Starting P90X!



  • taxieb
    Hi sorry I have been kinda AWOL! Things are going good. I have lost some inches and 1 LB. More importantly, I feel great and I'm starting to see some muscle definition.:happy:

    I'm in my third week now and I'm looking forward to the new stuff next week.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Craig: I would say I am probably like your wife's body type; easier to build muscle, tougher to lose fat.

    Way to go, Taxi! How wonderful that you are noticing the differences. And enjoy your recovery week with the different WO. Watch out for Core-WOW!!!

    I am a bit under the weather, so today was a rest day. And rest day-I mean sleeping most of the day! No wonder my past couple of WO have been a struggle; I could feel this coming on. Luckily, we had a snow day so I didn't have to prep for a sub. :wink:
  • Felixanvk
    What is P90X?
    I have not ideas what it is? Could some one explain that to me, please.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    What is P90X?
    I have not ideas what it is? Could some one explain that to me, please.

    P90X is an extreme home fitness program that comes w/ 12 workout DVD's. It's an awesome program to get you in awesome shape! Let me know if you have any questions about it, I've gotten incredible results using it!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello everyone! Haven't posted in a while here, but am still bringin' it! Now I'm waiting for the new ChaLean Extreme workouts to ship and start using them! :smile: I love P90X but have been using it about a year & a half now, so I think the change will be great!

    Keep bringin' it!!

  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I am well into week 2. Did legs, back, and abs today. The most suprising thing for me from this experience is the yoga. As much as I despise it I am already sitting straighter, walking taller, and feel it working muscles I didn't know I had. So I am trying to have an open mind about it. This series is great. My favorite is arms.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I am well into week 2. Did legs, back, and abs today. The most suprising thing for me from this experience is the yoga. As much as I despise it I am already sitting straighter, walking taller, and feel it working muscles I didn't know I had. So I am trying to have an open mind about it. This series is great. My favorite is arms.

    I am always sore in the abs after yoga! It really works your core! I love Shoulders & Arms also, it's one of my favorites. Love those glamour muscles!

  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    Jess you will have to let us know what you think of ChaLean's new series! I find her too perky but I am sure it is good.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    No workout for me this morning, again. I slept SO HARD last night, and still felt a bit shaky this morning. I am feeling better, but still not myself. I'm debating getting in back and biceps yet tonight, of taking another rest day. That will be two in a row, so should I re-do this week? Urgh, I don't get sick very often and I hate it. It messes with my routines :grumble:
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Oh, and Jess, let me know about ChaLean. I'm so curious!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess you will have to let us know what you think of ChaLean's new series! I find her too perky but I am sure it is good.

    I sure will! I'm excited about it! She is perky but I love her personality and love TJ!! I hope I get it soon!!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    No workout for me this morning, again. I slept SO HARD last night, and still felt a bit shaky this morning. I am feeling better, but still not myself. I'm debating getting in back and biceps yet tonight, of taking another rest day. That will be two in a row, so should I re-do this week? Urgh, I don't get sick very often and I hate it. It messes with my routines :grumble:

    If you're really feeling bad, take it off! Just start back tomorrow. :wink: And I'm the worst at taking my own advice! :noway:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Shoulders & Arms w/ my dh tonight. Oh yeah, feel the burn!! One of my fav workouts.

  • letiamae
    Hi all :smile: I am totally and completely new to this online fitness group stuff and I am really excited about how much support ya'll give each other!

    I was hoping someone might explain a little more about what ya'll are talking about. I typed in WOWY in google and it took me to where there is an online calendar where I can keep track of my work outs. There seem to be other services but they cost $38/month.

    I wanted to try the work outs ya'll have been raving about, but, if I understand correctly, they are all expensive DVD sets ($60/each or so).

    Ya'll sound like you are having so much fun while taking your body to the next level, is there something I have missed about the program you are doing?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question.

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi all :smile: I am totally and completely new to this online fitness group stuff and I am really excited about how much support ya'll give each other!

    I was hoping someone might explain a little more about what ya'll are talking about. I typed in WOWY in google and it took me to where there is an online calendar where I can keep track of my work outs. There seem to be other services but they cost $38/month.

    I wanted to try the work outs ya'll have been raving about, but, if I understand correctly, they are all expensive DVD sets ($60/each or so).

    Ya'll sound like you are having so much fun while taking your body to the next level, is there something I have missed about the program you are doing?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question.


    It is $38 to join the club, but it is free to use WOWY. Send me a message if you have any questions about it! Yes, the workouts might seem pricey, but they are great workouts!! P90X is well worth the investment, I've been using it faithfully for over a year & a half!

    It is an awesome program that will definitely take your body to the next level and get you in awesome shape! You will be sore and you will work hard, but you will see incredible results if you use it consistently! HTH and let me know if you have more questions!

  • csnook2
    Howdy groupies,

    Last night was Shoulders/Arms/AbRipper! Next to Yoga, it is my favorite!!!! I upped my weights on 90% of the moves and totally brought it. I'm still feeling it this morning. Gonna kick some bootay today with KenpoX!

    letiamae- The cost of Beachbody programs may 'seem' expensive, and yes, I agree that $120 for the P90X set made me think hard. But, with that said, we invest so much time and money into other people, and other ventures in our lives. We need to make the decision to invest in ourselves, and our health. P90X is an hour a day (give or take), and the money spent will seem minimal over the long term with the health benefits gained. My wife and I started with Power90, the less expensive , and less extreme workout program. Our thought at the time "Why spend that much money for something that is probably not going to do what it says!" We had a LARGE stack of workout/fitness videos that got us some results, but then stopped, we would get bored, and we would quit. These are different! The workouts coupled with the online peer support at Beachbody is tremendous. You wont get bored, you will see results, and you will get jazzed up about it. If you can't tell, I am! Sometimes you just need to plug your nose and jump into the deep end of the pool. You are definately worth the investment.:happy:

    Enjoy the day, gang!

  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I think the program is well worth the investment. I am not a gym person so it can be tough staying motivated. This series will motivate you.

    Any tips on how to not be so awkward for Kempo? Today was my 2nd time and I feel like a goof!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    I, too, hesitated due to cost. But, I prefer to workout at home, so if I compared it to the cost of a gym membership, I'm money ahead.

    Kak: I love Kenpo. It is one of my favorites. I feel goofy with my back kicks, too. I think doing the Turbo Jam videos helped prepare me for Kenpo. Keep with it!

    I did Back and Biceps and AbRipper tonight. I slept in again!! But, it felt so good to be back with it. I still had a headache this afternoon and early evening, but 15 minutes into the workout and it was gone. I have felt rotten with this cold, but I think the lethargy of no workouts made it worse :tongue:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I agree! P90X was money WELL spent for me!! I've been using it for a year & a half, MUCH longer than any other program I've ever used!! And my dh has been using it since about March. I do also have a Y membership mainly because of my kids (they play soccer & take swimming lessons so it's cheaper to be a member!) but just use it for the treadmill & pool! I do all of my strength training at home!!

    I ran 5 miles on the TM this morning and then swam 800 yds tonight while my dd's were at lessons.

  • jeffrey71
    Good luck to all of you with P90X! I am in my 3rd week. I thought that I was in pretty good shape before starting it. It is intense! I love it! Tony does a great job mixing it up! I am 55 and hanging tough! LOL I have had to modify my pull ups due to a shoulder tear, but I am not giving in. Stay with it, do your best and forget the rest!
