6/20 30 Day Shred



  • vintagefool
    Didn't post yesterday, but got Day 16 done and then Day 17 today. I cannot even believe I've gotten this far! I'm not only proud of myself, but everyone else who has stuck with it through sickness and family obligations and the July 4th holiday and whatever else! You all kick butt.

    Level 2 seems as though it's passed by. Only 3 more days until the final level :bigsmile:

    shellrae & cella - Can't wait to feel the new muscly soreness from Level 3! :laugh: Way to go, both of you, you're almost there!!

    jadam - Oh no, that's terrible to hear! I sure hope you start feeling better soon :)
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 3 Day 4

    vintagefool - oh the muscle pain, I am on Day 4 and I am still feeling it!

    Okay time to rant! I can't shake this freaking cold, I start to think it is leaving and I wake up again totally stuffed up. To make matters worse TOM showed up yesterday - one small victory though, my PMS symptons the last few months have been getting worse but this time I didn't get sore b@@bs, I wasn't overly cranky or bloated, I guess this exercise and better eating must be helping!

    When I was doing the jumping lunges during circuit 2 I lost my balance fell on my remote and ejected the DVD. I was so mad because for some reason I can't fast forward/skip through the initial blurb at the beginning of the DVD, so I had to sit through it until I could get to the menu. I was sooooo mad!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 5, Level 3 DONE. 5 Days left and it's going so fast!

    So yesterday our department at work had a luncheon at a Mexican restaurant and then I had dinner for a friends birthday at...another Mexican restaurant. :frown: Needless to say, this morning I had a total food hangover. I think I ate a weeks worth of sodium and calories and feel like crap. I made a million excuses as to why I shouldn't work out this morning but, by the grace of God, I finally did it. I felt awful doing it too, it took everything in me to finish. But I did it and today I need to focus on detoxing. I gained 4 lbs of water weight overnight. Yikes! :noway:
    I think when I finish level 3 I will take a few days off and probably start rotating the shred level 1,2,3 until after the middle of August when my vacation ends. I want to start ripped in 30 (I am more than a little scared of this!)
    Shellrae - I'll be doing this with you! I am planning another round of the shred before I move to RI30. I've come a long way, but I'm still not totally mastering all the moves yet. And as for the beginning of the 30DS DVD, I know exactly what you are talking about. I can't FF through it either and it p*sses me off every time my player makes me start from the beginning and go through it all. It's so effing long!

    I hope you and jadam6 both get to feeling better soon!
    Didn't post yesterday, but got Day 16 done and then Day 17 today. I cannot even believe I've gotten this far! I'm not only proud of myself, but everyone else who has stuck with it through sickness and family obligations and the July 4th holiday and whatever else! You all kick butt.

    vintagefool - I agree! You are doing awesome, way to keep committed!! :drinker:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • vintagefool
    Skipped yesterday, because I felt sick and ended up laying in bed all day napping and feeling nauseous :( I still feel kind of yucky today but well enough to force myself to do Day 8 of Level 2. Today's work out was joyless and phoned in, lol. There was a point in the third strength circuit where I stood there for a good 30 seconds just yawning. Oh well, hopefully I'll feel 100% by tomorrow.
  • vintagefool
    Okay, I've got a NSV to share though, that cheered me up after putting in such depressing effort today. Just before hopping into the shower, I turned to my side and glanced in the mirror realizing - holy crap! my stomach barely sticks out from the side any more! Hallelujah, I almost have a flat stomach - it stuck out at least 2 more inches before and I HATED it. Funny that I was skeptical of the burn I was getting from the abs exercises, and that is where I ended up seeing the most progress :laugh:

    I cannot wait to move onto Level 3 and see what it does for my upper/inner thighs. Besides more definition and a more toned shape around the lower half of my thighs, the upper half is just as big and flabby as ever :grumble:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Level 3 Day?? - LOL last track again, I have it on my calender at work! Good workout today really feeling it in my abs. I may skip tomorrow morning workout. My sister is taking my daughter overnight so the thought getting up to exercise when I could sleep in is very overwhelming. I am not going to set me alarm and just go with the flow. If I am up and ready to go before my daughter gets home than I will workout.
  • vintagefool
    Day 9 of Level 2. Still feeling blah and not really able to give 100%. Debating if I want to take a rest tomorrow or complete Day 10 for good.
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Going away for the week so won't be around for the next few days. Well done everyone because you will either be almost finished/ finished by the time I get back!

    Cella - Well done! Can't wait to see your day 30 photos :smile:
    Shellrae - I can understand why you would love a lie in. Sleep seems so scarce nowadays :yawn:
    Vintagefool - I'm feeling similar to you. I hope you're feeling better soon :flowerforyou:

    Will catch up with you all soon x
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    level 3 day ? - I will have to check my calender tomorrow! Well had the opportunity to sleep in today since my daughter was a Nana's but I was still awake at 6:30am so I got up and shredded.

    We went out to dinner and a movie last night and ate very crappy but it was good! Had bacon and eggs this morning for breakfast. I guess I will have to get back on track tomorrow.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Hi all!

    Just checking in. I took the weekend off from shredding. It was almost impossible to talk myself into doing it this morning. There was a war going on in my head! I ended up doing it, but really wished I hadn't taken the days off. Anywho, I got 'er done this morning, that's all that counts.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!:flowerforyou:
  • vintagefool
    Last day of Level 2 done - I took yet another break yesterday so that I could rest up and give it my all today. I followed Natalie on every move and pushed my hardest until I felt absolutely demolished. A good sign that my health is returning: after finishing up the work out today, I was tempted to double up and do Level 1 again to see if it's still difficult or not :tongue:

    Then, I fast forwarded through Level 3 to check out what tomorrow's fate will be, and despite fearing for my life, I was delighted to see that at least Jillian has obtained a better sports bra :laugh: I just know I can't quit now! Bring on 10 more days of this madness!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 29 DONE! I only have one day left...wow! (Well, technically not since I'm going to do another round, but I digress...)

    I feel like I saw more changes in my body during level 1 than 2, until I saw the B/A pictures. Level 3 I don't feel like there has been that much change either so I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures again. I'll probably take them tomorrow night. Still not much luck with the weight loss but this week I'm really trying to eat as best I can.

    Hope you all are doing great and keeping up with it! Can't wait to see your results as well. :flowerforyou:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Day 30 Done!. I am going to take a few days off and then I think I wil start doing the shred 3-4 days per week and mix up the levels. I gained a pound this week. I had a few treats over the last week and it was TOM. During the shred I lost a total of 3.6 lbs and 8" overalll. I am happy with the progress and hope to continue to lose another 5lbs to get to my goal!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 30 Done!. I am going to take a few days off and then I think I wil start doing the shred 3-4 days per week and mix up the levels. I gained a pound this week. I had a few treats over the last week and it was TOM. During the shred I lost a total of 3.6 lbs and 8" overalll. I am happy with the progress and hope to continue to lose another 5lbs to get to my goal!

    YAY!!!! Congrats!!! Sounds like your results are awesome, fantastic job! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :heart:

  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    smiley-dance005.gif 30 DAY SHRED DONE!!! smiley-dance005.gif

    Ok, here it is!

    To recap:
    - I didn't follow any diet restrictions or changes to my normal eating. I ate whatever, whenever.
    - I only did the shred – no other supplemental workouts.
    - I shredded 30 days straight – 10 at 1, 10 at 2, 10 at 3
    - I used 3 lb weights
    - I didn't take measurements.

    Beginning weight = 186.0
    Ending weight = 185.2

    Level 1 = +2 pound weight GAIN
    Level 2 = - 0.6 pound weight LOSS
    Level 3 = - 0.8 pound weight LOSS
    TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: + 0.6 pound GAIN




  • vintagefool
    Cella - that is absolutely INCREDIBLE :bigsmile: Wow, what a difference only 30 days has made for you. Especially in the stomach area, the awesome arm definition, plus your bum looks smaller and tighter (lol) - that's crazy amazing results, congratulations!! Are you planning on doing another 30 days all the way through now?

    On my end, I completed Days 1, 2 and 3 of Level 3 but wasn't able to check into MFP as my internet was down and only had access to the phone app. About to head upstairs and complete Day 4 now, I really wish I hadn't lost my 'before' shots now that I'm getting so near the end :cry:
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Cella - that is absolutely INCREDIBLE :bigsmile: Wow, what a difference only 30 days has made for you. Especially in the stomach area, the awesome arm definition, plus your bum looks smaller and tighter (lol) - that's crazy amazing results, congratulations!! Are you planning on doing another 30 days all the way through now?

    On my end, I completed Days 1, 2 and 3 of Level 3 but wasn't able to check into MFP as my internet was down and only had access to the phone app. About to head upstairs and complete Day 4 now, I really wish I hadn't lost my 'before' shots now that I'm getting so near the end :cry:

    Thanks so much vintagefool! I've got a long way to go, so I am doing another round. In fact, today was my first day except I'm going to alternate levels with days. So do 1 then 2 then 3, rinse, repeat. I started to get a little bored with the same routine after a few days.

    But, get this, I went out and bought 5 lb weights and 3 lb ankle weights for my second round. (Crazy, huh?) I did level 1 today and could do just about everything! I struggled so much with it at the beginning and now, with more resistance, I can still do it without feeling like I'm going to die. lol I'm so amazed! Plus, I forgot how much I loved level 1. I got the endorphin high afterwards like I used to. I really didn't have it on 2 & 3, instead I mostly felt nauseous. lol

    You are doing fantastic, by the way! I think only 3 of us made it to the end, huh. Well, I'm really proud of us 3 then. :drinker: Such a bummer about the pictures!! I'm so sorry. Have you thought about doing another round too?
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Just got back from my holidays to find I'm over 3lbs heavier (which isn't surprising!) but feeling much better and back to myself.
    Congratulations to Cella and Shellrae on completing the shred, and to Vintagefool - you're nearly there!
    I've decided to start from scratch from the beginning tomorrow - I've found the muscle tone I achieved from Level 1 has dwindled away so I think it's best to start over and hopefully the viruses will stay away this time - fingers crossed!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Remember after day one of level one and how sore you were? Well, welcome back old friend. :laugh: It's not quite as severe as the first time around but I'm pretty dang sore today! Right in my inner thighs so it's painful to sit on the toilet. I'm a little surprised, I really didn't think it would make me sore again. Jokes on me again, huh Jillian?! lol

    I kind of like it...:tongue: JM is making me crazy!
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Great pictures Cella what a difference 30 days make!!!!!

    I am on a break this weekend, I have spent the last 3 days getting ready for my daughter's 3rd birthday party. I have cleaned my house from top to bottom and baked a killer cake! I am exhausted and the party hasn't even started yet.

    I need to start again on Monday and get back into it. I really want to start jumping rope for some cardio but it is too damn hot out! I think I am really going to have to start slow, skipping is a lot harder than I remember when I was kid! :noway: