Why men have it easy



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    well....i dunno....my church teaches a very different viewpoint than the catholics i suppose....i remember a brother once said :"yes it says that women are a weaker vessel, but not the weak vessel.....meaning mean are weak also" and talks about respect for your wife and her opinions and helping her out around the house and with kids, etc etc....

    I totally get what you are saying about men and how a lot of them think, but not all of them are that way. I know plenty of women that have been mistreated by men and have no confidence and i appreaciate your wanting to empower females and fight for their rights....but looks still rule the world, no matter if its female or male. Looks will most of the time outweigh brains, sadly

    yeah, men still get targeted too. in my observation its just starting, check out those men hair dye commercials. makes me happier to be a woman lol

    Why be barely gray??? either be gray or don't.....and you still have to pay full bottle price for half a bottles worth of dye
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I like chicken tacos! But Im pretty sure that the majority in this thread like Burritos :bigsmile:

    well see, i actually like chimichangas......i like my burritos with a little pizazz!

    Wow, how did such a simple topic that was suppossed to be a light hearted attempt at playful humor, get so serious?

    Please don't blast me either for asking. I am just here to say hi and make some corny remarks. Not looking for a long theological or sociological debate.

    I like fish tacos....
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    if your "tacos" is fishy, i suggest you take a shower....
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I agree blonde.....fishy smelling tacos are a noo nooo.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    well now, this is what happens when women leave their kitchen post.....jkjk

    In all actuality, i do believe men are greater than women....thats how they were created, women are a "weaker vessel" than a man. The worlds strongest man is stronger than a female, the worlds tallest man is taller than the worlds tallest female....etc etc


    no yikes....its true....well if you are a bible reader, i guess i shouldn't assume that......men were made to dominate a woman....not saying that they can rape or belittle or dictate a woman, just they are the head of the house. I, for one, am a strong woman and very independent and outspoken, and i would NEVER want a "yes maam" type of man in my life. My man will be the final decision maker in out marriage, but he needs to make smart decisions in the first place, and he needs to listen to my point of view. Not all women have to be homemakers and children makers......some of the most successful marriages i know have the men cook dinner and stay home with the kids and the woman goes out to work....but when it comes down to it, he is the head of the house and HE makes the final family decisions. If you don't like those decisions, well you should have thought about that before you got married.
    And, btw, i know of some men that wear makeup that are straight.....does that mean that men made them wear it too>? And your joke about men being easy can be highly offensive....not all men are easy....i know a man that is a 30 yr old virgin....and i know plenty of men who have only had one sexual partner, which is their wife.....so therefore that statement can be highly offensive to someone.
    And if it meant "easy" meaning simple, even more offensive, saying that men are so simple-minded and they don't think about anything complex....

    Well, you definitely wouldn't have been offended by Pastor's message. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I agree blonde.....fishy smelling tacos are a noo nooo.

    I guess you guys don't eat Tuna either? I will FU@k up some bumblebee. Hey if you want greesey beef or shredded meat hanging out of your taco.. go for it.. To each their own I always say.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233

    it doesn't make someone a bra burning man hater for speaking up. that was my exact point (way way earlier) men are allowed to *****, and women aren't.

    i was intellectually stimulated by her. not by you so much. i can get that viewpoint from any man...or woman for that matter.

    Depends on what the speaking up amounts to. In your case...I'm willing to wager you are, in fact, a bra burning feminist based on what you are SAYING....not simply because you are speaking. Duh.

    Your point is that men are ALLOWED to speak up but women arent? Uh, excuse me Ms. Man-hater....nobody is keeping you from talking here. When someone censors your posts you will have a point, until then that's a pretty silly point to try and make, because its totally wrong.

    I do like that you think you can get this (intentionally) caricature viewpoint from 'any man'. Heh. NO, you dont hate men AT ALL....
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    I think some of us got way ahead of themselves in this topic(it started out funny but not so much anymore)....I say everyone shut it now..its getting ridiculous!!!!!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I actually got in a bit of an argument with my drycleaner the other day over one of these. When I paid, I noticed that my dress shirts were $0.99 while my wife had a few long-sleeve shirts, 100% cotton, collered, essentially a dress shirt, that were almost $3.00. I asked the drycleaner why they were more. He said that the buttons are on the other side which makes it a blouse. Blouses are more expensive than shirts.

    I told him that this was the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It wasn't some sensitive material or anything. I still don't understand why a woman's shirt is three times a mans. It can't be level of effort.

  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    What I don't understand is how self-centered people are to read a thread, find it not to their liking, and have to post why they didn't like it. I like some threads, I don't like others. The ones I don't like I just move on. Wonderful thing about opinions, they're like a**holes, everyone has one, I just don't show mine all the time

    Hilarious!!! going to remeber that hehehe :)
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I think some of us got way ahead of themselves in this topic(it started out funny but not so much anymore)....I say everyone shut it now..its getting ridiculous!!!!!

    why are you being so antagonistic?

    (I'm admittedly reaching on this one, but trolling is hard work and sometimes you have to take some risks)