RANT about "How did you lose your weight?"



  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Now if they keep asking because they expect me to give them an oh you take this pill type answer I tell them the real secret is every full moon they must dance naked outside shaking chicken bones chanting unga bunga over and over.They usally do not ask me again after that.
    LMAO :laugh: :laugh:
  • AuntKeke1315
    AuntKeke1315 Posts: 27 Member
    People want you to tell them that you wished it away. They don't want a challenge. So no, when I tell people that I am losing all of my weight on a website that helps me track and manage my exercise and diet with the help of a group of supportful MFP friends, they never listen.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    A friend ask me what have I been taking to lose the weight I have. I told her nothing MFP, Diet, and Exercise. She looked at me disappointed because I guess she wanted a pill or something SMH
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I say, "I tried."
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I get asked this all the time, but people don't seem to like my answer of " i changed my eating and I work out all the time"....

    I've also had people ask me, on numerous occasions, if I had weight loss surgery. When I say no, they also are not happy... because to lose weight there must've been a short cut right?
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I get asked this question a lot by people who are on this website. "How did you lose all that weight? What's your secret to success?".

    I tell them I don't have a secret. I simply watch what I eat, drink tons of water and workout. It isn't rocket science. I've found people don't want to hear that's how I lost the weight. I truly believe they want me to fess up to a magic pill or drink or something. Nope. I did this without any "dieting" assistance. It's all about calories in/calories out, drinking water, working out and basically just taking care of yourself.

    I don't think it's a "secret" at all - just common sense.
    Perfect response
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
    Ain't that the truth?
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    No, you aren't the only one. I tell people all the time... some have come here, signed up and love it and others are still sitting where I was sitting a year ago, complaining about being miserable and not doing a thing about it... Ya know what they say... you can lead a horse to water... yada yada yada!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I think some of you guys are being a bit harsh. I am off my *kitten* working out and eating right, and have stalled for a long time, and look to NICE people who have has long time success for inspiration and advice. I don't understand the anger.

    That's because the anger doesn't apply to your situation!
    If you weren't working out and eating right, then constantly wanting shortcuts = annoying.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I tell them about this awesome new wt loss plan with 100% gauranteed success...their eyes bug out and they start salivating...I tell them not only do you lose wt but you get trim and firm and it is pretty cheap....by this time they are all but dancing up and down....tellme tell me tell me what is it??? I tell them it is SYMAMYA..(sim mam ya). it is an ancient secret that is known to only a few followers....but I will share it with you........

    SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND MOVE YOUR *kitten* :noway: SYMAMYA...they usually hang their head and walk away stuffing a twinkie in thier mouth
  • TiffaniUT
    TiffaniUT Posts: 23
    I've only lost 42 lbs so far, so only the people who really know me can see that I've lost weight. And, when they ask, I always tell them about MFP and how wonderful it is and how joining it was one of the major keys I found to losing weight. I feel like I should be a spokesperson and get paid for everyone that I tell about MFP to! lol I have had about 10 people join it, but only about of three of them actually use it on a regular basis, and those that do have lost weight. I do get tired of hearing people complain about not being able to lose weight and wanting to try all of these crazy diets and trends and how they're not working, but then they come in with fast food to eat every day for lunch. There is only one way to lose weight, and we all realize how simple that is- watch what you eat (i.e. counting your calories w/MFP) and exercise regularly. I find it to be very easy to follow. And of course, when I tell people this is what I do, I usually get the response, "Oh, ha. Diet and exercise? I thought you were going to say you were doing something really cool like some new drink or pills". That does irritate me.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    You know what's mega funny (to me at least)
    I have:
    a degree in classical studies,
    a degree in mathematics,
    a diploma in gender studies,
    a certificate in media studies
    and various other bits of paper to tell people that I read books / studied computer screens for a certain amount of time

    No-one has ever asked me 'how can I get your qualifications quick' but I am asked 'how can I lose 1stone (14lbs) quickly?

  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    It makes me nuts when people ask me that! I honestly don't know how to answer them without some frustration. I am just like everyone else. I watch what I eat, I log EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth, and I make sure I sweat a few days a week. I do not have "good genes"... infact, I have terrible genes. BUT I now have amazing jeans!
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    What I get is "losing weight is so easy for you". Not if you were in my mind it isnt. I work in a nut and chocolate factory and am tempted daily. I simply choose not to eat that stuff and MFP has taught me how many calories are in almost everything I eat. I go to the gym 3 to 4X a week even though I do not always feel like going.

    Generally the people who ask me want to lose weight but dont want to change their lifestyle. It doesnt work that way as we all know.