Men. Grrr.



  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Glad you are all having so much effing fun with this.

    Seriously...what did you expect was going to happen? If you're looking for some hand holding and a pat on the head you came to the wrong message board, sweetheart.

  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    Omg, so I was in his email account the other day and saw he's freakin subscribed to all these men's magazines... health, sports, etc... what the hell are in men's magazines? Attractive women. I tried to talk to him about how this made me feel and he was SCREAMING at me about his privacy. I'm sorry, but he shouldn't be hiding s%^$ like that from me.

    Go make me a couple of tacos woman!!! im getting hungry almost over you hear!? ALSO Bring me back a cold beer!

    You look at yourself in the moirror when you masterbate dont you.

    I just about spit coffee on my monitor when I read that! Well played! :wink:
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Unbelievable. We allowed you to drive(at our own risk) so you wouldn't have to carry the groceries home.

    We gave you the washing machine so you wouldn't have to work so hard.

    We invented the vacuum cleaner so you could get an early start on dinner.

    We developed various kinds of cleaners to save your precious elbows.

    We packaged sliced bread so lunches are a snap.

    We invented casual Friday so you don't have to iron 5 days worth of dress clothes.

    We gave in to your whining and created a full-time hospital position that is entirely devoted to numbing you before childbirth.

    All this was done for women and this is the thanks men get.
    Where's the gratitude?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Oh my god. This is awesome. I would like to thank everyone for playing.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    Omg, so I was in his email account the other day and saw he's freakin subscribed to all these men's magazines... health, sports, etc... what the hell are in men's magazines? Attractive women. I tried to talk to him about how this made me feel and he was SCREAMING at me about his privacy. I'm sorry, but he shouldn't be hiding s%^$ like that from me.

    No offense, but he needs to report to you that he subscribes to men's magazines because there are pictures of women in them? Also, did he give you permission to look through his account. Honestly, if he didn't, I think he was wronged more than you.

    Are you kidding me? He's my husband. I have EVERY right. If I have to ask permission to go on the computer or for that matter, to do anything! I think he owes me the same decency.

    Um, no. You both still have rights to certain amounts of privacy. You can certainly use the computer whenever, but getting into his e-mail account is breaching his privacy. And what of these magazines... no porn, but magazines.

    He probably sees women frequently - at work, on the street, in the mall, on billboards... If you have image problems, then that's something you need to work on, and while he should be supportive about reassuring you, putting blinders on all the time will make him want to take them off and run screaming I bet.


    Men's Magazines... let us know when he is e-mailing his new GF. But a men's magizine. you have a non-issue on your hands.
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