Starting P90X!



  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    I am back after my second recovery week. I did not follow the recovery week plan; instead I ran every day. I have missed running, as I'm trying to follow the program, so this felt GREAT!!

    This morning was Chest and Back for me. Still need to get in ARX. It was fun to look back and see how my push up and pull up numbers have improved. I worked hard enough that I was nauseous when I was done!

    Ladyhawk: I purchased the system in October. No additional resistance bands came with it.

    Taxi: You are doing great! I like Kenpo too. I think it is because I also like Turbo Jam. My weight is not changing, and my measurements haven't either, but my husband is noticing definition, so . . .

    Craig: Have you done your rotations back to back? I'm trying to decide to what I will do when I finish my first 90 days. I'm thinking I will get some running in. I think it is wonderful that you are working out with your wife. My hubby said we would do this together, but so far, it's just me! :huh:

    Kak: You CAN do running with the program, but I believe that is considered doubles. The first 3 weeks I substituted running for the cardio days, as I was training for a race. Currently. I am trying to stick with the program as prescribed, except I run during the recovery weeks. I had the same question when I first started, and it was recommended to cut back on the running for awhile. Jenny or Jess would be better at this recommendation. The most important thing would be to be sure you are adequately fueling your body and getting enough sleep!
  • taxieb
    Hi all,
    I felt a bit like a loser last night because I couldn't bring myself to do Plyo after work :noway: I was dog tired! But, I got it done today and I feel awesome! I was wondering about running too, because I need to get back to it. I figured I would give myself a few weeks to get used to the program and then add running in on my weight training days, or at least on recovery weeks like you Teach :flowerforyou:

    And...ya my hubby keeps saying he is going to join me too, but so far no go :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I would like to purchase this workout series but would like to know if I have to purchase additional equipment like a pull up bar and push up equipment? I have never worked out in my home before but I find I am waking up 3-4 a.m. and would like to do something with that time rather than lying in bed waiting for the time to get up and get to work

    You will need a way to do pullups (either w/ a band or a chinup bar), pushups (but you don't need equipment for that unless your wrists bother you), and either a band or weights. You can get it all from Teambeachbody or through a Teambeachbody coach (I'm one, let me know if you have any questions!!).

    P90X is AWESOME!!!!! Good luck and let me know if you need any help or info!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello X'ers!! I'm back from vacation!! I packed my black resistance band and was still able to get in some good workouts while gone!! Then I left the band with my brother (he does P90X also) so he was happy about that! :laugh: I ran on the beach, walked, swam, etc. Tonight it's back to reality and Chest & Back!! :wink:

    Take care!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Welcome back, Jess. Great new pic!
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I found the Yoga boring, I know it is a necessary evil but what a snooze! 90 minutes is way too long.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Kak: I have to agree with the Yoga. It is definitely not my favorite, and I tend to put it off!

    I did Ab Ripper this am, Plyo this p.m. (My bed was just TOO cozy this morning!!!):tongue:
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I could never get into Yoga or Pilates thanks for making me feel better about it teach. So far the Plyo was my favorite, still got several to go.

    I did go for a short run last night and will follow your advice. I will try the cardio x but know I won't do it all the time. I love to run and spin so I am glad it is ok to "supplement".
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Welcome back, Jess. Great new pic!

    Thank you!! It's good to be home!! I thought it was time for a new picture!!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I brought it w/ Chest & Back last night! Today was a 4 mile interval run on the TM and 600 yd swim.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    I did follow through and get Plyo in tonight. That one always gets my heartrate up, but I was reminded last week that from a calorie burning standpoint, running does it best for me! :flowerforyou:
    That being said, I'm loving the slight soreness from Chest and Back last night.

    I can't believe I'm in Phase 3. The time is flying by!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Good morning! Shoulders and Arms for me this a.m. I didn't have time for the bonus round; need to get my eldest to school early for program rehearsal. I will do the bonus round and ab ripper tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Good morning! Shoulders and Arms for me this a.m. I didn't have time for the bonus round; need to get my eldest to school early for program rehearsal. I will do the bonus round and ab ripper tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Great job! I'll be joining you w/ S & A tonight! I did a 4.25 mile run early this AM, cold but felt great!

