

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Ok Jenn,
    Here's my weeks total as I'm headin to bed shortly:

    WEEK 1: Water Consumption for me is now: 1753 oz. weigh loss 8 lbs:yawn:

    Catch ya in the a.m all to see what the next challenge holds...excited to try out something new and to keep my water up

    Y'all did great this week! :flowerforyou:

    Even if you pushed yourself to increase more than your normal intake...This week was a SUCCESS for YOU!:flowerforyou:

    This has been a fun challenge...makes me much more aware of the times I don't drink enough and wait until I'm thirsty, then I down like 2-3 24oz'ers and it feels so good but then I know to keep track better at the gym to drink it much more often while working lessons learned by me this week, for sure!

    I think I drank a fair bit more than my goal has been as I needed/wanted to flush out my pre-pms bloating/water weight etc. Hey it worked:heart:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Well I didn't do as good as the other girls, but I did drink more water than last week, so that's a start.
    I only did 288 oz for the week.

    at least you did better than me :embarassed: i only did about 200 oz for the whole week. :sad: usually i do better than that, cyberswitch (my partner) and i have agreed that we both have the same problem this week, usually we do ok with water but when we have to do it for a challenge we do horribly. :frown: atleast tomarrow is a brand new day :bigsmile:

    :huh: Boy! But isn't that the way it seems to go! I'm finding I do MUCH better at daily or weekly challenges like this type rather than weighing in each week and seeing how I did and that's the only goal.

    I prefer to go by how I feel, clothes fitting better, the tape measure, fitness level/strength etc. than MAKING myself weigh each week for a game/challenge. It makes me really stress out big time and doesn't seem to be the best for me as I start obsessing about the scale again.

    I like to feel like the scale is NOT in control of me and my feelings/self esteem but rather me being in control of when I decide to check my weight...sometimes I just get a feeling and do it, normally that's when I'm feeling like things are getting looser etc.

    I had broken that habit by not weighing except every couple week or once a month....I did it that way to break me of the habit of thinking I'm only as good as the number on the scale.:cry::noway: :blushing: that's a tough mind set to break...but OH SO IMPORTANT to success!

    SO that's why I like a new challenge every week that doesn't JUST involve the scale. :flowerforyou:

    I don't own one, when I do weigh I use the same one at the gym I got an eval on when I started there.

    Any others go through similiar feelings on weigh in only type challenges?
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Well I didn't do as good as the other girls, but I did drink more water than last week, so that's a start.
    I only did 288 oz for the week.

    at least you did better than me :embarassed: i only did about 200 oz for the whole week. :sad: usually i do better than that, cyberswitch (my partner) and i have agreed that we both have the same problem this week, usually we do ok with water but when we have to do it for a challenge we do horribly. :frown: atleast tomarrow is a brand new day :bigsmile:

    At the start of the week, I just could not manage it!
    I managed to do 480 oz in the end, but I was up most of the night the other night, visiting the loo :laugh:
    Took water everywhere I went at the end of the week, but it didn't do much good :embarassed:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Please send me your totals for the week friday night or saturday morning - so I can post the winners! the new chllenge should be posted by sunday morning for what ever team wins! START THINKING UP YOUR CHALLENGE JUST IN CASE YOU WIN!!!

    Where is everyone????:drinker:
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    For those of you who have sent me your totals thank you - for those of you who have not:angry: I have a feeling though that fitness-chick and christolpistol are going to beat the crap out of the rest of us ! :ohwell: I have to figure my totals yet and will post the winners around dinner time so for those of you in the front running - what is your challenge going to be??????? we will start the new challenge in the morning!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    For those of you who have sent me your totals thank you - for those of you who have not:angry: I have a feeling though that fitness-chick and christolpistol are going to beat the crap out of the rest of us ! :ohwell: I have to figure my totals yet and will post the winners around dinner time so for those of you in the front running - what is your challenge going to be??????? we will start the new challenge in the morning!

    Hey there christelpistol ...haven't heard from you....what's our challenge going to so sure on the lima beans...we might get voted off the island if we go that route. :huh: :laugh:

    Plus...ah I HATE LIMA BEANS..:laugh: do the winners for the week get immunnity for the new challenge?:grumble: Yea I didn't think so:laugh:

    Ok, well hopin to hear from my partner so in case we are the ones to pick next weeks challenge we can do a bit of power thinking....

    Congrats to EVERYONE for drinkin more water this week, beating your usual amount, or just plain sticking in the challenge and not letting your partner down by going AWOL:grumble: ...SO YAY TO ALL OF US who stuck it out....WE ROCK!

    Remember Tomorrow starts a brand new day and a brand new 'SURPRISE' challenge....this is even I don't know what the next challenge might be:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :huh: :drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Got a question for you Jenn or anyone else that knows the 911 on this..

    How'd this group get to be called 'Tweeners'??? I tried to read up on early postings but didn't see anything about this. I'm like a curious cat....just like to know stuff is all...pure curiousity:laugh: :noway: :noway:
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    Got a question for you Jenn or anyone else that knows the 911 on this..

    How'd this group get to be called 'Tweeners'??? I tried to read up on early postings but didn't see anything about this. I'm like a curious cat....just like to know stuff is all...pure curiousity:laugh: :noway: :noway:

    here is the post how it got started.... :flowerforyou:
  • monica5237
    so sorry i havent posted in the past few days, have been really busy and tired with work and uni:sick:

    so total water consumption for the week is ...:noway: 300ounces... is that right? :frown: am i converting it wrong? that seems too low:sad:

    sorry partner monica5237:frown:

    does this mean i failed the challenged?:brokenheart:

    There is no failure in this compitition you suceeded just by adding more water to your diet that is what this is really all about is to get you to drink more and was that accomplished ? if you drank more than normal then you did not fail!!!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Got a question for you Jenn or anyone else that knows the 911 on this..

    How'd this group get to be called 'Tweeners'??? I tried to read up on early postings but didn't see anything about this. I'm like a curious cat....just like to know stuff is all...pure curiousity:laugh: :noway: :noway:

    here is the post how it got started.... :flowerforyou:
    Thank You so much!! This really helps me get caught up on the 'beginning stages of this challenge' come to think of it I sorta recall seeing it but I also see tons of other threads so guess I didn't open this one until now.

    So glad I joined up....:flowerforyou:

    Thanks again Passionerica for sharing the 'behind the scenes' original challenge email.:drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    For those of you who have sent me your totals thank you - for those of you who have not:angry: I have a feeling though that fitness-chick and christolpistol are going to beat the crap out of the rest of us ! :ohwell: I have to figure my totals yet and will post the winners around dinner time so for those of you in the front running - what is your challenge going to be??????? we will start the new challenge in the morning!

    "Ok ladies as soon as I get your replys I will be assigning partners - But I need your input on that -- do you guys want the same partner every week or do you want to get a new one every week or so????

    If you just found us and want to join please feel free to send me a message or post a reply - thanks jenn!"

    Hey Jenn,
    Saw this on the original thread when you were discussing and gathering up folks for this challenge. here's a quote by you.... and I wanted to know what you all had decided keep the same or do we change up at some point? or? :laugh: :noway: :drinker: You all know by now how much I like to KNOW things...curious cat here:tongue:

    Ok, after finishing up the original post on this Tweener Challenge .....don't know if this is even on the table anymore for discussion....but...I think getting to know others would be lovely. I've had a great partner this challenge and she's a kook just like me and is really a go getter that also loves challenging herself as I do:drinker: So it was a meant to be match ...since we both just happened to join up within a short time of each other, she nabbed me as her partner.

    At some point during this challenge, I think it might just be fun to switch up parters if others also enjoy that idea (I saw no comments on that unless they were sent to you privately Jenn).....I think getting to know more folks on MFP while doing partner challenges would be a great way to do it!

    Ok, feel like I'm much more part of the group now...that I'm caught up and also see OoooooooMarianneOooo has a lil sister here on!

    My sisters get tired of me chattering about eating Bummer....we all seem to hit the point of wanting to be healthy at different times instead of the same time so we could support one another. I don't really feel that supported by them...I think it makes them feel a bit weird actually, since they aren't into it.

    But I recall feeling like that in the past when friends have asked me to join a gym with them and such, I would be like When all they were probably trying to do was find themselves a gym partner and someone to pal around with and get healthy with.

    Amazing how our thoughts straighten out as our food does...isn't it:huh:
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    Hey guys!

    SO far fitness chick is still in the lead by herself simce I haven't heard from christol yet - does any one else want to switch parnters every week or keep the same - I have one vote either way so now I don't know which way to go with it.

    GREAT JOB :drinker: to everybody! Like it has been said - if you drank more water than you usually do then you are a winner! The goal for each person would have been 64OZ a day - that is the recomended "normal" amount of water we are suppose to consume! and i think we all blasted past that!

    I still need a few of you to log in the weight loss from this week- And my water for the week was 1344oz

    The key to water for me is a chew ice all day! I have no teeth left now but I got my water in!:laugh:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey guys!

    SO far fitness chick is still in the lead by herself simce I haven't heard from christol yet - does any one else want to switch parnters every week or keep the same - I have one vote either way so now I don't know which way to go with it.

    GREAT JOB :drinker: to everybody! Like it has been said - if you drank more water than you usually do then you are a winner! The goal for each person would have been 64OZ a day - that is the recomended "normal" amount of water we are suppose to consume! and i think we all blasted past that!

    I still need a few of you to log in the weight loss from this week- And my water for the week was 1344oz

    The key to water for me is a chew ice all day! I have no teeth left now but I got my water in!:laugh:

    I'm so sad:sad: I seem to have lost my partner...on this challenge....OH Pistol...where are you???:huh: Well if we don't hear from her by tonight or whenever you get in all the info you need and if turns out I'm the one to pick the new challenge....I've got one in mind that I think is do-able for everyone....and NO it does NOT involve lima beans:frown: Sorry you lima bean lovers you!

    Ok, lost track there making gagging faces thinking of lima beans.:noway:

    Ok, so as I was starting to say.. I much would prefer to discuss the challenge idea with Pistol chickie so as not to leave her out but if it doesn't work that be it and I'll share the newest challenge for next week (starting tomorrow) if I'm the one chosen.:drinker:
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    as for the partner thing, i geuss i can really go either way....

    and as for the weightloss ........... :sad: i gained 1 pound :sad: .......... but thats so okay, it was kind of like a rubber band effect for me, i started to slack off, then a gained a pound now i am SNAPPED back into place :laugh: :blushing: sorry i couldn't resist. :happy:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey guys!

    SO far fitness chick is still in the lead by herself simce I haven't heard from christol yet - does any one else want to switch parnters every week or keep the same - I have one vote either way so now I don't know which way to go with it.

    Regarding switching partners or not switching partners....hopefully more folks will share their feelings on this or at the least let Jenn know if they don't care either way so we could at least go from there.

    hey Jenn, here's a comprimise! What if some would like to swap partners and some don't, the ones that do can get rematched and others that would like to stick to the oringal partner could do that?

    Only issue on that would be if one partner wanted to stay and the other wanted to switch. :laugh: :laugh: :noway:

    That idea seems to make logical sense in my brain right now but I waited to long to eat and my carbs got pretty low so if the above is not making sense....just let me know as my Yummy Fage 2% Cherry Greek Yogurt will be kicking in shortly and I'll have brain energy again:yawn: . (has anyone else fallen in love with this yummy Greek Yogurt?)
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    as for the partner thing, i geuss i can really go either way....

    and as for the weightloss ........... :sad: i gained 1 pound :sad: .......... but thats so okay, it was kind of like a rubber band effect for me, i started to slack off, then a gained a pound now i am SNAPPED back into place :laugh: :blushing: sorry i couldn't resist. :happy:

    yea for a snappin chickie!! :laugh: Plus that lb. will come off in no time flat!:flowerforyou:
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    Hey erica- one pound of water maybe?????:tongue: did you eat alot of salt yesterday - I did and put on two pounds over night BUT I know it is just the salt and when I get done peeing today it will be gone

    I have a way to check to see if i am alittle bloated in the morning -- I lace my fingers and I can tell by how FAT my fingers feel if it is just the bloating! It helps to keep the scale on my good side!:tongue:

    I am all for switching partners but I will do whatever the rest of the group desides - but we have a few girls that only log at night so we should give them a chance to respond and post the new challenge for sunday night!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    I am all for switching partners but I will do whatever the rest of the group desides - but we have a few girls that only log at night so we should give them a chance to respond and post the new challenge for sunday night!

    Makes perfect sense to me...:happy: :drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    How many have stayed with the challenge this week? DId we lose some? :cry: I guess that's typical of challenges...folks get busy, forget which challenge is which when theyv'e got their fingers in so many, :bigsmile: computers break down:grumble: ....who knows....lots of things in life make it difficult at times to keep things up. But that's all part of the challenge I think! It's all in the name....:laugh:

    Here's to hoping we get more and more folks to join us on these challenges as they are so healthy, fun, keep us getting to know more folks on MFP in a more personal way and each week we learn to add something new in our lives and work to keep it part of our everyday life.

    Like our Water Challenge...I was finding myself MUCH more aware of how much I was drinking, found myself getting thirsty and knew I'd waited to long to drink while working thanks Gang for allowing me to join in with you all even though I was a later comer!:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I found this photo quite a long time back and have saved it as a reminder to me how much water does for our body....our body really relies on it more than most of us are even aware. Our bodies are amazing things!!!:drinker:
