JM 30DS start thurs 6/23 Who's with me?



  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am embarassed to put my measurements on here but here goes:

    chest: 42inches... dang...I wear a 38 bra....not good!
    Waist: (someone said to do right under ribcage....I just had a baby 6months ago...:0) ) :37lnches...yikes!
    arm: (I know this ain't gonna be good.....batwings!) :16 inches
    legs/thighs: 27 inches.....thunder gone!
    Hips: 48 inches...they ain't called "birthing hips" for nothin!!

    Weight: today was 230.5lbs .....actually up .5lbs from lowest...TOM's coming...dangit!

    So there it is.....I will have the hubs take an unflattering pic for my "before"........So very psyched to start this!!! Jillian, you best kick my *kitten* in shape!!!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    OK Measurements:-

    bust: 38.5"
    waist: 40"
    hips: 46"
    arms: 14"
    thigh: 27"

    Weigh in is tomorrow so I shall add that then.

    L1D1 done.

    I'm melting..............
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Day 1 complete....9 more days of this one to go.....calories burnt 527 in 27minutes...pretty dang awesome! Felt like a fool jumping around and the floor was shaking! Thank god I dont live in an upper!! My arms feel like jello!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah I have to make sure I'm far away from the TV when I start jumping or it wobbles back and forth...however skinny get I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate me destroying his TV in the process!

    I finished day 2 last night! My arms still feel like jello, and my shoulders are killing me! I have 5 lb weights but I can't finish the side-lunge arm lift thing at the end and always end up putting them down about halfway through that still hurts to do it without the weights, though!

    I'm definitely having a love-hate relationship with JM right now!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I do with 5lbs weights also.....I had a hard time with the final ab scissors thing.......9ore days 9 more days.....than will see what she has in store!! It really wasn't that bad although I may be humming a different tune 2mrrw am!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Where r all my peeps at?
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Bump- Im in and started a thread too... didnt see this one... so i will check in on both :)
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    I'M IN!! i started it then never finished and i reallly wanna go for a whole 30 days! day 1 starts now! i have to finish it this time! : )
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Where r all my peeps at?

    I'm here, but can't do this until after work. I'm on the west coast, so I'm three hours behind you :) By the time I get home, get my kids taken care of, then my butt in gear and get it done to log it, you might actually be sleeping! LOL :)
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    started day 1 yesterday! my body is SORE today! i've tried doing it before but never did all 30 days... this time i am determined to finish!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    i'm here! I am getting it this afternoon (i'm leaving work in about an hour!) I have to pick up some measuring tape too because I dont have that either :ohwell:
  • UNCTarHeelGirl
    I'm going to start as soon as I get home from work, after my three-mile dog walk. This is the first time I've actually taken measurements and a before pic (gulp). Thank goodness for the MFP judgement-free zone. :wink: I'm 5'5" and currently 147 lbs. At least for Level 1, I'll probably use 5- and 8-pound weights. Good luck, everyone!

    Hips: 41.5
    Chest: 40
    Thigh: 22.5
    Arm: 12
    Waist: TBD
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    OK Measurements:-

    bust: 38.5"
    waist: 40"
    hips: 46"
    arms: 14"
    thigh: 27"

    Weigh in is tomorrow so I shall add that then.

    L1D1 done.

    I'm melting..............

    Nobody is more surprised than me to announce that I've done L1D2 today! I woke up having had little sleep and appearing to have lost the ability to walk downstairs or hills (up is fine, down is a killer this morning!). I pushed through it and subjected myself to the punishment all over again, and boy am I PROUD of myself!!!!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D2 I am a tad bit stiff!! Arms and calves burn just a wee bit BUT MUST GET PAST THE PAIN!! I want to see some major results from this!!!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I have to get an actual cloth tape measure before I can get measurements (the stiff one from the garage and I had a fight when it would not bend any lay nicely on my skin ... and it won).

    I did L1D1 yesterday and sweated my *kitten* off ... but I am not sore today. The only thing I found super "hard" in level 1 (aside from having to stop and pee from all the stinking jumping!) was raising my dumbbells forward to eye level while doing side lunges, so I think I've learned one of the muscle groups I seem to be missing with my weight training at the gym!

    Now I have a question ... how do we go about determining levels? Do I do level 1 for a week and then move onto level 2 next week? How is everyone else doing this? Do we have a "routine" that everyone is following? Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days and Level 3 for 10 days ... or just what ever we want??

    Anyone else doing before photos as well as measurements? I'm hoping to have my kids help me do that this weekend!
  • dzhope
    dzhope Posts: 2
    Started this today---is it okay to join in with you guys on this thread? If so, will post measurements and all that "good" stuff when i hear back from you:)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Started this today---is it okay to join in with you guys on this thread? If so, will post measurements and all that "good" stuff when i hear back from you:)

    Of course! Welcome :)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Started this today---is it okay to join in with you guys on this thread? If so, will post measurements and all that "good" stuff when i hear back from you:)

    The more the merrier.....!!

    Dragofli.....I think Level 1 for 10 days....Level 2 for 10 days is how I am going to do it....I am taking July 3rd and 4th off for camping but will get right back on when we come home!! Hubby comes home this weekend and I am making him take a before pic......yuck! I am so excited for the end results!! I heard that days 3 and 4 are the hardest to overcome so once we are over that hill I think it will get easier.... I hope!!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Finished L1D3 last was definitely rough on my already sore thighs and shoulders! Today my calves are more sore than the rest of me, but I'm determined to jump through my pain!

    dragonflydi: those are my least favorite moves too! I have to put my weights down halfway through the second set and it still hurts to lift my bare arms for the rest of the set! Maybe by day 10 I'll be able to hold on to my weights the entire time :)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Dragofli.....I think Level 1 for 10 days....Level 2 for 10 days is how I am going to do it....I am taking July 3rd and 4th off for camping but will get right back on when we come home!! Hubby comes home this weekend and I am making him take a before pic......yuck! I am so excited for the end results!! I heard that days 3 and 4 are the hardest to overcome so once we are over that hill I think it will get easier.... I hope!!

    OK, this is what I am going to shoot for as well, and if I feel I can step it up a little before, then I'll go for it. I could just up the weights from my 5 lb to my 8 lb also ... :)

    Looks like we will have a few 'before' pics to share on Monday!