Moxie's Merry Band of Booty Shrinkers!! (Closed Group)



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    seaside- I totally understand the knee pain. I hope a rest day or two will help relieve the pain. It did me a world of good yesterday but I am still being slightly careful with the knee. Take it easy with the 30ds, as you might need to build up to full strength.

    Hope you feel better.
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    Ok, Team Moxie. We had a crew member that had to withdraw for personal reasons and have a new member that is very eager to join us. She should be here momentarily to introduce herself. :happy:
  • shelsmom
    shelsmom Posts: 4
    Hi all My name is Lori Cook and it looks like I will be the newest crew member!!! I first want to say that I am very excited to be apart of this team!! Thank you for the opportunity!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:

    I am a proud mother of two!! My kids are my life and I am a proud stay at home mom....which means I have lots of time to burn them calories!!!! I am married to my soul mate:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    I love to walk and run and bike riding is soon going to be in the works!!!:wink::wink:

    You can find us at the lake every weekend camping and fishing and swimming!!!

    Lets get this boat in hyper mode and move it move it move it!!!!!!

  • shelsmom
    shelsmom Posts: 4
    30 day shred totally blew up my knees had to quit before I really got walking and lots of outside calorie burning things for me!!!!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome Lori!! Always nice to have another stay at home mommy on board :smile: How old are your kids?

    Speaking of kids....I have an explanation for my low calorie burn today. Check out our FB group :)
  • shelsmom
    shelsmom Posts: 4
    Thanks Kat!!! My son Sheldon is 4 and my daughter Shelby will be turning 3 on the 29th!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:

    That is a fantastic excuse!!!! Congrats and yes god does have a good sense of humor!!!!! :heart:

    My kiddos keep me pretty busy and I can't wait till this fall they will both be in preschool and I will have 5 hours to my self everyday.....I won't know how to act with out my babies!!!! Plan on lots of long walks and jogs and country bike rides!!!!
  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    My youngest son just turned 3. It's such a beautiful age.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member

    Latest map is up! Moxie's in 3rd place! Come on girls it's a DOUBLE DAY! I'm playing tennis tonight and going to burn it up! :bigsmile:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome Lori.

    Rebecca, I hear you and tonight is water aerobics for me. It should be a great burn, plus if it doesn't storm I will swim some laps as well.