

    I usually begin to gain weight around Halloween :frown: , so this is going to be very challenging for me! Good luck to all :flowerforyou:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    My goal is 13 by Thanksgiving!

    Putting me at 139!
  • NB_Lady
    NB_Lady Posts: 107 Member
    I love a good challenge and will TRY to lose 10 lb by Thanksgiving- starting weight 145 lbs.
    Good luck everyone!!
    (also challenging myself to exercise or get to the gym at least 4 times per week)
    Time to get off the couch :smile: