6/20 30 Day Shred



  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks shellrae!

    Ok, I did Level 1 yesterday and Level 2 today - bumped up with the 5 lb arm weights and 2.5 lb leg weights. First let me just say, level 1 seemed like a breeze compared to the first go-round and Level 2 (which I was dreading) wasn't really that bad! But, o...m...g. I am ::so:: sore. It hurts to move. lol Totally reminiscent of day 2 of my first round. I really didn't think I would be this sore, even with the increased weights! I'm loving it. :tongue: That means I'm going to get even more toned. Yay!!! Tomorrow brings on Level 3...eeks! At least I just recently had a break from it so hopefully it won't be that bad.

    Have a great weekend!
  • vintagefool
    Having a blah couple of days. I skipped yesterday out of pure laziness, and forced myself today to start the shred, but just wasn't in the right mind-set to get through the work out and ended up turning it off after the first strength circuit.

    This is probably a good time to mention that I really dislike Level 3. I'm the exact opposite, it seems, of everyone else who did it, hated Level 2 and cited 3 as their favorite. I feel so much pain/soreness/weakness through this level that it makes me feel not as strong as I thought myself to be by now (both mentally and physically), and that combined with my current state of mind is just making it no bueno. Oh well. I'll try and hop back on the wagon tomorrow and finish out strong so that I can still start Couch to 5k Monday the 1st as originally planned.

    Blaahhhhh :grumble: