Irritation at the Gym.....

InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
Irritation at the Gym.....

For the men when you are on the bench it is not cool to grunt scream or make crazy noises when your benching 100 pounds, 400 okay I can see that please keep that stuff to yourself.

Also hoarding machines is not cool if you want to use three machines to do your work you need to let other people work in especially if you are moving like you have all the time in the world.

If you sweat a lot please wipe down the machines nobody wants to jump in the pool after you clean that stuff up.

I understand that some people are just starting at the gym brand new please don’t try to act like you are doing something curling 5 pounds and breathing heavy once again your looking like a fool.

Please don’t come in the gym with your work clothes on and dropping mud all over the machines and the floor.

One last thing if you decide to your kids to the gym please don’t have them playing on the machines then get mad when somebody ask to work out on that machine. An when they get hurt don’t look for sympathy this goes for the females also.

Now to the Ladies

Ladies wearing spandex to the gym is awesome If it fits. Please buy clothes that fit if your spandex is riding up your stomach then it is too small this goes for the men also.

Please don’t not sit on a machine and then proceed to call somebody and stay on that machine. Then get mad when somebody ask you to get the get off the equipment.

Another thing if you decide to wear a Victoria Secret Bombshell bra and boy shorts and nothing else to the gym please don’t get made when I and the other guys stare at you. If you coming in looking like that then you’re going to have people stare. Also since you’re in that outfit and you decide to get on the hip abductor machine and have all your junk hanging out and I mean hanging out please don’t huff and puff when we point and stare and then tell others to come and look.

Also please don’t wear pounds and pounds of makeup and come to the gym and think you’re not going to sweat. if you don’t like sweat then working out may not be you’re thing running around like this is your country club is not cute.

All this has happen in the last two weeks. I know I am not perfect but I have to vent somewhere…rant done back to my happy go lucky self……


  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I agree with all of the above!!!
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
  • Oaneer
    Oaneer Posts: 11
    You should of vented @ your gym.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    One last thing if you decide to your kids to the gym please don’t have them playing on the machines then get mad when somebody ask to work out on that machine. An when they get hurt don’t look for sympathy this goes for the females also.

    Ditto on this one. If there's no daycare center at your gym and your kids aren't well behaved enough to just sit on the floor against the wall and be quiet until you're done with your workout, then hire a baby-sitter. I especially hate when a gym has a policy that children under a certain age aren't allowed, but stupid and/or inconsiderate parents bring them anyway and proceed to let them run wild all over the place and get mad when someone asks you to get your kids off the equipment.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    couldnt agree more!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I agree...
    But I'm sure someone will be offended hahaha:laugh:
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Agree for the most part except for the grunts! If 100lbs is heavy for someone, then they have the right to grunt!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    hahaha Yeahhhh. Hate the guys that get all crazy with the weight lifiting, it's really intimidating too because all the weight stuff is sort of in a different room at my gym so you go in to do some light toning stuff and you're surrounded by guys who think they;re spartans.

  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Also wtf? what kinda gyms let kids in? and what kinda parents drag their kids along to sit and watch them work out? :S
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    All this can be labeled under Common Gym Courtesy. It's becoming harder and harder to find people who are courteous in public places.

    Be mindful of others!
  • Stephaner22
    LOL!!! So true!

    Don't forget the women (I don't know if men do it) that sit on the benches in the locker room and just text, fb, or make phone calls..... saying they are working out! (((What exactly?))) And then complain that the aren't losing weight. hmmmmm..... there could be reason for that!!!
  • Katie320
    Katie320 Posts: 61 Member
    I agree with all of the above and would like to add: clear/put away your weights when you are done with them! The gym is not your home and I really don't want to have to hunt around for the 15lb hand weights just because you're too lazy to put them back where you found them. Also, clear your weights from the bar. It's a perfect way to keep everything neat and also signal to the other patrons that you're done with that bar.

    Plus, please wear shoes. I don't want to see your sweaty, hairy troll feet. And walking around barefoot in a gym is just gross. (There are a couple of dudes at my gym who do this and I DO NOT understand why).
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Amen!!!! So true! So right!

    One lady got mad at me cause I asked her if I could use the machine she had been sitting on for 30+ minutes. I tried to work around it the whole time but finally got frustrated with her just sitting there and texting. :mad:
  • christinamathes
    Ha ha...AMEN!
    My best friend and I talk about these things everytime we go to the gym. Just the other morning, some guy came and sat down on the bench next to me and started doing curls. He had on SO much cologne, it made us sick. Come on,'s 4:45am IN A GYM.
    AND...if you have to drop/slam the weights down and scream/ probably should pick a lighter weight.

    I wonder if I could print your post out and put it up in the gym ;o)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    lol me and my coworker were in a gym alone with this big power lifter who would holler ''yea they intimidated by that,, they dont want none''! He was running around back and forth i thought he was crazy.. Ended up talking to him and he was a real nice guy just scares everyone and doesnt realize it
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Seriously theirs gyms without kid centers that ALLOW kids near the equipment? Or even in the gym period? My gym has a kid center and I went with my parents one day, my son had a MELT DOWN when Papaw didnt drop him off at the care center, the ONLY reason they let us find him in the equipment was because the staff know us and knew Lenix would be an angel as soon as he got his papaw. If you kids cant stay home by themselves or with a sitter while you workout do it while they are at school or get a gym membership somewhere with a kid center! I pay extra for it so I dont have pity over higher fees as a result!

    Yeah not wiping down equipment = gross!!! Im a dental assistant even if you sit in the chair and do nothing but talk we have to wipe it down with a medical grade cleaner that can kill TB, yet we only use "mild dissinfectants" at the gym.... yes this bothers me.

    Still snickering over the outfit comment.... yep still snickering... waiting for someone to get offended. I wear a tighter shirt even though Im large busted because A) it helps with extra support even though I have a good sports bra B) i get to darn hot when working out to wear a big t-shirt. BUT i also could care less if some guy checks out my boobs as Im working out, theyll do it if Im at a restraunt too..... Now when my boyfriend is working out at the same time.... he might have a different opinion lol
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Also since you’re in that outfit and you decide to get on the hip abductor machine and have all your junk hanging out and I mean hanging out please don’t huff and puff when we point and stare and then tell others to come and look.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hahahaha that's so funny, hope feel better after venting.
  • Utefootball2010
    Bro I agree with all of the above... Great post...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Yeah, I pretty much think that women who wear next to nothing at the gym are doing it for the sole purpose of getting attention from men so they can PRETEND to be offended by it. Sluts gonna be sluts, no matter the venue.