How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat!!



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Are you saying ONE SINGLE CASE is empirical proof? Cause I’m just saying if you are, I can quickly show where you said the EXACT opposite just yesterday.
    I am saying that if someone makes the claim that NO ONE can lose fat on a high carb intake, then you only need one person to disprove it.

    NO ONE = zero people.
    One person =/= NO ONE.
    LOL do I even need to bring this one up?
    Except he has been confronted time and time again and stuck to his original message. When you confronted me, I clarified, and as far as I can tell you accept the clarification.

    So, yeah, guess I see a big difference there.
    actually the latest studies, and there are more and more coming on line every day, suggest low carb IS the best way. Will it work for everybody? Probably not, BUT, the reasons have more to do with psychology, than physiology. There are VERY few people that would not be able to lose weight effectively on a low carb diet.
    Feel free to present those studies.

    I agree that diet adherence is the greatest factor in determining long-term success, if that's what you're implying, however I have not seen enough information that suggests low carb has the highest diet adherence. In fact I believe I've seen the opposite, as diets that are less restrictive in carbs have often been the easiest to follow given the more lax terms.

    However, the OP did not bring up diet adherence ever. He is bringing up the physiology of nutrition/human body. He's talking about, calorie for calorie, a low carb diet > high carb diet. And that is what's false. For many people, that is simply not the case in that there is really no difference between low carb and high carb.

    I THRIVE off high carbs. I've done a low carb diet - did it for about 2 months. And I see the same fat loss results with a higher carb diet, and feel much better doing it. I alone defy the idea that, calorie for calorie, a low carb diet is superior.
    ctually he did not, he was speaking to this group of people;
    I see tons of people on MFP complaining about either lack of weight loss even under a deficit OR lack of muscle growth/fat loss.
    Yep, that's his first statement. Which is why I didn't call him outright wrong, but initially responded with: "Carbs won't make you fat if you have a proper caloric intake.............. " for more clarification on his position. He continued to spout nonsense such as:

    "A body builder that eats tons of carbs and no fat will be bloated and smooth versus defined."


    " i said it will keep your body fat because your body will use muscle as energy before it will use fat."

    And he has not come back to validate those statements.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    A good ratio for a normal person, is 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fat. MFP is set to 55% carbs. You can reset it.

    This is the ratio I use as well. :smile:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Feel free to present those studies.
    those studies have been posted, many, many times. You just throw stones at them, as not being empirical studies, or N size being too small, or duration not being long enough, or whatever other excuse you can come up with to discount them. Show me one empirical study that shows low carb is NOT the best way to lose weight.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Feel free to present those studies.
    those studies have been posted, many, many times. You just throw stones at them, as not being empirical studies, or N size being too small, or duration not being long enough, or whatever other excuse you can come up with to discount them. Show me one empirical study that shows low carb is NOT the best way to lose weight.

    I don't have a hard line side on either side of this discussion, however, those things are actually important when discussing studies and the science behind something. Those types of things and their importance are taught in every college science 101 that I have taken.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    those studies have been posted, many, many times. You just throw stones at them, as not being empirical studies, or N size being too small, or duration not being long enough, or whatever other excuse you can come up with to discount them. Show me one empirical study that shows low carb is NOT the best way to lose weight.
    I have not seen them. Either way, I would not throw stones at them if they are legitimate. If it turns out that research finds a low carb diet is easiest to adhere to, why would I have a problem with it? I don't have a problem with a low carb diet; I have a problem with someone telling me it's THE best for fat loss, even when calories are kept consistent.

    I don't have to show you a study that low carb is not the best. That's not how science works. You make a claim that is counter to the null hypothesis, which states the independent variable has no effect. If you believe lowering carbs has an effect, which runs counter to the null hypothesis that I just stated, the burden of proof is on YOU. YOU make the claim, YOU provide the evidence; I do not disprove it for you.

    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.

