Starting P90X!



  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Tonight I did P90X Plyometrics. I had a really AWESOME workout and did not have a dry spot on me! In that 1 hr workout, I burned 606 calories! It was GREAT!!

    Tomorrow I have P90X Shoulders & Arms. I also do Ab RipperX with extra abs. I do the exercises on the pull-up bar using the Ab Slings from Abs Core+. I also do ab work on my Ab Tower. It is a great workout!

    Well, I hope everyone had a great day and excellent workout.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Good morning! Back and Bi for me. I am working on form for pull ups. Our bar is in our basement, which has low ceilings, and I need the chair so I am working out some kinks on those exercises. My tris are still feeling Mondays workout :tongue:

    I love Plyo too. I was dripping sweat myself, but I only burned 370 cals. I got in another hundred with AbRipper.

    Have a great day!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Good morning! Back and Bi for me. I am working on form for pull ups. Our bar is in our basement, which has low ceilings, and I need the chair so I am working out some kinks on those exercises. My tris are still feeling Mondays workout :tongue:

    I love Plyo too. I was dripping sweat myself, but I only burned 370 cals. I got in another hundred with AbRipper.

    Have a great day!

    Are you doing negatives w/ the pullups?? Once you use the chair to get over the bar, then drop down SLOWLY to a dead hang. You will really feel ALL of those back muscles working!! I'm still feeling my chest from C & B on Monday! It's Shoulders & Arms for my dh & I tonight!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I just bought the 10min trainer series! Since I only have time to do P90x on days I work 1 job now, someone on the beachbody forums suggested I look into them for days I work both my jobs, but still want to get something in. I can't wait for them to come in the mail! So I won't really be following the 90day program for P90x, but I will be doing the discs in order. So it may take longer than 90days for me to get the whole way through it, but I will!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Rachel: Good for you for finding an alternative to getting your exercise in, and not giving up on yourself. Another idea, at least until the new discs arrive: could you do the suggested maintenance workouts in the P90X manual? That looks like it drops WO time in about half.

    Jess: Thanks for the tip on the pull-ups. I am not doing negative correctly. I will give that a try!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hi Everyone! Tonight I did P90X Shoulders & Arms and did Ab Ripper X with extra abs. I had another great workout! I raised weights on most moves and reps on others. That is just a great feeling! Tomorrow I have Yoga X.

    I have the 10 minute trainers and I tell you what, they may be 10 minutes but they are tough! I burn over 100 calories in those workouts and the 10 minute abs is really hard! Your abs will really burn after that workout! I pop those in with my other P90X workouts to shake things up... They are very good and well worth the money.

    Rach: It is great what you are doing! You are not giving up but modifying to get your workouts in and that is commitment and dedication. Keep up the hard work and it will pay off.

    Oh and the negative pull-ups really work. I started doing those and can now do about 10 unassisted pull-ups and chin-ups. The negative ones really build up the muscles.

    I hope everyone had a great workout today and a great nights sleep tonight.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Good morning! Kenpo X and Ab Ripper for me today. It was scheduled for Yoga, but I am going to do that Saturday when I have more time.

    I am quite sluggish today. It is conference week, which means long hours. And I am having some female issues, which it just dawned on me could be contributing to my lethargy. I am getting plenty of protein, but two weeks of my period is taking it's toll on me! I'm diagnosing myself with peri-menopause! :ohwell:

    What is everyone else up to today?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    It's my last 12hr workday for the week so I can finally do X tomorrow!!! I'm gonna do Legs & Back and Ab Ripper. Can't wait!
  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    Okay ... totally new to this P90X thing...willing to give it a try though! My friend is letting me borrow her DVDs but I don't know what order I should do it in! She didn't know either because she got them from someone else too. :laugh:

    So is there an order? Or do you just do what you feel like (seems unlikely right?). Let me know! I want to kick the last 12lb!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks Ladies!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Okay ... totally new to this P90X thing...willing to give it a try though! My friend is letting me borrow her DVDs but I don't know what order I should do it in! She didn't know either because she got them from someone else too. :laugh:

    So is there an order? Or do you just do what you feel like (seems unlikely right?). Let me know! I want to kick the last 12lb!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks Ladies!


    Hey Tiff! yes, there is an order. You can do the Classic, Lean, or Doubles versions. I have them in Excel if you want to send me an email! (in my profile). HTH!

  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    thanks Jess!!I found them on the web!!!

    Well... that was not as hard as I thought to find! :bigsmile:
    Okay! Doing Phase 1, Week 1, Day 1 (biiiiggggg breath!)
    Hey does it matter I don't have the pull up bar????

    Tiffany :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I don't have a bar either, so I use bands that come with a loop you close in a door. Works fine for me. I hope to invest in a bar in the future.
  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    Okay! I did the Chest & Back with the Ab Ribber... and can I say OUCH!!!!!! I am going to be feeling that in the morning! :noway: I know I am going to get a nice set of abs (lets hope I can do it ALL soon! :wink: )
    Any who! I am hooked! Plyometrics tomorrow. How does everyone else but P90X in the exercise journal?

    Seeeeeeeeee everyone tomorrow!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I put it in as either cardio or strength training, and then use the calories burned that my HRM says, though it's usually pretty close.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,400 Member
    Tiff, welcome! It won't take long to be able to do all the ab work. I thought my abs were in pretty good shape, but I struggled through the first few times. I just started Phase 2 Monday, and Ab Ripper is going pretty well. I have to admit I haven't gotten it in every scheduled day, either.

    Today is my comp. day from conferences so I slept in till 6:30. Woo-hoo! Unfortunately, the dog doesn't know it is a comp day. :wink: That's fine,so I can get in Legs and Back. Love that one!

    Also, I wear my hrm and enter the WO as cardio/calories burned too.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Okay! I did the Chest & Back with the Ab Ribber... and can I say OUCH!!!!!! I am going to be feeling that in the morning! :noway: I know I am going to get a nice set of abs (lets hope I can do it ALL soon! :wink: )
    Any who! I am hooked! Plyometrics tomorrow. How does everyone else but P90X in the exercise journal?

    Seeeeeeeeee everyone tomorrow!


    Good job, Tiffany! Oh yaeh, just keep up with Ab RipperX, it's an awesome ab routine! You can add the weight training under cardio (strength training). And the cardio you can either add in yourself if you have a HRM, or under cardio also.

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Friday Everyone! I did not get a chance to post last night. Last night I did Yoga X. That is such a great workout! My body is just tingling when I am done. My only problem with it, is it is so long. But lately it is not bothering me so much. When I do my weighted workouts with my Ab Ripper and extra ab work, it now takes about 1 1/2 hrs. So no biggie anymore. Tonight is Legs & Back. That is such a great workout.

    Hope everyone is having a great day and excellent workout today! Back to work for me...

  • lisamarie64
    lisamarie64 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, I hope I can stay as focused as you guys seem to be. I just ordered the program today. I've been going to the gym, working out isn' the problem, my eating habits are terrible. My daugher and Grand-daughter live with us. I hope I can make the time to stick to the program, finding time isn't easy around here. I love the way I feel when I'm in shape. Other wise I feel like crap, and have no energy. Looking at some of the pictures sure gives inspiration.

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  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Sorry I did not post last night. Last night I did P90X Legs & Back workout. It was the BEST Legs & Back I have ever done! I had a personal best and did (both rounds combined) 32 unassisted chin-ups. My max prior to that was 10! I have never been able to do an overhand unassisted pull-up and I did 6 wide front pull-ups, 9 closed grip overhand pull-ups and 8 switch grip pull-ups, all unassisted! I was so pumped up and excited at my accomplishment, that I immediately called my Coach. She was screaming along with me with excitement. It was definitely an AWESOME workout!!!

    This morning, I just finished 1 on 1 Killer Abs. I am to do Kenpo Cardio+ today but plan to do that this afternoon as my 7 yr old grandson Chandler is coming over for the weekend and that is his favorite workout! He would be mad if I did it without him. He loves the jumping gladiator move!

    Well, time to get dressed and ready for him to arrive. I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!

  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello Hello!! I didn't post last night because my bf and I are at his sister's house this weekend. I did the poly for the 1st time! Only got half way through before I totally died!! :angry: I didn't make an excuses and found a time and place to do it (10 PM in the kids' playroom... Used one there "life size" barbie dolls for the exercise to raise my legs up and joke!!! lol!) :glasses: Next week my goal is to get through more than 3/4 of it!

    I am going to do the shoulders and arms with the ab ripper X today (even though my shoulders KILL from Thursday workout!! LOVE IT!! :love: ) Will likely have to wait till they go to bed so I can use there playroom again.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Tiffany :flowerforyou: