How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat!!



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Unfortunately for the OP, his opinion on this objective subject matter is wrong.

    Ah, Untz, actually, you are incorrect. According to the definition below, it's really not possible for an opinion to be wrong.

    1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
    2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
    3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second Medical opinion.
    Yep, now look at the wealth of information that DISPROVES his opinion. Want me to find a single study that shows you can lose fat with a high carb intake? Technically that's all I need to show the OP is wrong. One single case where someone lost fat with a high carb intake.

    It's my opinion that gravity is false. I also don't believe that the sun is the center of our solar system. Are these opinions correct, or logically sound to you? If I say that, then you have every right to tell me I'm wrong.

    Similarly the OP IS wrong. It is not up for debate. Because, as mentioned already, the second I provide a single study where people with a high carb intake can lose fat is the moment his entire argument as he's presented it is disproven.
    #1 - I have no idea what the OP believes for sure, or whether he intended to say "carbs will keep people fat" or "carbs will keep SOME people fat." I would guess that he MEANT the latter. And the fact, UNTZ, that you would agree with him if he had added one little word tells a tale. As for "grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty." You can quote all the studies in the world, honestly - what I am going to believe is what I can see, hear, touch, and experience myself. If I develop an opinion contrary to what you believe, but based on my own experiences, it is "right" to me and "right" to anyone who has the same belief.
    Doesn't matter what he meant or intended to say; what matters if what he said. And he has said multiple things in this thread, which I highly suggest you go check out again, because everything he's said has led me to believe that he is NOT drawing lines between different populations such as those who are insulin sensitive compared to those who are insulin resistant, or diabetic vs. non-diabetic. No, he is speaking in broad, universal terms.

    Still...not...getting it. If low carb works for YOU, are you going to tell me low carb will work for EVERYONE? This is why science exists. Your personal experiences are irrelevant to the rest of the population and are not able to be applied to the rest of the population. This is why we research. There's no way I'm looking for research to tell you what is best for you if you say you have found what works for you; that is NOT what I'm saying.

    What I AM saying is I will find research to disprove that the low carb method is the best and most effective method for everyone, and not only that, but that it is NECESSARY for fat loss. THAT is what I'm disproving. Does that make sense...?
    #2 - That's his personal view, maybe based on his own experience, maybe based on his own studies - you can't say he's wrong because you have no idea WHY he has made the appraisal he has made because you haven't walked in his shoes.
    It doesn't matter what his experiences are. He is saying high carb = inhibited fat loss for EVERYONE. He is not speaking on his own behalf, but on the behalf of the human population. THAT is why he is wrong.
    I believe some of what you believe - that carbs can and will keep SOME people fat, not all.
    Then we're in agreement and you don't even realize it.
    I just feel compelled to point out that just because you can cite a million articles and have an extensive vocabulary, that does not make you an expert on this subject...........on any subject, really.
    Never claimed to be an expert, but I'm willing to claim that I have a better grasp on it than the OP - who cites meaningless Youtube videos submitted by someone who is not a professional, whereas I cite sources that are the FOUNDATION of this field created by the professionals. Research is where doctors [should] form their opinions and stances on medications, methods, treatments, etc. THAT is what I cite; that is where the OP falls short.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Please remember that simply upping protein, lowering carbs is not sufficient to get toned, slim etc. A calorie is a calorie: eat too many and you'll put on weight. What's more important is that you match diet to your actual needs (according to your exercise regime etc).

    Protein is highly satisfying, and there's research which shows that people following a high protein diet may find it easier to lose weight because they actually eat less. But we're not talking massive percentages.

    But bear in mind - people who do a lot of serious cardio work (eg runners, cyclist, rowers, triathletes) will consume more carbs than protein. And they're not "fat skinny" or whatever. They train hard and eat sensibly.

    Think about east African distance runners (from Kenya and Ethiopia) - they consume only approx 10% calories in their diet. I've yet to see a fat one.

    Ever seen a heavily muscled ripped distance runner? Me neither. That body style tends to belong to the sprinters of the running world.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Er, 2g/kg body weight is more than 1g/pound lean body mass.

    Math is fun!
    Geez, man, you even copied my signature?!

    Can't we have SOME sort of public distinction between us? I mean, I like all your posts because we agree on most everything that I've read of your stuff, but I'm starting to read your posts and tell myself, "wow I really don't remember writing this...AWW HIM AGAIN! I'VE BEEN HAD!"
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Please remember that simply upping protein, lowering carbs is not sufficient to get toned, slim etc. A calorie is a calorie: eat too many and you'll put on weight. What's more important is that you match diet to your actual needs (according to your exercise regime etc).

    Protein is highly satisfying, and there's research which shows that people following a high protein diet may find it easier to lose weight because they actually eat less. But we're not talking massive percentages.

    But bear in mind - people who do a lot of serious cardio work (eg runners, cyclist, rowers, triathletes) will consume more carbs than protein. And they're not "fat skinny" or whatever. They train hard and eat sensibly.

    Think about east African distance runners (from Kenya and Ethiopia) - they consume only approx 10% calories in their diet. I've yet to see a fat one.