  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I did Back and legs today and loved it. It is crazy how this all works I religiously did abs daily before and now that I am only doing AB Ripper 3X a week I feel it even more. I have done some of Tony's other series and really like how he builds on each one. I am a huge fan.
  • csnook2
    Hello Again,

    Teach- We took about 3 weeks and mixed in some Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam, but after being abused by Tony for 90 days, we felt the need to get back at the X.

    I feel I'm going against the grain on this one, but, Yoga is my absolute favorite day now. I HATED it when we first started, but the peace and invigoration I feel afterwards is completely AWESOME.

    My feeling on doubles, or added cardio. If you are in your first round, follow the plan. If you would like to run a day or two a week, substitute it on cardio days. Get through your first 90 day rotation first, then you can adjust your workouts to fit your want/need. My wife and I are wanting added cardio this rotation, so we are doing doubles, it can be exhausting! If you do add extra's, monitor what your body is telling you. Just be careful to not overtrain and jeopardize the gains you have made.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Craig: I was interested to see that you took a break and then came back. I will soon be having to determine my plan for what is next. I certainly don't look like the "after" pictures yet. I would still like to get more definition!!

    It was Kenpo for me this morning, and I did follow thru and finish the bonus round of arms and shoulders, as well as ARX last night.
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks Craig! It really is a change of mindset for me. I was stuck in a rut where I did 45-60 minutes of cardio daily either spinning or running, abs, weights, and legs twice a week. I have never been good about taking days off so I am going to committ to that too. I have been sleeping like a rock so I know this change is doing me good!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Hello all! I took an unintential rest day yesterday. So I was up bright and early this Saturday morning and just completed Legs and Back. Off to basketball games and a fleece blanket making party. I am taking middle school girls to a church about an hour from here. All blankets are donated to a local children's hospital to be given to children who are admitted. It is in honor of the son of a friend of mine. He passed away 4 1/2 years ago, days short of his 5th birthday. It is amazing to see how that family turned heartbreak into blessings! :flowerforyou:

    I will be back to do ARX and possibly yoga tonight.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm starting to feel very lonely on this thread, but I'll post to stay accountable for myself.

    The first 50 minutes of Yoga X yesterday. This am it was Chest, shoulders, and triceps. I feel like my body is trying to get sick. I'm trying to flush it out with lots of fluids, but I don't feel myself. I struggled both yesterday and today with my workouts, but I'm not sick, sick so I'm doing them regardless.

    And I turn 39 today, so my gift to myself is to stick my my commitment to this program and my fitness.
  • csnook2

    I spent most of last week battling off the sickness that my youngest brought home from school. Missed a few of the scheduled workouts, but I needed rest more than anything.

    Did Legs/Back Saturday, that plus CardioX for our double. Did YogaX last night. Apparently didn't get enough of a nutrition boost afterward, because the wife and I bonked hard during CardioX this morning. Will get Chest/Back/ARX in this evening, and I am going to try and do Plyo again tomorrow. That workout KILLS my knees, but, I going to give it another shot before I opt fo another cardio routine.

    Teach- Don't worry about not looking like other "After" pictures. One thing I noticed after watching the P90X infomercial again. There are people that make their complete transformation in 90 days, and it will say "Day 1" and "Day 90" under their pictures. The people that take will say "Day 1" and "P90X" under theirs. We all have different body types, and, different goals. My wife and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to body types. I am a meso-ectomorph, I shed fat fast, but have a difficult time building muscle. My wife is a meso-endomorph. She has a hard time shedding fat, but an easier time gaining muscle. I dropped almost 40 pounds up to the end of our first round, she lost 15. It is definately not fair, I know.

    In the big picture of things, we are in this for life and the journey is well worth the wait.:bigsmile:
