Starting P90X!



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    After some late night contemplation I have come to the conclusion that I need to raise my cals.
    I had lowered them to accomodate adding in my excercise cals (something I had not been doing)
    I was great for a bit at the new level, but my issue with not being able to resist temptations happens whenever I play with my cals.
    Doing the Plus, I workout harder than with Classic it is only reasonable that I need my cals:wink:

    I have adjusted my goals to where they were, have added in my excercise cals for the day and we will see how I do today....


    Smart woman, Licia. It sounds like you are making good adjustments. I know it seems a lot of people here on MFP eat WAY too little for their bodies. Good, clean fuel to keep your body's metabolism on fire! :wink: (I know you knew that!)

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm starting the TMT videos tomorrow and completing the 4 week 'accelerated results' program. I'm going to be busy these next couple weeks moving my bf and i, into my mom's basement. No bills = all my money goes to student loans! After that 4 weeks I'll be starting up P90x again. Maybe I can get my mom to do it with me! :smile:

    Good for you! Good luck w/ the TMT and I hope your Mom joins you! My Mom loves the BB programs, she really enjoys Debbie Siebers Slim Series, P90, and some of P90X (she has fibromyalgia so she has to be careful on how hard she pushes herself).

  • taxieb
    Hi everyone!
    I'm new here and just wanted to post to say I'm starting P90X as soon as it comes in the mail. I ordered it the day before yesterday and I'm so excited that I keep checking my email to see if it shipped yet :happy: I hope it does soon!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well I started Round 6 of P90X today and started with excellent workouts. Tonight I did Chest & Back and Ab Ripper with extra ab work! I was totally awesome. I burned a total of 656 calories tonight. I was able to great on the pull-ups again. I did 2 sets of 16 unassisted chin-ups, and 2 sets of 6 unassisted wide front pull-ups and closed grip pull-ups. I laugh because I remember last year at this time, I could not do even one unassisted pull-up. Tony is right to never say never and keep pushing yourself and it WILL happen. Tomorrow I have 1 on 1 Plyo Legs. I love that workout cause when I am done, my legs are tingling.

    Taxie: Welcome! You are going to love P90X. Do not be disappointed if you cannot keep up with Tony. It will come with time, just like the pull-ups did for me! Just be patient, eat clean and you will get results fast!

    Way to go on your workouts today everyone!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    This morning was Plyo for me. That one always gets my HOUR up there. My calories burned was 425.
    I can't believe I am 2/3 done with Round One! Recovering week next week; I plan to do some running!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    hi, peeps!
    I did Core today!
    Work is nuts!
    I have no time for posting but I THINK ABOUT ALL OF YOU!!!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! I just finished 1 on 1 Plyo Legs and it was AWESOME and I mean AWESOME! Unlike last week when I about died trying to do it when I was sick!!! I did not have to pause and kept fast fowarding when Tony played around or I just kept moving, kicking and jumping! It was truly AMAZING. I burned 544 calories in that one workout! I am so happy! I sure needed that! My legs are burning baby!!!

    Tomorrow is Shoulders & Arms and ARX w/extra abs!

    Jenny and 515: Way to go on your workouts today! You guys are really doing great. After last weeks Recovery Week, my abs are really sore today from the Ab Ripper with extra ab work yesterday. Not to mention, my chest and back! I just love that feeling though!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Good morning. Back and Bi for me. My arm are a bit shaky, so typing is fun :tongue:
    My right elbow feels a bit off. Tomorrow will be Kenpo.

    Teena: You are a workout machine!
    Jenny: Hope work settles soon.
  • 8haggis
    Hi Everybody,

    My name is Chris and I recently joined the forum. I started P90X last week and I look forward to chatting with everybody.

    Day 1: Plyometrics
    Day 2: Shoulders + Arms
    Day 3: Kenpo
    Day 4: Back + Biceps
    Day 5: Rest as my whole body is sore
    Today: Follow Day 1 of Classic Routine (Chest + Back)

    What does everybody think about the yoga?

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    My name is Chris and I recently joined the forum. I started P90X last week and I look forward to chatting with everybody.

    Day 1: Plyometrics
    Day 2: Shoulders + Arms
    Day 3: Kenpo
    Day 4: Back + Biceps
    Day 5: Rest as my whole body is sore
    Today: Follow Day 1 of Classic Routine (Chest + Back)

    What does everybody think about the yoga?


    If you're just starting P90X, you should be following one of the rotations. If you're doing Classic, you should be starting w/ Chest & Back and not do Back & biceps til phase 2. Let me know if you have any questions!

    Yoga is long, but it is beneficial. It's harder than you think too!

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    After some late night contemplation I have come to the conclusion that I need to raise my cals.
    I had lowered them to accomodate adding in my excercise cals (something I had not been doing)
    I was great for a bit at the new level, but my issue with not being able to resist temptations happens whenever I play with my cals.
    Doing the Plus, I workout harder than with Classic it is only reasonable that I need my cals:wink:

    I have adjusted my goals to where they were, have added in my excercise cals for the day and we will see how I do today....


    Smart woman, Licia. It sounds like you are making good adjustments. I know it seems a lot of people here on MFP eat WAY too little for their bodies. Good, clean fuel to keep your body's metabolism on fire! :wink: (I know you knew that!)

    Thanks, now I am back to using the proven method of carb rotation, and being meticulous about it.
    Of course it means that I have to take the time to change goals daily here, but the end results are worth it:happy:

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Hi Everybody,

    My name is Chris and I recently joined the forum. I started P90X last week and I look forward to chatting with everybody.

    Day 1: Plyometrics
    Day 2: Shoulders + Arms
    Day 3: Kenpo
    Day 4: Back + Biceps
    Day 5: Rest as my whole body is sore
    Today: Follow Day 1 of Classic Routine (Chest + Back)

    What does everybody think about the yoga?

    Are you following one of the rotations listed in the program guide? If so, which one is this?
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Are you following one of the rotations listed in the program guide? If so, which one is this?

    It's not Classic, Lean, or Doubles, so it has to be one that he's doing on his own.

    And hi Licia!! :smile:
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm interested to hear more about carb rotation.
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    I'm interested to hear more about carb rotation.

    I will try to locate the information that I recieved that explained it to me.
    Because I know that I can't explain it effectively even though I understand it:smile:

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Hi Jess!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Guys! Last night I did Ab Ripper X with extra ab work on the pull-up slings and ball plus I did Shoulders & Arms workout! I had another awesome workout! I could not even lift my arms when I was finished.

    I had a great nights sleep last and ready for the day today. I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi Jess!


    Hey girl! Are you using the Carb Manipulation? How's it going for ya?

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey Guys! Last night I did Ab Ripper X with extra ab work on the pull-up slings and ball plus I did Shoulders & Arms workout! I had another awesome workout! I could not even lift my arms when I was finished.

    I had a great nights sleep last and ready for the day today. I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!


    You go girl! I did Shoulders & Arms last night w/ my and had an awesome workout too! I'm up to 30# for the shoulder presses, deep swimmers press, etc. And 30# for most of the biceps, except static arm curls I have to go down to 25#. Those are killers! My dh can do them w/ 40# now... he's bicep boy. :laugh: I love that workout and am feeling the burn today.

    Ran 4 miles early today and will swim later while my dd's are are swimming lessons.

    Keep pushing play and keep the eating clean everyone!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    WOW Jess! You are amazing and so inspiring! I use half the weight you do on the shoulder presses and deep swimmers press (15). That is just awesome!!! WOW you are my idol!!! How many reps do you do??? Way to go on your run today already!!!
