Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back home. Bad city stay, no exercise heaps to eat and my daughter has had 2 auditions and 2 interviews so far this week. Another audition on Sunday. has already heard back from one job interview, got that one. At a Gym, has her first training day on Monday. She is a receptionist there, casual position. Which is what she wants. She is very happy to get this job. The other one she should find out about at the end of the month. Last year she juggled 7 casual jobs at once. Hoping she has learnt not to do that again. Very stressfull for the mother.

    Wow Tammy, sounds like you have caught yourself a nice guy there.

    Courtney, sorry I wasn't around. I can log in in the city but not acccess all areas always and then i keep losing connection get frustrated and give up. Hope your fathers wedding went well. And I hope the bad news you have for us isn't too bad.

    I have done extremely badly on this weeks challenge. I started with the best intentions. Can't see it finishing well etiher. Have a lunch date tomorrow with 2 girlfriends. Then i have dinner tomorrow night for my sister in laws birthday. And then next weekend we fly interstate for my Aunties 80th birthday. 4 days of family get togethers which of course involves food. Thinking I shouldn't even step on the scales till November 1st.

    I do hope some one has great success this week with this weight loss journey.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    OMG Whizzy, How are you feeling? Such bad timing for you. But your health comes first. Take Care and Take it easy. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Loserville is become a bit Lonesville.

    Well I will just pretend you are all there. I gained this week (300grams) now 92.8kg. Really I guess not too bad for the 2 dinners and 1 lunch out., and NO exercise. Again its the start of the week and i have good intentions. I aim to work really hard at the beginning and hope for the best at the end. I go to Queensland (interstate) end of week for aunts 80th. So 4 days of family gatherings and eating. I hope to at least get in a couple of walks.

    Courtney I know you are busy with your guests.
    Whizzy I hope you are feeling much better.
    Beccy, you are probably busy with your play.
    Tami, busy with new boyfriend.
    Rach, I think New Zealand just had a weeks school holidays, so maybe thats what happened to you.
    Claire, I'm worried about you. Does anyone have any news on Claire?
    Hannah, I wish, she would come back.

    Ladies whatever you are doing, you are all precious and desrve the best in your life.

    Ps. This week we are doing burn challenge.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I'm here Jen. :happy: I've been MIA this week as I've just been trying to rest up as much as possible. I'm still in quite a bit of pain but I have my scan booked in this week so with any luck we'll get to the bottom of the whole thing. My doctor has said that his money is on a burst ovarian cyst though.

    I'm going to try to start doing some light exercise (probably some small walks) again this week as I'm feeling pretty down having not done anything recently.

    I hope you're all well and I'm looking forward to taking part (even in a small way) in this week's challenge.

    Much love to you all. :flowerforyou:

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Nice to hear from you Whizzy. Take it easy and although its frustrating get your health sorted out first. So annonying having to wait so long for a scan. Stay in touch and let us know how you are gettin on.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies. sorry i didn't finish out teh spreadsheet last week. I really do love the points challenge. I am so off form the family visit. I have been drinking too much soda, not enough water and eatign things I never eat. Like chicken fingers. My tummy is a bit angry and I have leg cramps form beign dehydrated. I guess my body showed me.

    As fro my bad news. My husbands job wiill mostly likly be vended out at the end of the year. He will still have a job but the vacation and medical benifits will definatly change and probably be more expensive. So we a re a bith stressed about that.

    Also, on teh bad side. since my family was all up here for my dad's wedding Dada aske dus to go by outr grandpartent house to see if there wasa nything we wanted. I('m sure you will recall both my dad' sparentds died at the end of last year.) It is hard task already and my bother was an *kitten* and made everything worse. Still feelign stressed today.

    On the good side we had a wonderful time at Monticello (thomas Jefferson our 3rd presidents home) on friday and Jamestown ( the first perminant english steelement in the U.S.) on Saturday. not sure how much you guys know about our history, sorry if you know what these places are. Finally My fatehrs weddign was beautiful and relaxed and he was sooooooo happy. I loved every second of the weddign and spendign tiem with family that day.

    Tami - good luck with the new BF
    Jen - thanks for rememberign me and keeping us all going.
    Nikki - I hope you continue to feel better. Do the best you can :)
    Claire and Rach - miss you hope all is well :)
    Becci - I hope your play is going well.

    Sorry for going on and on. Have a great day!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hello I'm back!

    Had a fabulous weekend away, it's been too long since we've been away! And even though I ate a lot of rubbish I oddly managed to lose weight, which is just the motivation I needed!! LOL

    Just sharing my 'latest' motivation gimmick! Husband related star chart!! I have my weight and my goals up on the fridge for all the world to see ... each week that I lose weight, no matter how much, I get a star, 1 star = $20 towards my new wardrobe from my Hubby!

    My target for this challenge is to get back to where I was when we started this challenge! Which is bonkers, but a much better place than where I would have been heading without you all!!

    Come on ladies, it's burn the most calories week!! I see Jenni has already been showing off her calorie burning prowess! Lets make these last two weeks count ...

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    You got it Jenni, school holidays here so we went away to the beach, weather was fabulous, had such fun and feel ready to lose these extra kilos for good now!

    Courtney - Big hugs on your news. Hopefully things won't be as bad as you envisage, fingers crossed here for you. Sounds like a lovely wedding.

    Whizzy - What bad timing! What a pain to have done all that exam prep. then get sick! Big hugs for that one, hope the scan goes well. Like Jenn says the most important thing is you, hope you'll be happy with your coursework averages.