    Ever seen a heavily muscled ripped distance runner? Me neither. That body style tends to belong to the sprinters of the running world.

    I think there is a very large difference in being toned and being heavily rippled with muscle. But, this doesn't mean they're fat, or skinny fat.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Tell that to the Okinawans. Dietary staples: white rice and starchy vegetables. Their carb intake, depending on time period and season, has been estimated to fluctuate between 60 - 90% of their calories.

    Guess what? They are the longest-living people on earth with the lowest rates of disability in old age.

    And here we are in America talking about how high carbs are bad. The Okinawans are laughing as they are still active at 90 years of age.

    The Tarahumara might be another interesting population to study, as they are a long-distance running population in Mexico with a carb-heavy diet. Or the Sardinians in Italy with a carb-based diet, also one of the longest-living populations on earth with the lowest rates of disability.

    Mynameisuntz, how dare you further your arguments with facts! :laugh:

    On a related note, the ROK (Republic of Korea) was recently ranked as the thinnest nation in the world (Japan #2).....and yes, they eat a lot of rice! If they get sick of rice, then they eat udon noodles. Sick of that? Then they eat Ramen noodles. Haha, exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea... Whenever I visit my parents and relatives there, I'm always amazed again and again by how small their portion sizes are.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    The Tarahumara might be another interesting population to study, as they are a long-distance running population in Mexico with a carb-heavy diet. Or the Sardinians in Italy with a carb-based diet, also one of the longest-living populations on earth with the lowest rates of disability.

    I believe the Tarahumarans have a much shorter ALS, but that's mostly due to non-dietary variables, such as feuding drug lords.
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake..............

    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.

    I am the OP and learn to read the post in full before you comment. I never said it MAKES YOU FAT, i said it will keep your body fat because your body will use muscle as energy before it will use fat.
    that is a bunch of crap.
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    how can we change the pecent of carbs on our diary? someone said MFP is set at 50% and we can change it to 40%? would be helpful but if not ill just make sure i stay under then recommended carbs- hard to do for me.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Mynameisuntz, how dare you further your arguments with facts! :laugh:

    On a related note, the ROK (Republic of Korea) was recently ranked as the thinnest nation in the world (Japan #2).....and yes, they eat a lot of rice! If they get sick of rice, then they eat udon noodles. Sick of that? Then they eat Ramen noodles. Haha, exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea... Whenever I visit my parents and relatives there, I'm always amazed again and again by how small their portion sizes are.
    I'm sorry, I can start using anecdotal and personal evidence if you want! Everyone, regardless of size, should eat 2,200 calories to lose weight, with ~180 - 200g protein, 200g carbs (give or take 100, depending on the day and mood, but averaging 200), and 50-100g fat (same rationale as carbs). EVERYONE.

    Goodness I would not last a week in Korea, then. Well, if they never ran out of white rice, I'd be okay. But upon moving to the noodles...might have some long-term issues there. I don't know what it is, but plain white Love it. But flavored noodles, I don't know. Maybe it's the sodium?
    I believe the Tarahumarans have a much shorter ALS, but that's mostly due to non-dietary variables, such as feuding drug lords.
    I'm blanking on what ALS refers to.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Can't we have SOME sort of public distinction between us? I mean, I like all your posts because we agree on most everything that I've read of your stuff, but I'm starting to read your posts and tell myself, "wow I really don't remember writing this...AWW HIM AGAIN! I'VE BEEN HAD!"

  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    I'm blanking on what ALS refers to.

    Average life span.
  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    thanks alot
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    how can we change the pecent of carbs on our diary? someone said MFP is set at 50% and we can change it to 40%? would be helpful but if not ill just make sure i stay under then recommended carbs- hard to do for me.

    Go to Goals, Change Goals, Custom and you can change percentages there.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    how can we change the pecent of carbs on our diary? someone said MFP is set at 50% and we can change it to 40%? would be helpful but if not ill just make sure i stay under then recommended carbs- hard to do for me.

    Go to the MY HOME tab, then Goals, then Change Goals...
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Can't we have SOME sort of public distinction between us? I mean, I like all your posts because we agree on most everything that I've read of your stuff, but I'm starting to read your posts and tell myself, "wow I really don't remember writing this...AWW HIM AGAIN! I'VE BEEN HAD!"
    Breaking my balls over here, man. Breaking. My. Balls.
    I'm blanking on what ALS refers to.

    Average life span.
    It makes so much sense! But I'm going to need to see some empirical evidence that feudal drug lords have any role in life span. Human, clinical trials only, please.
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    thank yall !!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    You don't need that much protein. 1to 2 grams/kg of body weight is sufficient for 99% of the population, or better yet 15-30% of total calories depending on their caloric intake..

    Er, 2g/kg body weight is more than 1g/pound lean body mass.