    EDIT: I see one study, after a quick search, that shows the Atkins diet having a higher adherence rate than the ORNISH diet, though the difference was not statistically significant.

    P.S. I'm not making the claim that a higher carb diet is definitively easier to adhere to long-term than a lower carb diet. I, quite frankly, don't care either way. All I care about is when someone says a higher carb diet inhibit fat loss when it clearly does not.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member

    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.

    Scientifically, because you can't.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.


    Disprove that!

    Incidentally, unicorn meat is high in Omega 3's, I hear.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.


    Disprove that!

    Incidentally, unicorn meat is high in Omega 3's, I hear.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member

    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.

    Scientifically, because you can't.
    I understand. I just don't think freerange here understands how this process works.

    He makes the claim, he provides the evidence. Every hypothesis has a null hypothesis; if your hypothesis goes against the null (where the IV has no effect on the DV), then YOU are the one who has to prove it. You don't ask the people supporting the null hypothesis to disprove their stance. That's not how it works.

    But here he's asking me to show that a low carb diet is NOT the best. That's now how science works. I don't do the work for him.
    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.


    Disprove that!

    Incidentally, unicorn meat is high in Omega 3's, I hear.
    High in Omega-3s and MDMA. And dreams.

    Gotta watch that n-6/n-3 ratio, bro.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.

    Disprove that!

    Incidentally, unicorn meat is high in Omega 3's, I hear.

    My fault, did I say Omega 3? I meant sparkles.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    If I claim that unicorns exist, I don't ask you to disprove it.

    Disprove that!

    Incidentally, unicorn meat is high in Omega 3's, I hear.

    My fault, did I say Omega 3? I meant sparkles.
    I've seen that typo more times than you'd believe.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Thanks for sharing this video, I've been listening to his videos all day now :) I like!
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Thanks for sharing this video, I've been listening to his videos all day now :) I like!
    But, they're wrong...

    Unless, maybe, you're insulin resistant.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Is butter a carb?

    Still find it funny that people are taking a quote from the movie Mean Girls and treating it like a serious question...

    The rest of the thread is entertaining. Not because of the science being debated, but because adults are acting like children...
  • I am a bread lover and have changed to lower calorie bread... thinking that this will make it all better. I have never hit my max on MFP for carbs so I thought I was doing good. I have been at a stand still with my weight loss... staying under my calories and working out. I was complaining to my trainer yesterday about this... We won't over my food journals and I was told that I needed to cut more carbs out of my diet.. That the carbs are what is keeping me from losing. Damn you... bread.. why must you be soo good??
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    The rest of the thread is entertaining. Not because of the science being debated, but because adults are acting like children...
    Alright, everyone, no more talk about unicorns and sparkles. Let's go back to being adults.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am a bread lover and have changed to lower calorie bread... thinking that this will make it all better. I have never hit my max on MFP for carbs so I thought I was doing good. I have been at a stand still with my weight loss... staying under my calories and working out. I was complaining to my trainer yesterday about this... We won't over my food journals and I was told that I needed to cut more carbs out of my diet.. That the carbs are what is keeping me from losing. Damn you... bread.. why must you be soo good??

    I am not saying that your trainer is wrong...but is your trainer a certified nutritionist? If not, then he/she is not really qualified to give you advice on your food. Now they may be right for your case...but just wanted to say that personal trainers are 99% untrained when it comes to nutrition. I've been through 3 different CPT "trainings" and it was all exercise with a very basic look at macros and calories. Just sayin.
  • Thanks for the link to the video. I really liked it and it helped me remember important things I wasn't applying.
    Thanks for taking the time to share.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    I am not saying that your trainer is wrong...but is your trainer a certified nutritionist? If not, then he/she is not really qualified to give you advice on your food. Now they may be right for your case...but just wanted to say that personal trainers are 99% untrained when it comes to nutrition. I've been through 3 different CPT "trainings" and it was all exercise with a very basic look at macros and calories. Just sayin.

    Incidentally, the same applies to many doctors.