Irritation at the Gym.....



  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    Lol I agree I also want to add please don't stretch in the middle of the door way when other people are trying to get in!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Agreed :) I've gotten terrible looks for waiting by a machine because some girl was giving her friend a counseling session. I don't care if you don't spend enough time with your husband, move the F over.

    HOWEVER, Mr. OP, understand that most of us women with jobs wear makeup during the day, and then go to the gym afterwards. I don't wear pounds of makeup at work first of all, and second of all, I sweat like mad but that's what my eyebrows are for - to protect sweat from running into my eyes. Why be so upset that I didn't wash my face prior to working out????
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Sluts gonna be sluts, no matter the venue.

  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    Still snickering over the outfit comment.... yep still snickering... waiting for someone to get offended. I wear a tighter shirt even though Im large busted because A) it helps with extra support even though I have a good sports bra B) i get to darn hot when working out to wear a big t-shirt. BUT i also could care less if some guy checks out my boobs as Im working out, theyll do it if Im at a restraunt too..... Now when my boyfriend is working out at the same time.... he might have a different opinion lol

    I was not talking about the chest it is the boy shorts that are too small and she was just "airing" it out. So people was pointing and talking about it....
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Agreed :) I've gotten terrible looks for waiting by a machine because some girl was giving her friend a counseling session. I don't care if you don't spend enough time with your husband, move the F over.

    HOWEVER, Mr. OP, understand that most of us women with jobs wear makeup during the day, and then go to the gym afterwards. I don't wear pounds of makeup at work first of all, and second of all, I sweat like mad but that's what my eyebrows are for - to protect sweat from running into my eyes. Why be so upset that I didn't wash my face prior to working out????

    I think he was referring to those that Do their make up specifically for the gym *cough* my sister *cough* then do a "light workout" so they dont ruin their hair or make-up. I go in with make-up on after work too but I dont care if I sweat it off that means I did a darn good workout!
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member

    HOWEVER, Mr. OP, understand that most of us women with jobs wear makeup during the day, and then go to the gym afterwards. I don't wear pounds of makeup at work first of all, and second of all, I sweat like mad but that's what my eyebrows are for - to protect sweat from running into my eyes. Why be so upset that I didn't wash my face prior to working out????

    I was not talking about wearing for coming from work I was talking about the type that they cake it on their face and then don't want to sweat to ruin it. I know females come in after work and sweat it out that is fine at least they are working out I am talking about the ones who use the gym as their Country club to txt and chit chat all day and don't so much as to look at the weights.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I actually had a gym put in at home becasue of a creeper at the gym.... Basically what you described at first, but in addition.... One day he dragged the bench and ALL of the weights over to the treadmill where I was running (complete opposite side of the room) and started lifting there- screaming and groaning! Keep in mind we were the only 2 in there................................ HOT!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't wear a ton of makeup either, so I don't feel the need to wash it off before I work out, and I don't really care if I end up with mascara under my eyes. If it bothers you, well, stop looking at me. Simple solution.

    I have to say though, the people in my gym pretty much keep to themselves. Everyone comes in, handles their business, and gets out. It's not a place where people do much socializing or people-watching, which is odd because it's mostly young people (mid-20s to mid-30s), and you'd think we'd all be checking each other out, but no one really does. Or maybe we're just very subtle about it.

    But yeah, the parents who bring their kids in ... I am THAT person who will get a staff member to straighten you out since you obviously can't follow the rules on your own or respond like an adult when someone politely asks you to get your kids away from the machines.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Ladies, please remember to wear spandex under your tiny shorts. No one wants to see that!!!!
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Yes, there should be some rules and a universal etiquette at the gym. The first concern, however, should be safety and sanitation. I completely agree.

    However, a lot of the things that irritate you say something about you and not your fellow gym goers. I didn't read in your list that men should wear a shirt at all times, for example. I take it this is something acceptable by you because you do it? Did you know that a lot of people find it inappropriate and offensive? I bet you don't care. You shouldn't.

    A gym is a playground for adults. Everyone has to share the equipment and everyone paid for the equipment or the right to use it. If 100 lbs is making a grown man grunt, let him. If a woman can only step in the gym with 12 layers of make-up, then that is what she should do.

    I don't mean to be fastidious, just playing devil's advocate.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member

    Is guys that have these HUGE upper bodies and then these Scrawney little tooth picks for legs... I mean COME ON! lets go for some balance, lifes about balance, so build some leg muscles before a strong gust of wind blows and you fall over like a tree.

    And LADIES! Must we walk around the locker room completely naked? I mean honestly, Im a girl your a girl, but hey! Wrap up in a towel please. lol I don't know why it irritates me but it does.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    There was a weight dropper the other day that could easily move the weight he was lifting, but was dropping the barbell from shoulder height purely out of laziness.

    I agree with all of these and would add another:

    If you are going to be running on the track, use the stretching area off to the side of the track to stretch, not on the track itself, especially if you are going to hold onto the rail and extend your leg back across 2/3 of the track.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member

    Is guys that have these HUGE upper bodies and then these Scrawney little tooth picks for legs... I mean COME ON! lets go for some balance, lifes about balance, so build some leg muscles before a strong gust of wind blows and you fall over like a tree.

    And LADIES! Must we walk around the locker room completely naked? I mean honestly, Im a girl your a girl, but hey! Wrap up in a towel please. lol I don't know why it irritates me but it does.

    You mean women don't have tickle fights or help each other in the shower? Thanks for ruining the image every male has in his head about what goes on in the womens locker room.

    To the OP:You left out peeing in the shower.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member

    Is guys that have these HUGE upper bodies and then these Scrawney little tooth picks for legs... I mean COME ON! lets go for some balance, lifes about balance, so build some leg muscles before a strong gust of wind blows and you fall over like a tree.

    And LADIES! Must we walk around the locker room completely naked? I mean honestly, Im a girl your a girl, but hey! Wrap up in a towel please. lol I don't know why it irritates me but it does.

    Haha, I find it's always the old women, really saggy women or those who prefer to not shave who like to walk around naked. I even had an Asian lady start DRY SHAVING her whoha right next to where I was getting dressed. Who does that?!
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I read "Irrigation at the Gym" and the got confused reading the post..... damn cold medicine
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I totally agree with pretty much everything you said! It's just courtesy...
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I really don't have to much problems at my gym I go to Bally's & I'm glad they set out rules about no kids under 12 far as wiping the equipment down I wished more people followed that rule...the make up thing doesn't really bother's their choice...but when people don't have consideration of others...that bothers me...another thing I don't like is when some people try to play "personal trainer" I've had times when I'm doing weights & I have people trying to show me the "proper" way to lift...if I want a personal trainer then I would hire one so thank you....when I go to the gym is a time I like to dedicate to myself...& I can see why some stuff mentioned can get in the way of a good gym experience
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member

    And LADIES! Must we walk around the locker room completely naked? I mean honestly, Im a girl your a girl, but hey! Wrap up in a towel please. lol I don't know why it irritates me but it does.

    I met one of my (past) professors this way.... she had nothing on but a towel on her head, and decided to engage in full conversation with me .... AND she was standing in front of the mirror - I didn't know where to look - straight ahead ma'am - straight ahead! Let's just say "awkward" lol

    I would also like to add - in terms of gym etiquette - my gym has a sign up sheet on the wall to reserve the cardio machines - more often than not, I have gone to get my cardio in and there's someone on the machine - oblivious to the fact (or could care less) that there is a system in place for a reason. So please, do not get offended when I inform you that I reserved the machine ...
  • lovelilavender
    Ooooh can I add something to the rant? lol. I hate it when you get people on the elliptical that go a billion mph, and they're on level 1. First of all, you're not benefiting hardly at all from what you're doing. INCREASE THE LEVEL PLEASE. You aren't impressing anybody.