    Math is fun!

    depends on your body fat %
    For instance, a 180 lb man with 9% body fat would need just under 164 grams using the 1g/lb LBM
    but only need just over 163 grams if they used the 2g per kg body weight

    yes, this is nit-picky, but you started it. :tongue:
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    You don't need that much protein. 1to 2 grams/kg of body weight is sufficient for 99% of the population, or better yet 15-30% of total calories depending on their caloric intake..

    Er, 2g/kg body weight is more than 1g/pound lean body mass.

    Math is fun!

    depends on your body fat %
    For instance, a 180 lb man with 9% body fat would need just under 164 grams using the 1g/lb LBM
    but only need just over 163 grams if they used the 2g per kg body weight

    yes, this is nit-picky, but you started it. :tongue:

    Actually, the other guy started it. I merely continued it.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Unfortunately for the OP, his opinion on this objective subject matter is wrong.

    Ah, Untz, actually, you are incorrect. According to the definition below, it's really not possible for an opinion to be wrong.

    1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
    2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
    3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second Medical opinion.
    Yep, now look at the wealth of information that DISPROVES his opinion. Want me to find a single study that shows you can lose fat with a high carb intake? Technically that's all I need to show the OP is wrong. One single case where someone lost fat with a high carb intake.

    It's my opinion that gravity is false. I also don't believe that the sun is the center of our solar system. Are these opinions correct, or logically sound to you? If I say that, then you have every right to tell me I'm wrong.

    Similarly the OP IS wrong. It is not up for debate. Because, as mentioned already, the second I provide a single study where people with a high carb intake can lose fat is the moment his entire argument as he's presented it is disproven.
    #1 - I have no idea what the OP believes for sure, or whether he intended to say "carbs will keep people fat" or "carbs will keep SOME people fat." I would guess that he MEANT the latter. And the fact, UNTZ, that you would agree with him if he had added one little word tells a tale. As for "grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty." You can quote all the studies in the world, honestly - what I am going to believe is what I can see, hear, touch, and experience myself. If I develop an opinion contrary to what you believe, but based on my own experiences, it is "right" to me and "right" to anyone who has the same belief.
    Doesn't matter what he meant or intended to say; what matters if what he said. And he has said multiple things in this thread, which I highly suggest you go check out again, because everything he's said has led me to believe that he is NOT drawing lines between different populations such as those who are insulin sensitive compared to those who are insulin resistant, or diabetic vs. non-diabetic. No, he is speaking in broad, universal terms.

    Still...not...getting it. If low carb works for YOU, are you going to tell me low carb will work for EVERYONE? This is why science exists. Your personal experiences are irrelevant to the rest of the population and are not able to be applied to the rest of the population. This is why we research. There's no way I'm looking for research to tell you what is best for you if you say you have found what works for you; that is NOT what I'm saying.

    What I AM saying is I will find research to disprove that the low carb method is the best and most effective method for everyone, and not only that, but that it is NECESSARY for fat loss. THAT is what I'm disproving. Does that make sense...?
    #2 - That's his personal view, maybe based on his own experience, maybe based on his own studies - you can't say he's wrong because you have no idea WHY he has made the appraisal he has made because you haven't walked in his shoes.
    It doesn't matter what his experiences are. He is saying high carb = inhibited fat loss for EVERYONE. He is not speaking on his own behalf, but on the behalf of the human population. THAT is why he is wrong.
    I believe some of what you believe - that carbs can and will keep SOME people fat, not all.
    Then we're in agreement and you don't even realize it.
    I just feel compelled to point out that just because you can cite a million articles and have an extensive vocabulary, that does not make you an expert on this subject...........on any subject, really.
    Never claimed to be an expert, but I'm willing to claim that I have a better grasp on it than the OP - who cites meaningless Youtube videos submitted by someone who is not a professional, whereas I cite sources that are the FOUNDATION of this field created by the professionals. Research is where doctors [should] form their opinions and stances on medications, methods, treatments, etc. THAT is what I cite; that is where the OP falls short.

    Oh this post is rich. Give me a second to respond to how wrong it is, without opinion. :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Yep, now look at the wealth of information that DISPROVES his opinion. Want me to find a single study that shows you can lose fat with a high carb intake? Technically that's all I need to show the OP is wrong. One single case where someone lost fat with a high carb intake.

    Are you saying ONE SINGLE CASE is empirical proof? Cause I’m just saying if you are, I can quickly show where you said the EXACT opposite just yesterday.

    Doesn't matter what he meant or intended to say; what matters if what he said.
    LOL do I even need to bring this one up?
    What I AM saying is I will find research to disprove that the low carb method is the best and most effective method for everyone,

    actually the latest studies, and there are more and more coming on line every day, suggest low carb IS the best way. Will it work for everybody? Probably not, BUT, the reasons have more to do with psychology, than physiology. There are VERY few people that would not be able to lose weight effectively on a low carb diet. [/quote]
    It doesn't matter what his experiences are. He is saying high carb = inhibited fat loss for EVERYONE. He is not speaking on his own behalf, but on the behalf of the human population. THAT is why he is wrong.

    Actually he did not, he was speaking to this group of people;
    I see tons of people on MFP complaining about either lack of weight loss even under a deficit OR lack of muscle growth/fat loss.