JM 30DS start thurs 6/23 Who's with me?



  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    L1D9 more day of level 1 then 2 days off for camping then start up level 2 on tues night......getting easier!

    I did L1D9 last night. I agree, it does feel like it's getting easier, I can squat all the way down now, but still can't finish my anterior arm lifts with my 5lb weights, so I've been using cans of corn on those, lol. I also can't do regular pushups, but as long as I'm feeling a burn with my girly ones I'm happy!

    Now we have L2 right around the corner!! I'm a little intimitated...
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I did L1D9 last night. I agree, it does feel like it's getting easier, I can squat all the way down now, but still can't finish my anterior arm lifts with my 5lb weights, so I've been using cans of corn on those, lol. I also can't do regular pushups, but as long as I'm feeling a burn with my girly ones I'm happy!

    You know, I was looking at the girls in the video last night and I think they are using 3 lbs weights. I too am using 5 lbs and theirs are much smaller than mine. If I was using 3, I could do it all the way through with no problem. That made me feel much better about struggling through the last few in that 2nd set. Also, is it just me, or when Jillian jumps in for those last 7-8, does she speed the pace way up?

    And does anyone else always find themselved the total opposite of the girls during one set up jumping jacks. We start the same and I go with the beat of the music and I'm with them at first, off in the middle and back with them at the end. Drives me crazy! LOL ...
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I just do my own thing......girl pushups.....and mostly follow Anita.....still sweat like crazy so I think I can muster Level 2!
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    L1D8 completed!!!! I made a mistake today though, I normally do my workout before noon when my baby is napping but I waited today until right before dinner and it seemed so much more difficult than normal. I won't be doing that again. We are almost done with level 1 so let's push hard.
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    OK - I'm starting L2 tomorrow, I think. In theory, I should do one more day of L1 to cover the one day rest I was forced to take due to other commitments, but I think I'll give L2 a try :)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L1D10 complete...I did 10 straight days in a row.....whooo hoooo!! Now 2 days off for camping trip then tues night start L2D1!! Have a great 4th girls!
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    L1D10 complete...I did 10 straight days in a row.....whooo hoooo!! Now 2 days off for camping trip then tues night start L2D1!! Have a great 4th girls!

    Congrats on reaching day 10! And have a wonderful time camping

    Just finished kicked my butt! But such a great workout! Only 9 days left with this
  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    although Level 1 was still somewhat challenging at the end of Day 10 I was so bored with the moves, I was considering giving up all together. then came today, Day 1 of Level 2 - let m tell you, it was AWESOME. I lied on the floor for about a minute at the end, huffing and puffing...but I felt GOOOOD
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    L1D9 completed! I think today was my best workout so far. I turned Jillian down and cranked up some music and it got me pushing harder. My step-daughters birthday is the 4th so I am hoping to say away from the yummy Dora cake I ordered for her.
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    L2D1 started, and I actually enjoyed it - bring on the next 9 days!!
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    D1L2 completed!!!!! I really enjoyed it. This was strange because I remember hating this level when I tried it a few years ago. Of course I didn't do very many of the advanced moves this time around but I'll work my way up to them.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L2D1 cmplete....and hate it! 9 more days of this...aghhhhh! I struggle with the planks and up/ down movements.....I will just keep following Anita!! I hope this gets easier!
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    L2D2 complete.

    poesch77- Hang in there. You can do this!!!!!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    although Level 1 was still somewhat challenging at the end of Day 10 I was so bored with the moves, I was considering giving up all together. then came today, Day 1 of Level 2 - let m tell you, it was AWESOME. I lied on the floor for about a minute at the end, huffing and puffing...but I felt GOOOOD

    OMG ... I did day 1 of level two yesterday morning and I thought I was going to die! LOL ... I had sweat dripping from my nose, my chin ... even my eyelashes.

    I am having an issue however, because I have TMJ which causes tinnitus (ringing in the ears) which throws my balance off. That makes those pendulum lunges nearly impossible (at one point I almost landed on the poor dog) ... but I am determined to get it! I'm also sure I look like a total dork doing the skater things.

    I don't like not being able to see the modified moves b/c I'm upside down. When I realize they are showing them, I look up just in time for them to pan over to Natalie. Grrr ....

    I do think my arms will benefit however, as it seems so many of the moves have you in the plank either through the whole thing or at least part of the time. That is going to be a bonus!
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    L2D3 finished!!!!

    dragonflydi- Yes your arms will benefit in a big way. Also you abs if you can just hold the plank position. I've had problems with TMJ before and they are not fun. I went to the chiropractor and used Tens units to try and fix mine without having surgery. I got very expensive but I did see major improvements.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L2D2 is getting easier....altho' for some reason my hips hurt today! 8 more days........
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    L2D3 finished!!!!

    dragonflydi- Yes your arms will benefit in a big way. Also you abs if you can just hold the plank position. I've had problems with TMJ before and they are not fun. I went to the chiropractor and used Tens units to try and fix mine without having surgery. I got very expensive but I did see major improvements.

    I did figure out last night that if I take smaller lunges, it helps with the balance issue, but then my form is not quite as good. Catch 22? Also have issues doing the squats with the arms raises that go in a "v" shape. I can do the arms or the legs, but when I do them both I fall over LOL ... I WILL get there however, if it kills me!

    I have been focusing on my abs at the gym and so far, the 'ab' part of the ab moves have not been all that difficult for me, but MAN! Holding that plank and the plank jacks ... my arms/shoulders just burn!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I really like the jump twist cardio thing! That totally loosens up my lower back. I think she should put that cardio with the static lunge and boxing b/c everytime I did the boxing thing, it took until the end of the 2nd set for my lower back to loosen up enough to really get a good move in.

    I also think that Jillian, if she is going to be doing these things with us, needs a MUCH more supportive workout top!
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    I also think that Jillian, if she is going to be doing these things with us, needs a MUCH more supportive workout top!

    Unfortunately, I must agree!! I'm still loving L2 - the plank jacks are my favourite, probably because when I first saw them I thought "no way can I do that" and I can, and it feels good each and every time I do!

    Stick with it, I'm loving it - I just can't decide whether to follow it with 6week6pack or banish fat boost metabolism.............
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    L2 D3 done...13/30 days of Shred.....17 more days to go! 8 inches lost so far but only 2.5lbs lost....better los more than that at the end!!!