    Tami - He sounds like a keeper! How lovely to do you a candlelit dinner! I could do with a bit of that princess treatment ... mind you I did get flowers last week ... not bad after almost 20 years together!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    Well done Rach on the great weight loss. I like the star chart and reward system.

    Courtney you have had a busy and emotional time. Thanks for telling me what those places were that you visited I had no idea.

    I started my week strong, today just the bike going to the theatre tonight, so may not get time to do anymore exercise today. I have a very busy week ahead but will do my best.
    I hope to do at least 30min of some sort of exercise each day.

    My dream would be to be able to focus on ME. A bit selfish but just now and then would be nice. A whole week of ME would be AMAZING.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. yesterday wasn't much better than teh rest of my weekend in terms of eating. But today I am determined to drink no soda, to drink at least 9 glasses of water and to stay under my calories. I have been to scared to get on teh scale. I will weight myself tomorrow to see where I stand.

    Rach - thank for the encouragement. I think things will eventually be fine with both the family and with Hubby's job.

    Jenni - thanks for reading my post. My states is full of history for such a "young "country and I love those places as well as Native aAmerican history. I love that stuff. And walkign tours are gereat exercise. so much better than taking the family to a movie. Also, you deserve a Me week. Hopefully you can at least squeeze in a couple Me days this week.

    Have a wonderful day and burn those cals ladies :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wonderful wednesday or Weary wednesday. Have done my exercise so thats a good start but now I have to race out. Lots to attend to today. Hoping it will just all fall into place. If i go missing till next Wednesday, don't worry. I hope to still be working it. Have lots of family obligations coming up. But if I can check in I will.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Did not finish my journal yesterday. I'm sure I was over but it shouldn't be too bad. i plan to finish it in a few minutes. I'm really struggling to get back on track. my weekends have been so busy and i keep eating crap. I did drink all my water yesterday so that's somthing.

    Today I will go ot the gym and I will be under my calories.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Where are all the lovely ladies of Loserville. I hope everyoen is doing well. I was finally under on my cals yesterday for the first time in days. Still made some bacd choices but not too bad. Went to yoga last night and enjoye dit very much. Planning a walk with hubby this evening.

    I hope everyoen is well. Come back and let me know how you are doing!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well done Courtney, you are really trying hard to get back on track. I am at airport waiting for flight north. Staying with brother who has limited internet access, so not sure if I will get to check in. Not logging food to much guess work when having to eat out. But I did go for an early morning walk around the city today. So hoping I can at least keep up some exercise. I will be back Wednesday if not before. Hope everyone else checks in by then. I'm worried about our little group.

    Keep strong and keep moving.:bigsmile:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Another good day yeaterday,. was well under cals but not too far under. Drank all my water nad had a nice walk with hubby.

    I like Jenni asm a littel worried about Iour group. I just hope everyoen is just busy but still keeping their helath and fitness in mind. best wished ofr a good weekend.

    Jenni- have fun at your brothers house. I look forwad to your return :)
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey all

    Hope you're all doing well. I've had the all clear from the doctor in regards to my stomach pains. It looks like it was a burst cyst but it seems to have resolved itself now, which is good news.

    I'm a bit late to the proceedings, but I've added my info to this week's spreadsheet.

    I hope everyone will be back on the thread soon. Now I have the all clear, you can bet I'll be here daily again. :)

    Looking forward to hearing from you all soon. Keep up the good work ladies. :flowerforyou:

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hello all

    I'm here, just busy, busy, busy with the school holidays! All these people from where we used to live who haven't been in touch for ages ... all want Bill! Oh to be so popular!!

    I've had a mixed week, some good days, some terrible days, so we'll see what the scales have to say about that. Yet again I'm feeling onto it today and hoping I can string together a bit of consistency and actually start putting together some real losses.

    Pleased you're feeling better Nicki, hope that's all done with. What's happened with your exam grades?

    Good on you for keeping focussed on trying to improve Courtney. I still believe if we here and we're trying we're doing good!

    Enjoy your time away Jenni, don't worry about us, have a lovely time and try to get in as much exercise as you can.

    Where's Claire?

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Nikki - I am so glad to hear you are doing better and Happy to see your numbers on the calorie burn challenge.

    Rach - glad to hear form you as well :) I agree as long as we are still here and trying we are doing the right thing.

    I am off to ride roller coasters today. Will probably have a good burn walking and standing around Kings Dominion theme park today. I'm so excited.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Rach - Not sure what's happening with my exam grades yet. I've sent off the forms and now I'm just waiting to see what they say. I'm hoping that the doctor's certificate will help alongside all the info I've given them in the form. Now it's just a waiting game. *crosses fingers*
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Sunday morning at my brothers, waiting for everyone to get ready and then we all drive (3 cars 12 people) Up to Cardwell (2hours) for my aunts 80th. Cardwell is a beautiful beach side town in North Queensland. It was badly hit by a cyclone last February and is still recovering and being rebuilt. It will be nice seeing our cousins etc.
    I did a lovely 60 min walk yesterday although it was not much of a calorie burn. This morning I got up and was a bit annoyned as I thought it was 6.45am and too late to get a walk in and shower etc ready to leave at 8.30am. I have just been told it is only 6.44am now. Dam i forgot they don't have daylight saving up here and in my waking slumber looking at my watdch forgot to make the time ajustment. So all i did was 15min of stretching while I waited for my turn in the shower.
    Oh well. And I'm not even trying to record calories. Such a shame I come from a family of good cooks.
    Whizzy so glad your health is improving.
    Will adjust spreadsheet when I'm home or if someone wants to put in my exercise numbers that would be great.
    gotta go brother wants his computer back. :mad: :tongue: :flowerforyou: