Why are some people afraid to leave their FOOD diary open?



  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    I didn't know you could open it till someone told me. If I do get one word about it, I'll close it. I've been a nurse for 18 years, I know nutrition. No privacy about it...I'm on hcg, laxed on the protocol, I''m loosing. I'm exercising...that's that. My diet is my diet.

    Here is yet another person who says their diary is open...when its clearly not.

    Im willing to place a HUGE wager on the fact that a VERY LARGE portion of people on here are practically illiterate when it comes to the interet, let alone social networking sites etc...I dont think their diarys are private because they choose so, I just dont hink they know whats going on. Nothing mischevious or anything.
    Most of these people dont even know how to upload a picture for their profile let alone screw with the settings. I think MFP needs a tutorial for those less technically savvy.

    Just two cents, Ill retreat to my corner now.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    This OP is just silly. Everybody is different. Everyone has different personalities. There are people that barely know you, but are extreme extroverts that will tell you their entire life stories along with all of their problems within five minutes of meeting them. There are the completely opposite types, severe introverts that keep everything to themselves and are much more elusive and difficult to get to know. And there is everyone in-between. I am sure people who are aware of their diary settings have great reasons for opening or closing their food diary. Honestly, to give a flying ****, means you must have no life. And if you honestly must know why their profile/food diary is closed or open, just ask them. And if you're that much of a loser that you message people criticizing their food diaries or post them to be picked apart- well then you truly must have nothing to do with your time. Instead of badgering others for eating a cookie, or going over or under their calories, or not working out enough, get your lazy butt off the couch and off the computer and take a walk around the block. lol!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ive seen peoples food diarys get posted on the message boards just to be picked apart.Mines open now,but I closed it for awhile because I had random a**holes sending me messages about not eating my exercise calories,or eating proccesed foods,or how I shouldnt drink blah blahh blah closing it was much easier than telling each and every one of them to *kitten* off

    What they said.

    Exactly. I'm not afraid of leaving mine open. I got tired of people being extremely rude about what was in my diary. It's my business like you said and I choose to keep it private. : )

    lmao this is so true. even tho mine is open.. people comment on it "oh i see you drank a couple beers last night".. "maybe you shouldn't eat so much sugar".. blah blah blah. It's really annoying, but i know I need to hear it i guess. idk. I guess it hasn't sent me over the edge let =]
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ive seen peoples food diarys get posted on the message boards just to be picked apart.Mines open now,but I closed it for awhile because I had random a**holes sending me messages about not eating my exercise calories,or eating proccesed foods,or how I shouldnt drink blah blahh blah closing it was much easier than telling each and every one of them to *kitten* off

    What they said.

    Exactly. I'm not afraid of leaving mine open. I got tired of people being extremely rude about what was in my diary. It's my business like you said and I choose to keep it private. : )

    lmao this is so true. even tho mine is open.. people comment on it "oh i see you drank a couple beers last night".. "maybe you shouldn't eat so much sugar".. blah blah blah. It's really annoying, but i know I need to hear it i guess. idk. I guess it hasn't sent me over the edge let =]

    The people that were sending me messages were not even on my friends list.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    To the OP- your diary isn't open, why are you criticising others for for this when you don't have yours open??
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I think a lot of people on here are being very rude. It's human nature to be very inquisitive and the OP clearly just meant it in a way that she assumed people are on here to be sociable. (As in.. wanting to look at other peoples lives and how they live it and learn from it and talk/compare with others) Me? I couldn't really care less what people see in my diary although recent events may make me re-think.

    I clearly say on my profile that I have an obsession with cereal and YES I know I do NOT eat vegetables yet when I ask for advice on a completely different matter or even when I asked a question about a HRM the other day someone commented on me needing to change my eating habits.

    I don't need your advice, so kindly don't give it.

    I think that is a huge reason why some people keep it closed.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    It's the internet. I couldn't care less about what you think about my food diary. If I wanna keep it private/friends, I can :)
    And how is my diary going to benefit you?
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    can you all see my diary?
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    I keep mine open, but I don't mind when people have it closed, but it does get difficult if they ask for advice about why they aren't losing, etc. A few of my friends have completely closed diaries, and it does sometimes make it difficult to offer support. Mainly because I hesitate to say "great job" for staying under their goal if I don't know how far under they were (and if they actually DID make good choices that day), so I generally just don't comment on their diary notifications and only offer them kudos for exercise/weigh ins.

    And to angela above, yeah, I can see it.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    i personally do it to drive people nuts


    I consider anything called a "diary" to be private, so there you have it. If I decide to eat something less than calorie friendly, I don't want to feel like I'm failing anyone but myself. I probably wouldn't even log EVERY single thing consumed like I do currently. Honestly, I subconsciencly scrutinize myself enough already, I don't need anyone else observing my caloric intake, or commenting on it, TRUST.

    If you want daily/weekly meal plan ideas, your only a private message away from some!
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    I think some people are just very private and others may fear criticism and judgement. It's an individual thing, I guess !
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Because there are a lot of judgemental morons floating about on here!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I keep mine public. In that case I'm less likely to over eat as I would be worried about what others would think of it.
  • KimberSt
    KimberSt Posts: 62 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the replies! I guess I did hit a nerve with some people. Oh well, se la vie!

    I choose to leave mine open. I have no hidden agenda and those who choose to look....fine.

    As for my profile being open only for friends....just never thought about it being open to the public. That simple.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the replies! I guess I did hit a nerve with some people. Oh well, se la vie!

    I choose to leave mine open. I have no hidden agenda and those who choose to look....fine.

    As for my profile being open only for friends....just never thought about it being open to the public. That simple.

    So after all this - you still don't have an open diary?? Bizarre!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the replies! I guess I did hit a nerve with some people. Oh well, se la vie!

    I choose to leave mine open. I have no hidden agenda and those who choose to look....fine.

    As for my profile being open only for friends....just never thought about it being open to the public. That simple.

    So after all this - you still don't have an open diary?? Bizarre!

    My thoughts exactly!
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    On that same note, why do some people keep their profile "friends only". It's kind of hard to find people who have similar goals or demographics if you can't read their profile. And some of them are on here preaching "open diary" when their own is closed. Just saying...
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    This OP was just sad and offensive. Really? Why would it drive you or anyone nuts because you can not see someone else's personal business??? Mine is open and will stay open. I am who I have to be accountable to. Not you or anyone else!
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    If I left mine open for all to see then eventually shame would make me start lying about what I ate.
    I have these binges from time to time, I should write them down, even without people seeing I neglected to mention certain things last time.
    I feel bad about it, I don't want the world to see how much I am capable of eating if I go off the rails...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the replies! I guess I did hit a nerve with some people. Oh well, se la vie!

    I choose to leave mine open. I have no hidden agenda and those who choose to look....fine.

    As for my profile being open only for friends....just never thought about it being open to the public. That simple.

    and you're diary is still not open :laugh: